GPS Technology: Helps Emergency Responders

Response Time Improved For Emergency Responders Using GPS Technology

GPS technology is being used in the Ozark foothills to help emergency responders. Frank Wideman, a natural resource engineer at the University of Missouri, teaches the responders how to use GPS technology to provide faster emergency services in Madison and Iron counties.

The GPS technology is being used to help the volunteer firefighters locate the 300 local fire hydrants. A local Boy Scout troop worked with the town’s volunteers to locate and save the location information of all the fire hydrants in the Global Positioning System map. This is extremely helpful because it is hard for the volunteers to be able to know the exact location of all the fire hydrants in the area.

When the emergency responders are dispatched, the GPS location information is sent electronically to the firefighters. The information includes the emergency location, the nearest fire hydrants and individual fire hydrant information. The GPS technology system shaves off minutes of critical emergency response time because the volunteer firefighters are not stopping to ask residents where the hydrants are or searching through paperwork for fire hydrant locations.

It is important that the fire fighters know where the fire hydrants are located because they need to quickly determine the length of the hose, the pumping capability and the type of connector needed. The information that was gathered by the local Boy Scouts about each fire hydrant includes the installation date and the manufacturer. This information is also helpful to officials for replacement and maintenance decisions.

The GPS technology is also being used to help search and rescue teams find lost or stranded campers, hikers and boaters visiting the mountains. Many of the area’s steep canyon trails are only accessible by foot and are unlit. Cell phones send the GPS signals to the emergency dispatch team. Responders are able to find the people despite the darkness and rugged terrain. According to Democrat News, the GPS technology has cut search and rescue times by approximately 75%.

Using the GPS technology for emergency responder services also saves property owners in the area money. The shorter response times in the event of a fire, lowers the Insurance Service Office ratings (ISO ratings). Risk experts rate the quality of the fire protection services in the area. The lower ISO ratings equal lower insurance premiums for the local property owners. When the GPS technology was implemented for emergency services in the Ozark foothills, the ISO rating decreased 3 points on a 10 point scale.

Real Time Tracking Devices: Pest Control Companies

Pest Control Companies Use Real Time Tracking Devices To Manage Fleet

Your pest control technicians are servicing your clients all day long and you need to keep track on their activity. GoFleet’s real time tracking devices can make your fleet of pest control vehicles more efficient, improve customer service and reduce fleet-related costs.

GoFleet’s real time tracking devices can give you the competitive advantage you need to increase business. You will be able to provide your clients with accurate estimated times of arrivals and short service windows. Your clients will not be stuck waiting all day for your pest control technicians to arrive on site. You will be able to tell your clients with confidence that your technician will arrive within 30 to 40 minutes. Your pest control clients will be so impressed by the high level of customer service they receive.

When you implement GoFleet’s real time tracking devices in your vehicles, you will gain valuable information about your fleet operations that can help you make more informed business decisions. GoFleet empowers pest control companies with detailed routing and dispatching tools.

In addition to knowing where your vehicles are located, you will find out information about your technicians’ driving habits. If your drivers drive aggressively, idles excessively or speeds, you can get notified with instant alerts even when you are offline. The alerts can be sent directly to your cell phone via SMS text messaging or email. This will ensure your technicians are driving safely and representing you professionally on the road.

GoFleet’s real time tracking devices can be fully integrated with a wide variety of pest control software packages. This allows you to simplify dispatching and run the most efficient operations. GoFleet helps you get the most out of your technicians and fleet assets. For more information about GoFleet’s pest control company services, Contact Us.

police - GPS monitoring device

GPS Monitoring Device Used To Protect Domestic Violence Victims

Domestic Violence Victims Have GPS Monitoring Device Option

In Memphis, Tennessee, a GPS monitoring device can be used to notify a domestic violence victim that they might be in harm’s way. Many believe that if more domestic violence victims knew about this option, many tragic cases might not have ended as badly.

All domestic violence victims have to do is petition the court to use the GPS monitoring device on the perpetrator. The problem: many victims to not know GPS monitoring is an option. The court system and law enforcement agencies need to do a better job at educating domestic violence victims about what their options are to keep them safe.

Lawmakers are saying that if Charles Thomas was required to wear a GPS monitoring device, Tasha Thomas might still be alive today. On Tuesday, day care worker Tasha Thomas was outside of work when Charles Thomas, her husband, approached. All she had was a restraining order against her husband. The day ended in tragedy when murder-suicide left both Tasha and Charles dead.

According to Tennessee state law, Charles Thomas could have been forced to wear the GPS monitoring device. This device would have alerted Tasha Thomas by SMS text message when her husband was approaching and danger was near. The device would have also alerted the local police. The police would have been sent to the scene as soon as her husband was close by Tasha’s job. The entire tragedy could have been prevented.

Because many domestic violence victims are unaware of this option, a domestic violence victim lost her life and her children lost both of their parents.

Domestic violence victims need to seek help from local agencies to find out what other options are available to them in addition to just filing a restraining order. A restraining order is just a piece of paper and does not guarantee anyone’s safety. Victims need to devise a safety plan and know what their rights are. For more information about domestic violence visit the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence.

GPS Fleet Monitoring: Benefits Tow Truck Companies

Tow Truck Companies Benefit From GoFleet’s GPS Fleet Monitoring

When you are in the towing business, it is crucial that you stay on top of the upcoming jobs using GoFleet’s GPS fleet monitoring GPS fleet monitoring. You need to make sure your drivers are at the job site in a timely manner to ensure your business runs efficiently. This translates into more business.

Many customers assume when they call a tow truck company that they will be stuck waiting for service for an indefinite amount of time. When you use GoFleet’s GPS fleet monitoring, you will be able to change all of that for them. You will be able to dispatch the closest tow truck to the driver’s location using the fastest and shortest route.

You will also be able to provide your customers with a short service window and an accurate estimated time of arrival. If you have a tow truck close by your customer’s vehicle, you will be able to tell your customer “Your tow truck driver will arrive within 10 minutes.” Your customers will be blown away by the level of customer service they receive when they call your tow truck company. Word of this type of high quality service travels fast. You will have many more customers before you know it. Furthermore, the improved customer satisfaction will help you retain more clients and develop loyal long-term relationships.

In the towing business, it is not just about towing a car, fixing a flat tire, charging a battery or recovering a car. This business relies on prompt service, location accuracy and route flexibility. Many of your customers are calling you for service because they are stuck on the side of the road or in an unknown location. These circumstances can be dangerous. Your customers are relying on you to come to their aid as fast as possible and get them back on the road safely.

GoFleet’s GPS fleet monitoring can raise your tow truck company’s game by ensuring fast response times and more efficient route planning. This can mean huge fuel savings, improved customer services and high productivity.

GPS Tracking Technology Used To Find Stolen Electronics

Police Find Stolen Electronics Using GPS Tracking Technology

Officials in Palm Beach, Florida are using GPS tracking technology to catch thieves. As an increasing number of people are buying personal electronics that automatically include GPS tracking technology, such as iPhones, smartphones and iPads, law enforcement has seen a jump in solved crimes. As long as the owners have activated their GPS software with device tracking, when the device gets stolen they can call the police to help them get their electronics back.

This GPS tracking technology is built into the devices. All the owners have to do is make sure the tracking services are turned on. Phones and other personal electronics can cost as much as $500+. The fact that this small valuable device is being carried around by the victims is enticing to thieves. That is a major reason that there has been a rise in tablet and smartphone thefts.

One of the problems law enforcement has is getting people to turn on the tracking services prior to the device being stolen. There is not much that can be done if the owner never turned the tracking services on. Officers have been working to educate people about these valuable free services that can be used to find your things after it was stolen. There are device applications, such as “Find My iPhone” and other free tracking applications that can be downloaded on practically all tablets and smartphones.

The other problem the Palm Beach police face is staying one-step ahead of the thieves. Thieves know that more consumers are turning the tracking services on when they purchase the electronic device. That is why they are taking steps to make sure the GPS tracking cannot be enabled by taking out the battery as soon as they steal the device.

While the department still faces obstacles when trying to find stolen personal electronic devices, they are still locating more electronics than ever before. According to the Sun Sentinel, enabling GPS tracking is the simplest solution for people whose phones and tablets get stolen.

Satellite Tracking Device: Benefits Car Rental Companies

Car Rental Companies Find Many Benefits is GoFleets’ Satellite Tracking Device

Car Rental Companies can benefit from using a GoFleet’s satellite tracking device to monitor their rental vehicle fleet. In addition to letting the company know where their rental cars are at all times, they can easily see which rental cars are available on the lot without checking the paperwork.

GoFleet’s satellite tracking device does so much more than just locating a vehicle. The satellite tracking device lets workers easily check rental cars out and in. If the rental car is removed without proper authorization, an alert can be send to the rental manager immediately. This will reduce theft and unauthorized use by employees.

Using a satellite vehicle tracking can also identify the miles that were driven during the rental. If your car rental company charges for miles driven, billing will become a cinch because you will no longer have to go out and check the miles in the car. Customers will not be able to say that the mileage was not accurately recorded from the last rental.

A satellite tracking device allows car rental companies to keep track of their cars at all times. You will be able to see if the rental driver had any speeding offenses. Alerts can be set up to notify the company of any aggressive driving behaviors. In addition, alerts can be set up to notify you of all vehicle maintenance needs including oil changes and tune-ups. This makes maintaining your rental vehicles simple.

While a GoFleet live gps satellite tracking can prevent theft, it also prevents car renters from misleading the car rental company. Each driver leaves a digital footprint of where the vehicle was during the rental. If the rental was for in-state driving only, you can see if they drove the car in another state. Satellite tracking devices make it easier than ever to track your assets, save money and increase productivity.

For more information about how GoFleet can help your car rental company, Contact Us.

GPS Watches Help Runners Improve Training

Runners Improve Training With GPS Watches

For many years, runners have been tracking their distance and progress using a wide variety of devices. Pedometers were used to calculate the steps runners took but this device does not measure distance well. With advancements in technology, runners of all skill levels are using GPS watches to help them track distance, routes, miles per hour and times.

There are many different GPS watches on the market from a wide variety of brands. The concept is simple: GPS watches use global positioning satellites to track were you are in the world and combines this information with where you traveled to let you know your total distance. This is a huge improvement over the use of pedometers, which required you input your length of stride to be able to calculate an approximate distance.

Long distance runners are using GPS watches to train for their races. A runner is able to accurately measure their progress and speed with GPS data. When long distance runners are trying to reduce their overall time, calculate their standard run or match their personal best, GPS technology is their best option. GPS watches have helped to improve runners training practices.

GPS watches let runners track the pace at which they are running. This might be the best advantage to training with a GPS watch. Runners get feedback in real-rime, allowing them to adjust their running on the spot.

GPS watches are also useful for rigorous interval training. Runners can choose to run a certain distance, such as two miles, or run for a specific length of time, such as 30 minutes. Runners are able to compare past data to their current run to see what they should improve and determine what is working.

The International Journal of Exercise Science noted that GPS watches help runners run at a steadier pace while they are training in comparison to runners who trained without this technology.

Fleet Management GPS Improves Cable Companies Service

Cable Companies Find Fleet Management GPS Improves Service

Cable companies can improve customer service and reduce costs using GoFleet’s fleet management GPS. GoFleet improves cable company fleets efficiency to ensure all response times are met. The fleet management GPS software helps fleet managers maximize productivity and increase efficiency while decreasing operating costs and technicians’ overtime.

Cable companies must find a balance between providing high quality customer service and maintaining their fleet’s operational expenses. With GoFleet’s fleet management GPS, you are able to achieve both. Our industry-leading cable company GPS system provides many valuable tools for tracking vehicles, analysis and management reporting. This will enable your fleet to enhance customer service, lower costs, improve driver safety, maximize fleet efficiency and reduce greenhouse emissions.

GoFleet’s fleet management software is a comprehensive fleet management solution that automates tracking your fleet of cable vehicles with fleet intelligence. Our fleet management software meets the needs of all cable companies regardless of your workload or schedule. It can scale even the most complex cable company, no matter the weight, route or size of the fleet.

When a cable company implements GoFleet’s fleet management GPS, they usually see cost savings immediately. Fuel consumption can be reduced up to 30%. Overtime is often reduced by approximately 15%. Driver productivity can be increased by approximately 12% and unauthorized vehicle can be reduced by approximately 12%. These savings can add up significantly. The GoFleet fleet management GPS system can eliminate inefficient practices that are negatively affecting your maintenance and operating costs.

The fleet management GPS system will improve your customer service. You will be able to give your customers actual time of arrivals and short service windows. If a customer calls you because a driver is late, you can let the customer know exactly where the driver is and exactly when the driver will arrive. Your customers will not be stuck at their location waiting for service all day.

For more information about how GoFleet’s fleet management GPS system can improve your customer service and reduce operation expenses, Contact Us.

GPS Sports Shoes Will Help Guide The Visually Impaired

The Visually Impaired Can Soon Use GPS Sports Shoes For Guidance

A company in India is about to launch GPS sports shoes that will vibrate in order to guide the person wearing them. The shoes will be equipped with a Bluetooth transmitter that is detachable. The Bluetooth can be linked directly to a smartphone application that will guide the person wearing them to their destination using Google Maps according to the International Business Times.

The shoes will vibrate to let the wearer know whether he/she should go right or left. They will also keep track of the distance walked, steps taken and calories that were burned.

When the CEO got the idea for vibrating GPS sports shoes, they realized it could be used to help people who are visually challenged as it would work without physical or audio distractions. It will also help people who do not want to have to constantly look at their phone.

The GPS sports shoes work instinctively. It is similar for someone tapping your shoulder to let you know which direction to walk.

The founders of the company were engineering students who started the company in their apartment. It now has over 50 employees. Although competitors are currently offering a GPS shoe for patients with dementia, the new company designed the GPS sports shoes for people who want functional footwear and something more stylish. The CEO mentioned that early wearable GPS technology had a machine-like look but that is changing now.

Dr. Anthony Vipin Das is currently testing the GPS sports shoes. He believes it is the perfect item because you will never forget to put your shoes on. He said that it can be of great assistance to the visually impaired in addition to their cane.

The company is in talks with United States retailers to start supplying the shoes before the 2014 holiday season. The GPS sports shoes are going to be manufactured in China and are scheduled to be released in September.

GPS Tracking Equipment: The Optimal School Bus Solution

The Optimal School Bus Solution: GoFleet’s GPS Tracking Equipment

In today’s economy, many school districts are facing budget cuts without sacrificing the students’ safety. School district transportation fleet managers are responsible for all of the children every day from the time they step foot on the school bus. State laws are extremely strict in regards to school buses because they want to ensure that the safest driving and operational procedures are being followed. GoFleet’s GPS tracking equipment can be used to help reduce costs and improve school bus safety.

School districts with GoFleet’s GPS tracking equipment are impressed with how helpful the data is for school bus management. Fleet managers are able to answer daily questions about school bus operation. If a school bus driver’s driving was in question, fleet managers can provide accurate information about the school bus’ speed, arrival and departure times, and location information.

GoFleet’s GPS tracking equipment data can be used to help school districts monitor many things. It can track how late the school bus is and pinpoint the buses exact location if it breaks down. It will also record bus idling times so that routes are able to be adjusted and made more efficient. This will help reduce the miles traveled and time on the road. Making the routes more efficient will save time, reduce fuel usage and lower operational expenses. Most importantly, the GPS tracking equipment will help keep the children as safe as possible. If a problem ever occurs on the bus, the school district will know the children’s location immediately.

Transportation managers share many of same issues as commercial fleet managers. Without GoFleet’s GPS tracking equipment, it is difficult to obtain accurate information about how long each stop took, routes driven, driver’s location and keeping up with bus maintenance. With GPS tracking equipment, school bus managers can easily monitor the buses, ensure child safety, keep the parents happy and reduce overhead. The fleet management system, will help the school district uncover many hidden costs that can reduce wasteful spending including excessive idling, underutilized buses and inefficient routing.

For more information about how GoFleet’s GPS tracking equipment can improve your school districts’ school bus system, Contact Us.