Vehicle Tracking GPS: A Key To Business Success

A Key To Business Success: Vehicle Tracking GPS

With the huge business growth seen across the world, the demand for effective fleet operations is increasing. Vehicle tracking GPS systems can be used to make your business more successful by increasing your business’ efficiency and credibility.

Imagine your delivery missing its deadline. This would cause your business to suffer losses for that delivery as well as losing credibility with your customer. If this type of delay happens frequently, your business creditability will suffer immensely. This type of credibility issue could happen for any type of business with fleet operations including cable companies, pest control companies, government agencies, construction companies, etc. That is why companies rely on vehicle tracking GPS systems to manage their fleets and track their vehicles.

Vehicle tracking GPS systems use the Global Positioning System’s highly reliable and efficient satellites for real-time vehicle location information and additional fleet management data. Fleet managers can track their vehicles’ movements within seconds. Dispatchers will no longer have to guess the closest driver to a job site or figure out routes with out-of-date maps. This will help your drivers arrive at a job site faster and allow you to serve your customers better.

Fleet managers can also use a vehicle tracking system to improve driver’s productivity and safety. Drivers will be given an efficient route to follow. If a driver goes out of the authorized area or makes unauthorized stops, the fleet manager can be notified via email or SMS text message. Furthermore, notifications can be sent to the fleet manager if the driver is not driving in a safe manner such as speeding, aggressive driving or hard stops. This can keep your driver and other drivers on the road safer.

Implementing a vehicle tracking GPS system is truly the key to success for businesses with fleet operations. This fleet management tool can increase driver productivity, decrease labor costs, reduce fuel costs, improve customer service and improve driver safety. For more information about vehicle tracking systems, Contact Us.

Using A GPS Fleet Management System Proves Profitable

Using A GPS Fleet Management System
Proves Profitable

More and more companies are realizingthe potential benefits of using a GPS based fleet management system to monitor their fleet.
In addition to providing quality control and efficient routing, there are many benefits of having this technology at their disposal. A fleet management based of GPS provides labor savings, cost savings, driver safety, and a reduction in a company’s carbon footprint.

With fuel costs through the roof, implementing a GPS Fleet managementsystem can lower your fuel costs and improve vehicle efficiency. For small to medium-sized business with fleets, delivery trucks, transport supplies and equipment, it is likely high fuel costs are eating into their profit. In general, companies that use a GPS Fleet management system save at least 10% in fuel in comparison to companies who do not use the technology. Most companies find that the cost of the GPS real-time tracking system pays for itself within a matter of months in fuel savings alone.

GoFleet helps companies reduce their operating costs of their vehicles using GPS tracking technology. Our system combines GPS real-time tracking units installed in all fleet vehicles with fleet management software that analyzes the data. This will enable fleet managers to improve dispatching and routing efficiencies. They will be able to see where their vehicles are in real-time, optimize maintenance schedules and
identify any issues including unauthorized vehicle use or driver speeding.

All businesses with vehicles on the road can benefit from installing a GPS based fleet management system including service companies, construction equipment and delivery companies. GoFleet has a wide range
of satisfied customers such as waste haulers, commercial trucking firms, school transportation services and pest control services. Fleets can be any size from three to over ten thousand.

In the United States alone, there are more than 20 million commercial vehicles and only 2 million are currently using a GPS Fleetmanagement system. This number is rising quickly as businesses become aware of the system’s benefits.


Fuel Management Software For Your Fleet

Fleet Fuel Management Software

Keeping track of your fuel usage of a fleet of vehicles, no matter if it is a fleet of 2 or 2000 can be quite difficult. Fuel management software can help you keep track of fuel usage, where fuel is being wasted, and most importantly save you money.

GoFleet’s GPS fleet tracking system comes equipped with fuel management software. Fuel is clearly one of the biggest operating costs for many organizations so having a solution to provide advanced fuel management tools is very important. Not only will you receive the benefits of our fuel management software but you will also benefit from the many other elements our system has to offer.

Our GPS tracking devices are plug and play. There is no messy wiring, no install costs and best of all you can do it yourself in a couple of minutes.

GoFleet also provides all our valued customers with training on how to get the most out of our system.

Some of our Fuel Management Software features include:

  1. Idling Time Reports
  2. Driver Scorecard Reports
  3. Audio In-Car Driver Coaching
  4. Route Optimization
  5. Fuel Usage Report

Idling Time & Cost Reports
Reduce the time your drivers spend idling to save you money on fuel. Idling time is normally the biggest fuel waster we commonly see with our clients. Our advanced idling report can show you just how much time your drivers are spending idling AND how much it is costing your company.

fuel management software idling cost report

Driver Scorecard Reports
Our driver scorecard report shows all the “bad habits” of your drivers. These habits also are contributing to your wasted fuel. The habits include: speeding, harsh braking, hard acceleration and harsh cornering. The scorecard allows you to compare your drivers and see which ones may need some of your time to sit down with them and discuss their driving habits. These bad driving habits are a huge contributor to wasted fuel.

Fuel management software driver scorecard

Audio In-Car Driver Coaching
Our driver coaching audio alerts (beeping function inside the car) helps drivers to correct fuel expending faults such as idling and speeding on their own. It is a reminder to them when they have had the car idling for too long, or go too high over the speed limit you set, to correct the behavior right away.

Route Optimization
Our advanced Route Optimization software allows you to optimize your route based on shorter distance and travelling time to further reduce your fuel consumption.

Fuel Usage Report
Fuel Usage Report is exactly what it sounds like, a report on the entire organization split up by drivers determining the fuel usage and costs for a specific period of time.

Fuel management software fuel report

We want to work with you to save you money. Contact one of our fleet consultants today to learn more.

GPS Fleet Management Solutions Provide Big Savings

GPS Fleet Management Solutions Maximize Return with Big Savings

Reduce Fuel Costs: Idling, Speeding, Mileage
Thousands of vehicles using GoFleet’s GPS fleet management solutions have realized significant cost savings. GoFleet offers the most extensive metrics available to help you effectively reduce poor fuel consumption. It is important to be proactive in keeping fuel costs down through managing driver behaviors such as idling or speeding. Our GPS fleet management solutions allow you to view this information in real-time within MyGeotab.

reduce idling gps fleet management solutions

Track Fuel Consumption
GoFleet’s fuel efficiency reports give side-by-side fuel consumption data for all the vehicles in your fleet. To help improve your fleet’s fuel economy our GPS fleet management solutions keep track of driving behaviors that lead directly to increased fuel costs. You also have the ability to compare drivers or vehicles with one another to target specific improvement areas.

track fuel usage gps fleet management solutions

Improved Trip Planning with Route Optimization
Dispatch drivers more effectively through GoFleet’s route optimization tool. This tool allows you to reduce fuel consumption, CO2 emissions, mileage, and increase the operational efficiency of your entire business. As a fleet manager or business owner, you know just how important it is to make fast and accurate deliveries while maintaining high customer service satisfaction.

route optimization GPS fleet management solutions

Vehicle Maintenance
Prioritize your vehicles for repairs based on their active diagnostic faults and other in-depth information derived from the engine through our GPS fleet management solutions. By focusing on predictive engine health, you will realize savings through being pro-active and working with your service technicians to pinpoint core problem areas.

maintenance reminders gps fleet management solutions

Insurance Discounts
Insurance premiums increase as a result of speeding tickets, accidents, and other unexpected incidents. GoFleet’s GPS fleet management solutions can help lower your insurance rates and even has a partnership with Liberty Mutual that could reduce your insurance rates up to 40%.

To learn more about how you can start saving with GoFleet’s GPS fleet management solutions, contact one of our fleet consultants.

Idling Time: What’s Preventable & What’s Acceptable

When it comes to obtaining return on investment (ROI) information with GPS fleet tracking technology, the lowest hanging fruit typically revolves around fuel savings by reducing speeding and idling time. Idling time can be defined as the duration of time the engine is running and the vehicle is not moving. When looking at the total idling time, the lower the amount the better right? Maybe, maybe not.

For example: Driver 1 has a total of 300 minutes of idle time and Driver 2 has a total of 250 minutes of idle time. If the lowest total idle time is better, Driver 2 is doing a better job correct? Not in this case.


To completely understand and address the idle time, we need to break it down into three segments:

  1. Idle time before the trip
  2. Idle time during the trip
  3. Idle time after the trip

Check out the chart below. The majority of preventable idling time occurs during the before and after trip segments. This time spent idling can be reduced by the use of the idling reduction campaigns which establish one-on-one communication with drivers, peer pressure, and continual feedback using the idling reports.


Idling time can be significantly reduced by instilling a culture that prohibits the running of the engine during pre-inspections, filling out paper work and on any/all activities where having the engine running is not necessary.

Idling time during the trip can be used in route planning because it helps to indicate travel conditions for a given area or route. Idling time during the trip is usually attributed to traffic signals, traffic conditions & driving conditions. It is more than likely drivers do not have direct control of this idle time, this route and time-of-day can be evaluated to ensure travel delays (idling time) is reduced as much as possible.

After analyzing the segments, Driver 1 has 100 minutes of preventable idling time while Driver 2 has 200 minutes of preventable idling time. In this particular example, Driver 1 is doing a better job of controlling preventable idling time.

To be effective in reducing the idling time of your drivers you need to look a little below the surface to fully understand what a good idling time is. To learn more about how telematics technology can help you better optimize your fleets, try our Fleet ROI Calculator or contact one of our Fleet Consultants.

Fleet Management Software Improves Fuel Economy

Save on Fuel Costs With Fleet Management Software

Everyone is interested in reducing their fuel consumption, especially with the high gas prices we are seeing today. Whether you own and operate a single vehicle or oversee an entire fleet of vehicles it is important to take the initiative towards reducing fuel costs. Not only will you be helping the environment by reducing your fuel consumption but you will also be saving money which will increase your bottom line. For most businesses the number one target area is fuel as it is the largest operating cost most fleets deal with.

A measurable method that helps derive fast fuel savings is fleet management software – also referred to as telematics. By adopting fleet management software you can reduce fuel consumption by:

  • Improving driver productivity – reduce idling time, harsh acceleration and speeding
  • Reducing total miles driven by incorporating route optimization
  • Detecting engine faults that may be contributing to increased fuel consumption
  • Analyze your miles per gallon (MPG) reports to pinpoint your most fuel efficient vehicles

By implementing a Green Fleet Program targeting improvement of fuel economy with the use of innovative fleet management software helps business owners and fleet managers maximize their return on investment (ROI). Many businesses are now even turning to electrical and hybrid vehicle purchases. As these vehicles become more popular and widely used, fleet management software development firms must be prepared to offer fleet management solutions catering to these vehicles.

Ask your GPS fleet tracking provider if their software is compatible with electric and hybrid vehicles. It is important to implement a comprehensive fleet management software infrastructure that allows for fleet adaptability.

Armed with information, business owners and fleet managers can start to formulate plans to tackle fuel economy improvement. Speaking with a knowledgeable consultant can help you address your needs and show you how to achieve fast ROI.

Fleet Tracking System: Easy Steps To Trim Fuel Costs


Trimming the fat off fuel costs doesn’t have to be difficult. It starts with implementing a fleet tracking system, then developing and managing fuel efficiency key performance indicators (KPIs). These KPIs include:

Idling Cost & Idling Percentage = KPI for Fuel Use Efficiency


Our fleet tracking system shows an idling percentage which represents the overall idling time over total driving time. A high idling percentage leads to poor fuel efficiency and significantly higher overall fuel costs. The lower your idling percentage, the higher the fuel savings.

fleet tracking system cuts idling

Action Steps:

  1. Establish an initial baseline of idling cost and percentage by driver.
  2. Target weekly measurable improvements in idling percentage and idling cost.
  3. Progressively reduce the idling time for the Audible Driver Coaching Beep (from 10 minutes, to 5 minutes, to 3 minutes).
  4. Feel free to move to a monthly reporting/review format as you see measurable improvements with idling habits.
  5. Share weekly results and reports with drivers and setup quarterly/annual rewards for lowest idling time.

Total Incidents by Driver = KPI for Fuel Efficiency against Aggressive Driving Habits


Driving habits such as speeding, harsh braking and rapid acceleration have a significant impact on fuel economy. GPS fleet tracking systems can help catch these bad driving habits and correct them.

Action Steps:

  1. Establish an initial baseline of aggressive driving habits by drivers.
  2. Educate company drivers on other fuel efficient driving habits – such as optimal engine speeds, driving speeds, warm up times, acceleration and deceleration techniques.
  3. Target weekly measurable improvements in the Driver Scorecard Report.
  4. Feel free to move to a monthly reporting/review format as you see measurable improvements with driving habits.
  5. Share weekly results and reports with drivers and setup quarterly/annual rewards for safe and efficient driving.

Implement a Fuel Card System and Fuel Card Integration

Fuel cards can also be used to detect fraud, and monitor expenditure (fuel/distance) and identify those drivers/vehicles who appear to be using more fuel than would be expected.

The administrative burdens of managing a fuel card program can be significantly reduced by integrating a new/existing fuel card program with GoFleet’s fuel card integration system. GoFleet’s GPS fleet tracking system fuel integration monitors and measures actual fuel consumption and fuel ups from the vehicle computer, and against GPS data.

Action Steps:

Request a custom fuel-up report from GoFleet, which measures the date, odometer and fuel up amount. (You will be required to input the actual fuel tank capacities for each vehicle to get the most accurate measurements).

fleet tracking system fuel card integration

ENHANCED FUEL CARD ADD-ON: Request fuel card integration with an existing Fuel Card. Comparing actual fuel data with fuel card reports allow a fleet manager to easily identify inconsistencies and potential fuel theft.

To learn more about how GoFleet’s fleet tracking system can help lower the fuel costs of your fleet, contact us!

Fleet management: Fuel Usage, Faults, Diagnostics, Maintenance Reminders

3 Ways a GPS Tracking System Will Improve Your Business

GPS Tracking System: 3 Ways it Will Improve Your Business

  1. Better Fleet Management

    For any business that requires the use of vehicles, effective fleet management is essential to ensure that the most appropriate vehicle services tasks, destinations are reached on time, and most importantly that all customers are completely satisfied. A GPS tracking system helps these goals to be achieved through allowing vehicles to be monitored at all times so that the location is known in real time not only by the driver but by those supervising and managing the entire fleet.

  2. Up to Date System For Drivers

    All business owners know that to really work effectively and efficiently, the employees need to be satisfied and taken care of within their job. Latest GPS tracking systems keep an automatic log book of drivers’ activity so they no longer have to waste time filling in paperwork and keeping track of their hours of service.

  3. Cut Costs

    Cutting costs is always a useful improvement to any business and a GPS tracking system allows this to be done without having to sacrifice any assets or the quality of service. Costs are cut through maximizing the efficiency with which fuel is used and optimizing the routes that drivers take to reach their destinations.

5 Ways to Reduce Fuel Expenses with GPS Fleet Tracking

Reduce Fuel Expenses With GPS Fleet Tracking

Today’s elevated fuel prices cause fleet managers to spend as much as 30 percent of their budget on fuel alone. Fleet managers that aim to maximize their vehicles MPG performance with the use of fleet management technology can quickly lower those fuel costs.

The Us Department of Energy reported that gas mileage decreases rapidly at speeds above 50 mph. You can assume that for each 5 mph you drive over 50 mph is like paying an additional $0.25 per gallon for gas.

To start realizing a fast ROI here are a few tips on how you can cut fuel costs through GPS fleet tracking:

  1. Stop Unnecessary Idling. Our GPS fleet tracking devices come equipped with in-vehicle alerts (beeping) to prompt the driver to turn off the vehicle.
  2. Improve Your Routes. Give drivers better direction by creating zones in our vehicle tracking software. This will help your drivers arrive at their destinations faster and save you money.
  3. Reduce Speeding. Create in-software rules that will warn drivers when they should slow down through our audible driver alerts.
  4. Put an End to Unauthorized Vehicle Use. Always know when your vehicles are in use and where they have traveled through trips history.
  5. Start Using a Fuel Card. Track driver and company wide fuel purchases.

The ongoing increase in fuel prices are due to various reasons including natural disasters, political issues and of course the overall high demand and reliability on fuel. To help you cope with these increasing prices and reduce your overall fuel consumption please contact us today.

Cut Costs With Fleet Maintenance Software

Our Fleet Maintenance Software Will Cut Down Your Costs

Our easy to use fleet maintenance software/fleet management solutions are designed to help you cut costs associated with maintaining vehicles by streamlining your workflow. It will help you quickly and easily identify over—and underutilized vehicles, eliminate unnecessary inventory, track your assets, schedule preventive upkeep, predict potential hazards, and really help manage your facility in the most efficient way possible.

In the very pit of fleet maintenance software, there must be a robust reporting mechanism. This supports users in identifying usage and repair trends to minimize unnecessary costs.

Fleet maintenance software helps you extend the life of your equipment, reduce downtime, and get the most out of your assets.

Here’s some common functions of a fleet maintenance software system:

Maintenance Management

Manage preventative task schedules, work orders, and vehicle repair histories—based on timelines or custom triggers. Some systems also include predictive maintenance, which raises flags based on physical parameters like noise, vibration, temperature or emissions.

Inventory and Equipment Control

Helps efficiently manage tools, consumables, and remanufacturable parts—allowing you to monitor current inventory, orders, returns, transfers, part changes, hazard and disposal fees, etc.

Vehicle and Asset Management

Track the vehicles in your fleet. Vehicle maintenance software is a valuable feature of these systems. This starts at purchasing and runs all the way through resale or disposal, including along the way: regulatory compliance, fuel consumption, tire usage, warranties, lifecycle cost, driver history, and more.

Accident and Claim Management

Proper upkeep mitigates risk, but accidents still do happen. A good commercial fleet maintenance software and management systems help you manage claims and monitor incidents and driving habits to reduce risk on the road.

GPS Tracking

GPS software improves efficiency through mapping, driver locating, reporting on driving paths and activity, turn-by-turn directions, and more.


What Type of Buyer Are You?

The vast majority of fleet maintenance and management software purchasers fall into one of these categories:

  • Vehicle rental organizations. These are companies that specialize in loaning vehicles out to other companies. These businesses desire a system that supports detailed preventative tasks and work orders, flexible inventory control, a good user interface and strong integration with billing and customer relationship processes.
  • Service based industries. Companies that use their fleet for field services may want their fleet maintenance software integrated with a dispatching system to ensure maximum efficiency in scheduling routes. Depending on the size of the organization, you may also want to pay close attention to CRM systems, as well as billing and accounting.
  • Distribution and delivery companies. As with service companies, distribution and delivery businesses will want excellent dispatch capabilities to ensure maximum efficiency in scheduling routes. These businesses desire their fleet maintenance software to integrate with their distribution and warehousing software with ease to help keep track of all the products going in and out.
  • Transportation Industry. Buyers who transport people need to keep excellent records—tying customers to the vehicle and going that next step to make sure the vehicle and driver are safe. This requires a top-notch tool along with fleet maintenance and often customer relationship management.
  • Heavy Machinery Users. Buyers in the ag industry or construction businesses often have large vehicles that double as heavy machinery. This requires software that’s specialized to that particular industry’s tools. Or else easily customizable to fit those needs.


This comprehensive guide to fleet maintenance software is geared towards those desiring fleet management solutions for their business. To answer further questions about whether our fleet maintenance software is right for your business, please call GoFleet at 1.888.998.1122 or by emailing our sales team here.