ELD’s – How to Choose the Right Solution

Currently the transportation sector is undergoing major changes as the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) and the Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators (CCMTA) are creating regulations to better the transportation industry. The main topic of discussion is the new regulation which encourages being ELD compliant. This mandate looks to enforce the use of Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs) in commercial vehicles. While ELD systems are already enforced throughout the United States, Canada is following suit by enforcing the widespread compliance of such electronic logbooks.

With the deadline to become ELD compliant quickly approaching, it’s important for drivers and fleet managers to review whether or not they actually are compliant, and if they’re not, to begin to take the right steps to obtaining an electronic logging device. 


Temporary Compliance Under The Grandfather Clause 


Even though commercial fleets within the United States are already required to meet ELD compliance, Canadian fleets will soon be under similar regulation. At the moment, electronic logging devices are not mandatory for all vehicles if the vehicle was using an AOBRD (Automatic On-Board Recording Device) prior to December 18, 2017. If an AOBRD was used prior, the drivers will not be forced to implement ELDs until the mandatory start date of June 12, 2021. However, if no AOBRDs were put into use before December 18, 2017, carriers and drivers will be required to use ELDs as of December 16, 2019. 


While there are additional specifications to this regulation depending on the daily use or age of the vehicle, it is always recommended that fleets perform additional research to ensure that they are compliant.


Not ELD Compliant? Under The Grandfather Clause? – What You Should Do 


If you’re part of the many who are noticing that your fleet will not be compliant come December 16th, or June 2021, it’s critical that you begin to take the right steps to becoming compliant. Or in other words, look for a solutions provider. However, depending on your business, there will be different features that you should pay attention to when investing in an ELD. Specific qualities will not only allow you to stay ELD compliant, but improve your business overall. 


Key Factors In Considering How to Choose an ELD Solution 


Vehicle Flexibility 

When researching electronic logging devices, it’s important to confirm that the device you’re investing in will work in any type of vehicle. Ensuring that an ELD can be used in nearly any commercial vehicle guarantees that your business can grow and that the device can continue to be used. Ensuring that you will be complaint in the future and that the technology is well worth the money you are spending. 

Simple Installation And Use 

When you’re adopting new technology, it’s critical that the tools you’re implementing are easy to use or install. Devices that are focused on user experience mean that your fleet will embrace it rather than dread it. As well, when a new tool is easy to use, you’re more likely to see positive results from it as there are no excuses to not use it. 


While researching a product, it can sometimes be hard to not be discouraged by the price. However, when it comes to ELDs, you’re investing in the future of your business. Meaning, you aren’t only spending money to better your fleet, but often, the solutions will help you save money in the long run! 


With technology advancing, it seems as though everything can and should be synced to smartphones. With that mindset and the ability for many solutions providers to do this, it’s critical to confirm that your ELD is mobile-friendly. Ensuring that your solution has smartphone connectivity will make it simple to use and easy to implement. 

Consistently Evolving 

In addition to ensuring that an electronic logging device can be used on any vehicle, it’s also important to confirm that the device is agile. Purchasing an ELD that is continually evolving will guarantee that no matter how regulations or business goals change, it will be a worthwhile investment.  

Leverage The Cloud

Using an ELD that is cloud-based will only benefit you as a fleet driver, owner, or manager as data can be accessed from anywhere. No longer will you need to wait for drivers to provide you with paper documents or wait until you’re provided access to files, everything can be obtained through the cloud. While remote access to data is a major advantage of using cloud-based ELDs, there are additional benefits;

  • Increased reliability as data is continuously backed up and stored, 
  • More reliability as there is no pairing process required,
  • Better battery life as power consumption can be reduced,
  • Better compatibility to various platforms such as Android and iOS, 
  • Easy document access so showing compliance is simple, 
  • And consistent coverage regardless of cellular coverage. 


It is critical that you are unlimited with the data you’re gathering from ELDs. With this said, expandability (or having unfiltered access to data) is a focus that many are unaware of until they need it! Being able to easily share data to third-party vendors or being able to use integrations through third-party solutions is a feature that needs to be highlighted as it can help make fleet management much easier! 

Customer Service 

When you’re using any service or buying any product, it’s important to do business with a company who aims to achieve positive customer interactions every time. If you forgo doing business with a customer-focused organization, you may run into problems in the future. With this being said, while you’re researching your next ELD, let us know. We always strive to ensure that our customers are happy not only with the solution they’re investing in, but the experience they’re having!

GoFleet Promo Offer Free Go Device and Harness with ELD SolutionWith the deadline to be ELD compliant quickly approaching, be sure to take advantage of our GoFleet Promotion that can save you hundreds today! 




Thank you Robin Kinsey, HOS/ELD Training Specialist for the valuable insight via Geotab.

Taking Your Fleet Telematics to the Next Level

With basic telematics implemented into your fleet, you are now able to track the location, movement and speed of all of your vehicles, which helps your organization increase efficiencies, and effectively, reduce wasted time and improve costs.

So, what comes next?

Advanced Fleet Tracking
Once you have the basics in place, you can start to dive deeper into telematics technology in order to really fine tune and optimize your fleet operation.

Check out these major benefits your company can gain by implementing advanced fleet telematics solutions.

Increased Safety
By monitoring driver behaviour – things such as how fast your driver is driving and how aggressive their driving may be – you can use technology that allows you to talk to the driver and coach them through safer driving practices, thereby increasing safety for them and for your vehicle.

It has been shown that drivers who are aware that their driving habits are being monitored, are more apt to perform safer behaviour which not only increases their safety, but also reduces accidents and damage to vehicles and freight.

Increased Efficiencies
By using real time communication as an add-on to your basic telematics, and adding in some routing apps, you can manage driver routes more efficiently – if there is an accident, you would be able to re-route the driver and eliminate wasted time having them stuck in traffic with high priority loads on the vehicle.

By using some of these type of add-ons to your basic telematics, adding a few minutes more to your driver’s HOS (Hours of Service) can really increase your fleet efficiency and delivery rate.

Reduce Operating Costs
In being able to track even the smallest things, such as idling time and minimizing it, a fleet can increase savings by reducing fuel costs. Other things that can be looked at are tracking at a more granular level, such as live movements on a map, maps routing, stopping vehicles, accidents and who’s responsible, which allows for increased productivity thereby reducing costs.

Optimize Vehicle Performance
With advanced telematics, sensors can send out alerts about engine issues and other diagnostic problems. Further to that, the data can be used in a predictive manner to determine when service should happen on a vehicle and allow for advanced planning in order to ensure as much uptime for the fleet as possible and manage the expenses related to repairs.

Reduce your Carbon Footprint
It’s a hot topic these days more and more companies realize that not only is this good for business, it’s good for the planet as well. By reducing your fleet’s idling time and decreasing speeding (thereby reducing the amount of exhaust and CO2), not only are you increasing the safety of your fleet and drivers, increasing your efficiencies and reducing your costs, you are also helping to do your part in reducing emissions in the air for our future generation.

Streamline Compliance
With the Canadian ELD mandated for June 21st, 2020, it is imperative that fleets ensure they are compliant and implementing advanced telematics not only ensures this but provides many other benefits previously mentioned. In addition to the benefits, the cost of not being compliant is expensive and can be avoided with the correct telematics solutions in place.

Do you need to upgrade your telematics plan for advanced fleet tracking?
Some features are already built into your tracking device that collects the data and some solutions require you to step up to the next level of offered services and products.

In order to get the most out of your fleet telematics so that you can save your company time, money and increase efficiencies and safety, give GoFleet a call. We are here to help create a customized and fully integrated telematics solution that is specific to your needs and lets you get the most value for your money.

Advanced fleet tracking is much more than GPS services and with the telematics of the future, there are and will be so much more you can do in order to continually create the best fleet management company you can envision.

GoFleet – Connected Technology. Smarter Solutions.
Discover more about GoFleet and its Telematics Services

Worst Road Months of the Year: Are You Protected?

Any logistics company or fleet manager should be concerned about improving driver safety. Some of the worst road months of the year are during winter which is fast approaching. In winter months, snow, ice, poor visibility, and freezing temperatures can make driving hazardous and dangerous. The chances of road accidents in winter increase when you add distractions and poor driving habits to adverse weather conditions.

One way to protect drivers and improve road safety during the worst road months is to install a fleet camera system. One such device is the ZenduCam. This unit provides real-time, live streaming with 360-degree visibility and from inside the cab. This, along with electronic logging devices can greatly improve road safety.

Of course, the Canadian ELD Mandate requires all trucks to have ELDs by June 21, 2021, and they are compulsory in the U.S.

How can technological solutions such as the ZenduCam protect your drivers and improve road safety? You will find the answers to this question in this article.

Dangers of Driving in Winter

Statistics about the impact of weather on driving are very sobering.

The Canadian government released information in 2017 reporting a rise in the number of drivers involved in fatal crashes. Compared to the previous year, an increase of 69 fatalities brought the total of road deaths up to 985.

Also, CBC reported about worrying trends in the increase of fatal transport truck crashes. Many of these accidents could have been avoided by improving driver safety and road habits. The police also reported that 354 truck drivers were fined for distracted driving and 1,615 for breaking the speed limit.

The U.S. Department of Transportation also reports worrying statistics about wintertime driving. Over the 10 years between 2007 and 2016, snow, sleet, icy roads, slush, and fog were significant factors in 15% of all fatal crashes in the U.S.

How the ZenduCam System Helps Protect Drivers

Unfortunately, distractions can often affect fleet drivers on the road. While ELDs can record data on driving habits, an in-vehicle camera system can help to identify the reasons for poor driving behavior. A camera inside the truck cab can record if drivers have been eating, texting, or, worse still, nodding off while driving.

Of course, in-vehicle cameras in themselves can’t improve driving habits. However, they are a valuable resource for fleet managers to educate, train, and improve safety for their drivers.

Installing in-cab video surveillance in commercial vehicles such as buses, taxis, trucks, and other vehicle types can also protect drivers from criminal behavior. In the event of violence against a driver, HD footage is available for the police for investigation.

Protects your liability in case of an accident

Another protection the ZenduCam fleet solution offers is to document who was responsible for an accident. Setting up 4 cameras in a vehicle records the road in front of the vehicle, what is going on behind, and the driver’s response. This type of solution gives 360-degree visibility to get a clear picture of what caused the accident.

4 Camera Solution from ZenduCam
Improve Driver and Road safety with the ZenduCam Camera Solution from GoFleet

So, in cases of conflicting reports or disputed insurance claims, the clear HD footage of the incident can help exonerate your driver. This could save your company $1,000s in cases of disputed insurance claims or even protect drivers from criminal liability.

According to a driving association in the UK, dashcams can help to quickly resolve insurance disputes and reduce the instances of fraudulent claims.

How the ZenduCam Works

How does the integrated 4-camera system help to protect your drivers during the worst road months of the year?

Here is a possible scenario to demonstrate why having HD, 360-degree footage can protect your driver and company.

Let’s say a car traveling in the opposite direction overtakes another car and is in the lane directly in front of the truck. To avoid a collision, your driver takes necessary evasive action. However, an accident still occurs. Footage from the ZenduCam clearly shows what led up to the accident. It provides evidence for the authorities as to who was to blame for the incident.

Logging your driver’s activity at the time, the speed traveling, and the actions of other drivers mean that your driver and company are protected from liability.

ZenduCam System: Features and Benefits

The ZenduCam multi-camera solution works by continually recording footage in HD while driving.

However, this is not just a simple dashcam that is popular with car drivers. The sophisticated ZenduCam has a 3-axis G-sensor, panic button, microphone, and GPS receiver. This fully integrates with devices such as the GO9 vehicle tracking device to provide complete fleet management solutions.

Another benefit of installing the ZenduCam in commercial vehicles is that Geotab rules can trigger event recordings. Fleet managers can set up specific rules and receive recorded footage of any violations. This can include accidents, speeding, harsh driving events, and other violations. These events are automatically uploaded to the cloud which means that important events are never deleted and are always available when needed.

One of the biggest benefits of the ZenduCam multi-camera solution is to improve road safety. Fleet managers can monitor driving habits to promote responsible driving. Also, you can integrate the Mobileye collision avoidance system with the unit to offer even more protection.

Try the ZenduCam

Installing the ZenduCam in commercial vehicles is a small investment to protect your drivers, especially during winter months. This can save your company $1,000 by helping to promote better driving habits and prevent fraudulent insurance claims.

Contact u today for a free quote or demo to see how the ZenduCam can benefit your organization.

Are You Under the Grandfather Clause? Let Us Migrate You!

By June 21, 2021, all commercial vehicles and trucks in Canada must have approved Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs). If your fleet is still using Automatic On-Board Recording Devices (AOBRDs), now is the time to switch as there is no grandfather clause in Canada to allow AOBRDs after the June 21, 2021 deadline.

Read on to find out what you need to do if you are under the Grandfather Clause and how to make sure your fleet is compliant with the ELD mandate.

What was the grandfather clause? Why is it being eliminated?

According to the FMCSA, the grandfather clause previously applied to older automatic onboard recording devices in the United States. This clause granted a 2 year period for fleets using existing electronic recording devices to transition to ELDs. So, the grandfather clause allowed commercial vehicles to continue using their existing devices between December 18, 2017 and December 16, 2019.

However, in Canada, there is no grandfather clause within the ELD mandate. It was determined by Transport Canada that the orginally proposed 4 year roll out period is no longer necessary given the updates can be made rather quickly. With the removal of the grandfather period, all fleet vehicles and commercial trucks must be using an appropriate ELD by June 21, 2021.

What are AOBRD devices?

Automatic On-Board Recording Devices, or AOBRDs, are designed to automatically or manually record the driver’s duty status. Using these devices means that drivers no longer had to fill out a lot of paperwork. They are also more accurate and reliable for recording HOS than paper logs. However, ELDs are not the same as AOBRDs. This means that these recording devices don’t meet with new guidelines as set out in the Canadian ELD mandate.

What’s the difference between an AOBRD and ELD?

Although ELDs and AOBRDs have similar functions, there are differences between these logging devices. Understanding the difference between ELDs and AOBRDs is the first step in knowing how to comply with the ELD mandate.

One of the key differences of regulation-compliant ELDs from AOBRDs is that they synchronize with the vehicle’s engine. This automatically records motion status, miles driven, driver ID, and duty status.

Another requirement of ELDs is that they are enabled to transmit data immediately to authorized personnel. So, an ELD must send data by Bluetooth, USB, or through its data connection. This was something that isn’t possible with current AOBRDs. Other differences between the ELDs and AOBRDs include:

  • Automatically records driving from 8 mph
  • No ability to alter auto-generated events
  • Record a vehicle’s location at specific times. For example, every 60 minutes, when the engine is turned on or off, and before and after yard moves and driving for personal use.

How do I migrate from AOBRD to ELD?

Of course, to migrate from AOBRD to ELD, it is important to assess your current equipment and future needs.

It is important to remember that when it comes to choosing the best ELD for commercial vehicles, not all ELDs comply with the Canadian ELD mandate. The regulations outlined in the Canada Gazette Part II on June 3, 2019, require third-party accreditation for electronic logging devices. This is one of the key differences between the Canadian and US ELD rule.

To easily migrate to the ELD mandate, it’s important to choose a compliant device. For example, the Garmin ELD Bundle, powered by Geotab complies with all aspects of the Canada ELD mandate. This includes HOS reporting and automatic duty status changes. In addition, the bundle comes complete with an HD dash camera and has Wi-Fi and LTE connectivity.

Another ELD option compliant with the Canadian rule is the Geotab Drive ELD bundle. This ELD has everything you need as it records Hours of Service (HOS), Driver Vehicle Inspection Reports (DVIRs), and helps to improve fleet management.

Why should I switch now instead of waiting for the deadline?

There are many reasons to make the switch now from AOBRD to ELD. A 2018 survey conducted by CarrierLists found that 40% of carriers in the US still need to make the switch before their December 2019 deadline. The same survey found that 80% of these users plan to migrate from AOBRD to ELD at the last minute.

To ensure that your commercial vehicle fleet can operate without any disruption, you should make the switch as early as possible. This allows fleet managers to give appropriate training to drivers so as to avoid the risk of non-compliance. Remember, depending on the number of drivers, it could take weeks to provide all of the appropriate training.

Another reason to migrate to ELD as early as possible is to ensure you get the best possible ELD devices available. Leaving the switch over until the last minute may mean that your choice of suitable device and service provider is limited.

In conclusion

The ELD mandate in Canada will improve road safety and help prevent fatigue among drivers. To ensure this happens, devices fitted to vehicles need to be third-party certified and regulation-compliant. GoFleet ELD solutions help to make sure that your business remains compliant, competitive and efficient at all times.

Switch to ELDs today!

Canadian ELD Mandate: Quick Facts for Fleets

Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs) for trucks in Canada are due to become compulsory by June 21, 2021. The Canadian ELD mandate will make paper logbooks a thing of the past and improve safety on the roads. Fitting licensed ELD devices to commercial vehicles will also help save Canadian trucking companies time and precious resources.

If you are involved in logistics and transportation, there is every chance that the ELD mandate will apply to you. Of course, Canadian transportation firms who have a cross-border business are already familiar with ELDs. The good news is that the Canadian ELD rule will generally be similar to regulations in the United States ELD rule as set out by the FMCSA. However, there are some differences between approved ELDs for Canadian roads and those allowed in the U.S.

In this article, you will find out the essential facts about the Canadian ELD Mandate. This will help you know how to implement necessary plans to comply with the ELD rule in Canada.

What is the ELD Mandate?

The ELD Mandate requires logging devices to be fitted to all commercial trucks in Canada. One of the basic needs of ELDs is to ensure that drivers and transportation companies comply with Federal laws. For example, ELDs record hours-of-service (HOS) and are designed so the information can’t be tampered with.

However, there is more to using ELDs than just HOS compliance. Fitting ELDs in commercial fleet vehicles will also improve driver well-being and safety. Due to the monotonous nature of long-distance driving and irregular schedules, drivers may suffer from poor rest and fatigue. Fitting ELDs is one way to reduce this risk. Other benefits of the ELD mandate include helping to streamline operations and improve driver communication. Also, information from logging devices can assist the police when investigating road accidents.

The ELD Mandate ensures that logging devices such as the Geotab Drive ELD meet uniform technical standards for the following information:

  • Logbook edits so that drivers can certify their Record of Duty Status (RODS) and make edits.
  • Data sharing to ensure that all ELDs have a standardized format to record and share data.
  • Data collection to provide information including location, engine data, and motion status.
  • Driver alerts to warn when it’s time to pull over to prevent violating HOS rules.
  • Drive duty status to allow for special driving conditions.


Do the ELD Rules Apply to Me? Who is Exempt from the ELD Rule?

Previously, fleets that were equipped with AOBRDs (Automatic On-Board Recording Devices) were exempted from the ELD mandate for 2 years. This grandfather period is now set to expire – meaning the countdown is on. If your business operates commercial vehicles such as trucks and busses, then ELD rules apply to you.

Transport Canada announced in 2017 that regulation-compliant ELDs will become mandatory and replace paper logs. There are, however, some exemptions from the Canadian ELD mandate. For example, vehicles manufactured before 2000 are exempt from the rule as are vehicles that are subject to a rental agreement with terms under 30 days. For a full list of exemptions and additional information, refer to the Canada Gazette, Part II, Volume 153.

Canada v.s U.S. Mandate

Thankfully, if your transportation company already conducts cross-border deliveries, some aspects of the ELD regulations in Canada will remain the same. This means that you can use a single electronic device logging system in both Canada and the U.S. For example, how vehicle data is collected, driver notifications, standardized formats to share information, and recording HOS have similar regulations between the two countries.
The Canadian mandate will also be similar to the U.S mandate in that the ELD will be required to:

  • Synchronize with the vehicle engine
  • Provide GPS tracking and automatically capture drive time
  • Allow drivers to use special driving status including yard moves and personal conveyances

*Note, this is not a complete list

One of the most important differences between the U.S. and Canada ELD mandate is the type of logging device used. Devices in Canada must be third-party certified rather than being self-certified as the U.S. mandate requires. Another key difference is that Canadian ELDs must meet the Technical Standard for Electronic Logging Devices.

Canadian ELD Rule: Timeline

So, if your business deals in logistics and transportation, now is the time to make sure you are all set to be compliant by 2021. Remember, there is no “grandfather” period allowed in the Canadian mandate. So, this means that the earlier you comply with the new rules, the better. Here is a quick rundown of the important dates in the Canadian ELD mandate:

  • December 16, 2017 the Government of Canada published proposals for introducing the ELD mandate
  • June 13, 2019 Transport Canada published the final rule on ELDs in Gazette II
  • June 12, 2021 is the compliance date by which all commercial vehicles must have ELDs fitted and no longer use paper logbooks

GoFleet’s ELD Solution

How can you make sure that you are compliant by June 2021? At GoFleet, we supply ELDs for HOS and DVIR. These logging solutions already meet US Federal FMCSA 395.15 regulations and will be compliant with the Canadian ELD mandate.

For example, the Geotab Drive ELD Bundle logs HOS, DVIR, and provides all the services you need to comply with the Canadian ELD rule. This logging device doesn’t just help you comply, but it helps your company improve driver safety, includes a dash camera, and maximizes vehicle uptime.

You can also use the ELD bundle with Geotab GO9 that provides complete fleet GPS tracking solutions. The combination of these fleet management devices gives you real-time vehicle location, engine diagnostics, driver alerts, and also maintenance reminders.

Need more information on our ELD solution? Request a demo

How does it Benefit my Business?

Rather than being a burden for transportation companies in Canada, ELDs have many benefits. If you operate commercial trucks, vehicles, or busses, what are the benefits of electronic logging devices? Here are just a few:

  • Improve driver safety. Facts prove that drivers in trucks with ELDs cause fewer accidents than vehicles that are not fitted with logging devices.
  • Boost productivity. Knowing exactly where drivers are located and being able to plan routes efficiently increases productivity.
  • Save money on fuel costs. Improving driver behavior and planning shorter routes combine to make better fuel savings for transportation companies.
  • Increase vehicle uptime. Regular diagnostic alerts and reports on recurring vehicle issues help fleet managers arrange preventative maintenance. This helps to reduce instances of breakdowns on the road.



Choosing a Commercial Truck GPS Tracking Device

Choosing a Commercial Truck GPS Tracking Device? Here is Your Guide

Commercial truck GPS tracking devices offer logistics companies many benefits. Just think how having the ability to track all your commercial trucks could streamline your operations. You can coordinate vehicles, provide faster delivery times, and improve your efficiency. All of these benefits can result in better customer satisfaction and better use of your precious resources.

How can you choose the best GPS truck tracking systems for your fleet management needs? In this comprehensive guide, you will find out all you need to know about commercial truck tracking devices and software.

Before we look at how to choose the best commercial GPS truck tracking solution, we need to know the answer to the question: what exactly is commercial truck tracking?

What are GPS Truck Tracking Devices?

Simply put, commercial vehicle tracking involves using GPS trackers to know the location of your trucks. The devices are connected to truck tracking GPS software that displays all necessary information about the vehicles.

So, imagine that you have a fleet of trucks to manage. Using truck tracking software allows you to see in real-time exactly where your trucks are located. You can also gather data on each vehicle to check driving speed and estimated arrival times.

Why Invest in Commercial Truck Tracking Devices?

One of the most important reasons to invest in truck tracking software is to improve efficiency.

For example, if you are a fleet manager, you can plan better routes, communicate with drivers, and improve fuel efficiency. This can give your company a great advantage over your competitors. Why? Because you can provide first-class customer service.

Another reason to choose reliable GPS truck tracking devices is security. For instance, trailer tracking devices can send alerts if trailers are moved without authorization. Also, you can get real-time information on the trailer’s location that you can share with the police.

Who Benefits from Truck Tracking Solutions?

There are a number of industries that benefit from installing truck tracking software. Truck tracking devices can improve fleet management in any of the following sectors:

  • Delivery companies
  • Waste disposal firms
  • Construction companies
  • Trucking businesses
  • Towing companies
  • Chemical transportation
  • Construction
  • Any business operating a fleet of commercial vans


Commercial Truck Tracking Systems that Benefits Your Business

Let’s look in more detail at the types of commercial truck GPS tracking devices. Knowing how these systems work will help you know the advantages of installing tracking software and devices.

Truck Tracking Devices to Improve Productivity

At the heart of any robust commercial fleet management system is a GPS vehicle tracking device. This allows your fleet manager to be in constant contact with all their drivers.

One of the best GPS truck tracking systems is GoFleet Geotab GO9 truck tracking device. This provides precise vehicle diagnostics, audible driver alerts, and real-time truck tracking. What’s more, the device can be integrated with Garmin devices and satellite systems to expand its many uses.  

So, you can keep your commercial trucks operating efficiently with minimal downtime. Truck tracking devices allow you to find the quickest routes, avoid traffic congestion, and ensure drives stick to speed limits. All of this helps to reduce fuel costs.

Also, keeping your fleet of trucks properly serviced ensures that they break down less and your business operates efficiently.

In fact, a study from the US found that the best telematics systems can significantly reduce operating and maintenance costs. This resulted in a reduction in fuel costs, repair bills, and even in reported accidents.

There are even more benefits with using truck tracking services. To illustrate, here are just a few more productivity benefits:

  • Better driving habits result in less wear and tear on vehicles
  • Instant alerts help you schedule upcoming maintenance
  • Routing and scheduling information helps improve customer and employee satisfaction

Ensure Driver Compliance with Truck Tracking GPS Services

Truck tracking software for commercial vehicles also helps improve driver safety and monitor driving habits. This can not only help improve driver performance but also make driving less stressful.

For example, a report by the United Kingdom government found that stress while driving increased instances of road accidents. Stress also resulted in drivers taking more risks on the road. Truck tracking systems can help to eliminate driver stress.

For instance, you can ensure that your drivers take the required breaks. At the same time, you can also make sure that they’re not having longer breaks than they should. You can also ensure they are sticking to designated routes and obeying speed limits. Commercial truck tracking devices also help plan better routes to avoid busy and congested roads.

So, rather than being a way to spy on drivers, GPS truck tracking software helps improve driver behavior and safety.

GPS Trailer Tracking Enhances Security

Truck fleet tracking that involves trailer tracking brings more important benefits to fleet management.

One of the reasons why logistic companies install trailer tracking solutions is to know where their trailers are at all times. This is essential information helps to schedule and plan deliveries in the most efficient way. You are then able to minimize disruption to your services and increase customer satisfaction.

One essential part of a GPS trailer tracking system is the Flex Solar-Powered Asset Tracker. This device is the perfect solution for trailers, dry containers, or heavy equipment. The self-charging unit allows for constant trailer tracking without worrying about replacing batteries. The solar-powered device is also built to withstand water, dust, and impact.

GPS Truck Tracking Systems to Make your Business More Competitive

Tracking devices for trucks such as Geotab GO9, solar-powered asset trackers, and Garmin devices give your business the competitive edge. The ways that commercial truck tracking devices make your business more competitive include:

  • Lowering operating costs
  • Improving driver compliance
  • Maintaining fleet vehicles
  • Providing better customer service

These benefits come from installing devices that provide real-time information along with truck tracking software.

In conclusion

Using commercial truck tracking devices is one of the best ways to manage commercial vehicles. The data you receive through GPS devices helps you improve all aspects of commercial truck fleet management.

How Telematics is Changing Fleet Management Systems

Introducing Telematics

Telematics systems provide complete fleet management solutions for businesses big and small. Installing telematics fleet management systems enables the complete tracking of vehicles from optimizing vehicle maintenance to improving customer service. Telematics fleet management solutions benefit businesses by improving efficiency, lowering operating costs, and promoting better driver safety.

Vehicle telematics systems use a combination of a GPS receiver, a telematics device, and communication devices. These devices monitor and relay important information on vehicle use. In some ways, you could call telematics systems the “black box” of the vehicle industry.

In this article, you will learn exactly what a telematics system is. You will also find out how these technological solutions can improve corporate fleet management. 

What is Telematics?

The term “telematics” is a combination of telecommunications and informatics. In the context of fleet management systems, telematics allows information to be sent from vehicles to a centralized database. Fleet managers are then able to analyze and process the information to develop transport solutions and optimize the use of company’s resources.

The main industries that benefit from telematics solutions are logistic companies, insurance companies, and businesses who operate commercial fleet vehicles.

For example, vehicle telematics systems can record information such as location, driving speed, idling time, fuel consumption, tire pressure, vehicle faults, and driving habits. Business owners and managers are then able to schedule vehicle maintenance, use resources more efficiently, and improve their employee’s driving habits.

As a result of these reports and diagnostics, investing in telematics systems can result in great savings in transport operating costs.

How Does Telematics Work?

The main components for a telematics system in a car or other vehicle to work are:

  • a GPS telematics antenna
  • a telematics device that includes an accelerometer
  • a SIM card to transmit data over a cellular network

Due to these components, telematics captures areas such as productivity, driving habits, and diagnostics.


The GPS telematics system shows in real-time and records data such as speed, location, and types of roads the driver uses.

Driving Habits

In addition to monitoring productivity, telematics devices uses sensors to record driving habit data. For example, suburban fleets may use telematics to monitor and reduce risky driving habits such as harsh braking, harsh cornering, fast acceleration and speeding.


Because the vehicle telematics “black box” is connected to the vehicle’s onboard computer, diagnostic data is also recorded as part of the intelligent telematics reporting. 

Telematics Solutions for Fleet Management

Why are fleet management telematics a standard part of the industry? The biggest reason is because telematics goes hand-in-hand with effective fleet management.

Fleet managers are responsible for goals such as optimizing fleet resources, improving customer service, increasing safety, and monitoring maintenance. Telematics provides data for fleet managers to realize all of those goals.


Telematics Navigation: Vehicle and Trailer Tracking

There are multiple ways that GPS telematics can be used as tracking software for fleet management solutions.

For example, logistics companies can work out the best route to take to increase delivery time or maximize fuel efficiency. Or, real-time GPS fleet tracking can help dispatch the nearest driver to a job or incident (in the case of emergency services).

However, vehicle tracking is also useful to locate stolen cars, trucks or trailers. In fact, if a trailer or vehicle is moved without authorization, an alert can be sent instantly to the fleet manager.


Telematics in Cars: Maintenance Monitoring

Telematics devices improves maintenance schedules and extends vehicle lifespans.

For example, by using fleet telematics solutions, businesses can schedule preventative maintenance and track engine hours. Diagnostic alerts can also help repair small issues before they develop into major costly repairs.

Due to the fact that vehicle telematics helps keep cars in a safe operating condition, they also go a long way to improving road safety.


Fleet Telematics: Safety Reporting

By analyzing reports on driving behavior, business owners can minimize the risks caused by poor driving habits.

Apart from telematics monitoring driver behavior, there are many telematics device add-ons that can boost safety. For example, devices that prevent driving distractions, collision avoidance systems, and lone worker safety solutions all help improve safety.

Telematics solutions are also effective to increase productivity and safety in large industrial vehicles. For example, the Go RUGGED telematics device has been specifically designed for vehicles such as farm machinery, off-road vehicles, dump trucks, and mining equipment.

It is also good to remember that bad driving habits don’t just put other road users at risk. They also shorten the life cycle of the car by putting the vehicle under unnecessary wear and tear. Fast acceleration and harsh braking also negatively impact on fuel efficiency.

In the event of an accident, GPS telematics devices along with dash cams can provide accurate data to reconstruct the event. This can help to save money on falsified insurance claims. What’s more, by installing telematics devices on fleet cars, companies may be able to save money on insurance premiums.


Intelligent Telematics Solutions

Apart from being useful in tracking driver habits and optimizing fleet vehicle management, there are a number of practical ways that telematics work.

Using telematics for predicting traffic conditions can help drivers plan their best route to avoid congestion and hazards. This can not only help companies continue to provide good customer service but it can help to minimize driver stress and improve job satisfaction.

Intelligent telematics fleet solutions also save money on fuel costs. Choosing the most effective route, avoiding idling in traffic, and driving at reasonable speeds all improves fuel efficiency.  


Fleet Management Telematics Use Case

Lastly, let’s explore a 2019 use case. Consider one of our recent clients. Like many other fleets, they were a second-time telematics user. Also similarly to other fleets, they understand that using telematics is much more than tracking vehicle location.

For that reason, their use case was more complex. They wanted a custom solution that tracked their vehicles, actionized vehicle data, and provided rich data. As a result, our product team designed the following solution.

GO9 Device

Firstly, our product team provided the brand-new Geotab GO9 tracker – an updated version of the Geotab GO7. The client was one of the world’s first GO9 users. In addition to providing rich telematics data, the GO9 is future proof and will be able to handle future fleet management needs such as tracking electric vehicles.

Automation Software

Secondly, our product team developed and provided automation software. Automation software actionizes telematics data by assigning tasks to telematics triggers. For instance, our client used ZenduMA to automatically assign a mechanic job whenever a driver reported a vehicle defect on their DVIR.

Rich Data

Thirdly, our product team provided rich data by providing a camera solution. ZenduCAM provides valuable video footage to make sense of numerical data. For instance, our client started using footage to follow up on safety incidents and unexplained vehicle damage.


Key Takeaway

Hence, the key takeaway is that fleet telematics is now more than collecting vehicle data. In 2019, fleets expect telematics to provide rich data and to actionize that data into business activity.


Business Fleet

Telematics Helps Materials Placement Company Reduce Costs

Research Gate

A Telematics Application for Stolen Vehicle Recovery Using On-Device Position Fixing

How to Increase Dispatching Efficiency


Running a business is not always easy, as you always have to move with trends and provide efficient services for your customers. This is applicable in dispatching. Knowing the latest trends and keeping up with satisfying your customer’s needs is essential. In this article, we will be giving you tips on how to increase dispatch efficiencies.



1. Hire the Right People


Dispatch Process


Some business owners make the mistake of hiring the wrong people for the wrong positions, this eventually becomes a disaster in the long run. If you are in dispatching and you are looking to hire new workers, be sure to hire qualified people for the position of a dispatcher. This is because dispatching is an integral part of the company and having the wrong people handle this position could damage the companies reputation. So be very conscious!


During the hiring process, look out for people with multi-tasking skills and tech knowledge. Also, seek excellent communicators that are familiar with the services and the locality of the company.



2. Define Your Process


In every business, the process is an important factor. Your business should be able to follow a very well defined and effective work process to avoid confusion and increase productivity. In dispatching, this factor is very essential as it helps your workers or dispatchers know their duty or work for the day. With proper daily documentation, strict adherence to work processes and adequate staff training, the efficiency level of your business will increase drastically.



3. Optimize Your Dispatch


Increase Dispatching Efficiency


Another way to keep your customers happy and satisfied is to optimize your dispatch by prioritizing which customers need an immediate response. In the medical field, this is known as the triage. This is a situation where doctors and nurses determine which case is an emergency and needs an immediate response.


Similarly, dispatchers have the power to determine which customer needs the immediate attention of a tech. So look out and prioritize cases of emergencies that cannot wait another day over those that can wait another few days.


This strategy will not only improve the efficiency of the dispatch but make your customers happy and satisfied.



4. Efficient Routing


Dispatching Efficiency


We all want our customers to be happy and always come back for our services. One way to achieve this in dispatching is to provide efficient routing and quick deliveries or services to your customers. This can be attained by keeping your service providers and technicians local to calls in their areas. This is an advantage as it will lead to better management of fuel and shorter drive time.



5. Utilize Computer Aided Dispatch


Computer Aided Dispatch is the means of using computer dispatching software like ZenduWork to dispatch couriers, taxi cabs, technicians, field services, and more. ZenduWork automatically optimizes routes and allows you to organize your work orders, making your dispatching operations more efficient.



In conclusion, you should pay attention to your dispatchers and always check the services your customers need. You should also utilize the tools of the industry, and look for software that best suits your needs once you have outlined them.



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The Benefits of Using E Forms

Forms are vital documents for every business, government organization, and enterprise as they help the various businesses and organizations get details and information of clients and customers. For instance, Schools use forms to register their students and pupils, customer services use forms for inquiries, also hospitals and health centers use forms to get their patients information and health history.


As the world is gradually evolving to become a more digital and technological community, it is no surprise that the conventional way of creating paperwork and paper forms are becoming extinct because of the innovation of e forms or electronic forms.


Since it’s innovation, e forms have proven to be beneficial to both organizations and their users/clients. Below are some of the ways that e forms are beneficial.



1. More Access


Benefits of E forms


Whether you are close by or on a trip far away, you will always have access to an e form. With a good internet connection, you can access your e form wherever you are in the world especially if it is a cloud base. In order words, paperless forms have provided a solution for remote access users or clients. That is to say, forms can be easily and digitally routed from one location to another without the conventional stress.



2. Saves Effort



Benefits of e forms


Collecting forms using the conventional way only proves to be stressful and a waste of effort at times. Businesses and large organizations like hospitals that receive forms every day have to deal with many issues and errors on paper forms submitted by patients. If an organization chooses to use e forms, on the other hand, it helps eliminate the issue of deciphering a client/patients handwriting, errors and transcribed data. Hence, saving time, effort and labor.



3. Easy Control of Form Quality


Using e forms enables an organization to control the data they are collecting. This can be done by creating controls to make sure that customers and clients are submitting correct phone numbers and email addresses etc. E forms also help the organization to always be updated and to gather error-free information by integrating form fields with existing databases and classifying synchronized data by sending them automatically to their systems.



4. No Paper


Benefits of e forms


The opportunity to use less paper or no paper is very beneficial to both the user and the organization. Paper forms can be quite expensive to produce and can easily create clutter which can be very disorganizing. A form or two is very likely to get lost in a pile of forms. In order words, paper forms are expensive and time-consuming.


Another downside of using paper forms is that users can easily make mistakes and errors while filling them and corrections cannot be made hence, making the form look disorganized and less presentable. Using e forms, on the other hand, the user will have the opportunity to correct their work, save their progress and start all over if not satisfied.





As we look for new ways to increase the quality and service of our businesses, it is essential to understand that Forms are very important to the growth of every organization and should be treated like that. If you haven’t started using electronic forms for your business and organizations by now, consider giving it a try with a few forms, and you will immediately see the benefits. E forms will provide a smooth administrative growth for your business and great services to your clients.



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Technology to Prevent & Stop Distracted Driving

Imagine this.


You’re having a great morning. You’ve just left the house after enjoying some coffee and you’re on your way to get some groceries. While you’re on the road, you pass by another car and you notice the person inside is looking down at their phone.


Now I’m sure this situation has been observed multiple times by people who regularly drive. But this is more than just a regular occurrence and texting while driving should be taken more seriously. Sure, you could look down at a text for a second and nothing might happen. But there is a chance that your act of looking away from the road for a few seconds could end in disaster.


Worst case scenario?

Check out this short video on how a distracted driver changed lives forever by having two eyes on his cell phone instead of the road ahead.



According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, distracted driving was linked to 3,450 deaths in 2016, making up 9.2% of all motor vehicle-related fatalities. So what can you do? Well, if you have a fleet you might want to look into some distracted driving solutions. GoFleet, for example, offers two solutions currently – their Driver Distraction Camera and their FleetGuardian.

The FleetGuardian Solution

FleetGuardian is for the driver who needs to stay connected and the company that is serious about safety. It’s basically a tamper-proof safety box for drivers to store their phone in while they are busy driving while allowing for Bluetooth connectivity for easy hands – free communication.


It connects to a GO7 tracking device through the IOX port and can track if the drivers haven’t placed the phone inside the box when the car is moving. This is a great feature that allows you to monitor if your drivers are using the boxes and if not, you can correct the issue.


Another plus to the FleetGuardian, is how easy it is to set up, since its just hardware (a box with a cable). Other solutions like apps, take some time to configure.

Technology for Distracted Driving

Driver Distraction Camera

Technology for Distracted Driving


Driver Distraction Camera you say? Yes, it’s real, and it is almost ready for the public to use. The ZenduCAM Driver Distraction Camera is the world’s most advanced fatigue detection and driver distraction alert camera. The camera features facial recognition technology which detects when the driver is distracted (this includes alerts when the driver is texting, eating, micro-sleeping, holding a phone, yawning, and more). This amazing advancement even works in the night time due to twelve infrared LEDs. It also sounds audible alerts when it detects any distraction.



I know, crazy…


With so many options to help prevent distracted driving, I recommend investing in a solution that is right for you and your business. Whether that means a preventative solution, or protective solution – any way to keep the roads safer is always a good bet.




Check out our other blog on Distracted Driving!


What’s Considered as Distracted Driving?