State of Utah Police Fleet: A Case Study

The Need To Improve Vehicle Utilization 

For fleets to function seamlessly and efficiently, telematics solutions should be used. And that’s exactly what the State of Utah did when they found that they were struggling to follow specific state and federal guidelines that depict how equipment and vehicles should be used.

The Needs of the State of Utah Police Fleet

  • Overall fleet reporting 
  • Measuring vehicle utilization 
  • Tracking on-duty and off-duty vehicle use
  • Monitoring driving behaviour 
  • Ensuring drivers are running code and following policy 
  • Maintaining accurate historical data 

The Solution: Geotab IOX Integrations 

The State of Utah utilized Geotab’s IOX integrations to address all of these concerns. Specifically they utilized Driver ID with NFC technology (IOX-NFCREADER), light monitoring and siren usage (IOX-AUXM), and seat belt tracking. 

If you’re interested to learn more about the State of Utah’s primary challenges, the solutions they used, or the results they saw, check out Geotabs case study here: The State of Utah