GoFleet Blog

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The Thens & Nows of GPS Tracking

I was a weird kid growing up. Rather, my friends teased me for being a weird kid because I was crazy about history. My friends asked, “When are we ever…

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Dangers of Driver Fatigue: A Wake Up Call to Wake Up

The Tracy Morgan Story Tracy Morgan is coming back! For those who are unfamiliar, Morgan is a legendary comedian who came from a tough childhood to making millions of people…

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Landscaping: 3 Tips to Win This Years Yard Wars

The Yard Wars A short time ago, on a galaxy close, close to here… There lived a human with a guilty pleasure. That pleasure is to spy on landscapers.. Yes,…

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What to Look for When Switching ELD / Telematics Providers

Switching from one ELD or telematics provider to another is not the easiest process. However, if you are having issues with your current provider, sticking with them simply because you…

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Waste Management Solutions Optimize Routes & Increase Safety

Waste Management is an area that is ripe for improvement through telematics. Garbage trucks run similar routes day after day, and any time that can be shaved off the route…

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Distracted Driving: The New Drinking & Driving

April was Distracted Driving Awareness month. It was a somber reminder of a tragedy that occurred a few days prior. In March 2017, members of a church in Texas attended…

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