Vehicle Tracking Systems: Efficient Fleet Management

Efficient Fleet Management With Vehicle Tracking Systems

Originally, GPS (Global Positioning Systems) was exclusively used for military purposes. Today, GPS is used by everyone as a way to navigate on the roads. Of course, GPS devices are helpful for private car owners; however, they are becoming an essential fleet management tool for business owners. Vehicle tracking systems are strategically important for fleet operations and could make the difference between whether a company succeeds or fails.

Business owners should not underestimate the importance of vehicle tracking systems. This fleet management tool can increase productivity, decrease costs, reduce fuel consumption and increase customer service. In an economic market with such tough competition, this GPS fleet management solution could be what you need to gain a competitive advantage.

Without the use of vehicle tracking systems, fleet managers can lose control over their fleet operations. Drivers could be taking advantage of the vehicle at your expense, aggressive driving could put the safety of your driver and others at risk, you could be wasting money on fuel, drivers could be making unauthorized stops and drivers could be putting in for work time that is not accurate. With vehicle tracking systems, you are able to get control of your fleet and optimize your operations.

Vehicle tracking systems are developed for fleet operations. They transmit a large amount of valuable data that is necessary for efficiently managing your fleet. You will always know the exact location of your vehicles, engine working hours, mileage, routes, stops, idle times, speed, driving behavior and more. Your fleet managers will be able to monitor your drivers and analyze your fleet operations. You will be able to make better informed business decisions.

Vehicle monitoring systems have become an indispensable tool for business owners and fleet managers. For more information about how a vehicle tracking system can enhance your business, Contact Us.

Realtime GPS Tracker: Benefits Your Drivers

Drivers’ Benefit From GoFleet’s Realtime GPS Tracker

When drivers first find out that their employer is going to implement a realtime GPS tracker system in the business fleet, they are usually not happy. This is only because they have not been fully informed of all the benefits the GPS technology can provide to them. Drivers will be thrilled when they find out what GoFleet’s realtime GPS tracker can do for them including providing additional safety and job security.

The most important thing a realtime GPS tracker system can do is keep the drivers safe. Their employer will always know where the drivers are so they will not get lost. Audible turn-by-turn navigation can easily direct drivers to remote job sites. Drivers will no longer get stuck on the side of the road calling to find out accurate directions.

If a vehicle gets stolen, a realtime GPS tracker will be able to alert law enforcement officials exactly where the vehicle is located. Having the realtime GPS tracker installed will not only prevent thefts, it will lead to quick recovery. The driver will not be side-lined while their employer finds another vehicle for them to use.

GoFleet’s realtime GPS tracker also deters distracted driving. Drivers will be safer because they will not have to answer their phones while they are driving or get distracted when they are in the middle of a risky job. Instead of text messaging or taking on the cell phone, GoFleet’s large touch screen displays two-way alerts instantly.

There is also a remote panic switch add-on that can be used for high-risk jobs. If a technician needs emergency assistance, all the driver has to do is press the button. Their employer will automatically be notified of the driver’s location so they can dispatch help.

In addition, GoFleet’s realtime GPS tracker saves employer’s money leading to job security. When a business runs efficiently, it contributes to its long-term success. Drivers can rest easy knowing their employer is doing everything in their power to maintain a successful business.

For more information about GoFleet’s realtime GPS tracker, Contact Us.

Real Time Fleet Tracking: GoFleet’s Ultimate Solution

GoFleet’s Real Time Fleet Tracking: The Ultimate Solution

Real time fleet tracking is the ultimate fleet management solution. It is a powerful tool that allows fleet managers to effectively run day-to-day operations, improve customer satisfaction, and keep their trucks on the road.

Improves Customer Satisfaction

GoFleet’s real time fleet tracking helps businesses improve customer satisfaction. Employees are able to provide a higher quality customer service. When a customer calls to find out what time a driver is supposed to arrive at their location, your dispatchers will be able to view the vehicle’s location and provide the customer with an accurate estimated time of arrival.

Your customers will also appreciate a shorter service window. Unlike many of your competitors, you will be able to tell your customer when they can expect your driver. For example, many companies give a 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. service window. That means the customer will have to wait at their location 5 hours for service. You will be able to confidently tell your customers your driver will arrive within 45 minutes with traffic.

When your customer needs urgent or emergency service, they will be surprised how fast your driver arrives at their location. GoFleet’s real time fleet tracking system lets dispatchers send the closest vehicle to the job site. In addition, your drivers will have more efficient routes to get them to the location using the shortest and fastest route possible. Improved customer service leads to more business, long-term customers, high customer retention rates and it gives you a competitive advantage.

Keep Your Trucks On The Road

Your drivers cannot work when your vehicles are in the shop. GoFleet’s real time fleet tracking helps to keep your vehicles on the road using convenient automobile maintenance alerts to remind the managers, shop personnel and drivers that the vehicle is due for scheduled maintenance. Getting your business vehicles maintained on time, equals reduced downtime and higher productivity. Furthermore, the real time fleet tracking system reports mileage automatically. Your drivers will not be responsible for writing down the mileage or letting you know their vehicle is due for maintenance.

Live GPS Tracker: Fleet Management Benefits

Fleet Management Benefits of GoFleet’s Live GPS Tracker

GoFleet’s live GPS tracker provides fleet managers with a deeper insight into properly managing their crews. It a valuable tool that allows management to efficiently manage day-to-day operations and control all fleet-related expenses. The benefits of GoFleet’s live GPS tracker far outweigh the affordable costs of implementing this fleet management technology in your vehicles.

System Integration

GoFleet’s live GPS tracker can be integrated with a wide variety of software that your business works with. This is a critical component for streamlining operations and keeping your fleet management uncomplicated. With system integration, you can view your vehicles locations on the same maps used by other software vendors. For example, a utility company can see their fleet’s location on the same map as their their power lines. GoFleet’s system integration capabilities can simplify dispatching for your business.

Reduce Fuel Costs

Fuel costs are one of the largest costs for businesses with fleet operations. The price of fuel continues to increase so fleet managers have to control the fuel usage in order to reduce the costs. GoFleet’s live GPS tracker can reduce your fuel costs significantly. Fleet managers are able to dispatch vehicles more efficiently. With live GPS tracker data, dispatchers can send the closest vehicle to a job site or to an emergency call. They can provide the fastest and shortest route to the drivers using audible turn-by-turn driving directions.

In addition, fuel can also be reduced by eliminating unnecessary mileage. Fleet managers will be able to see if drivers go out of the authorized area to make personal stops or take a longer route. An automatic alert can be set up to notify fleet managers if a driver goes off route.

Fuel costs can also be cut by improving your drivers’ driving habits. With GoFleet’s live GPS tracker, fleet managers can be notified if drivers are speeding, driving aggressively or excessively idling. All of these driving habits contribute to unnecessary fuel usage. The alerts can be sent to the fleet manager even when they are offline via SMS text message or email. This enables the fleet manager to address the poor driving habit immediately so fuel does not get wasted.

For more information about GoFleet’s live GPS tracker, Contact Us.

GPS Watches Help Runners Improve Training

Runners Improve Training With GPS Watches

For many years, runners have been tracking their distance and progress using a wide variety of devices. Pedometers were used to calculate the steps runners took but this device does not measure distance well. With advancements in technology, runners of all skill levels are using GPS watches to help them track distance, routes, miles per hour and times.

There are many different GPS watches on the market from a wide variety of brands. The concept is simple: GPS watches use global positioning satellites to track were you are in the world and combines this information with where you traveled to let you know your total distance. This is a huge improvement over the use of pedometers, which required you input your length of stride to be able to calculate an approximate distance.

Long distance runners are using GPS watches to train for their races. A runner is able to accurately measure their progress and speed with GPS data. When long distance runners are trying to reduce their overall time, calculate their standard run or match their personal best, GPS technology is their best option. GPS watches have helped to improve runners training practices.

GPS watches let runners track the pace at which they are running. This might be the best advantage to training with a GPS watch. Runners get feedback in real-rime, allowing them to adjust their running on the spot.

GPS watches are also useful for rigorous interval training. Runners can choose to run a certain distance, such as two miles, or run for a specific length of time, such as 30 minutes. Runners are able to compare past data to their current run to see what they should improve and determine what is working.

The International Journal of Exercise Science noted that GPS watches help runners run at a steadier pace while they are training in comparison to runners who trained without this technology.

Fleet Management Company: Manage More Than Just Vehicle Locations

GoFleet Fleet Management Company Is So Much More Than Just Tracking Vehicle Locations

GoFleet is the fleet management company that does a great job at tracking fleet vehicle locations but that is only the beginning of what they can do for your business. GoFleet’s GPS fleet management system provides information crucial to managing your fleet, making your services more efficient, reducing operation costs and managing your drivers.

GoFleet fleet management company provides GPS fleet management services that reach further than a simple GPS device inside of your company vehicle. The data you will receive will help you improve customer satisfaction, reduce the chance of theft, improve driver safety, and increase productivity. GoFleet is helping companies run more efficiently and safer.

This fleet management company gives companies the ability to track vehicles and improve routing. The GPS fleet management system can be used to get drivers to the job faster and ensure your jobs are completed. Improved productivity and safety translates to improved customer service. Business are able to get a better grasp on allocating work appropriately and providing efficient routes.

GoFleet fleet management company gives you the ability to monitor your drivers and track any unsafe driving practices such as rapid acceleration, speeding, hard breaking and turning the corners too fast. Fleet managers are able to ensure that their drivers are acting in a safe and responsible manner while they are on the road. In addition, safe driving practices reduce fuel costs and maximize your vehicles’ life.

GoFleet’s GPS fleet management helps managers uncover and understand underlying issues with their fleet so they can address the problems head-on. Addressing issues in this manner leads to more productive employees, better drivers, and high customer satisfaction rates. When a company improves customer satisfaction, they can differentiate themselves from the competitors, increase business and retain customer for the long-term. When you choose GoFleet as your fleet management company, the opportunities are truly limitless.

GPS Monitoring System: Small Fleet Tracking

Small Fleet Tracking With GoFleet’s GPS Monitoring System

A GPS monitoring system is no longer only used by large companies and long-haul carriers. GoFleet offers a wide variety of low-cost fleet management options for all fleet sizes, large or small. Being able to see your fleet’s location is only the start of what a GPS monitoring system can do for your company.

Small businesses usually need a GPS monitoring system to gain more transparency in their operations. The biggest benefit of implementing a fleet management system in small business is a reduction in overhead, fuel costs, maintenance costs and lower insurance premiums. These savings can add up to hundreds of thousands of dollars while a small business is growing.

Managers can view all fleet data using an easy-to-use online dashboard with charts, reports and graphs. In addition, exception reporting can be used to send alerts to your cell phone or email, even when you are offline. For example, if your driver goes out of the authorized area, idles excessively, speeds or drives aggressively, you can be notified immediately.

GoFleet’s GPS monitoring system lets you know where your vehicles are at all times. If a customer calls asking about their delivery, you can tell them exactly where it is located and when it will arrive. Being able to provide your customers with an accurate estimated time of arrival, improves customer satisfaction. You will now be able to better compete with the large companies that have been using this technology for many years.

You will also save on overhead because you will have an accurate automatic driver time sheet. You will not have to pay for overtime because your driver says he got delayed in traffic when, in fact, he did not. Many small businesses see an immediate reduction in labor costs with accurate labor hours.

GoFleet’s GPS monitoring system can be exactly what your small business needs to ensure long-term success. You will be able to provide better customer service, reduce costs and reduce labor when you implement a GPS fleet management solution.

GPS Tracking Systems For Vehicles: What Is It?

What Is GoFleet’s GPS Tracking Systems For Vehicles?

GoFleet’s GPS tracking systems for vehicles uses GPS (Global Positioning System) to track fleet vehicles for a business. A GPS device is installed in all of your vehicles to enable you to be able to track and monitor them. You can also get important information that can be used to better manage your drivers such as engine status, vehicle speed, excessive idling and fleet route.

Business owners, dispatchers and fleet managers use GoFleet’s GPS tracking systems data to expedite dispatching and improve routing. The data can also be used to monitor the drivers’ behavior, prevent theft, reduce fuel usage and provide operational efficiencies. Most business owners find that the benefits and savings are far greater than the affordable cost of implementing the system.

GoFleet’s GPS tracking systems for vehicles is a fleet management solution that goes beyond traditional GPS tracking. There is a wide variety of manager reports that are fully customizable. They give management the ability to measure how effective their fleet and drivers are in the field. There are many customized SMS text message or email alerts that can be set up to notify the business owner or fleet manger even when they are offline. Alerts can be set up to remind them of vehicle maintenance needs or for unwanted driver behavior issues such as driving outside of the authorized area, excessive idling, speeding or aggressive driving. These alerts can be used to encourage better driving habits and to reduce fuel consumption.

GoFleet’s GPS tracking systems for vehicles has gained a lot of popularity for fleet management and is becoming an essential business tool. Once business owners implement GPS tracking systems for vehicles, they will discover quickly how important this technology is to their long-term business success. To find out more information on how GoFleet can help improve your business, Contact Us.

Fleet Management Services: Common Myths

Common Myths About Fleet Management Services

There are several common misconceptions about implementing fleet management services based on assumptions made by companies with no GPS fleet management experience. Actual fleet management service users tell a much different story based on their experience with the technology. The following misconceptions have been disproven by actual users of GoFleet’s fleet management services:

Our Company Does Not Need GPS Tracking Because We Trust Our Drivers

The purpose of fleet management services is not to monitor your drivers’ every move. It is about making your business more efficient and reducing unnecessary operating costs. It has been proven that GPS tracking systems reduce maintenance costs, increase fuel efficiency, increase dispatching and routing efficiency, improve driver safety and improve customer service.

Our Drivers Will Quit Working For Our Company If We Use Real Time Tracking

GoFleet’s experience with their customers contradicts this myth. Once GoFleet’s fleet management services are implemented, your drivers will find that they depend on the additional roadside assistance, routing information, and automated time card entries. The GPS tracking system eliminates a lot of time-consuming paperwork. It also provides additional driver and cargo security while on the road.

Fleet Management Services Are Too Complicated To Install And Use

GoFleet’s tracking system is easy to install and even easier to use. The fleet management software is user-friendly with easy to understand management data, vehicle tracking and maps. GoFleet has many knowledgeable technicians available 24/7 to answer any questions you might have both before and after the system is installed.

GPS Fleet Tracking Is Not Necessary Because Our Drivers Have Cell Phones

Unlike cell phones with GPS capabilities, GoFleet’s fleet management services provide a lot of valuable information for fleet managers including start and stop times, engine status, vehicle location, fuel consumption, mileage and driving patterns. In addition, cell phones can cause safety issues on the road when drivers are trying to read them.

It is time to join GoFleet’s customers and start making your business more efficient. There is no reason to be wasting hard earned money on unnecessary expenses such as high fuel costs and inaccurate labor costs. For more information, contact one of our fleet consultants today: 1-888-998-1122.

GPS Tracker Software: Provide Superior Customer Service

Provide Superior Customer Service Using GPS Tracker Software

Providing superior customer service is a key way for a business to differentiate itself from its competitors. As a business owner, you need to know what your customers expect so you can meet and exceed those expectations. As a service company, one simple way to develop a competitive advantage through customer service is to implement a fleet management system with GPS tracker software.

High quality customer service is essential to your business’ long-term success. Retaining customers, by keeping them loyal and happy, is much more cost-effective than attracting new customers. GoFleet’s GPS tracker software is an easy way of managing your service team and measuring their success. Focusing on providing the best customer service puts you ahead of your competition.

GoFleet’s GPS tracker software provides a real-time analysis of vehicle locations, driving patterns, arrival times and historical data. Managers can use job site addresses to optimize the drivers’ routes and schedules. Service technicians are able to perform more jobs each day, increasing customer satisfaction, overall productivity and profits.

Furthermore, GPS tracker software provides additional flexibility when callers need immediate or emergency service. Fleet managers will be able to dispatch the closest vehicle to the job site without disrupting the daily schedule. Your customers will be extremely grateful your services because are efficient and timely, helping you to create long-term business relationships.

When you use GoFleet’s GPS tracker software, you will be able to tell your customers an accurate estimated time of arrival. Unlike you competitors, you will not give your customers a long service window. When the customer uses your service, they will not be stuck home from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. waiting for the service technician to arrive. When your customer needs service, you will be able to confidently tell them “Our service technician will arrive at your location within 30 minutes.” You can even tell them how far away the driver is to their location.

Customers will really appreciate the high quality service they receive because your company uses GoFleet’s GPS tracker software. When your customers are happy, your company has a better reputation, you receive more repeat business, more people are referred to your company, and, ultimately, you enjoy more revenue. Contact Us today to find out how our GPS fleet tracking software can improve your customer service.