GPS Monitoring System: Small Fleet Tracking

Small Fleet Tracking With GoFleet’s GPS Monitoring System

A GPS monitoring system is no longer only used by large companies and long-haul carriers. GoFleet offers a wide variety of low-cost fleet management options for all fleet sizes, large or small. Being able to see your fleet’s location is only the start of what a GPS monitoring system can do for your company.

Small businesses usually need a GPS monitoring system to gain more transparency in their operations. The biggest benefit of implementing a fleet management system in small business is a reduction in overhead, fuel costs, maintenance costs and lower insurance premiums. These savings can add up to hundreds of thousands of dollars while a small business is growing.

Managers can view all fleet data using an easy-to-use online dashboard with charts, reports and graphs. In addition, exception reporting can be used to send alerts to your cell phone or email, even when you are offline. For example, if your driver goes out of the authorized area, idles excessively, speeds or drives aggressively, you can be notified immediately.

GoFleet’s GPS monitoring system lets you know where your vehicles are at all times. If a customer calls asking about their delivery, you can tell them exactly where it is located and when it will arrive. Being able to provide your customers with an accurate estimated time of arrival, improves customer satisfaction. You will now be able to better compete with the large companies that have been using this technology for many years.

You will also save on overhead because you will have an accurate automatic driver time sheet. You will not have to pay for overtime because your driver says he got delayed in traffic when, in fact, he did not. Many small businesses see an immediate reduction in labor costs with accurate labor hours.

GoFleet’s GPS monitoring system can be exactly what your small business needs to ensure long-term success. You will be able to provide better customer service, reduce costs and reduce labor when you implement a GPS fleet management solution.

GPS Tracking Equipment: The Optimal School Bus Solution

The Optimal School Bus Solution: GoFleet’s GPS Tracking Equipment

In today’s economy, many school districts are facing budget cuts without sacrificing the students’ safety. School district transportation fleet managers are responsible for all of the children every day from the time they step foot on the school bus. State laws are extremely strict in regards to school buses because they want to ensure that the safest driving and operational procedures are being followed. GoFleet’s GPS tracking equipment can be used to help reduce costs and improve school bus safety.

School districts with GoFleet’s GPS tracking equipment are impressed with how helpful the data is for school bus management. Fleet managers are able to answer daily questions about school bus operation. If a school bus driver’s driving was in question, fleet managers can provide accurate information about the school bus’ speed, arrival and departure times, and location information.

GoFleet’s GPS tracking equipment data can be used to help school districts monitor many things. It can track how late the school bus is and pinpoint the buses exact location if it breaks down. It will also record bus idling times so that routes are able to be adjusted and made more efficient. This will help reduce the miles traveled and time on the road. Making the routes more efficient will save time, reduce fuel usage and lower operational expenses. Most importantly, the GPS tracking equipment will help keep the children as safe as possible. If a problem ever occurs on the bus, the school district will know the children’s location immediately.

Transportation managers share many of same issues as commercial fleet managers. Without GoFleet’s GPS tracking equipment, it is difficult to obtain accurate information about how long each stop took, routes driven, driver’s location and keeping up with bus maintenance. With GPS tracking equipment, school bus managers can easily monitor the buses, ensure child safety, keep the parents happy and reduce overhead. The fleet management system, will help the school district uncover many hidden costs that can reduce wasteful spending including excessive idling, underutilized buses and inefficient routing.

For more information about how GoFleet’s GPS tracking equipment can improve your school districts’ school bus system, Contact Us.

GPS Tracking Stones Used To Help Solve Moving Rock Mystery

Scientists Use GPS Tracking Stones To Help Solve Mystery Of Moving Rocks In Death Valley

Rocks of various sizes, up to 600 pounds, get moved around Death Valley leaving deep cut trails throughout the valley. For many years, there have been many theories about how these tremendous rocks move around the valley like they are light as a feather. Theories have included everything from sporadic hurricane-force winds to UFOs.

Since 1948, geologists have been studying the rocks movements. The first study suggested the rocks were driven by desert dust devils. The mystery has endured so long because the rocks often do not move for decades.

In 2011, brothers Richard, a paleobiologist, and James, a research engineer, Norris launched the “Slithering Stones Research Initiative”. During the next two years, relatives and friends helped the brothers install a weather station and put 15 GPS tracking stones in the valley.

The GPS tracking stones were specially engineered so that they would record velocity and rock movement. The rocks were stationed on the southernmost end of the playa where the mysterious rocks start their journey after they have tumbled off of a cliff.

In December 2013, James and Richard Norris returned to the valley to inspect the GPS tracking stones. The playa was covered in ice and there were fresh trails near thin ice shards along the shore line. The next day, the brothers were on the mountainside just admiring the breathtaking view when a light wind started blowing. The ice then began to crack. It was at that point the mysterious rock movement was being solved before their very eyes.

A series of natural events must occur before the movement can take place. First, rain must occur in a dry climate. Next, the temperature must be low enough to freeze water before it can evaporate. Then, the sun must come out and start thawing the ice. Finally, the wind must blow to break the ice and move it across the shallow water below.

Thanks to the GPS tracking stones and the Norris brothers’ determination, the mystery of the moving rocks in Death Valley has finally been solved. James Norris stated in a Los Angeles Times article, a part of him was sad because there was no more mystery.

GPS Tracking Systems For Vehicles: What Is It?

What Is GoFleet’s GPS Tracking Systems For Vehicles?

GoFleet’s GPS tracking systems for vehicles uses GPS (Global Positioning System) to track fleet vehicles for a business. A GPS device is installed in all of your vehicles to enable you to be able to track and monitor them. You can also get important information that can be used to better manage your drivers such as engine status, vehicle speed, excessive idling and fleet route.

Business owners, dispatchers and fleet managers use GoFleet’s GPS tracking systems data to expedite dispatching and improve routing. The data can also be used to monitor the drivers’ behavior, prevent theft, reduce fuel usage and provide operational efficiencies. Most business owners find that the benefits and savings are far greater than the affordable cost of implementing the system.

GoFleet’s GPS tracking systems for vehicles is a fleet management solution that goes beyond traditional GPS tracking. There is a wide variety of manager reports that are fully customizable. They give management the ability to measure how effective their fleet and drivers are in the field. There are many customized SMS text message or email alerts that can be set up to notify the business owner or fleet manger even when they are offline. Alerts can be set up to remind them of vehicle maintenance needs or for unwanted driver behavior issues such as driving outside of the authorized area, excessive idling, speeding or aggressive driving. These alerts can be used to encourage better driving habits and to reduce fuel consumption.

GoFleet’s GPS tracking systems for vehicles has gained a lot of popularity for fleet management and is becoming an essential business tool. Once business owners implement GPS tracking systems for vehicles, they will discover quickly how important this technology is to their long-term business success. To find out more information on how GoFleet can help improve your business, Contact Us.

Wireless Temperature Monitoring System For Refrigerator Trailers

Real-Time Wireless Temperature Monitoring System For Refrigerator Trailers

For business owners who use refrigerated trailers to deliver temperature-sensitive cargo, GoFleet’s wireless temperature monitoring system brings peace of mind. They do not have to worry about perishable items, such as meat, produce, ice cream or pharmaceuticals, arriving at the destination spoiled because the temperature in the trailer was too warm or too cold.

Unlike a temperature recorder, a wireless temperature monitoring system does not just note what happens en route so the data is available if an issue arises. The GoFleet wireless temperature monitoring system uses wireless technology to let you know if there is an issue with the trailer temperature in real-time. The moment the temperature is out of bounds, you can correct the problem before the products go bad. With a temperature recorder, dispatchers do not find out about the problem until after the load is spoiled.

When your business uses GoFleet’s wireless temperature monitoring system, you no longer have to rely on the truck driver to let your dispatchers know if there is a problem with the trailer temperature. They need to focus on getting your load to its final destination. They might miss the warning signs that something is wrong with the refrigeration unit in the trailer. Even if they do notice something is not working properly, they might forget to call dispatch to let them know about the problem. In the meantime, your valuable temperature-sensitive cargo is going bad.

The temperature monitoring system, will let you know the moment the trailer temperature goes out of range. You can arrange for a repairperson to meet your driver en route. The repairman can get your trailer’s refrigeration unit fixed before your cargo is affected.

Making sure your refrigerated trailers maintain the proper temperatures not only saves you money because your cargo does not get spoiled, it keeps customer satisfaction high. Customers are very disappointed with a company when the products they ordered are delivered at the wrong temperature. These types of issues can ruin your business reputation and cause you to lose customers. On the other hand, if you deliver quality products consistently, you will have high customer retention rates, a good reputation and gain more business.

GPS Tracking Devices Used To Study Sheepdog Behavior

Scientists Use GPS Tracking Devices To Study Sheepdog Behavior

A team of researchers in the United Kingdom used GPS tracking devices to study the movements and behaviors of working sheepdogs and their flock of sheep. The BBC reports that the sheepdogs do not just chase after the flock.

The relationship between a sheepdog and their flock of sheep has always seemed magical but now, thanks to GPS tracking devices, it can be explained. The GPS data revealed there are actually mathematical secrets of how one sheepdog can herd over 100 unruly sheep.

The GPS tracking devices uncovered two rules for the sheepdog and their flock of sheep. Rule one: The sheepdog first learns how to make the sheep flock together. Rule two: Once the sheep are flocked in a tight group, the dog pushes the group to where they want.

The sheepdog sees the sheep as fluffy white things. If they see gaps or notice the gaps getting bigger, the dog knows to bring them together. Dr. Andrew King, the study co-author, was shocked to discover how simple the rules are for the relationship.

Dr. King worked to design specialized backpacks with GPS tracking devices for the sheep and the sheepdog. The backpacks were then attached to the animals. The researchers had many different ideas when they first started. After looking at the relationship from a birds-eye-view, the researchers determined they needed to study it from the sheepdogs’ point-of-view.

The GPS data was used to develop computer simulations and the shepherding model. The mathematical algorithm, revealed by the GPS tracking devices, solves what is known as the “the shepherding problem”. The shepherding problem is how one agent is able to control a large amount of reluctant agents. The data could be used to develop “shepherd robots” that can be used for crowd control or oil spill clean-up.

Fleet Management Services: Common Myths

Common Myths About Fleet Management Services

There are several common misconceptions about implementing fleet management services based on assumptions made by companies with no GPS fleet management experience. Actual fleet management service users tell a much different story based on their experience with the technology. The following misconceptions have been disproven by actual users of GoFleet’s fleet management services:

Our Company Does Not Need GPS Tracking Because We Trust Our Drivers

The purpose of fleet management services is not to monitor your drivers’ every move. It is about making your business more efficient and reducing unnecessary operating costs. It has been proven that GPS tracking systems reduce maintenance costs, increase fuel efficiency, increase dispatching and routing efficiency, improve driver safety and improve customer service.

Our Drivers Will Quit Working For Our Company If We Use Real Time Tracking

GoFleet’s experience with their customers contradicts this myth. Once GoFleet’s fleet management services are implemented, your drivers will find that they depend on the additional roadside assistance, routing information, and automated time card entries. The GPS tracking system eliminates a lot of time-consuming paperwork. It also provides additional driver and cargo security while on the road.

Fleet Management Services Are Too Complicated To Install And Use

GoFleet’s tracking system is easy to install and even easier to use. The fleet management software is user-friendly with easy to understand management data, vehicle tracking and maps. GoFleet has many knowledgeable technicians available 24/7 to answer any questions you might have both before and after the system is installed.

GPS Fleet Tracking Is Not Necessary Because Our Drivers Have Cell Phones

Unlike cell phones with GPS capabilities, GoFleet’s fleet management services provide a lot of valuable information for fleet managers including start and stop times, engine status, vehicle location, fuel consumption, mileage and driving patterns. In addition, cell phones can cause safety issues on the road when drivers are trying to read them.

It is time to join GoFleet’s customers and start making your business more efficient. There is no reason to be wasting hard earned money on unnecessary expenses such as high fuel costs and inaccurate labor costs. For more information, contact one of our fleet consultants today: 1-888-998-1122.

Fleet Tracking System: The Ultimate Limousine Company Tool

A Fleet Tracking System Is The Ultimate Tool for a Limousine Company

A fleet tracking system is the most innovative tool for limousine companies since the introduction of reservation software. In addition to the most obvious function of GPS fleet management (seeing where your limos are located) there are many other valuable benefits that will make your limousine company more efficient and profitable.

The fleet tracking system can tell you the direction your vehicle is traveling in real-time, if the engine is on and the current speed. Your fleet managers will be able to provide limo drivers with efficient routes. You will no longer have to worry about your drivers getting lost on the way to a remote destination.

You can also manage your fleet of limousines even when you are offline. Alerts can be set up to notify you via SMS text message or email if a driver is speeding, aggressively driving, entering an unauthorized area or idling excessively. This will give you time to contact the driver to have them immediately correct their behavior.

Alerts can also be set up to notify you of upcoming vehicle maintenance requirements based on miles traveled or specified dates. The reminders can be set for maintenance issues that need to be performed such as oil changes, tune-ups and tire rotations.

For limousine companies that charge their clients on an hourly basis, there is no more accurate measure of service time than a fleet tracking system. You will be able to bill your clients for the exact amount of time the job took. In addition, when you pay your limo drivers on an hourly basis, you will not have to worry about paying for extra time they spent on personal errands. Your drivers will not be able to claim that a job took longer than expected because of a road closure or traffic accident. The vehicle becomes a virtual time clock that is indisputable.

Contact Us for more information about how a GoFleet fleet tracking system will benefit your limousine company.

Anti Theft GPS Tracker Devices Used To Catch Bike Thieves

Gulfport Police Are Using Anti Theft GPS Tracker Devices To Catch Bike Thieves

Bicycles have been notoriously known as easy targets for thieves. According to the FBI and the National Bike Registry, there are $350 million worth of bikes stolen annually in the United States. It is estimated that more than 1.5 million bicycles are stolen every year. Besides the financial aspect of the crime, it can be heartbreaking when a cyclist discovers that his/her bicycle was stolen.

Even if cyclists take all security measures possible to protect their bike, there is no way to fully theft proof it. They are light weight and easy to take from any location. Strong bike locks can get cut if the thief has the right tools. In major cities across the country, bicycle theft is a major issue. That is why police in Gulfport, Florida have started using an anti theft GPS tracker to help catch bike thieves in the area.

While many bikes are affordable, some road bikes can cost thousands of dollars. There are many unhappy residents and tourists in Gulfport with bicycle theft on the rise. Police state that the reason there are so many bike thefts is because it is an easy crime to get away with. Bikes are everywhere. Even when they are locked, they are extremely easy to get access to.

The Gulfport Police Department has equipped bikes with hidden anti theft GPS tracker devices. They are leaving the bicycles around town as bait to catch the thieves. When the bike is moved, a text message will immediately be sent to the police officers to notify them the bike has been stolen. The anti theft GPS tracker will allow the police to track the bike’s location in real-time. The police will use the anti theft GPS tracker to get the exact location of the bicycle so they can catch the thief in the act.

Although bike thefts may seem like a minor offense, the police say if someone is caught stealing one of these expensive bicycles, they could be charged with a felony. The Gulfport Police Department and residents want to reduce the bike thefts because they want to keep the community of Gulfport great.

GPS Tracker Software: Provide Superior Customer Service

Provide Superior Customer Service Using GPS Tracker Software

Providing superior customer service is a key way for a business to differentiate itself from its competitors. As a business owner, you need to know what your customers expect so you can meet and exceed those expectations. As a service company, one simple way to develop a competitive advantage through customer service is to implement a fleet management system with GPS tracker software.

High quality customer service is essential to your business’ long-term success. Retaining customers, by keeping them loyal and happy, is much more cost-effective than attracting new customers. GoFleet’s GPS tracker software is an easy way of managing your service team and measuring their success. Focusing on providing the best customer service puts you ahead of your competition.

GoFleet’s GPS tracker software provides a real-time analysis of vehicle locations, driving patterns, arrival times and historical data. Managers can use job site addresses to optimize the drivers’ routes and schedules. Service technicians are able to perform more jobs each day, increasing customer satisfaction, overall productivity and profits.

Furthermore, GPS tracker software provides additional flexibility when callers need immediate or emergency service. Fleet managers will be able to dispatch the closest vehicle to the job site without disrupting the daily schedule. Your customers will be extremely grateful your services because are efficient and timely, helping you to create long-term business relationships.

When you use GoFleet’s GPS tracker software, you will be able to tell your customers an accurate estimated time of arrival. Unlike you competitors, you will not give your customers a long service window. When the customer uses your service, they will not be stuck home from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. waiting for the service technician to arrive. When your customer needs service, you will be able to confidently tell them “Our service technician will arrive at your location within 30 minutes.” You can even tell them how far away the driver is to their location.

Customers will really appreciate the high quality service they receive because your company uses GoFleet’s GPS tracker software. When your customers are happy, your company has a better reputation, you receive more repeat business, more people are referred to your company, and, ultimately, you enjoy more revenue. Contact Us today to find out how our GPS fleet tracking software can improve your customer service.