How GPS Tracker Devices Will Ensure Top Quality Customer Service

GPS Tracker Devices Ensure Top Customer Service Quality

Each and every business knows that providing top-notch customer service is the name of the game; without it businesses will quickly be overridden by a competitor that respects the importance of taking good care of the customer. You may have the best product on the market or provide an incredible and unique service but without being reliable, friendly and dependable you will quickly lose out on valuable repeat customers and referrals. The benefits of GPS tracker devices to this area of business may not seem obvious, but in both short and long-term, you will find that meeting and exceeding customer expectations is a much more achievable goal with the use of a GPS fleet tracking system.

The data that is sent back to the central database is in real-time, which means you are able to provide the customer with live up-dates regarding the location of the vehicle. You can provide them with a very specific time of arrival and ensure that the driver stays on the designated route; you will find that more destinations can be reached in the same time period and therefore more satisfied customers to appreciate.

Employee-customer disputes will be eliminated thanks to GPS tracker devices. You will know the exact time your employee arrives at the customer location and the time they leave. If a customer complains about one of your employees being late or taking too long to fix an issue you will now be able to know the truth of the matter.

These are just a few of the features GPS tracker devices have to offer. Your company can benefit from installing these devices in a multitude of ways. To learn more about our GPS tracker devices and how they can save your company money and time please contact us via email: [email protected] or phone: 1-888-998-1122.

Take Advantage of the Mobile Driver Log Book

Mobile Driver Log Book Advantages

A driver logbook is necessary for a number of reasons and any business that requires the use of vehicles for transport, pick-up, delivery or in order to provide a customer service will know that completing the logbook is a standard part of the job. Nowadays technology is everywhere and providing a great number of benefits and uses to everyone. Drivers can now also benefit from the use of technology within their job as a mobile driver logbook makes the tedious daily task a great deal simpler and faster.

Drivers can save themselves time, and help the environment, as paperwork is drastically reduced thanks to the device; it automatically records essential data such as time spent on the road. It also creates a safer environment by helping you to stay on top of mechanical functions such as speed, mileage and engine diagnostics. All of these different features will help to ensure that driving behaviour is safe and efficient as well as ensure that drivers don’t go over their allowed driving hours. As all drivers will know there are many regulations that are often being updated and changed and a mobile driver’s logbook will ensure that everything is in order when it comes to inspections.

Take a look at our mobile driver log book solution or send us an email at [email protected] for more information.

Tips For More Effective Fleet Management

Effective Fleet Management Tips

Choose the most suitable vehicle for the task

Your fleet probably includes a variety of vehicles of different sizes and they are therefore probably all best suited to slightly different tasks. Make sure you use the more appropriate vehicle for each and every job.

Integrate a GPS tracking system

It’s essential that you know the location of your vehicles at all times for effective fleet management, and this means installing a GPS tracking system.

Keep data centralized and organized

Fleet management> depends on accurate and organized data so make sure that the information you receive from the GPS tracking system is centralized and analyzed so that it provides a real use.

Go green and cut costs

As we all know being as green as possible is a good idea for the sake of the environment but by reducing your fuel emissions and energy waste you will also find that you reduce your expenditures. Fleet management can help you save on fuel by cutting idling times, reducing speeding, and reducing harsh braking.

Be compliant to all regulations

When it comes to fleet management there are various regulations and compliance that need to be adhered to at all times. Effective data keeping on the part of both the driver and those analyzing, should help to ensure that all regulations are being respected.

How GPS Tracking Benefits Your Business

GPS Tracking Benefits For Your Business

GPS Tracking is a system of which an increasing number of businesses are choosing to take advantage. The benefits are plentiful and varied and the following are just a few examples of the way in which you can expect GPS tracking to improve your business.

Reduction in costs

As all businesses will be aware, one of the most important aspects is to keep the costs down whenever possible. A GPS tracking system will help to achieve through a number of ways including the driver scorecard that ensures efficient use of fuel and the GPS tracking system that ensures that all vehicles are located where they should be.

Improved customer service

Through keeping all drivers on track and on route, businesses have found a significant increase in productivity and therefore a more efficient customer service.

Safer driving environment

Drivers are alerted by beeps when they are speeding and are provided with engine diagnostics to increase their safety.

Improved performance

Using GPS tracking to record data from your drivers and to pin point the location of all vehicles on the road offer all of these different benefits, which ultimately results in an improved overall business performance.

Still in the process of deciding on a GPS tracking service provider? This article can help: Choosing GPS Fleet Tracking

3 Ways a GPS Tracking System Will Improve Your Business

GPS Tracking System: 3 Ways it Will Improve Your Business

  1. Better Fleet Management

    For any business that requires the use of vehicles, effective fleet management is essential to ensure that the most appropriate vehicle services tasks, destinations are reached on time, and most importantly that all customers are completely satisfied. A GPS tracking system helps these goals to be achieved through allowing vehicles to be monitored at all times so that the location is known in real time not only by the driver but by those supervising and managing the entire fleet.

  2. Up to Date System For Drivers

    All business owners know that to really work effectively and efficiently, the employees need to be satisfied and taken care of within their job. Latest GPS tracking systems keep an automatic log book of drivers’ activity so they no longer have to waste time filling in paperwork and keeping track of their hours of service.

  3. Cut Costs

    Cutting costs is always a useful improvement to any business and a GPS tracking system allows this to be done without having to sacrifice any assets or the quality of service. Costs are cut through maximizing the efficiency with which fuel is used and optimizing the routes that drivers take to reach their destinations.

Different Features of a Fleet GPS Tracking System

Fleet GPS Tracking System Features

As the name suggests the primary use of a Fleet GPS Tracking System is to pin point the location of a certain asset, typically and most commonly a company vehicle. However, although this is the most important feature the device has many additional uses that are sure to benefit any business. The driver scorecard keeps track of the way the vehicle is being driven and records data such as hard acceleration, harsh braking and whether or not the seatbelt is being worn. These are all very useful things to be aware of both with regards to the drivers themselves and also any superiors. Quality driving with result a number of benefits including less wear and tear to the vehicle and more efficient use of fuel.

Another feature of a top quality fleet GPS tracking system is the beeping function. The device provided the driver with a warning beep whenever the system detects an issue such as speeding and high rpm’s. This helps the driver to stay aware of the way in which he or she is driving and make improvements and changes when necessary. Furthermore the tracking system is easy to use and offers an easy to follow instruction guide on first use.

Satellite Asset Tracking Gives Your Company Edge

Satellite Asset Tracking

In the competitive world in which we live, businesses of all shapes and sizes should always be on the look out for ways in which to gain the edge over their rivals. Of course methods and measures will vary according to the nature of the business but those that incorporate some sort of transport, and have their own fleet of vehicles could certainly benefit from satellite asset tracking. This is essentially the use of a GPS device that records and reports feedback (data) from your vehicles, so that you, the business owner or manager is aware of the exact location of your assets at all times.

Reasons to use satellite-based asset tracking

You will find that the use of satellite asset tracking gives you the edge over other businesses for a number of reasons. First of all it allows you to cut costs, through monitoring fuel usage and driver behavior, freeing up valuable cash flow for use in other places. Thanks to the satellites tracking your assets you know the exact location of each vehicle in your felt at all times, helping with organization and scheduling, allowing you to reach customers, suppliers or other destinations much faster than previously and most importantly faster than your competition.

GoFleet’s GPS satellite asset tracking military grade Smartone LP is built for years of maintenance-free, satellite-managed, container and trailer tracking. The powerful device operates on the industry-leading Globalstar satellite network; offering global coverage. For more information and/or pricing quotes call 1-888-998-1122 or email [email protected].

Plug and Play GPS Benefits

Who can benefit from Plug and Play GPS?

Plug and Play GPS refers to a form of tracking system that allows assets such as vehicles to be tracked, so that the exact location is known in real time. As the name suggests plug and play, is incredibly easy to use and offers very simple installation.You literally plug it in and it’s more or less up and running. Technical knowledge is not a necessity and there is no hard ware or wiring to worry about before you can get started. The simplicity and ease of use that is offered by plug and play GPS is obviously its primary benefits and one that comes in very useful to just about anyone.

Those people that are going to most benefit from plug and play GPS include both individual drivers and also whole companies or businesses. As far as the driver is concerned there is no need to worry about learning how to use some complicated software or the installation of the device into his vehicle. Most of the data that is recorded and the functions that are integrated run automatically and there is minimal activity required from the driver. As far as the business as a whole is concerned, with the use of plug and play all vehicles or assets can be equipped with a plug and play device very quickly and easily allowing them to see the data and reap the benefits immediately.

For more information on Plug and Play GPS & Employee GPS Tracking contact [email protected].

GPS Fleet Tracking & How it Works

Understanding How GPS Fleet Tracking Works

GPS is a remarkable form of technology that is being used more and more nowadays both by individuals and within business. It offers a number of very beneficial features to any company relying on a fleet of vehicles to deliver their product or service, and anyone running such a business should certainly consider investing in GPS Fleet Tracking. Before you go ahead and make a purchase however, it’s a good idea to have a basic understanding of how GPS works, and then you can determine whether or not it is something from which you could benefit.

Fleet tracking and GPS relies on satellites that orbit the Earth, of which there are 24 that are active and constantly transmitting signals back and forth, to and from GPS tracking devices on the ground. Triangulation is necessary in order to pin point the exact location of the device and this requires at least three satellites working together. Location can be determined based on the time that the signal takes to bounce back and forth and the distance between each of the satellites. With GPS fleet tracking, a device is connected to each of your vehicles, allowing you to know the exact location of each one with incredible accuracy.

Benefits of Fleet Maintenance Tracking

Fleet Maintenance Tracking Will Save You Money

Fleet Maintenance Tracking has helped many companies keep track of fuel usage, improve driver efficiency and track maintenance. When it comes to running a business, it doesn’t matter how small or large it may be, reducing costs whenever possible is the only way to ensure an increasingly profitable bottom line. Every business has its own methods and measures in place to help them to save money and one very effective method is with the use of Fleet Maintenance Tracking system. Most businesses that install such measures quickly realize the benefits, many of which are financial.

Driver Efficiency

Fleet maintenance tracking gives you real time data relating to the location of the vehicle, which means you can ensure that they have stayed on route and are taking the most direct route possible. In the short-term this means that more destinations can be reached and in the long-term more productivity means more profit.

Fuel Usage


Recorded data also relates to the use of fuel and whether or not it is being used efficiently. Drivers are told when they are driving at the most fuel-efficient speeds and also track the length of time that the engine is left idle.

Vehicle Maintenance with Fleet Maintenance Tracking

Engine diagnostics means that drivers know quickly whenever there is an issue arising and therefore vehicle maintenance is made easier and the risk of hazards and problems is reduced.

For more information on the benefits on Fleet Maintenance Tracking and the many benefits of GPS Fleet Tracking Contact Us Today!