Dairy Lane Systems: Increases Safety & Lowers Fuel Costs


Established in 1990, Dairy Lane Systems Ltd. (DLS) is committed to providing South Western Ontario’s dairies with unparalleled quality service. DLS has continuously grown to ensure they meet the needs of their local dairy community. DLS strives to provide their customers with innovative and unique solutions to constantly improve the efficiency of their operations. Dairy Lane Systems has been with GoFleet since May 2014.


Managing a fleet of any size isn’t easy, especially when running a fleet responsible for deliveries as well as service calls. On top of managing drivers, it is important to also be conscious of fleet related costs. Mark Wescott, Traffic Manager, knew there must be something available to make managing a fleet easier; when he set out to find a fleet management solution for DLS, there were three main elements he was looking for:

  • Low or no install costs
  • Reduced fuel and vehicle maintenance costs
  • Real-time driver visibility for better management of service calls

After Mark had started to look around he realized plug-and-play installation made the most sense for their fleet. Not only would it save the company about $100 per vehicle in installation fees but also would give them the freedom to move a device from one vehicle to another when the vehicles had to be replaced or taken off the road.


After looking around and testing out a few systems, Mark felt confident he had found what he was looking for with GoFleet. He was sent a few devices to demo so he could make sure GoFleet was the right solution and fit for DLS. Mark saw how easy the devices were to install, and how easy it was to navigate the system, but still remained slightly skeptical. There was more he needed out of the system and he wasn’t quite sure if he would be able to gain the insights and custom reports DLS needed. Once Mark discussed his needs with his sales rep and GoFleet’s support manager, he felt much more confident. The support manager was able to customize the system and get the necessary information pulled from the vehicles to meet the specific needs of DLS.

Easy, Free Install & Totally Customizable

One of the main reasons for choosing GoFleet was because of the plug-and-play installation. Most competitors have expensive install costs, potentially long downtime when the installs are done, and complications when switching a device from one vehicle to another. Mark was able to install the devices himself, with no vehicle downtime, no extra install costs, and the freedom to switch devices from one vehicle to another when necessary. Mark also noticed many competitors only offered one standard solution, with no customization available.

“The competitors were very insistent with ‘this is how it is, there is no customization’ but GoFleet was very flexible and open to working with us to make the solution customized to fit our specific needs.” – Mark Wescott, Traffic Manager

Driver Safety Management = Reduced Fuel Costs

Driver safety was not a big concern for DLS, and was not one of the top reasons for implementing a fleet management system, but the benefits have been huge. DLS has been able to ensure their drivers are keeping themselves and others safe, while decreasing fuel consumption (which was one of the main concerns). The in-vehicle driver coaching has really helped the drivers to reduce hard braking and harsh cornering, as well as increase seatbelt use. In the graph below, you can see the number of infractions greatly reduced over the course of using the GoFleet system.


In the last 5 months of using the system, DLS has been able to lower their speeding costs alone from about $100 a month to under $17 a month.


To encourage the drivers to improve their driving habits even further, Mark has implemented a quarterly competition between the drivers. Every quarter, whoever had the lowest average incident per kilometer wins a $100 gift card to reward their good habits.

“I keep track of all the incidents, calculate it each week and put up the weekly results in the lunchroom; we have quarterly winners and everyone responds very well. The reward gives incentive and competition between each other—and no one wants to be in last place; the average incident per kilometer has gone down consistently over each quarter.” – Mark Wescott, Traffic Manager


“I would definitely recommend GoFleet to anyone looking for a fleet management system; the system is very flexible and has an incredible support team always willing to help and work with the customer to customize the system to fit their needs.” – Mark Wescott, Traffic Manager

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