Five Benefits of Fleet Management Systems

Fleet management systems can facilitate nearly every aspect of day-to-day operations and offer numerous benefits beyond the traditional way of doing things. Fleet management is a full-time job. Not only do managers juggle multiple responsibilities – from inventory to driver safety – they’re also challenged to remain competitive. Luckily, technology has evolved to the point where fleet managers have more options.

In this article, we’ll explore these advantages in detail and explain why fleet management systems are a must for any organization looking to gain a competitive edge.

Understanding Fleet Management Systems

Sometimes referred to as fleet management software, these digital solutions are designed to provide fleet managers with an easy-to-use platform for managing every aspect of their operations – from scheduling, dispatching, and routing to tracking, monitoring, and more.

The Benefits of Implementing a Fleet Management System

Not all fleet managers are eager to jump on board with fleet management software. Some see it as an unnecessary expense or a poor allocation of resources; after all, why go through the trouble of implementing something new when the same old system still ‘works’?

Fleet management software offers a lot of advantages that the traditional approach simply can’t match. Below, we’ve compiled a list of the five most crucial benefits of fleet management software.

1. Greater Visibility Into Fleet Operations and Status

The multi-tasked, risk-prone nature of fleet operations means that companies need full visibility of their vehicles and operators at all times. To this end, fleet management systems make tracking scalable and easy.

The combination of Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and On-board Diagnostics (OBD) in enabled vehicles allows managers to track every aspect of their operations in real-time, from the exact location of each vehicle on the road to engine diagnostics and fuel consumption. This level of insight ensures managers can always keep tabs on their fleet, giving them the ability to act quickly in the event of any disruptions or changes.

2. Enhanced Driver Safety

Drivers are a company’s most precious asset, and warrant as much protection as possible.  Fleet management software provides that extra layer of safety; it helps managers monitor driver behaviour and ensures everyone is following protocol. 

In cases where risky driving behaviour is detected, a fleet manager is immediately alerted. This can be extremely valuable in terms of mitigating risk and preventing accidents.

Fleet management software also helps managers optimize routes to avoid high-traffic areas or bad weather, as well as track driver hours to ensure they aren’t going over their hours of service (HOS). 

Altogether, this software acts as an extra set of ‘eyes and ears’ for managers, ensuring their drivers are always safe and on task.

3. Improved Vehicle Efficiency

Another major advantage of fleet management software is its power to improve vehicle efficiency. By tracking every aspect of a vehicles’ performance, managers can identify opportunities for improving fleet efficiency.

Additionally, managers can use the real-time information provided by the system to plan better routes and optimize fuel consumption. This can help keep operational costs down and maximize vehicle downtime, resulting in fewer repairs and less wasted time.

4. Better Maintenance Programs

Proper maintenance is essential to keeping a fleet running. But the traditional approach can be challenging for managers to keep on top of things; relying on manual checks and checklists can lead to forgotten tasks, missed deadlines, and unreliable results.

Fleet management software simplifies the process by providing detailed overviews of each vehicle’s condition and alerting managers when maintenance is due. Vehicle usage patterns can also lead to developing preventative maintenance schedules. 

5. Reduced Overall Costs

From more productive and efficient operations to saving fuel and preventing accidents, fleet management software helps businesses save a lot of money in the short and long-run.

Fleet management software has become an essential tool for businesses to efficiently manage their fleets. By providing detailed insights and offering a host of safety and efficiency benefits, it can save companies a lot of time and money while helping them keep their vehicles in top condition. 

It’s no wonder that more and more fleet managers are investing in these systems to get the most out of their operations. Contact your GoFleet consultant today for your free demonstration, and find out which solution is right for you.

5 Ways That Telematics Boosts Fleet Safety

5 Ways That Telematics Boosts Fleet Safety

According to, driving heavy vehicles is one of the most dangerous jobs in the world, accounting for over a quarter of all work-related deaths in 2015. From long hours and isolation to fatigue and poor judgment, there are so many factors at play when it comes to fleet safety; with the industry becoming more competitive, these dangers are likely to increase.

Investing in telematics technology can enable fleet managers to monitor driving behaviour, locate vehicles in real-time and help prevent problems before they start. 

In this article, we’ll list the top five ways that telematics can connect your commercial fleet and help you make safer decisions for your vehicles, drivers and assets.

1. Address Driver Fatigue

Fatigue is a major risk for all drivers on the road. It’s common for drivers to work outside of their hours of service, either due to personal drive, a change in route or tight deadlines. Either way, fatigue means that a driver’s reaction time and judgment can be significantly impaired.

According to a prominent study by the FMCSA and NHTSA, driver fatigue was found to be a critical factor in at least 13% of accidents involving commercial vehicles. Research even shows that driving for 20 straight hours creates impairment equal to a blood alcohol content of 0.08% – the legal limit in most states.

Telematics systems are equipped with a range of features and functions designed to give fleet managers the data insights they need to monitor their drivers’ fatigue levels.

For example, electronic logging devices (ELD’s) make it easy for operators to properly record their hours, while real-time tracking can ensure that no one is on the road longer than they should be. In addition, ELD’s enable fleet managers to communicate directly with drivers, ensuring they’re safe and complying with regional safety guidelines while on the road.

2. Reduce Speeding

Truck drivers are often tasked with high expectations and short delivery windows; it’s not hard to see how this combination can result in speeding.

The World Health Organization identifies speeding as a contributing factor to about 30% of total road fatalities in high-income countries. The risk of death from collisions is raised even higher when large vehicles are involved, which weigh 20 to 30 times as much as a standard passenger car. Commercial vehicles represent a major risk to both drivers, their cargo, and other motorists.

A telematics platform gives fleet managers in-depth insight into their drivers’ habits and overall performance on the road. Metrics such as speed, acceleration and brake rates can all be recorded and reviewed, making it easy to identify and correct risky driving behaviours.

3. Manage Vehicle Safety

Large commercial vehicles can be a risk on the road, even when operated safely. Their size and weight make them difficult to maneuver, and their cargo can pose additional dangers if not properly secured, all of which can lead to accidents. 

A recent NHTSA study found that 20% of traffic accidents can be attributed to poor or irregular vehicle maintenance.

By regularly inspecting and servicing fleet vehicles, managers and operators can ensure they’re in good working order and won’t pose any unnecessary risks.

Telematics can make the process of vehicle maintenance easier by automatically tracking and recording data related to a vehicle’s performance. These robust reports can then be used to identify any potential issues early on, and prevent unplanned downtime.

4.  Improve Driver Communication

Effective communication is crucial for any business, but it’s especially important in the world of trucking, where drivers and fleet managers rarely get to connect in person. The isolated nature of the job means that it can be hard to relay important information or resolve issues that may come up.

Thankfully, many telematics solutions come equipped with two-way messaging systems that enable real-time communication between the two parties. This can be used to share information, answer questions or resolve any issues that may come up.

5. Create Safety Culture in the Workplace

Having access to accurate telematics data can help fleet managers and operators create a safe, responsible work culture, from the top down. 

Upper management can leverage telematics data to reduce fleet costs, ensure compliance and streamline work processes. 

Drivers can be made aware of their hours of service, while maintenance personnel can help them with regular vehicle maintenance. 

Managers can oversee their fleet operations remotely, checking on their drivers periodically to ensure they’re alert, safe and on course. 

While you can’t change the road, you can improve fleet safety. Telematics can help manage driver fatigue, reduce speeding and maintain vehicle safety, so you can help keep your drivers – and everyone else on the road – safe.

Contact your GoFleet consultant to see how telematics can improve fleet safety.




Reduce fleet fuel costs

Six Ways to Reduce Fleet Fuel Costs

Inflation, the COVID pandemic and the war in Ukraine have all contributed to an already exorbitant rise of fuel costs in North America. Fleet managers everywhere are looking for ways to reduce fleet fuel costs.

In 2019 alone, fuel was $2.60 per gallon. In March, 2022 fuel prices reached $4.17. With no relief in sight, fleet managers are continuously looking for ways to improve fuel economy.

Here are six ways that your organization can reduce fleet fuel costs.

#1: Dispatch the Right Vehicles to Reduce Fleet Fuel Costs

It might be time for a fleet upgrade. Newer trucks, such as EVs, use alternative fuel sources or are hybridized for better fuel efficiency.

While you may not necessarily have the resources to replace every vehicle, adding even a few of these trucks can help your fleet become more fuel efficient. More miles per gallon means less fuel consumption.

#2: Preventative Maintenance

Proper maintenance of vehicles ensures they are operating at full capacity. In many ways, good vehicle health can reduce the overall costs associated with their operation. Regular engine checks can ensure that nothing goes wrong on the road.


Tires are a big pain point for many organizations. Keeping tires in good condition and properly inflated can reduce gas mileage by 0.2% for every 1 psi lower than recommended.  


Reducing extra weight in your trucks can have a positive effect on fleet fuel costs. In fact, reducing a truck’s weight by just 100lbs could save nearly $500 in fuel costs.


While everyone loves to cool off during the hot summer weather, reducing air conditioning usage in your vehicles can also reduce fuel consumption by 3%. The same goes for turning down the heat in colder weather.

Many telematics solutions can monitor maintenance needs across the whole fleet and send automatic notifications if a vehicle requires a tune-up or inspection.

#3: Improve Driver Habits

Bad habits such as speeding, aggressive driving and harsh braking can incur fuel costs for fleets to the tune of an additional 27%. 

Provide drivers with insights into their driving behaviour and offer constructive coaching to get them back on track and improve overall fuel efficiency. 

Telematics can provide valuable data sets to support driver coaching and scorecards, both of which are incentives to feel more engaged while positively impacting your fuel costs.

#4: Improve Vehicle Routing

Optimized routing not only shortens delivery times, but can also improve fuel economy. Telematics and fleet management software enable fleet managers to create and alter routes in real-time by considering factors such as weather, construction, accidents or other road obstructions.

As a result, trucks get where they need to be on time and faster, saving fuel costs in the process.

#5: Reduce Idling 

According to a recent report, idling can use a quarter to a half gallon of fuel per hour.

Depending on the size of your vehicles and of your fleet, those numbers can spell big trouble for fuel economy. Fleet managers can reduce fuel wastage by:

  • Turning off the engine when making a delivery or waiting for a pick-up.
  • Reduce idling while in heavy traffic by turning off the engine
  • Don’t idle to warm up the engine.

The right telematics solution can monitor specific data sets around idle time, enabling fleet managers to address fuel waste.

#6: Invest in Telematics to Reduce Fleet Fuel Costs

There is no other singular solution that offers the most fuel savings. Telematics enables fleet managers to make significant changes to their operations in real-time, reducing costs and improving outcomes. 

Telematics works by providing instant communication between vehicles and the fleet manager, offering valuable data and insights into various facets of the operation, including:

  • Vehicle location information and driver recognition
  • Maintenance problems and engine health
  • Poor driving habits such as harsh braking and excessive speeding
  • Vehicle (and fuel) usage

The more data available, the more fleet managers can learn about their operations. By accessing insights around driving habits, route optimization, traffic delays and weather conditions, organizations can apply their learnings to future operations, all with the focus on choosing the best fuel solution. 

The right type of fleet management software integrates telematics and other smart systems to reduce human error and improve operations. By leveraging this software solution to monitor fuel consumption, organizations are better empowered to lower fuel costs and grow their revenue.