ELD Mandate

Navigating the Impacts of the ELD Mandate on the Trucking Industry

The implementation of the Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Mandate has brought significant changes to the trucking industry. This article explores the impacts of the ELD Mandate, focusing on its implementation in the United States. Additionally, it compares the ELD regulations between the United States and Canada, highlighting differences in hours of service (HOS) regulations, technical specifications, device certification, and data transfer requirements. 

Furthermore, it delves into the compliance and enforcement procedures established by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) in the United States, along with the penalties for non-compliance.

Overview of the ELD Mandate Rollout in the United States:

The ELD Mandate, introduced by the FMCSA, requires commercial motor vehicle operators to use electronic logging devices to track and record their hours of service. This section provides an overview of the ELD Mandate’s implementation process, including key milestones and the timeline for compliance.

Comparison of Canadian and American ELD Mandate Regulations:

While the United States and Canada share similarities in their trucking industries, there are notable differences in their ELD regulations. This section explores the variations between the two countries, focusing on HOS regulations, technical specifications, device certification, and data transfer and storage requirements. By understanding these distinctions, trucking companies can navigate cross-border operations more effectively.

Differences in Hours of Service (HOS) Regulations:

The ELD Mandate has specific rules regarding drivers’ working hours and rest periods. This subsection highlights the differences in HOS regulations between the United States and Canada, such as maximum driving hours, mandatory break periods, and off-duty requirements.

Variations in Technical Specifications and Device Certification:

ELDs need to meet certain technical specifications and be certified for compliance. This subsection examines the divergences in technical requirements and certification processes for ELDs in the United States and Canada, considering factors like data accuracy, synchronization, and device compatibility.

Distinct Data Transfer and Storage Requirements:

The transfer and storage of electronic logs are crucial aspects of the ELD Mandate. This subsection explores the contrasting data transfer methods and storage requirements in the United States and Canada. It discusses the accepted formats for data transfer, retention periods, and accessibility for authorized personnel.

ELD Mandate Compliance and Enforcement Procedures in the United States:

Ensuring compliance with the ELD Mandate is essential for trucking companies operating in the United States. This section outlines the guidelines established by the FMCSA to ensure adherence to ELD regulations and mitigate non-compliance risks.

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) Guidelines:

The FMCSA has provided guidelines and resources to assist motor carriers and drivers in complying with the ELD Mandate. This subsection highlights the key guidelines and recommendations, including the proper use of ELDs, training requirements, and recordkeeping obligations.

ELD Mandate Penalties for Non-compliance:

Non-compliance with the ELD Mandate can result in penalties and sanctions. This subsection explores the potential consequences of non-compliance, such as fines, out-of-service orders, and negative safety ratings. It also discusses strategies to avoid penalties and maintain compliance.

The ELD Mandate has significantly impacted the trucking industry, particularly in the United States. By understanding the ELD regulations, differences between the United States and Canada, and compliance and enforcement procedures, trucking companies can adapt to the changes effectively, ensure regulatory compliance, and optimize their operations in an increasingly digitized environment.

Exemptions, Benefits, and Impacts on the Trucking Industry

The ELD Mandate has reshaped the trucking industry by introducing electronic logging devices (ELDs) to track and record hours of service (HOS). This article explores two key aspects of the ELD Mandate: exemptions and exceptions to the mandate, and the benefits it brings to the industry. Additionally, it examines the profound impacts of the ELD Mandate, ranging from improved road safety and enhanced driver health to streamlined operations and increased productivity.

I. Exemptions and Exceptions to the Mandate:

While the ELD Mandate applies to most commercial motor vehicle operators, there are specific exemptions and exceptions that warrant consideration. This section delves into the various categories of exemptions and exceptions, providing insights into situations where certain vehicles or drivers may be exempt from using ELDs.

A. Exemptions:

  1. Short-haul Exemption: This subsection explores the exemption for drivers operating within a 150 air-mile radius and who meet specific criteria regarding duration and frequency of their operations.
  2. Driveaway-Towaway Exemption: This subsection explains the exemption for drivers involved in the transport of vehicles where the truck being driven is the commodity being delivered.
  3. Pre-2000 Model Year Exemption: This subsection discusses the exemption for commercial motor vehicles with engine model years predating 2000.

B. Exceptions:

  1. Personal Conveyance Exception: This subsection delves into the personal conveyance exception, which allows drivers to operate their commercial vehicles for personal purposes without it counting against their HOS limits.
  2. Yard Move Exception: This subsection explores the yard move exception, which permits drivers to move their vehicles on private property for short distances without switching to on-duty status.

II. Benefits of the ELD Mandate:

The ELD Mandate brings forth a range of benefits for the trucking industry, positively impacting various aspects. This section highlights the advantages that arise from the implementation of ELDs.

A. Improved Road Safety and Reduced Accidents:

By accurately tracking and monitoring HOS, ELDs contribute to enhanced road safety. This subsection explores how ELDs help prevent driver fatigue, reduce instances of HOS violations, and improve compliance with road safety regulations.

B. Enhanced Driver Health and Well-being:

ELDs play a crucial role in promoting the health and well-being of drivers. This subsection discusses how ELDs contribute to better work-life balance, more predictable schedules, reduced stress, and improved overall driver health.

C. Streamlined Operations and Increased Productivity:

The implementation of ELDs leads to streamlined operations and increased productivity for trucking companies. This subsection explores how ELDs facilitate efficient dispatching, accurate tracking of vehicle locations, automated recordkeeping, and improved communication between drivers and fleet managers.

The ELD Mandate has transformed the trucking industry, bringing exemptions and exceptions to accommodate specific scenarios. Additionally, it offers numerous benefits, including improved road safety, enhanced driver health and well-being, and streamlined operations leading to increased productivity. By understanding these exemptions, exceptions, and benefits, trucking companies can navigate the ELD Mandate effectively, capitalize on its advantages, and foster a safer and more efficient industry landscape.

Top 5 Fleet Manager Concerns

The Top 5 Fleet Manager Concerns

Virtually every fleet manager worries about the same things: compliance, asset management and the company’s bottom line. Scratch the surface, however, and there are even more universal concerns.

With so much responsibility and so many variables at play, today’s fleet managers also have to contend with things like workflow, driver safety and productivity.

In this article, we’ll address the top five fleet manager concerns and our take on how they can be effectively addressed.

1. Supporting Ongoing Employee Engagement and Morale

A fleet is only as good as the workforce behind it, and that workforce will only be effective so long as it is involved with its corporate culture. 

Burnout and loss of engagement is a major fleet manager concern, especially given the economy’s recent circumstances.

Fleet managers have a major responsibility to keep their people happy, healthy and productive, yet factors such as labour shortages, supply chain disruptions and fluctuating market conditions have all put a strain on staff, causing massive turnover at an unprecedented rate.  

The answer may lie in proper work-life balance.

Regardless of industry, work-life balance is a necessity for employees. It’s one of the biggest determinants of their day-to-day experience on the job, their quality of life, and ultimately whether or not they choose to stay on board. 

Fleet managers can bolster their organization’s work-life balance by implementing policies and procedures meant to encourage healthy schedules and habits, as well as by adopting new technologies that make it easier for employees to manage their time.

2. Getting the Most Out of New Tools

Selecting and implementing the right software or digital tool for an organization is hard enough, never mind using it to its fullest potential. 

Fleet managers face an incredibly unique and complex challenge when it comes to adopting new technologies across their operations. They need to not only integrate it into their existing workflow, but also adapt their processes to make the most of its capabilities – all while getting buy-in from their team. 

In these scenarios, a number of barriers can arise, whether it’s poor technical setup, a lack of onboarding, insufficient training, improper integration into current workflows, or user error.

The key to mitigating these issues is careful planning and execution. Having a solid game plan going into a new tool implementation is crucial for success. That way, when issues inevitably do arise, they can be quickly remedied without throwing the entire project off course.

3. Finding Enough Time

There is no such thing as ‘slow’ in the world of fleet management. Factors are always changing, things constantly need to be adapted, and for every action that a business takes, there awaits a stack of administrative paperwork requiring completion. 

With so much going on, it has been traditionally hard for fleet managers to find enough hours in the day to get their work done. The good news is that new technologies are beginning to alleviate this burden.

Digital tools such as fleet management software have become commonplace, and for good reason. They allow managers to automate a variety of tasks and processes that would otherwise need to be completed manually. 

This newfound efficiency has given fleet managers the ability to get more done in less time, freeing up their schedule to focus on other aspects of their business.

4. Balancing Productivity and Safety in Tandem

The struggle to balance productivity and safety is an all-too familiar fleet manager concern. On the one hand, managers need to push their employees to be productive to achieve business goals and keep things running smoothly. 

On the other hand, they need to make sure that their employees are safe while in active service, both for the sake of the individual and to avoid any potential liabilities on the road.

The key to successfully balancing productivity and safety lies in communication and collaboration. 

Managers need to set clear expectations for their employees in terms of both productivity and safety. 

They need to establish systems and processes that will help employees meet those expectations without putting themselves or others at risk. 

Finally, fleet managers must create an environment in which employees feel comfortable voicing their concerns and offering suggestions for improvement.

5. Fuel Costs

The price of fuel is one of the most volatile expenses that businesses have to deal with. It’s also one of the most essential, as fleet vehicles cannot function without it. 

This puts fleet managers in a very difficult position, as they need to find ways to cut costs without compromising on quality or service.

Fortunately, there are a number of things that fleet managers can do to reduce fuel costs. One is to invest in fuel-efficient vehicles, or even consider adding electric vehicles (EVs) to a fleet. 

Another is to implement fuel-saving technologies and practices, such as idling reduction or telematics. Managers can also work with their suppliers to negotiate better prices for fuel.

While the world of fleet management is full of things to worry about, it isn’t without solutions to solve them. With the right insight and strategy in hand, you can equip your business to overcome any challenge that comes your way.



gofleet, customer success, telematics, fleet

GoFleet’s Approach To Customer Success

Over the last 10 years, our three offices in Canada, the United States and the United Arab Emirates have been dedicated to helping hundreds of customers and businesses worldwide to step up their games in the fleet management sector and transform their fleet into a productivity machine. Now it’s time to have you on board with us on this exciting journey and experience the GoFleet difference. 


Who Is GoFleet? 

We are in the business of connection and digitalization, offering fleets of any size a tailored solution that helps them grow and succeed, all powered by telematics. At GoFleet, our vision is to bring the most powerful hardware, simple but useful software, and exceptional services together to delight every customer. Collaborating with industry-leading partners and blending in our own unique solutions, advantages and expertise, we believe we can provide you with the right answer for any challenge and pain point you encounter. 


What Does GoFleet Do?

GoFleet provides pioneering end-to-end fleet management hardware and software solutions covering every link of fleet operation, from asset tracking, vehicle health monitoring, dispatching, routing to safety management, vehicle maintenance and data storage. Our wide range of products can address customer’s pain points and challenges in every single fleet management aspect, including fuel management, asset tracking, maintenance diagnostics, drivers’ behaviours monitoring and training, routing and dispatching, electronic logging devices and many more. All our products are built and designed upon the foundation of our commitment to improving your fleet management experience in five core objectives: productivity, safety, optimization, compliance and expandability. 

We have previously worked with countless customers from a diverse range of industries to show them how we keep our commitment and transform their workflows from the bottom up. Boston Pizza, one of Canada’s largest and leading casual dining chains, put our telematics tracker into real-world testing and installed it on every delivery vehicle. Since day one, the franchise owner immediately noticed an improvement in delivery efficiency and customer satisfaction across the board. Our tracking solution helps to streamline deliveries and significantly reduce wait times for both delivery drivers and customers. With access to delivery vehicle real-time locations and status, the kitchen chef can now make sure the order is prepared and fresh out of the oven right when the next delivery vehicle is back at the restaurant to pick it up. This ensures that food is not sitting around waiting to be picked up, and customers can receive the freshest and warmest food as fast as possible. 

Our partnership with CR&R Environmental Services further showcases our determination to help businesses in improving fleet safety performance. CR&R Environmental Services is an innovative waste and recycling collection company serving more than 3 million people in numerous countries. Prior to contacting us, CR&R Environmental Services experienced multiple instances where vehicle cameras were not recording or functioning. The camera is an essential piece of equipment used to record video footage of the operations, and an unreliable camera system is simply unacceptable. Loss of footages may put businesses in a disadvantageous position if liability disputes arise when one of the company’s vehicles gets involved in a collision or accident. CR&R Environmental Services reached out to us to see if we can offer an innovative safety solution to replace their current one. Our team worked hard and delivered on promises by leveraging telematics’ power and brought on a highly reliable and capable 360-degree camera system alongside an intuitive software platform. After the implementation, the CR&R Environmental Services noticed an increased level of visibility, reliability and productivity compared to their old system. They feel more confident in their ability to review driving footage in case of an accident and use these videos to train drivers and improve drivers’ skills. 

System integration and optimization are at the core of every product we create. Every piece of equipment, hardware and software we designed works seamlessly together. We deeply understand many customers are frustrated by the incompatibility between different systems and platforms, and it’s our job to bring them all together into one unified fleet management platform that enables you to do everything anywhere. All you have to do is focus on what matters and leave the rest of the hassles to us. 


Why Does GoFleet Care?

We take great pride in our products and in building relationships with our customers. We put people, product quality, innovation, environment, the end results, and your feedback at the forefront of everything we do at GoFleet. We deeply care about each of these aspects, and that’s why we adopt cutting-edge technologies to enrich each of them. 



Everyone’s safety is our top priority. We introduced a range of safety products all aimed at protecting your fleets drivers’ safety. From the driver distraction camera to the collision avoidance system, they are life-saving tools that can make a big difference at the most critical moment. They also give fleet managers and drivers extra peace of mind and an extra layer of protection during everyday operations. 

Our industry-leading customer service team is at your service no matter what problem you encounter in using our products. We provide easy and hassle-free device installation and training guidance so that you can implement our products across the entire fleet in just a matter of time. We offer remote diagnostics support to quickly assess and resolve your issues without the need for you to wait for a technician to come and help. The 24/7 support directly from product manufacturers is included with our ProPlus subscription, and if necessary, we will send in technicians to your sites to help you fix the issues and get your vehicle back on the road as fast as possible. 



We know that you have high expectations for product quality and want a product that works as promised and marketed. That’s why we conduct rigorous testing to ensure each one of the products we ship meets or exceeds our stringent quality standards. Additionally, we know that you want a device that doesn’t compromise and works in any weather conditions and environments. Most of the hardware products we sell are waterproof, shockproof and highly durable, giving you the freedom to use them in any environment. 



Innovation is in our DNA. We strive to bring you the best and latest technology and incorporate them into our products. We want you to fully experience and utilize our products for a long-lasting period. That’s why we keep adding new features and fix any bugs by frequently pushing new software updates to your device and system. We are committed to bringing in the best available technology such as artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to make your products even smarter throughout time, so when you own our products, you not only gain the right tools to tackle any current challenges but also fully prepare yourselves for the future. 



We care about our environment deeply. The first step we are undertaking is helping businesses and fleets to convert their entire workflow to a paperless model. With all the fleet data stored over the cloud database, we can truly digitalize how information is being used, analyzed and shared within the corporation. We are also incorporating environmental metrics and benchmarks into our vehicle tracking dashboard to allow fleet managers and drivers to access the vehicle emissions and fuel economy information throughout their operation. 

Another initiative that we are taking to safeguard the quality of our living environment is providing the right tool to help businesses’ existing fleet transition into a fully electric vehicle fleet. Working directly with electric vehicle manufacturers, we have developed unique capabilities to access electric vehicles’ data and ensure your electric vehicle has strong data support. We are also working around the clock to expand our support to new models over time. We understand the migration to an electric vehicle fleet is not an easy task; it’s a process, and it takes time. But rest assured, when you are ready to make the move, we have already set the foundation and have the right tools ready for you. 



The process is important, but for any business, we know that you also value the results. You want to see the improvement in numbers yourself. We have created a comprehensive fleet dashboard showcasing data on fleet performance and efficiency, allowing you to track improvement percentage and return on investment. Based on this data, you could gain a sense of how much improvement our products provide to your fleet operations.   

We are always happy to discuss and hear what you think about our products and services. Our customer support team makes follow-up calls and consultations after your purchase and implementation to ensure the solutions work well for you. And of course, if you encounter any issues with our products, our technical support team is always here to help. 


Where Is GoFleet Heading?

We pride ourselves on being an innovation-driven organization, and we will keep innovating to integrate the best and latest technologies to the existing systems and platforms. Utilizing the power of artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data analytics and 5G wireless communication technology, we can truly take the whole fleet management platform to new heights. 

We are also fully prepared for the massive transition from gasoline and diesel fleet models to the electric vehicle fleet model. All of our products have been optimized for either fleet structure, and we are working hard to add support for new electric vehicle models every month. But we want to look even further ahead into the future of commercial fleets. Many of the foundational works have already been undertaken to prepare for the development and transition to autonomous vehicles. We always want to stay ahead of the competition and have the products ready for you, so you can have unlimited choices of how you want to expand your fleet. 

At GoFleet, we keep adapting to constant changes. The pandemic has drastically changed the operational model of many businesses. We are here to make sure our products fit our customers’ changing needs and standards. There is a growing demand for remote fleet management, so we bring the best software to your mobile device, giving you easy access to all the fleet statuses and information on the go. There is a rising trend of high precision and specialized transportation activities, so we offer advanced temperature and humidity monitoring sensors to help your business conquer challenging tasks. As the world is becoming more connected and globalized, we also focus on providing more localized optimization for your fleet. This includes providing convenient software features such as the weigh station bypass service to help your fleet better navigate through your local community. During the current turbulent period, we recognized that we have an even greater responsibility to respond and cope with the unpredicted changes and market trends to create tailored products that meet your businesses’ core needs, but it also gives us valuable opportunities to show you what our products can do for your business.

At GoFleet, our approach of doing everything with passion and professionalism has driven us to success to date, and our commitment to our customers is what motivates us to reach new heights. 

Contact us today to speak with one of our many industry or solutions specialists to assist in nearly anything fleet related! 

Aviation and Ground Service Crews Taking Advantage of Telematics

The merging of telecommunications and informatics seems to be an ever-evolving sector as it continues to impress business owners across various industries. While it may be apparent of how it’s used for location tracking and maintenance monitoring in the trucking and logistics sector, it’s time to highlight its use in aviation. Similar to other industries, leading aviation and ground service crews use the technology in ways similar to fleet managers as the outcomes are as equally beneficial. 


Where Did Telematics Originate From?


When telematics technology was first being developed in the 1960s, it was initially used by the U.S. Department of Defense to aid in the position tracking of varying assets in addition to being a way to improve communication on the battlefield. However, as time continued and the technology evolved, leaders in other industries saw the potential of telematics elsewhere. When discussing airports and aviation, focus is greatly on the GPS tracking, asset monitoring and communication features.


Below are two examples that speak to the beneficial outcomes that resulted from aviation and ground service crews investing in telematics on runways. 


Why Aviation and Ground Services Continue to Implement Telematics Technology


Ensure Cost-Effective Utilization & Efficiency 


When large quantities of data are collected in real-time, immediate decisions can be made. That is especially true when airports utilize telematics solutions for the purpose of resource management and productivity. From monitoring fuel usage to asset location, beacons and sensors can be installed to track nearly every aspect of aircraft operations. Ultimately allowing officials to allocate employees and equipment properly to achieve maximum productivity, as well as being able to monitor and report on their efforts. 


A common and well-known example of this is allocating vehicles to complete tasks in relation to proximity and location. Meaning, when a specific type of vehicle is requested, officials can deploy an available vehicle that is closest. Allowing for fuel, physical resources as well as personnel to be used efficiently. If GPS tracking was not used, airports would risk sending vehicles that are much farther than others, causing them to waste time and resources. 


This is evident when deicing vehicles are required to spray aircrafts with a mixture of hot water and propylene glycol during the winter months. If a deicing vehicle is requested, it’s important to not only send the closest vehicle to the aircraft, but send a vehicle that has enough of the deicing fluid to complete the job. Both of these requirements are trackable by custom telematics solutions. However, when telematics technology is not used, airports risk using additional and unnecessary resources or equipment. This is simply because they were unaware and unable to track the most efficient way to complete the assigned task.


Verify Safety Protocol 


Telematics solutions are also highlighted as a means to increase and maintain safety within certain industries. This is true within the aviation sector as technology can not only be leveraged to track both employees and assets but to ensure safety protocol is followed. 


An example that highlights telematics technology aiding in the safety of aviation teams is how the technology can be used to track the efforts of employees on runways. Meaning, managers and officials can always have real-time updates about where individuals are located. So if they see that an employee is operating a vehicle in an unauthorized zone, they can make communication not only with the individual in the unauthorized zone, but with others around them to stop any activity that may accidentally harm the individual. Additionally, telematics can be used to track the driving behaviours of employees using company vehicles as many airports require drivers to authenticate who is in the driver’s seat. Meaning, sharp turns, speeding, or other dangerous behaviours can be recorded, addressed and monitored. Allowing for accidents and incidents on runways as well as the surrounding property to be drastically lowered. 


For more information about telematics and government services, visit: https://stagingms.gofleet.com/government-services/airport/


The GoFleet Experience

To successfully implement a telematics solution, airports must feel confident about integrating a platform that addresses their full system. This includes ground handling, airlines, and airport authorities so true transparency and visibility can be accomplished. If you’re interested to learn more about how we can help provide a true 360 solution of complete management for any industry, contact us today!

Off-Road Fleet Tracking: Why Your Construction Business Needs It

Construction managers have many responsibilities that include not only caring for the well being of their team, but the productivity of their projects. Often this includes meeting worksite compliance, verifying that equipment is efficiently used and ensuring that costs are kept low. With so much to keep in mind, managers can’t overlook how IoT and telematics tools can help them stay successful. Specifically how off-road fleet tracking solutions could help them stay on track. 

Boosting Security 

Off-road fleet tracking allows site managers to better manage their equipment by ensuring that the location of equipment is always known. This helps to reduce the costs that arise if equipment is stolen or is misplaced on job sites. As some pieces cost thousands of dollars to rent, or hundreds of thousands of dollars to purchase, managers must always know where these investments are. Recently, it was brought to light how serious the issue of stolen construction equipment is during a press conference on Wednesday, January 8, 2020, when the OPP recovered a substantial amount of construction equipment worth over $600,000. While insurance is typically used to help reduce the financial burden of missing equipment, the stress and wasted time of relocating equipment is something that many site managers can agree that they can do without. 


Increasing Visibility 

Off-road fleet tracking does exactly what it sounds like it does, completes tracking off-road. While knowing the continual GPS location of equipment or tools has its own benefits, it also allows site managers to review their efforts. This is because the trackers and sensors used in off-road fleet tracking solutions can monitor whether there is excessive downtime or other inefficiencies that are costing businesses. 

Often, when a large project is being completed, some equipment will only be used for a small period of time, but will still remain on-site unnecessarily for days or even weeks. This is worrisome if the equipment is taking up critical space, is a rental, or could be used more efficiently at another site. When expensive equipment usage is tracked, managers can make better financial decisions about the equipment and their projects. This also goes one step further as off-road fleet tracking can ensure that the most work is being completed with the fewest resources. Meaning idling equipment is kept at a minimum and the proper equipment is being used so the job is completed effectively. 


More Informed Decisions 

Tracking off-road fleets also allows for processes to be streamlined. This speaks to the mass quantities of data that can be gathered from the IoT tools. Anything from location, to hourly use, or fuel-efficiency can be analyzed. This can then be translated into tangible benefits for businesses as better record keeping is possible, alert systems can be programmed, and more intuitive decision making can occur. Ultimately allowing for better preventative maintenance and improved monitoring of engine alerts. 


Using Off-Road Fleet Tracking in Your Business 

While discussing the benefits of off-road fleet tracking, it’s important to highlight that just having a telematics device will not guarantee success. Rather it’s important to know that you need to not only use the right solution but utilize it to its maximum potential. Using a reliable and durable solution like the GO RUGGED device is one way to do this. As it’s built to last in harsh conditions and is trusted to track your assets accurately, it’s something that construction teams can’t overlook. If you’re interested in learning more about how GO RUGGED could benefit your construction operations, contact us today!