dashcams, dash camera, company culture, gofleet, fleet, transportation

Are Dash Cams Bringing Your Work Culture Down?

If you really want to get an animated conversation going with truck drivers, mention dash cams. While drivers have more or less accepted road-facing cameras as part of the job, many remain skeptical or outright opposed to having one positioned within the cab, tracking their movements and driving behaviours. 


Since driver-facing dash cams are becoming the norm, this is a great time to take a look at how dash cam technology can actually be a benefit, not a detriment, to your drivers and to your organization’s safety culture.


Dash cam pain points


The way in which dash cams are presented to drivers makes all the difference in impacting buy-in and engagement. Many commercial truck drivers feel that dash cams, particularly cab-facing devices, are an invasion of privacy. This sentiment rings especially true in instances where drivers use an area of the cab to sleep and eat (as an aside, sleeper berths are not considered a “home” and as such, are exempt from current privacy laws).


Furthermore, disclosure is an essential component that can make or break your work culture. Companies must let their employees know if and how dash cams will be used in their fleets, but the ways in which they do so will determine whether drivers remain within the company, or leave in droves to pursue other opportunities.

There are enough stories on the internet to affirm surveillance culture in some companies that implement dash cams (read our story here about Amazon and Netradyne), often the direct result of a lack of transparency or care for their drivers’ collective safety. 


The truth is that most dash cams only transmit a short segment of data that includes time directly before and after an event is triggered. No fleet manager has the time or the desire to search through hours of continuous footage. For a great perspective on how to talk to your drivers about implementing dash cams, read here.


ZenduCAM AD+


Demand within the dash cam market is expected to increase by 150% (from 2018), no matter what side of the fence your drivers are on. Customers are familiar with dash cams, and have more requirements — and higher expectations — than ever before.


The new ZenduCAM AD+ is an HD dual-facing camera that offers best-in-class industry features to solve your technology pain points and improve work culture within your fleet. Combining an advanced AI processor, built-in advanced driver-assistance system (ADAS) and Driver Management System (DMS) capabilities, the AD+ monitors risky driver behaviour and delivers real-time incident detection to protect your drivers, reduce false positives and lower costs.

ZenduCAM AD+

Filter out low-risk events and false alerts with ZenduIT’s industry-leading managed services. Automatically dismiss events that don’t represent an actual risk, and prioritize the most critical events to simplify compliance adherence and improve productivity.


Working synergistically with the Trax app, fleet managers have a full field view and access to location updates in real-time on a virtual map. Moreover, advanced facial recognition means you know who has been using your vehicles, and when. You can receive alerts, escalate and coach events, and view the distribution of assets on a cloud-based map instantaneously.


The fastest road to a safe, positive work environment is to show your drivers how an advanced dash cam system can keep them safe. Equip and coach them in real-time with our advanced AI and Data Analytics models, designed to monitor unsafe behaviours such as tailgating, speeding, not wearing a seatbelt, and other vehicle movements to alert and coach drivers in real-time while ensuring their privacy. When your drivers get an alert from the Trax Mobile App, they know it matters.


ZenduCAM AD+ uses a tested human-machine interface to improve your drivers’ ability to react to dangers on the road. This system increases safety, protects your assets and improves workflow. Moreover, improved algorithms mean your drivers aren’t penalized for driving offences they didn’t commit, leading to an improved workplace.


Technological innovation and automation have greatly increased the popularity of dash cam systems in commercial vehicles. Don’t get left behind, improve your safety culture today!

airport ground operations, aircraft, aviation, pandemic, telematics, fleet

Fly High With The Right Tools For Your Airport Ground Operations

The airline industry has been hit hard by the ongoing pandemic. Dropping travel demand, travel restrictions at the borders and travellers lack of confidence in airplane travel has put the global aviation industry into the biggest financial crisis since 9/11. Airlines are struggling, with many in danger of immediate collapse, and experts predict that it will take years for the industry to fully recover from the impacts of the pandemic. It’s not just airlines that are suffering from low travel demand and astronomical revenue loss; many support sectors in the air transportation field, such as the airport ground handling service, airline catering service, airport retails and commercials, are all experiencing the turbulence of pandemic. Job cuts and salary adjustments have already become way too familiar in these sectors in the past few months as the coronavirus pandemic has wiped out tens of thousands of jobs in the aviation field and grounded most of the airline fleets. 


Unprecedented Challenges And New Opportunities For Airport Ground Operations

With the positive incoming news regarding the development of vaccines and planned mass vaccination happening soon, hope is on the horizon. In fact, even though during the pandemic period we saw a sharp decline in passenger volumes across the board, cargo flights were booming in business as they formulate vital links and connections between countries. They are the critical workforce in the global logistics network, transporting and distributing time-sensitive and temperature-sensitive pharmaceuticals, personal protective equipment and vaccines between countries. Additionally, as the coronavirus testing technology continues to evolve, rapid testing has been widely applauded by the airlines as a scientific and effective method to restore traveller’s confidence in airplane travel along with the ease in border restrictions and quarantine rules. In the foreseeable future, with vast immunization across the world, the establishment of travel bubbles between countries, and the introduction of immunity passports, we are expecting travel demand to quickly pick up soon. 

Extraordinary times call for extraordinary actions and responses. Airport ground handling crews are the most pivotal group of employees working the frontlines by supporting the airport operations and aircraft movement 24/7. Most work directly for airlines or contracted ground handling companies, and their positions and tasks can range from providing customer service, ramp services and conducting aircraft maintenance. We will primarily focus on the ramp service crew and see how their work enables the airport to function smoothly throughout the pandemic. We are also going to explore how technology tools power them through the everyday workflow. 

Ramp agents are responsible for a variety of tasks, including loading and off-loading baggage and cargo, directing planes to and from their gates, de-icing airplanes, operating baggage carts and pushback tractors and many more activities. It requires a collaborative effort between multiple departments to service each aircraft. In busier airports, ramp service agents may need to service multiple aircrafts at the same time, which demands a high level of precision, accuracy and efficiency. 

Airport operations and air traffic movements follow a strict set of schedules and plans where each flight is assigned with a dedicated take-off and landing slot. Any ground operation delays for a flight could have a domino effect on other flights, resulting in a more wide-spread delay across the airport and disrupting regular traffic flow. Air traffic controllers have to reassign new departure windows to each following aircraft and adjust airport departure rates and arrival rates to bring the airport operations back to normal. The longer the airplanes are sitting at the gates, the more money airlines are losing. Airlines need airplanes to stay in the air as much as possible to turn profits. Airplanes sitting on the ground will keep burning cash as airlines need to pay crew members as well as aircraft and ownership costs. Lengthy delays could also negatively affect passenger satisfaction. During the pandemic, airlines were focusing on preserving cash flow and revamping their operations and business models to survive this challenging period. Any ground delays can further impact a business’s long-term financial status, which threatens the airlines future. Poor on-time performance can also drive away loyal customers, which is a huge loss for any airline during the pandemic and may slow down the economic recovery of the business after travel demand picks up again. 

All of this demonstrates that airport ground handling service must be done in an efficient and cost-saving manner in the post-pandemic world to support the recovery of the aviation industry. The new standards pressure the ground service contractors to use the least possible labour and adopt all cost-cutting measures but maintain the same level of service and quality. It may seem impossible to balance these conflicting factors, but modern technology has showcased proven solutions that help ground service contractors and agents to fly through operational tasks with mobile computer vision.

Introducing telematics — one of the most reliable and widely adopted assets and human resource management systems that completely transforms how ground operation managers and equipment operators navigate their day. We will go through 8 different ways of how telematics can simplify workflow, maximize productivity, drive down costs and secure operations. 


Stay On Top Of The Operations

When you have so many airport assets and vehicles to manage, you need to stay on top of the entire operation. With telematics, getting a full picture of the fleet and operations on any device could not be easier. Our scalable system automatically compiles all the critical information and displays it on one simple intuitive map which gives you full visibility and control of the operations.


Streamline Work Process From Start To Finish

Our system can be easily integrated with airport systems and IT infrastructures, where the system automatically establishes work orders, determines priorities and assigns work to equipment operators. The whole process takes into consideration multiple factors, including aircraft pushback time, arrival time, the amount of workload for ground handling agents and an estimation of how long it will take to complete the work. The system algorithms are designed to optimize and best utilize the available resources to ensure timely pushback of every flight. By giving equipment operators a clearer view of their upcoming tasks and the information of the aircraft they need to service next, they can more efficiently plan out their day and improve their productivity.

We also focused on providing a simplified workflow for fleet managers. Our innovative dashboard is the ideal place where fleet managers can find a summary of all the real-time fleet critical metrics and data. Our system can automatically notify fleet managers if a disruption happens during the ground handling operations that may result in a pushback delay for the aircraft, so that fleet managers can be alerted and take appropriate responses such as dispatching extra resources to mitigate the impacts. 


The Most Expansive Customization, Right In Your Hands

The airport is a very unique and special setting where rules need to be strictly enforced. We provide the most expansive list of software and hardware customization options, so you can have complete freedom to create systems, dashboards, maps or hardware packages that best serve your interests and key focuses. Geofencing is a powerful tool in our system where fleet managers can set up predefined boundaries, establish special rules and restrictions to control asset movements and provide clear instructions to asset operators. It allows fleet managers to draw zones around places of work to create a highly organized workflow that drastically improves airport operation efficiency. 


Safety Is A Top Priority

Safety is a top priority in any workplace. This is especially true for airport operations, where any collision and accident can be costly and catastrophic. This is a place where safety rules have to be strictly enforced, and no mistake is allowed. In responding to the stringent safety measures and standards, telematics solution providers offer a comprehensive 360-degree protection solution that could have a meaningful impact on the operations. The collision avoidance technology, driver distraction camera and all-angle vehicle camera system, form a multi-layered safety protection net that effectively reduces the possibility of collision and accidents. The driver scoring dashboard is the first-of-its-kind in the industry that adopted advanced sensing technology to assign a safety score for each equipment operator, helping to promote good driving behaviours among the fleet. 


Real Saving That You Can See

Throughout the pandemic, we learned that businesses are putting an increased focus on cost management. For heavily impacted sectors, such as the aviation industry, companies and airlines are searching for every opportunity to cut down on unnecessary costs and preserve important cash flow. For ground operations, fuel is one of the top expenditures and managing fuel consumption has been the number one priority for ground service contractors and airlines. However, you cannot effectively cut down on fuel consumption without first knowing all the fleet’s critical energy consumption data and metrics. Telematics is the central platform enabling fleet managers to monitor fuel consumption, set up targets for minimizing the costs and to keep an eye on the overall fleet costs. Our package includes leading sensor solutions, helping fleet managers extract vital information from vehicle parts and components. Our software utilizes advanced algorithms and machine learning models to analyze data and create tailored step-by-step solutions to assist fleet managers in driving down costs. 


Small Steps, Big Difference

We deeply care about the environment, and that’s why we integrate features allowing fleet managers to measure the fleet’s environmental and carbon footprint. Our vehicle’s onboard sensors can help fleet managers track drivers’ behaviours such as harsh braking, engine idling that directly affect fuel consumption and carbon footprints. The road navigation system integrated with our telematics platform always assigns equipment operators with the most efficient route to their destinations in the airport, slashing both carbon footprints and fuel spending. 


Your Asset, Now Secured

Fleet managers never want any unauthorized individual to operate airport equipment. Our telematics solution packs in an encrypted onboard driver authentication feature where only operators and personnel that hold the authorized ID card can access and operate the vehicles. This type of controlled access can clearly reduce unauthorized equipment usage and eliminate injuries to untrained, non-qualified crew members.  


Protect Your Fleet – With Proof

Accidents that happened at the airport can be devastating and extremely expensive. Think about what if one of the ground handling equipment collides and damages the airplane; who should be responsible for the damage? When it comes to determining liability and responsibility, fleet managers need to equip the vehicle with the right tool, such as dash cameras, to help them document the event and analyze who was at fault. It’s a handy add-on that can protect your business and prove your operators are not at fault during an accident, which can save your business from paying hefty compensation that you actually should not be responsible for. 

The aviation sector will prevail and bounce back eventually. Though nobody can be certain about when people will be confident to fly again,  airlines and ground handling companies are devoting all efforts to ensure they can navigate through the turbulent time and come back in a stronger position. The effects of the pandemic will be felt in aviation for several years to come, but we are ready to give a helping hand.

Our industry-leading telematics solutions provide the necessary support to help your business deliver high-quality service during the pandemic and build resilience to endure hardship. Speak with our industry-specific specialists to discuss how we can help your businesses to fly high during this unprecedented time. 

Telematics in dangerous sectors

How Telematics Comes Into Play In Dangerous Sectors

In any industry, workplace safety is of critical importance. Industries where contract workers are hired by authoritative management corporations to complete tasks in dangerous sectors, often find themselves looking at how they can improve safety measures.

As many tasks in these fields require the use of heavy machinery or the movement of large and hazardous items – many are looking at how telematics advancements can help.


Hiring In Dangerous Sectors

To fully understand the need to implement safety measures via telematics, the hiring process must be understood in dangerous sectors such as construction, transportation, forestry or logging and even mining and oil. In these industries, businesses often outsource work by hiring contractors rather than hire full or part-time workers. There are number of reasons why:


Productivity and Finances 

Often in these dangerous sectors, this type of work is seasonal. This means that workers are only required at certain times of the year. Corporations prefer the flexibility of outsourcing work, so they do not have to deal with the administrative challenges of constantly having to layoff workers at the end of each busy season.

Corporations understand the massive financial benefits of outsourcing to contractors. Operations managers discovered that by hiring seasonally, they can perform cost comparisons in terms of productivity and pay for all workers.

They are able to perform such comparisons during the season to monitor and re-hire the best-performing contractors. As a result, corporations can maximize their productivity and revenues, allowing them to remain competitive in an aggressive marketplace.


Reduced Liability  

By outsourcing work and hiring seasonal contractors, many corporations also find that they can improve their liability risk. This enables their business to be more focused on supplying the proper safety requirements, while the actual need to carry out safe work practices are shifted to a  constructor or general contractor who undertakes ownership of the project.

It is important to highlight that corporations will be required to ensure safety in the means of: (i) ensuring proper training is available; (ii) all workers and supervisors are properly trained on safety policies or precautions; (iii) have the appropriate safety tools; or (iv) the proper equipment and safety environment to protect the workers.

This means that the constructor is responsible for ensuring that all workers on site are complying with safety policies, procedures and obligations – or inadvertent liability.


Risk Evaluation and Assessment: Onsite and Offsite 

In sectors where authoritative management governs worksites, the concern of safety does not end there. There are risks when workers are moving supplies or travelling between sites. When risk is evident in numerous locations at varying times, the need to collect and analyze data to evaluate risk becomes even more critical. 


Onsite Risk

Onsite risks are typically limited to the immediate actions of contractors. Often this refers to the knowledge of training and precautionary measures taken by workers while completing tasks. For example, knowing how to safely harvest timber and load lumber into the flatbed of a truck with the use of heavy machinery. When proper training and undamaged tools or equipment is utilized, the onsite risk is significantly lowered.


Offsite Risk

In comparison, offsite risks are factored-in to the immediate actions of contractors – as well as their working environment. As much as offsite risks arise when goods are being transported, contractors must be attentive to their surroundings. A wide range of unpredictable incidents can happen at any job site – including injury, road clean up and even lost resources.

A business can mitigate the risks by having pre-trip checks on the vehicle or implementing tools to ensure that strict safety protocols are being followed.


How Authoritative Management Can Reduce Risks

To properly reduce risk and liability concerns, fleets in these dangerous sectors must investigate risks and assess danger in the field. To better understand current initiatives and procedures, companies must evaluate key historical safety indicators – which will shed light on how efforts may need to change.   

In order to fully understand your current KPIs and solutions framework, a telematics assessment should be performed. It’s important to note that while solutions may have several advantages, it is critical to understand how the solution will specifically target safety.

There are three options that can be implemented in industries that are dangerous or hazardous for its workers.


1 Sensorizing Your Fleet 

Installing sensors throughout your fleet can minimize risk as the devices can act as a safety precaution. Since the technology transmits various data internally, many corporations have found sensors to be useful for the following: displaying real-time GPS location, displaying alerts or notifications and confirming weight or load requirements.

When sensors are installed onto equipment or vehicles, teams can know the exact movement of the asset it is attached to, in addition to certain compliance requirements that may need to be met – such as weight or load. However, one important use to highlight is the alert system for trip inspections, as the sensor can convey whether certain safety precautions are faulty. This means that unsecure lids or caps, loose straps, completed walk around checks or even whether a contractor has the proper training on file to use certain equipment can be detected. 


2 Increased Visibility With Cameras 

Cameras can be installed throughout fleets to monitor the use and performance of vehicles and heavy equipment. Not only can this record the events in view of the device, such as general employee safety on site, but it detects whether contractors are using the equipment properly while moving between two points.

The most important feature of using the cameras, however, is to perform incident reviews when there is an accident, reported issue or complaint of delay. By having footage readily available, site managers are able to review what happened rather than rely on worker or civilian recollection. Meaning proper actions like additional training, suspension, or understanding of liability and fault can happen. 


3 Safety Scoring And Training Integrations 

As previously mentioned, cameras can be used to help shed light on more training opportunities. Specifically, equipment use via engine monitoring and camera surveillance can be used to determine safety scores for each worker. This allows for performance ratings to be completed and even allows for training or site suspension to be assigned based on the person’s skills or knowledge of procedures.


Use Case: Forestry and Logging 

To ensure safety in a high-risk sector like forestry, many authoritative corporations are implementing telematics solutions throughout their operations. Such telematics solutions include the three previously discussed tools: sensors, cameras and scoring or training systems. 

By sensorizing fleets, corporations in logging are able to ensure that certain actions are always taken and even set up alerts to notify workers when certain actions were not taken. This is specific to the loading process on a logging site when lumber is placed on flatbed trucks to move it to the millsite. Since these vehicles are moving thousands of pounds of lumber, if straps are not secure, cargo can find its way off the vehicle while on route. If this happens, regardless of whether it is on public or private roadways, death and injury of a bystander becomes a real concern. 

Fleets that install cameras on vehicles and heavy machinery find that they can better monitor the behaviour of employees – focusing on whether individuals are acting safely by following procedures. This enables companies to flag safety concerns. Such concerns include insecure loads being dispatched or contractors forgoing pre-trip checks. 

Cameras are also useful when offsite vehicles can sometimes be involved in accidents involving civilians, such as accidents with other vehicles or dangerous driving. Verifying what really transpired by reviewing the driver footage can shed light as to what truly happened and who was at fault. It can also provide a resolution framework as incidents are documented and structural changes are made to rectify them

Lastly, all of the information collected on employee behaviour can be reviewed and submitted into a scoring system. Meaning managers can see who is following safety protocols and who may need additional training.

To learn more about how telematics is being used right now, check out our recent success story that features Forest Trotter by clicking here.


Dangerous Driving

Why Now Is The Time For Your Businesses To Embrace Vision Zero

Vision Zero is a bold move that intended to eliminate traffic-related fatalities and severe injuries and improve the safety of streets for users of all transport modes through a data-driven smart approach. Municipalities and cities across the world have accepted the challenge of working towards this ambitious target. The government took the initiative of improving road safety to protect motorists and pedestrians, with business and private fleet managers being adhering to strict safety protocols.

Poor management and supervision could result in drivers committing dangerous driving behaviours. This jeopardizes everyone’s safety on the roads and increases businesses’ risks to spend unnecessary costs to resolve incidents. As a result, companies and fleet managers face increasing stress and pressure on improving fleet safety and enforcing fleet safety policies. By using the right telematics products and tools, businesses can help build a sound fleet safety system, reduce operating costs, and foster a positive safety culture within the companies. 


Why You Should Get on Board With The Idea Of Vision Zero?

In 2018, Canada recorded 1,922 motor vehicle fatalities and 9,494 serious injuries. Vision Zero declares the idea of “no loss of life is acceptable” on our streets and roads. Companies bare huge financial risks if one of their vehicles get involved in traffic accidents, especially when a fatality or severe injury occurs. 

Hefty fines, monetary compensations, insurance bills, and vehicle maintenance bills drastically undercut the bottom line and effect operational and financial stability of businesses. To mitigate financial losses resulting from road incidents, a small investment in telematics solutions could help bolster businesses in the long term from multiple fronts. 

Establishing good and trackable fleet safety records not only prepares businesses for possible safety inspections, it ensures they meet regulatory compliance. By having good safety records, businesses are in a better position to win future customers and gain valuable industry partners. Demonstrating clear and well-organized fleet safety records to prospective customers strengthen a companies’ case that is highly reliable and pays attention-to-detail. This is especially crucial in transporting high-value, fragile, time-sensitive, or temperature-controlled shipments.

The Vision Zero initiative put a much-needed focus on using data to identify safety risks and power solutions. In preparing your businesses for the future, a smart data-driven cloud database is a must-have to manage all your fleet data, historical trips, and safety information. 

A cloud database has the capability of storing all vehicle movement data, recording footage, and maintenance history – which can be easily assessed and reviewed from anywhere. Adopting cloud-based technology and data management system eliminates the need to spend extra costs managing multiple different transportation and asset management systems. 

The completed and integrated data management solutions also remove the hassle of printing paperwork and finding physical space to store all the paperwork. From a broader perspective, the data-driven approach contributes to constructing an open-data platform that supports the Smart City initiative. Without any additional work, the data collected from your fleet activities help shape a safer community for all without compromising your data safety and privacy. Telematics solutions and technologies are the only possible way to power all these activities with minimal resources required.


How To Make Easy Commitment To Telematics Safety Products?

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, many industries have taken a huge hit both in operations and finance perspectives. Businesses and companies are becoming more vigilant and careful in monitoring companies’ expenditures. Businesses and fleet managers may hold doubts as to whether it’s necessary to invest in telematics safety solutions. 

There are concerns about whether there are enough improvements to justify investing in telematics. Rest assured that we know and understand your concerns deeply, and we have an incredibly talented and knowledgeable team that will help you find out which solutions suit your fleet the best. 

Our personalized consulting service will help you identify the safety risks hidden in your fleet operations, create an individualized plan to mitigate risks, offer diverse financing options, and provide you full support in device installation, training, maintenance, and customer support stages. 

We know the best way for you to fully understand our products and solutions is to give you the opportunities to see them for yourself. That’s why you have the chance to test our devices and solution within a small size of your fleet. We offer a variety of tools to help you monitor, measure, and quantify performance and improvement. From there, you can fully evaluate the products and make informed and data-driven decisions that suit your business needs. 

The government is offering a variety of financial incentives, funding and subsidies programs to promote Vision Zero. They are committed to giving confidence and assurances in making smart decisions for everyone in our community. 


Monitoring Your Fleet

We do not only offer one product but offer an integrated safety solution package that can be customized to your liking and needs. Many roadway incidents were caused by vehicles’ skidding and hydroplaning which had low tire pressure. 

Advanced tire pressure sensors provide accurate, reliable real-time monitoring of tire pressures and temperatures. It will send drivers and fleet managers visual and audible alerts if the system detects dangerously low-pressure situations. 

The system is well-integrated with the Geotab platform and other GoFleet products to provide an integrated fleet management solution to businesses. With full visibility to tire health, auto-generated long-term tire performance reports, maintenance reminders and warnings, the system will help reduce maintenance costs, extend tire life and, most importantly, protect your drivers and other road users. 


Eliminating Distracted Driving And Driver Fatigue

In Ontario, deaths from collisions caused by distracted driving have doubled since 2000. Distracted driving will not only put everyone in danger but also costs your business money and reputation. Many business owners and fleet managers faced the difficulties of tracking and monitoring drivers’ driving behaviours during their shifts. 

The driver distraction camera serves as a perfect solution to protect your fleet from distracted driving. It features facial recognition technology that can detect when the drivers are distracted or if they are tired. An audible alarm will sound to alert drivers and trigger video recording, so fleet managers can always check back footages later to educate and improve the driver’s training program. Being an effective tool in combating distracted driving and driver fatigue, the driver distraction camera is easy and quick to install and implement, which means businesses can instantly see a noticeable fleet safety improvement. 



Protecting Drivers and Your Assets From Collision 

Even the most well-trained drivers could sometimes make mistakes in daily driving, and that’s why it’s necessary to invest in technologies that can make a big difference at the most critical moment. Mobileye is an integrated advanced collision avoidance system that can protect drivers if a threat is detected. The system will provide a visual and audible warning seconds prior to the collision. Providing drivers with more reaction time can dramatically reduce crashes and improve fleet safety record. The device uses sensing technology to recognize vehicles, pedestrians, and cyclists around the vehicles, and it’s often called the driver’s “third eye.” 

Forward Collision Warnings

The lane detection system warns drivers when they are drifting out of their lane or getting too close to nearby vehicles. Most impressively, the system works on any occasion, both day and night, and even during the fierce winter in Canada. After installation, customers will expect to see a significant improvement in driver’s driving behaviours and safety culture in the fleet. Businesses will see a decrease in collisions and accidents, which saves businesses from paying hefty fines, compensations, and insurance premiums. 


Encouraging Safe Driving Habits

In addition to providing immediate safety protection to the drivers, focusing on the long-term safety improvement within the fleet is equally essential. ZenScore is an interactive driver scoring system that puts quantifying measurement on driver’s performance and driving behaviours. It records unsafe driving habits performed by drivers and assigns a score to each driver. 

Fleet managers could use the results to incentivize drivers with good driving habits and coach high-risk drivers with additional training. Through rewarding drivers with good driving habits, businesses can encourage other drivers to follow good driving habits and improve employees’ morale. An overall positive safety culture within the fleet could help your workers stay safe, improve fuel usage efficiency, and reduce vehicle idling time. 

Businesses can’t afford to overlook safety as any fleet safety incidents could cause serious disruption to business operations and weaken businesses’ financial situations. Safety should always be the top priority, regardless of fleet size and industries. 

If you are looking for a little guidance or help on improving your fleet safety records and heading to the Vision Zero target, contact us today! With our industry-leading solutions and knowledgeable expert team, we are confident in taking your business to a safer and smarter future!

Working With The Right Solutions Provider Can Make All The Difference: CR&R Environmental Services 

Deploying the right camera solutions can make all the difference and CR&R Environmental Services saw exactly that! 


While attending Connect 2020 in San Diego, Asad Khan, Success Manager at GoFleet was able to catch up with Raul Duran to learn about how their fleet was doing after the implementation of an advanced 360 camera system.


Interested to learn what questions we asked Raul about the implementation of ZenduCAM cameras and the Trax platform throughout their fleet? Check out the video below: 

What Pain Points Did CR&R Experience Before Engaging GoFleet? 


Prior to working with GoFleet, CR&R reported to have driver, safety and training issues. While looking for a new camera solution, their goal was to implement a device that focused on improving all of these pain points. Choosing a reliable solution that allowed for in-cab, rear and front views, CR&R believed that it would help not only the safety and well-being of drivers, but the reporting and dispatching tasks related to their operations.


What Was The Impact That CR&R Noticed? 


CR&R noticed that there was an overall improvement across their fleet. Not only were drivers completing routes faster by reducing their times, but the solution was noted to help train drivers on how to drive more efficiently. Additionally, the exact location of vehicles was able to be known at all times as the ZenduCAM system allows for better GPS tracking capabilities in addition to both live video and cloud video surveillance. 


How Did You Introduce The Camera Solution To Drivers? 


While introducing the new camera solutions to drivers, CR&R remained transparent about the devices. Not only did they state the benefits for reporting, tracking and logistics purposes, but they highlighted how the solution can also protect drivers in regards to false claims. Shifting the initial driver concern of the cameras acting as ‘big brother’ tracking them to a critical protection tool. 


Their Experience Working With ZenduIT & GoFleet


During their time working with GoFleet while using ZenduIT applications, CR&R noted that the service provided was great! The 360 solution that was promised has since met all of their unique needs and has been recognized as being a key factor in making operations smoother and more advanced. With great results, they remain optimistic about continuing to work with GoFleet and ZenduIT in the future as their organization and needs grow. 


“GoFleet has been great, they’ve delivered on all promises so far!” – Raul Dran, CR&R Environmental Services 


Interested in learning more about CR&R’s success with GoFleet? Check out their success story here: https://stagingms.gofleet.com/crr-success-story