GPS Fleet Solutions Are Proving Valuable For Small Fleets

Small Fleets Are Finding Major Value In GPS Fleet Solutions

Regardless of the size of your fleet, business tracking software using GPS will provide extremely valuable tools and data that will improve your fleet operations. Many business owners think that their fleet is too small to use business tracking software; however, even small fleets with only a few vehicles find that this fleet management tool improves customer services, reduces costs and improves driver productivity.

Small businesses need to be able to monitor their fleet closely to save money and run their operations more efficiently. GPS fleet solutions can be used to update older fleet management methods to improve their operations and automate many time consuming processes. It also helps fleet managers monitor their drivers’ behaviors to eliminate unsafe driving habits.

Businesses with manual processes find that they have more mistakes, increased labor costs, and encounter more vehicle, fuel and labor theft issues. GPS fleet solutions provide a system for small businesses to monitor these metrics so they do not slip by without being noticed. In addition, it improves theft recovery. Having to replace a stolen vehicle is expensive and could break a small business.

GPS fleet solutions are now affordable for all business sizes so small fleets have access to tools that can automate their fleet operations. In addition, many businesses see reduced costs and a return on their investment within a matter of months. These tools can be used to improve customer service and give the business a competitive advantage.

Small businesses need to investigate possible GPS fleet solutions based their individual needs, industry and budget. The company the select should be selected based on their ability to prevent theft, increase efficiency, increase productivity, save costs. Furthermore, the solution they chose must be able to be scaled as their business grows.

GPS Capabilities In Anklet Helps Juvenile Court System

Anklet With GPS Capabilities Helps Juvenile Courts

As many people stop using landlines in their home, they are still a must-have for most people on house arrest. In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the juvenile system uses ankle bracelets that are really cell phones with GPS capabilities. Landlines are no longer necessary. It is a different story for non-violent offenders in the adult system, they still need this old telephone technology to serve house arrest. If the adults do not have a working landline at their home with no features including call waiting or DSL the do not qualify for house arrest.

These new house arrest devices with cell phone and GPS capabilities have other advantages also. For example, the young offenders can be monitored when they are approved to leave their house. The juvenile probation officers know where the juveniles are 24 hours a day – 7 days a week using the GPS capabilities of the ankle bracket. In addition, the juvenile probation officers can speak to the juvenile offenders via the GPS device with voice capabilities.

The ankle bracelet with GPS capabilities also has a software installed that can help solve crimes. If there is a high profile crime, shooting or any other crime in the area, the ankle bracelet with GPS capabilities can be used to put in a time and address from the crime to see if there were any youth that were in the area at the time of the crime.

In addition, the ankle bracelet with GPS capabilities has a locator that is an alarm that sounds like a police siren. If a juvenile offender violates the terms of his or her release, the siren will help authorities locate the offender if they are trying to hide. This is helpful if the offender is hiding in a large crowd or even in a home. The siren is so loud, the probation officers will have a much easier time locating a house-arrest violator.

police - GPS monitoring device

GPS Monitoring Device Used To Protect Domestic Violence Victims

Domestic Violence Victims Have GPS Monitoring Device Option

In Memphis, Tennessee, a GPS monitoring device can be used to notify a domestic violence victim that they might be in harm’s way. Many believe that if more domestic violence victims knew about this option, many tragic cases might not have ended as badly.

All domestic violence victims have to do is petition the court to use the GPS monitoring device on the perpetrator. The problem: many victims to not know GPS monitoring is an option. The court system and law enforcement agencies need to do a better job at educating domestic violence victims about what their options are to keep them safe.

Lawmakers are saying that if Charles Thomas was required to wear a GPS monitoring device, Tasha Thomas might still be alive today. On Tuesday, day care worker Tasha Thomas was outside of work when Charles Thomas, her husband, approached. All she had was a restraining order against her husband. The day ended in tragedy when murder-suicide left both Tasha and Charles dead.

According to Tennessee state law, Charles Thomas could have been forced to wear the GPS monitoring device. This device would have alerted Tasha Thomas by SMS text message when her husband was approaching and danger was near. The device would have also alerted the local police. The police would have been sent to the scene as soon as her husband was close by Tasha’s job. The entire tragedy could have been prevented.

Because many domestic violence victims are unaware of this option, a domestic violence victim lost her life and her children lost both of their parents.

Domestic violence victims need to seek help from local agencies to find out what other options are available to them in addition to just filing a restraining order. A restraining order is just a piece of paper and does not guarantee anyone’s safety. Victims need to devise a safety plan and know what their rights are. For more information about domestic violence visit the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence.

GPS Tracking Technology Used To Find Stolen Electronics

Police Find Stolen Electronics Using GPS Tracking Technology

Officials in Palm Beach, Florida are using GPS tracking technology to catch thieves. As an increasing number of people are buying personal electronics that automatically include GPS tracking technology, such as iPhones, smartphones and iPads, law enforcement has seen a jump in solved crimes. As long as the owners have activated their GPS software with device tracking, when the device gets stolen they can call the police to help them get their electronics back.

This GPS tracking technology is built into the devices. All the owners have to do is make sure the tracking services are turned on. Phones and other personal electronics can cost as much as $500+. The fact that this small valuable device is being carried around by the victims is enticing to thieves. That is a major reason that there has been a rise in tablet and smartphone thefts.

One of the problems law enforcement has is getting people to turn on the tracking services prior to the device being stolen. There is not much that can be done if the owner never turned the tracking services on. Officers have been working to educate people about these valuable free services that can be used to find your things after it was stolen. There are device applications, such as “Find My iPhone” and other free tracking applications that can be downloaded on practically all tablets and smartphones.

The other problem the Palm Beach police face is staying one-step ahead of the thieves. Thieves know that more consumers are turning the tracking services on when they purchase the electronic device. That is why they are taking steps to make sure the GPS tracking cannot be enabled by taking out the battery as soon as they steal the device.

While the department still faces obstacles when trying to find stolen personal electronic devices, they are still locating more electronics than ever before. According to the Sun Sentinel, enabling GPS tracking is the simplest solution for people whose phones and tablets get stolen.

GPS Tracking Devices Used To Study Sheepdog Behavior

Scientists Use GPS Tracking Devices To Study Sheepdog Behavior

A team of researchers in the United Kingdom used GPS tracking devices to study the movements and behaviors of working sheepdogs and their flock of sheep. The BBC reports that the sheepdogs do not just chase after the flock.

The relationship between a sheepdog and their flock of sheep has always seemed magical but now, thanks to GPS tracking devices, it can be explained. The GPS data revealed there are actually mathematical secrets of how one sheepdog can herd over 100 unruly sheep.

The GPS tracking devices uncovered two rules for the sheepdog and their flock of sheep. Rule one: The sheepdog first learns how to make the sheep flock together. Rule two: Once the sheep are flocked in a tight group, the dog pushes the group to where they want.

The sheepdog sees the sheep as fluffy white things. If they see gaps or notice the gaps getting bigger, the dog knows to bring them together. Dr. Andrew King, the study co-author, was shocked to discover how simple the rules are for the relationship.

Dr. King worked to design specialized backpacks with GPS tracking devices for the sheep and the sheepdog. The backpacks were then attached to the animals. The researchers had many different ideas when they first started. After looking at the relationship from a birds-eye-view, the researchers determined they needed to study it from the sheepdogs’ point-of-view.

The GPS data was used to develop computer simulations and the shepherding model. The mathematical algorithm, revealed by the GPS tracking devices, solves what is known as the “the shepherding problem”. The shepherding problem is how one agent is able to control a large amount of reluctant agents. The data could be used to develop “shepherd robots” that can be used for crowd control or oil spill clean-up.

GPS Devices Help Scientists Monitor The Drought In California

Scientists Are Monitoring California’s Drought Using GPS Devices

A new study that was published in Science Daily suggests that that scientists are able to use GPS devices to monitor and track the drought in California. Although it is reasonably easy to measure surface water and precipitation, water sources that are underground and aquifers are hard to measure because they are difficult to get to.

Scientists are placing the GPS devices directly underneath the earth’s surface, throughout California, and measuring their movements. This allows the scientists to get an exact estimate of how much the water has depleted.

When there is a drought, the earth’s surface is “uplifted.” According to geologists, an “uplift” is when the earth’s crust slightly lifts up because there is less water weighing it down. In Coastal Range and southern Sierra Nevada, a previous study recorded uplift ranges from of 1 to 3 millimeters each year.

The current study reviewed the past 11 years of uplift data in the western United States using GPS devices. As of March 2014, there was a loss of approximately 230 gigatons of water over the past 11 years. That is equivalent to the mass loss in one year from the Greenland ice sheet. In an effort to save water, some California residents have even painted their lawns green. California’s agricultural sector has been tough on the limited water supply including thriving marijuana business. Furthermore, the citizens of California are consuming water at a rapid pace.

The new study using GPS devices provided some good news regarding the earthquake risk in California. In the past, there were some experts that expressed their concern that the drought could create additional stress on the San Andreas Fault, which runs through the state. The new study found that the additional stress will “unlikely” affect the earthquake risk.

The new approach to drought measurement and tracking using GPS devices provides a better way for scientists to monitor underground conditions. The GPS devices are placed in underground stations throughout the western United States. These stations provide a precise view of the amount of water in the soil. If the GPS method were to be widely adopted, scientists suggest that it could drastically change the range of water monitoring throughout the world, providing many economic and social benefits.

GPS Tracking Devices Are Expected to Surpass $3.5 Billion By 2019

In 2019 GPS Tracking Devices Expected To Surpass $3.5 Billion

ABI Research reported that GPS tracking devices including fleet management, health, Beacons, and wearables, and are expected to generate over $3.5 billion by the year 2019. ABI Research provides quantitative forecasting and in-depth analysis in global connectivity trends and emerging technology.

In the past, the market was struggling to meet its potential because of huge barriers including the subscription requirements, the inability to track inside, high prices, and severe fragmentation and regionalization. As a result, the GPS market was not able to lower costs or create revenue to support the needed advertising/marketing campaigns.

Wearable GPS devices, which are designed for the elderly, children and pets, have boosted the market. In addition there is a growing use of GPS tracking devices among companies for fleet management and employee tracking, which has also contributed to the sales increase.

“Personal Location Device and Application Markets”, ABI Research’s latest report, considers the adoption of GPS tracking devices as well as smartphone applications across families, workers, elderly, health industry, personal assets and pets. The market potential continues to draw interest and investment. There have been a ton of new companies entering the market over the past year.

  New start-ups are entering the market, such as Mastermaut and iBeacons, and are moving into lone worker applications and workforce management areas. The home market is also evolving to a support personal protection of cars, children and pets.

As many GPS units are being offered at a lower prices, they have been adopted all over the world for many applications. There has been a significant increase in shipments of GPS units over the past 12 months. iBeacons will solve the issue of indoor location issues and create a low-cost entry point. They are expected to be a major driver in the market. This new market boom is raising both consumer awareness and acceptance.

References: ABI Research

Benefits of GPS Vehicle Tracking With Garmin Integration

GPS Vehicle Tracking With Garmin Integration

In keeping with the promise of making the most superior products in the automotive, aviation, marine, outdoor and sports industry that are an essential part of our lives, Garmin is a market leader in creating value and quality for the customer. Indeed, GPS vehicle tracking with Garmin integration has made it easier for business owners to track their trucks and for individuals to monitor their personal cars as well.

For business people, this platform has enabled them to facilitate easier communication with various vehicles dispatched from their central places of work, all the way to the field. With the capability of this system sending and receiving alerts and messages in real time has made lots of people start to shun those time consuming (and sometimes dangerous) phone calls as a means of tracking the whereabouts of their vehicles. The end result here is less time wastage, ensuring the safety of your drivers to keep them off the phone while driving and increased productivity.

As if that wasn’t enough, GPS vehicle tracking with Garmin integration offers you as a driver a cut and dry communication avenue avoiding a lot of mind boggling challenges on the road and more so with features like the preloaded detailed maps of more than 40 states that offer the latest updates, navigable complex interchanges, easy to search points of interest and addresses mode, you can definitely enjoy your journey. One of the more important things while driving is having the ability to keep your eyes on the road and not get distracted by responding to a phone call or text message. This is undoubtedly the basic advantage here.

Need to make more money as a business owner? Here we go! With this tool, your driver(s) can get feeds and avoid traffic jams, road diversions and other pitfalls along the way therefore getting to your destination a lot quicker. With other integration options you can count on various functionalities that you may require. In a large extent, GPS vehicle tracking with Garmin integration includes tons of features of creating and assigning tasks based on addresses, monitoring job statuses at any time and remotely and ensuring seamless communication between the dispatch team and the team back at the office.

To learn more about our GPS tracking solutions and GPS vehicle tracking with Garmin integration contact one of our fleet consultants today! Call 1-888-998-1122 or email [email protected].

This article was written by guest author Samuel Abuya.

Fuel Management Software For Your Fleet

Fleet Fuel Management Software

Keeping track of your fuel usage of a fleet of vehicles, no matter if it is a fleet of 2 or 2000 can be quite difficult. Fuel management software can help you keep track of fuel usage, where fuel is being wasted, and most importantly save you money.

GoFleet’s GPS fleet tracking system comes equipped with fuel management software. Fuel is clearly one of the biggest operating costs for many organizations so having a solution to provide advanced fuel management tools is very important. Not only will you receive the benefits of our fuel management software but you will also benefit from the many other elements our system has to offer.

Our GPS tracking devices are plug and play. There is no messy wiring, no install costs and best of all you can do it yourself in a couple of minutes.

GoFleet also provides all our valued customers with training on how to get the most out of our system.

Some of our Fuel Management Software features include:

  1. Idling Time Reports
  2. Driver Scorecard Reports
  3. Audio In-Car Driver Coaching
  4. Route Optimization
  5. Fuel Usage Report

Idling Time & Cost Reports
Reduce the time your drivers spend idling to save you money on fuel. Idling time is normally the biggest fuel waster we commonly see with our clients. Our advanced idling report can show you just how much time your drivers are spending idling AND how much it is costing your company.

fuel management software idling cost report

Driver Scorecard Reports
Our driver scorecard report shows all the “bad habits” of your drivers. These habits also are contributing to your wasted fuel. The habits include: speeding, harsh braking, hard acceleration and harsh cornering. The scorecard allows you to compare your drivers and see which ones may need some of your time to sit down with them and discuss their driving habits. These bad driving habits are a huge contributor to wasted fuel.

Fuel management software driver scorecard

Audio In-Car Driver Coaching
Our driver coaching audio alerts (beeping function inside the car) helps drivers to correct fuel expending faults such as idling and speeding on their own. It is a reminder to them when they have had the car idling for too long, or go too high over the speed limit you set, to correct the behavior right away.

Route Optimization
Our advanced Route Optimization software allows you to optimize your route based on shorter distance and travelling time to further reduce your fuel consumption.

Fuel Usage Report
Fuel Usage Report is exactly what it sounds like, a report on the entire organization split up by drivers determining the fuel usage and costs for a specific period of time.

Fuel management software fuel report

We want to work with you to save you money. Contact one of our fleet consultants today to learn more.

Green Fleet Management With GPS Fleet Tracking

Run a Green Fleet with GPS Fleet Tracking

According to the Energy Information Administration (EIA) about 20 pounds of CO2 emissions are produced from burning a gallon of gasoline. About 23 pounds of CO2 emissions are produced by burning a gallon of diesel fuel. EIA estimates that in 2013 US diesel fuel and gasoline consumption for transportation resulted in the emission of close to 1,095 and 227 million metric tons of CO2 for a grand total of 1,522 million metric tons of CO2.

Running a Green Fleet may have come up in some of your meetings, or has been suggested but nothing has been done about it because it seems like a very difficult and exhausting task. Running a green fleet was more than likely brought to your attention from an ethical perspective to help the environment and do your part as a company. What you may not have considered is the real economic concerns that also exist. It is in your best interest as a company to run a green fleet not only for environmental factors, but for increasing revenue and retaining existing customers as well.

In the increasingly environmentally conscious world we live in there is no excuse for organizations to not make the effort to run a green fleet, or at least a greener fleet than they are currently running. You will be more likely to retain your current customers as well as attract new eco-minded customers who are only looking to work with environmentally conscious companies. By making the commitment to running a green fleet you will also be saving your company money on high fuel costs.

Green Fleet Benefits:

  • Reduce Fuel Expenses
  • Increase revenue by appealing to eco-minded customers
  • Help the environment and make a difference by reducing emissions
  • Increase vehicle lifespan
  • Reduce unexpected maintenance

GoFleet makes running a green fleet easy and would love the opportunity to work with you to lower your CO2 emissions and increase your fuel savings. Contact one of our fleet consultants today to learn more about our GPS fleet tracking systems and how we can bring you closer to running a green fleet!
