Happy Holidays, See You In 2020!

From our family to yours, we want to take a moment to wish you a safe and happy holiday! 2019 was a great year, and now that the year is done, we’re excited to say that 2020 will be even better! Since we have a number of innovative and exciting projects coming down the pipeline, here is our reminder to keep an eye out for us! 


What To Watch For: 

  • We have a new partnership that we’re excited to announce! While we can’t tell you the name of the information technology and services giant who we’ll be working with quite yet, we can confirm that it will allow us to expand our offerings! 
  • We are also planning to setup some new content programs that will go into motion in the first quarter of 2020. So if you’d like to stay updated on industry news or anything telematics related, follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube!
  • Keep an eye out for ongoing product updates and changes! Since the telematics sector is constantly changing, we’re anticipating that in 2020 we’ll not only continue to offer the great hardware and software solutions that we have now, but we’ll do what we can to better our inventory.


Like always, if you have any questions about our solutions, or how our offerings can help your business grow, contact us today!


Interested to stay in-touch and up-to-date in the new year? Make sure you subscribe to our newsletter (scroll down and fill out your email) and follow us on social!

Using An AOBRD? It’s Time To Migrate To ELDs Now!

The transportation sector seems to have become an ever changing industry as regulations and the technology required continues to advance. With this being said, while there are many who embrace these changes by staying up to date with telematics and regulations, some still choose to wait before they implement any changes. When it comes to using an electronic logging device (ELD) or an automatic onboarding recording device (AOBRD), individuals within the industry no longer have a choice about switching. Instead, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) and the Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators (CCMTA) are now strictly enforcing the new regulations and technologies. 

Said regulations focus on favouring electronic logging devices while phasing out automatic onboarding recording devices. This change means that drivers and fleet managers will need to check which device they use and possibly update it if it does not meet the new guidelines. To be specific, if an AOBRD was installed prior to December 18, 2017, the vehicle will have until June 21, 2021, to switch to an ELD. However, if the vehicle was not using AOBRDs previous to December 2017, the must switch to ELDs must be made by December 16, 2019. 


Benefits Of Switching From An AOBRD To An ELD 

Regardless of when you installed a recording device, if it’s not an ELD, you will need to update your device at some point in the future. With this being said, why not install an electronic logging device sooner rather than later? By doing so, we’re confident that you’ll be able to see noticeable benefits such as reduced stress, better management and cost savings. 


Reduced Stress 

When fleets transition from AOBRDs to ELDs well before their transition deadline, managers and drivers can expect to feel less stress. This is specific to individuals not having to worry about the possibility of not being compliant with new regulations and facing consequences that not only halt work, but can cost them thousands.

The consequences of not complying are: 

  • Expensive fines,
  • Drivers being placed OOS (Out-Of-Service),
  • Additional paperwork,
  • And even lowered CSA scores. 

As well, it’s worth highlighting that new ELDs often come with innovative solutions to make management easier. Meaning, managers and owners can better organize their fleet to boost productivity and reduce administrative tasks as reports can be automated. 


Better Management 

As previously mentioned, ELDs provide fleet managers with better management possibilities. Specifically, managers can better organize their fleets to essentially increase productivity and boost efficiency. This is due to the mass amounts of data that electronic logging devices collect in comparison to automatic onboarding recording devices. For example, when a fleet uses ELDs, drivers could be notified of maintenance checks that are predicted by forecasts, provided best transportation routes based on road conditions, and even have two-way communication with their managers while on the road. 


Cost Savings 

Transitioning your fleet from automatic onboarding recording devices to electronic logging devices can bring numerous financial benefits as well. While the upfront cost of this new technology may seem daunting for some, in the long term, fleet managers can save money. Not only are drivers automatically eliminating the possibility of being fined as they are compliant, but fleet managers can better organize or manage their fleets (as briefly mentioned) to maximize profits. So again, drivers will take the fastest routes, better maintain their vehicles to reduce repair downtime, and even automate automotive reporting duties.


How Automatic Onboarding Recording Devices And Electronic Logging Devices Differ 

  • While AOBRDs do collect data, ELDs collect more information on a grander scale such as vehicle condition and driver behaviour. 
  • ELDs are able to complete simple data transferring as they can harness wireless web, email, USB2.0 and Bluetooth capabilities. 
  • ELDs allow for increased monitoring as they automatically record driving time once the vehicle begins moving or is idling. 
  • Editing or history changes require annotations while using an ELD to better provide more information about the trip. 
  • Alert notifications are made if there is a fault code or malfunction recognized by the ELD in use. 


Your AOBRD To ELD Checklist

     Do Your Research

You may find that certain devices will better suit your needs now and in the future as your company grows. This means finding an ELD that is third-party certified and works for any vehicle. 

Remember, when it comes to ELDs, you’re making an investment in the growth of your company!

     Complete The Proper Training

While installation is fairly straightforward, it’s critical to train your team properly if you would like your ELD to truly benefit your company. This includes training your office team and managers in how to use the device, as well as your drivers.


Confirm that every commercial vehicle that meets the criteria stated in the ELD mandate has the device properly installed. As well, ensure that your team has the correct software installed on their devices so they can take advantage of the solutions.

     Stay Up-To-Date

Ensure you’re using your device to its fullest potential by staying on top of industry news and software updates. Sometimes users can overlook major features or updates as they’re simply not aware of how it can help them!

Still looking for another incentive to switching your fleet from using an AOBRD to an ELD? Keep reading! 

We understand that the upfront cost of transitioning can sometimes deter managers from switching, however we have a promotion to help! 

Get a Free GO Device & Harness with our ELD Promotion that runs until December 16, 2019 – save hundreds for your fleet! 

If you’re interested in learning more about this promotion, check it out

Taking Your Fleet Telematics to the Next Level

With basic telematics implemented into your fleet, you are now able to track the location, movement and speed of all of your vehicles, which helps your organization increase efficiencies, and effectively, reduce wasted time and improve costs.

So, what comes next?

Advanced Fleet Tracking
Once you have the basics in place, you can start to dive deeper into telematics technology in order to really fine tune and optimize your fleet operation.

Check out these major benefits your company can gain by implementing advanced fleet telematics solutions.

Increased Safety
By monitoring driver behaviour – things such as how fast your driver is driving and how aggressive their driving may be – you can use technology that allows you to talk to the driver and coach them through safer driving practices, thereby increasing safety for them and for your vehicle.

It has been shown that drivers who are aware that their driving habits are being monitored, are more apt to perform safer behaviour which not only increases their safety, but also reduces accidents and damage to vehicles and freight.

Increased Efficiencies
By using real time communication as an add-on to your basic telematics, and adding in some routing apps, you can manage driver routes more efficiently – if there is an accident, you would be able to re-route the driver and eliminate wasted time having them stuck in traffic with high priority loads on the vehicle.

By using some of these type of add-ons to your basic telematics, adding a few minutes more to your driver’s HOS (Hours of Service) can really increase your fleet efficiency and delivery rate.

Reduce Operating Costs
In being able to track even the smallest things, such as idling time and minimizing it, a fleet can increase savings by reducing fuel costs. Other things that can be looked at are tracking at a more granular level, such as live movements on a map, maps routing, stopping vehicles, accidents and who’s responsible, which allows for increased productivity thereby reducing costs.

Optimize Vehicle Performance
With advanced telematics, sensors can send out alerts about engine issues and other diagnostic problems. Further to that, the data can be used in a predictive manner to determine when service should happen on a vehicle and allow for advanced planning in order to ensure as much uptime for the fleet as possible and manage the expenses related to repairs.

Reduce your Carbon Footprint
It’s a hot topic these days more and more companies realize that not only is this good for business, it’s good for the planet as well. By reducing your fleet’s idling time and decreasing speeding (thereby reducing the amount of exhaust and CO2), not only are you increasing the safety of your fleet and drivers, increasing your efficiencies and reducing your costs, you are also helping to do your part in reducing emissions in the air for our future generation.

Streamline Compliance
With the Canadian ELD mandated for June 21st, 2020, it is imperative that fleets ensure they are compliant and implementing advanced telematics not only ensures this but provides many other benefits previously mentioned. In addition to the benefits, the cost of not being compliant is expensive and can be avoided with the correct telematics solutions in place.

Do you need to upgrade your telematics plan for advanced fleet tracking?
Some features are already built into your tracking device that collects the data and some solutions require you to step up to the next level of offered services and products.

In order to get the most out of your fleet telematics so that you can save your company time, money and increase efficiencies and safety, give GoFleet a call. We are here to help create a customized and fully integrated telematics solution that is specific to your needs and lets you get the most value for your money.

Advanced fleet tracking is much more than GPS services and with the telematics of the future, there are and will be so much more you can do in order to continually create the best fleet management company you can envision.

GoFleet – Connected Technology. Smarter Solutions.
Discover more about GoFleet and its Telematics Services