Keeping Commercial Transportation Personnel Safe During COVID-19

On March 11, the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 to be a pandemic. Due to the uncertainty and fast spread of the virus, numerous community and country-wide initiatives were put into place. This included but is not limited to, the closure of borders, city-wide lockdowns, social distancing and the temporary closure of businesses. However, even though many businesses have been closed or employees are working from home, some organizations are essential during these times. For example, commercial transportation is essential at the moment as drivers are helping to provide communities with relief by delivering supplies and equipment. Something that many cities and towns can’t go long without. But what does this mean for those within the transportation sector? It means that now, more than ever before, we must work tirelessly to keep commercial transportation personnel safe. 


Recommendations To Keeping Commercial Transportation Personnel Safe


Since commercial transport drivers are still required to travel and come in contact with numerous individuals, it’s important for fleets to do what they can to ensure that team members remain healthy. Recently, Transport Canada has released information on how this can be successfully completed because if a driver does not take the right precautions, they may not only contract the virus, but they could unknowingly spread it. Some of the recommendations by Transport Canada and the CDC (the US Department of Health and Human Services, Centre for Disease Control and Prevention) include focusing on vehicle cleaning, personal hygiene, social distancing and health status monitoring. 


Health And Safety Tips


Thoroughly Cleaning Vehicles And Equipment 


Throughout the outbreak of COVID-19, it has been stressed more and more to continuously clean and disinfect the spaces or items that we come in contact with. This not only includes the homes we live in, but even the vehicles and equipment we are using – especially for drivers in the transportation industry. In fact, Transport Canada recommends for regular cleaning of equipment and vehicles to keep commercial transportation personnel safe. This means drivers should not only have access to the right supplies to complete continuous cleaning tasks, but guidance in what should be disinfected daily. Below are some reminders and tips.


What Drivers Need To Complete Cleaning 


  • Personal protective equipment such as gloves
  • Disposable paper towels and absorbent materials
  • Disposal bags 
  • Cleaning agents and disinfectants


What High-Touch Surfaces Should Be Cleaned


  • Keys or fobs 
  • Starter buttons
  • Door and grab handles 
  • Pads, armrests, seats and seat adjusters, glove compartments, pickup tailgate handles, and sleepers
  • Steering wheels and shift levers
  • Consoles, dashboards, touch screens, power window and power door lock switches, as well as radio and climate control buttons
  • Turn signals and wiper stalkers


Maintaining Personal Hygiene 


In addition to properly cleaning vehicles, fleets are also directed to stress more importance on personal hygiene to keep commercial transportation personnel safe. This focuses on limiting the risk of an individual unknowing spreading the virus as well as unknowingly contracting the virus. As the virus can be contracted by an individual simply touching their face or eating food without cleaning their hands, this is something that can’t be forgotten about. The following are some personal hygiene reminders.

  • Cover mouths and noses with a tissue or with a sleeve when coughing or sneezing
  • Limit the sharing of personal items to stop the spread the virus 
  • Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds – especially when touching objects such as door handles or even cargo
  • Not touching faces with unwashed hands 
  • Using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60%-95% alcohol if water and soap is not available to wash hands with 

This is essential for drivers who are travelling as they could be coming in contact with individuals who have the virus or surfaces where the virus is. 


Take Part In Social Distancing 


Even though drivers in the commercial transportation industry are unable to practice social distancing as much as others, it is still recommended for them to do what they can to participate. Social distancing is the act of creating distance and space between individuals in an attempt to curb the spread of germs and viruses. This works under the theory that with more space between each other, there will be less contact made, and thus, less of a possibility of a virus being spread among the public. With this being said, drivers should be reminded to limit the physical contact that they may have with other team members, receivers or other personnel on their routes, as well as their family members or roommates when they are at home. This can not only limit a driver possibly contracting the virus while they are on route, but spreading it to others regardless of if they are working.


Health Status Monitoring 


The CDC recommends for individuals to limit the spreading of illness by conducting health status monitoring. This type of monitoring focuses on having individuals who may come in contact with the virus to watch for possible symptoms over 14 days (or more if they are continually at risk for exposure). This is critical for drivers to take part in as they could come in contact with the virus during their daily routes.


Watching driver health speaks to looking for obvious signs of sickness and infection. When speaking about COVID-19, the most common symptoms are similar to the cold or flu, however also include fever, cough, difficulty breathing as well as pneumonia. While new information is developing regarding COVID-19 and some cases have been noted to have unusual symptoms, it’s important to stay up-to-date with news from health officials. 


One important part of health status monitoring is temperature monitoring as a fever is typically a sign of illness. As some individuals can spread coronavirus without showing any concerning symptoms of the virus, many are turning to body temperature monitoring to watch for fevers that the individual may not be aware of. When a fleet enforces a temperature monitoring policy among their team, it is important for the following steps to be properly communicated so accurate readings are recorded. This is recommended to be completed during the pre-trip inspection as well as periodically throughout the day as required by management. 


The following are steps to successfully complete temperature monitoring: 

  • Turn a clean thermometer on 
  • Place the tip of the thermometer (where it reads your body temperature) under your tongue 
  • Hold it until the device beeps 
  • Review the temperature 
  • Record it in a logbook along with whether there are any symptoms 
  • Clean the thermometer to disinfect it 

Image Source: CDC; CARE, Check and Recovery Everyday


If the thermometer records a high temperature or a fever (100.4°F/38°C or higher), it is recommended that the individual stops working immediately and calls their fleet manager. At this point, next steps can be discussed (typically stopping all work duties until the fever resides or further testing is completed). As well, drivers should continue to maintain proper personal hygiene, monitor for additional cold, flu or virus symptoms, and participate in social distancing.


For additional information regarding symptoms, please visit:

To take the self-assessment tool offered by the Government of Canada, please visit: 


Electronically Monitoring Health Status


When discussing health status monitoring, many fleets want to have more visibility of the temperatures and possible symptoms of drivers. In times like this, electronic logbooks are a great option. Free apps like GoFleet Health Check act as a digital recording tool for drivers to input their daily temperatures and overall health status to help ensure they’re not showing common symptoms of coronavirus (such as a cough or fever). Drivers simply record their temperature with a thermometer, input the reading as well as whether there are additional symptoms, then continue with their route if there is no risk of being sick. If a high temperature or numerous symptoms are inputted, the health status monitoring solution will alert the driver that they are at risk and prompt them to stop all work, contact their manager, and take part in safety practices to reduce possible spreading of the virus. 

gofleet, health check, zenducheck, symptom monitoring,

For more information about using the app for free, please contact [email protected]


As concerns surrounding the virus continue, it’s important for management to do everything they can to keep commercial transportation personnel safe as they are essential to providing relief to many communities. For further tips on how to reduce exposure and spreading of the virus, be sure to follow government health officials as information is always changing.

5 ZenScore Widgets You Have to Use

The ZenScore Dashboard 


When you’re managing a fleet, you are always looking for ways to improve your drivers driving habits, and look for savings in fuel costs and maintenance. ZenScore is very effective in doing that, and we’ll talk about how the dashboard will allow you to meet your goals with your fleet.


The dashboard is a feature within ZenScore that gives you a live display of your fleets driving performance, by showing the data in charts and graphics. The charts are fully customizable to your liking and can range from pie charts, line charts, and heat maps. These charts are referred to as widgets, and can be arranged on the screen as you prefer.


The dashboard can be displayed on a screen in your office, for drivers to see when they come in, and see how their fleets performing, or how they compare to other drivers. This will incentivize your drivers to drive better, and rank higher, especially if you run a contest.


Let’s review the top 5 widgets we think you need to be showing:



1. Incidents



In the incidents widget, you are able to choose which rules you’d like “incidents” to represent, such as speeding or harsh braking. You are able to select up to 8 rules and decide what type of chart you’d like to use.



2. Top 10 Drivers


Top 10 Drivers

You can decide what 8 or fewer rules you want to select which will decide who the top drivers are. You may select idle time, harsh braking, speeding & hard acceleration, or any other rules you want to include.



3. Heat Map


Heat Map

The heat map will show darker colored areas where the most rules are broken. The map is fully interactive, and the data will refresh frequently. This is a great way for you or your drivers to see where the problem areas are.



4. Driver Contest Top 10


Driver Contest

When you decide to run a contest, explained in our blog here, you can create a widget that shows the current standings of the top drivers, from 1 – 10. This is a great way to motivate drivers to win by improving their safe driving practices while saving you lots of money in the long run!



5. HOS Violations


HOS Violations

We know that tracking driver’s hours is very crucial to your business. Create the HOS Violations widget to see how many incidents there were per day. Tracking this is important for the safety of your drivers, and for protecting you from fines that can be up to $16,000 per violation.


Now that you know the top 5 widgets, start using them today to run a safer and more efficient fleet!

In-Vehicle Notification with Pro and ProPlus Plans

Early 2012, Geotab introduced the functionality that sent an in-vehicle notification to a driver when an Exception Rule was being violated. This type of notification, also known as Driver Feedback, can be used for any Exception Rule by editing the Exception and selecting “Add Driver Feedback” under the Notifications tab (shown below).

Geotab Exception Rule Add Drive Feedback

If you do not have a Garmin or GO TALK device, you can select from three notification options:

  1. Beep 10 Times Quickly
  2. Beep 3 Times Quickly
  3. Beep 3 Times

At first when this feature was released, some customers noticed that notifications would come through intermittently and in some cases were significantly delayed. After further testing, it was determined that this feature was only notifying drivers correctly in 40% of cases, which was highly unacceptable by Geotab’s quality standards.

The ultimate goal with Exception Rule based feedback was to have an in-vehicle experience comparable to the driver feedback provided by the GO GPS device (such as idling or over-revving). For this reason, beeping more than 60 seconds after the exception occurred is currently discarded. Under the Pro Plan, this means that beeping would rarely be triggered.

Our testing showed that the GO device was not sending data often enough to allow the software to determine in real time if an exception was actively being violated. We noticed that the time between logs and the batching of logs together before they were sent to the server was not compatible with the real-time alerts we were attempting to generate. In order to alleviate this issue, Geotab introduced a new more aggressive GPS logging algorithm which was bundled with a new rate plan called ProPlus, introduced in September 2015.

ProPlus and Driver Feedback
The new ProPlus algorithm logs on average 25% more GPS information than on the Pro plan. Also, logs are not batched together to deliver up to the server. These changes have greatly increased the reliability of in-vehicle notifications. By increasing the rate at which we log and eliminating sending logs in batches, there is an increase in data costs associated with these changes. This cost increase is included in the price differences between the Pro and ProPlus plans.

If users require timely notification for rules where driver feedback is important, it’s recommended they use ProPlus plan for in-vehicle notifications. However, we do recognize that there are certain cases where a customer would want the driver to get a notification for an exception event, even if the notification is delayed due to the rate plan of the device, or other environmental issues such as coverage.

To address feedback in the software, the option to force driver feedback (even if there is a delay between when the exception occurs and when it’s processed on the server) will be allowed. This will be beneficial to customers who don’t mind that the rule is delayed slightly and still want the notification to happen.

Driving the Fleet Safety Movement

Original Article Written by: Patrick McClafferty, Technical Support Manager at Geotab

Harnessing the Power of IOX Expansion

Providing clients with ways to further increase the value of their fleet management solution has always been a top priority for both GoFleet and Geotab; IOX expansion is a prime example of this. Through the introduction of MyGeotab web-based fleet management software and the development of a wide range of hardware, GoFleet and Geotab have always built upon expandability to allow our clients to extract valuable data from its products.

What is IOX Expansion?

The Geotab platform can be further extended to provide added integration and flexibility with third-party providers through IOX Expansion Technology. The IOX Input/Output Expander has been around since the Geotab GO6 device was first introduced, but we continue to innovate and introduce IOX hardware for new and exciting applications.

The IOX functions on a basic principle. Each IOX performs a simple task and relays information to and/or from the GO device. An IOX connects to the GO device using the specialized mini USB port found on the side of all GO6 and GO7 devices, and it’s easy to set up and connect. While some IOX expansion products require the install be done by a certified installer, others can be connected to the GO device and easily installed on your own.


A number of different components can be measured by the IOX hardware and can be customized to meet a fleet’s specific use. For example, a fleet that relies on a dispatcher to organize and direct drivers can see a lot of benefit in using the IOX-GARMIN line, which can push messages and routes to the GARMIN to quickly advise the driver of the next stop on the route.

Types of IOX Expanders

More detailed information on IOX Expanders can be found on the Geotab Marketplace.



Fleets that measure a number of different metrics for their vehicles, or ones that use third party products from which data is recorded, can benefit from the use of the IOX-CAN. The IOX-CAN allows fleets to record data from unique hardware and transmit that data into MyGeotab. Geotab also uses this IOX to support partner integrations, such as Mobileye for Driver Distraction Systems and Valor for TPMS (Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems) and Reefer Monitoring (Temperature Monitoring).

Some other great IOX Expanders include the IOX-BUZZ; it’s an external buzzer for the GO device that raises the volume of the device beeper to make it easier for drivers operating loud engine vehicles to hear audible alerts. The buzzer will sound when driver feedback or rule based audible feedback is configured within MyGeotab. The IOX-USB is great for powering USB devices like tablets and smartphones in Geotab Drive applications, whereas the IOX-NFCREADER can be used to identify the driver operating a specific vehicle using our specialized NFC keys.

One of the most powerful IOX from Geotab is the IOX-AUX. With this IOX a fleet can measure four inputs (up to eight with two IOX-AUX). Essentially, the IOX-AUX is connected to a signal that enables a fleet manager to monitor a variety of vehicle inputs such as sirens for emergency vehicles, refrigeration units, and seatbelt sensors. Using an On/Off built-in logic, the GO device can pick up a change in state of an object and attribute it as a signal. Then this information is sent to MyGeotab where it can be used in conjunction with the powerful Exception Rule logic in MyGeotab to create relevant and strong conditions and metrics for fleet vehicles.

How the IOX Works

The GO device uses the pre-programmed firmware to intelligently detect the IOX that is connected. Then, it adjusts the logic on a device level to account for the new IOX and the data that may be sent/received. While some IOX read information only, such as the IOX-AUX, others can actually push information as well, like the IOX-GARMIN.

Once the device is able to configure itself to receive the specific IOX information appropriately, it will start logging and transferring the data to MyGeotab. This process can take up to a couple of minutes. Some IOX transfer information as soon as the data is received, such as state changes for IOX-AUX or when drivers swipe their keys on the IOX-NFCREADER. Other IOX transmit information similar to GPS and speed data at regular intervals based on the logging algorithm.

IOX Expandability

The IOX is further expandable and up to five can be connected in series to one GO device. If a fleet requires multiple IOX, each supports further expandability using the in-line port with a termination shunt inserted upon shipment. Once the termination shunt is removed and the secondary port exposed, additional IOX can be connected to a total of five on one device. Essentially, fleets are getting six devices working independently as well as together to deliver a wide range of information to the equally powerful myGeotab web application.

The Future of IOX

Geotab has plans to extend the IOX line in the future. One such example is the IOX-GOTALK. GO TALK is a new product that provides real-time verbal feedback to drivers on their driving habits and performance en route. It can be configured to speak a number of pre-programmed notifications. Unique customized notifications can also be created to have the GO TALK speak different statements. Keep an eye out for other new and exciting IOX hardware down the road!


IOX Hardware Learning Resources

By providing more intelligent hardware, intricate firmware and feature packed software, the GoFleet and Geotab product line has evolved into an ecosystem of its own. The IOX is a simple, yet powerful, aspect of this system as it provides much of the data that is used by other components, like MyGeotab and the excellent SDK. With the data provided to our clients, fleet managers can create reports and rules in MyGeotab, harnessing the full potential of the Geotab fleet management solution.

Original Article By: Taimoor Khan, Technical Services Engineer

Extending Value with Third Party Software

With today’s technology, it is no surprise to us that our clients are often looking for a lot more than a basic tracking solution. With the limitless capabilities of our software and our continuous development and growth, we are happy to almost always be able to meet our clients needs. For the times we can’t, that is where our amazing third party software integration partners come in!

What Motivates Continual Development & Growth?

  • 12,000+ Customer Base That’s Growing Everyday
  • 500,000 Units Currently in Service & Constantly Growing
  • World Leader in Large Fleet Telematics Technology
  • 30% of Customers Operate in 2 or More Countries, Multilingual Capabilities
  • 50% of Install Base Rely on our SDK to Share Data with Third Party Applications

What is the SDK?
The SDK (software development kit) allows you to get even more our of our platform. With the Geotab library of functions and methods, you can create new applications, reports, or integrate data within your own system.


Click here to learn more about what the SDK package includes.



Solution Engineering


Third Party Add-Ons
Some of our third party add-ons include: Cameras, Temperature Monitoring, Wireless Gas Detection, and Man Down System. Our add-ons have a peripheral device that connects to your GO6 or GO7 GPS device through the IOX port. These add-ons have another physical component to them but can be used within our MyGeotab software platform as well as a separate platform.

Third Party Add-Ins
Some of our third party add-in include: MapsBI & PaperDoDo. Our add-ins do not have another physical element and are built right into our software for our customers to access. There are no other devices or software platforms needed.

Because of the large amount of data our devices can pull from a vehicle, and our software development kit, development companies love us! The possibilities are endless and that is why we have so many third-party partners and the list continues growing.

Many other companies sell you software, but not an actual solution. The reason we partner up with so many other great add-on and add-in partners is because we want to provide our customers with a customized solution to fit exactly what they are looking for.


Contact one of our trained fleet consultants to find out
how we can customize a solution to fit your business needs:

1-888-998-1122 | [email protected]


The Power of PTO Connections in GPS Tracking Technology

GPS Tracking Technology and the Power of PTO Connections

Business owners and fleet managers need to choose a GPS tracking technology provider whose system allows for integration with other devices and products. The PTO (power take-off) is a primary example of a device that can be integrated with our system and Geotab GO Device that adds value to the overall fleet management system.

What is PTO?

PTO, Power Take-Off, can refer to the activity of any motorized device connected to a vehicle. It is comparable to a portable power generator, in the event that you lose power, you would still be able to run all of your appliances and equipment around your home. Comparably, many companies rely on the PTO to generate power for a specific piece of equipment, without only relying on using the engine itself.

Examples of PTO Use

Some of the typical applications of PTO use (although not limited to) include:

  • Raising the bed of a dump truck
  • Running a truck mounted hot water extraction machine used for carpet cleaning
  • Operating a garbage truck compactor

An example of one way companies are utilizing PTO with our GPS device is in the use of document shredding and destruction. Companies have mobile trucks with a shredder built on board, they collect many important documents and are able to destroy them securely using the shredder.

The devices have the capacity to gather data from the vehicle’s ECM, also known as the engine control module, and provide information about the status of the PTO unit. In general, you do not want to have the vehicle moving while the PTO is engaged. This is one instance where during operation you should monitor the status of the vehicle. If a driver were to have the vehicle moving while the PTO is in operation, it could cause severe stress and ultimately damage the motor, leading to extensive repair or replacement.

Another important aspect to consider is the green effect in our society that has brought attention to the issue of idling in the management and operation in large fleets. The GoFleet Getoab GO devices have the ability to set up specific rules to determine the length of time a vehicle has been idling. Whenever a rule is broken an “exception” is then generated. This can then point management to see particular trends or excessive behavior that is non-compliant. When it comes to PTO, the device can assist in looking ever further into the problem and has the ability to determine the difference between idling due to PTO use and excessive vehicle idling.

Connecting the PTO

The PTO module normally has direct connection to the vehicle’s ECM. The PTO is often referred to as a “6 Pack” because of the number of external pins it has. Our devices would typically be connected using a harness to the vehicle’s diagnostic port using either a 9 pin or 6 pin connection, depending on the model and make of the vehicle. A harness, such as an HRN-EZT would be required to connect to the ECM and the GO device would then be connected to the HRN-EZT. It’s recommended that you use a T-harness for connections, that way it will leave an extra port available for a mechanic to use.

What to Remember When Using the PTO

In order for the GPS device to pick up the signal from the ECM, the vehicle with the PTO module installed would need to be returned to the dealership to have the ECM reset to be able to read the PTO module. Only once that has been completed will the device be able to pull the data from the diagnostic port directly. Most trucks made in 1996 or later have the ability for the ECM to read PTO automatically and therefore there is no need for an auxiliary input.

To learn more about PTO connections and the other opportunities for external integration with GoFleet and Geotab GO devices, contact us today: 1-888-998-1122 or [email protected]

Original Article Written by: Owen D’Acres, Customer Support at Geotab

GPS Tracking Assets: Protect What’s Important

Protect What’s Important by GPS Tracking Assets

You might be surprised to hear that not only do we offer GPS locating services for vehicles, we also offer the SmartOne Satellite device to track your assets as well. Real-time GPS tracking assets allows you to know where every single piece of equipment is precisely located.

Many businesses do not keep track of their valuable assets which can lead to huge financial losses. Having a list of company assets and their value is simply not enough. Fortunately, this problem can be resolved with GPS tracking assets from GoFleet. The SmartOne LP is a military grade satellite tracking device specifically designed to track trailers and containers.

If your business uses trailers or containers to transport products for your customers, you realize that often times the items in those units can be worth a lot more than the vehicle transporting them. It is imperative that you know where your assets are located at all times. Our powerful device created for GPS tracking assets was built for years of satellite-managed, maintenance-free tracking.

The SmartOne device can be synchronized with GoFleet’s GPS fleet management software for easy asset location. If the assets are not in motion, you will receive daily notifications letting you know where your asset is located. When the asset is in continuous motion, you will get a notification every six hours. If you require more or less notifications of where your assets are located we can set that up as well.

Our device for GPS tracking assets installs easily and quickly using either industrial adhesive, screw mounts or brackets. There is no need for complicated installations, external antennas or external power. The SmartOne Satellite uses a long-lasting battery pack that performs well even under the most extreme weather conditions. If the battery gets low, you will be notified well in advance so you will always be tracking your assets.

For more information about our SmartOne device and other device options for GPS tracking assets, Contact Us today.

Fleet Maintenance Software: 4 Important Benefits

4 Important Benefits Of Fleet Maintenance Software

Businesses with fleet operations can benefit greatly from utilizing fleet maintenance software. That is why GoFleet offers Maintenance Assistant CMMS as an add-on to their quality GPS fleet management solution.

1. Manage Your Vehicles

In addition to being able to manage and track all of your vehicles with GoFleet’s GPS fleet management system, you will be able to keep up with the critical preventative maintenance of your vehicles. The fleet maintenance software automatically tracks insurance and licenses information, warranty information, past work orders, vehicle usage and manufacturer reports. Automatically tracking this information will save you time as well as money.

2. Work Orders

With the Maintenance Assistant add-on, you can instantly create work orders for vehicle service and repairs. You can set up multiple triggers for any vehicle maintenance activity based on vehicle mileage, engine hours or time. Once the trigger is hit, the software will automatically create the work order on the maintenance task. You will never forget a preventative maintenance activity on one of your vehicles ever again.

3. Tire Management

When you are maintaining a healthy fleet, properly maintaining your vehicles’ tires and using a TPMS is a critical aspect. Our unique software add-ons will allow you to track PSI, tire history, tread depth, tire size, cost per mile, purchasing information, warranties and leasing information. In addition, it provides vital information including predictive failure analysis so you can take care of issues before they occur. This saves time, money and improves driver safety.

4. Improve Performance

Using fleet maintenance software will help your business adhere to the best maintenance practices for your fleet. This will help you improve your company’s performance because it will mean your drivers and vehicles will spend more time on the road and less time in the shop. It also improves driver and vehicle safety. When your vehicles are properly maintained, they will be less likely to break down or need service when your drivers are behind the wheel.

For more information on our GPS fleet tracking and management systems, and our Maintenance Assistant add-on, contact a fleet optimization specialist today.

Route Optimization Software Increases Fleet Efficiency

Increase Fleet Efficiency With Route Optimization Software

Automated route optimization software can be used to reduce operating costs with fleet tracking and performance reporting. There are many advanced tools to help companies schedule the most efficient routes, track performance and analyze their fleet operations.

Route optimization software is available as an add-on to the GoFleet GPS fleet tracking solution. It allows you to deliver a higher level of customer service because you can receive automatic alerts, visual notifications as well as advanced operational reporting. The tools can be used to help you schedule efficient routes, increase fleet effciency and keep your drivers productivity up. Your customers will notice a big difference with accurate estimated times of arrivals, short service windows and quick dispute resolution.

Optimized routing also reduces the amount of miles your drivers travel. Driving less miles is actually the most effective way to reduce your fuel costs. Since your routes will be automatically planned out for your drivers, they will actually have more time to visit more customers. The more customers you are able to provide service to, the more money your business is able to make.

Route optimization software allows you to monitor your drivers’ progress and identify any drivers who are incurring an excessive amount of miles. If a driver travels out of an authorized area, you will be immediately notified via email or dashboard message. You will immediately gain control over whether your drivers are going where they are supposed to when you add-on the route optimization software.

In addition, you will also be able to identify any drivers that have inefficient fuel usage behaviors such as excessive idling for climate control. You can also set up instant notifications if your driver idles excessively so you can immediately correct the behavior. A driver’s behavior is actually the key to how much fuel is used. Other driving behaviors that affect fuel consumption include speeding, shift patterns and excessive rpm. Route optimization software provides a better insight into your drivers’ habits so that you can work with them to improve their behaviors over time.