Geo Fences: Set Boundaries for a Better Business

Increase Employee Productivity Using Geofencing Technology

A geofence, also known as a zone, is a virtual fence around a real-world area of interest. You can use zones to denote where places are such as your office, customers, workplaces, airports, gas stations, entire states and provinces or people’s homes. When combined with exception reporting, zones become a critical component for analyzing the behavior of your fleet.

Zones can be easily added into the solution by clicking on the map to add each point. Each geofence can be differentiated by colour as well as a unique description. Along with the other customizable features, there are unique benefits to utilizing zones. Geofences are flexible and can be set at nearly any distance surrounding an entire city or even around a single house. They help reduce administration time spent analyzing information concerning customer visits and also maintain employee accountability.

Geo Fences


Defining a Zone

To define the boundary of your new geofence, first select a starting point on the map. Continue creating the boundary by selecting points along its perimeter. A line will connect the points, showing the perimeter in the order you add them. To finish, close the zone by re-selecting the beginning point. Note that the perimeter lines can be moved while the zone is being created and a point can be removed by dragging it off the map.

Geo Fences

Modifying an Existing Zone

To change the shape of a zone, find the zone on the map or search for it in the zones list. Selecting a zone on the map and the menu below will be shown. Select change zone shape to modify the boundary by moving or removing individual points. To add a new point to the boundary, select along the zone boundary.


The benefits of adding geofences vary among industries, and if making consistent customer visits is a promising feature of your business then gaining push notifications when a driver enters a customer zone might just be what you’re looking for! Also it is important to remember that geofences can be created around any area of interest such as, your corporate office to monitor when drivers arrive to work and when they leave.

By using zones in combination with real time location tracking, reporting becomes a powerful tool for productivity. This enables a number of possible scenarios such as:

  • Have an email sent out when drivers arrive at customer locations
  • Sound an in-vehicle alert to a driver who has left work early
  • Notify your shipping and receiving department when a truck will arrive soon
  • The application recognizes stops made within zones, such as customer areas, and can also indicate the amount of time spent at these locations

For more information on the important features of GPS fleet tracking, and how it could help your business save thousands of dollars, contact one of our highly trained fleet consultants today!

1-888-998-1122 | [email protected]

Real Time Fleet Tracking

Real Time GPS Fleet Tracking

Live Track Your Vehicles with Real Time GPS Fleet Tracking

Real time GPS fleet tracking can be an important money-saving tool for any sized business. From the ability to reduce fleet idle times, improve driver behaviours and measure maintenance costs, the solution is designed to control expenses that can eventually affect your company’s bottom line.

Live tracking is an important and interesting feature offered by GoFleet’s solution. Designed to help locate the current location of your company vehicles; the solution is capable of playing back trip details, generating reports based on location visits and optimizing routes for customer visits.

How to locate fleet vehicles?

Locating vehicles within the database is fairly easy and accessible. You can select multiple vehicles at a time which will automatically populate on a map as shown in the image below or select individual vehicles to locate in real time. The status of each vehicle selected will then be displayed on the map, helping you quickly see the position of that particular vehicle. The application is also capable of automatically saving records of each trip made when vehicles are driven from place to place. The telematics device will record the distance travelled, time spent driving/idling and other important engine diagnostic events which take place along the way. Such data can later be generated (within specific time periods) to verify driver location needed from the past or even the current route taken during the day.




Fleet Management Reports

Reports containing such information can also be downloaded to better understand the data or used for important decision making. For instance, mangers can obtain reports of fuel efficiency based on the route taken and whether the drivers were idling along the way. These reports can be scheduled to determine areas where drivers may be wasting fuel. Increase in fuel usage might occur at times when there is needless idling, unapproved vehicle usage and speeding. Managers can then eliminate irrelevant fuel expenses by using the GoFleet’s real time tracking solution.

A few drivers may not like the idea of being monitored, but the overall savings of real time GPS fleet tracking will be worth the potential dissonance. With live tracking we can help managers regulate scheduled vehicle maintenance, monitor drivers in real-time and verify log times of employees. All of these aspects are important to saving the company time and money allowing you to never lose sight of your vehicles, but instead effectively manage your fleet to eliminate labour costs and bring forth positive changes.

For more information on the important features of real time GPS fleet tracking, and how it could help your business save thousands of dollars, contact one of our highly trained fleet consultants today!

Geotab Datacenter Security

Secure Data Thanks to Geotab

Both GoFleet and Geotab understand how important security and privacy is to My.Geotab’s over 140,000 users. Therefore Geotab takes all the necessary precautions to ensure the security of its users data.

Geotab actively manages all client data in their secure facility in Canada. Geotab’s gateway server handles the transaction of data between vehicles over the cellular network, and into the device management gateway, before the data is sent to the My.Geotab hosted service.

The service is monitored continuously, on a 24/7 basis, by Geotab’s Technical Support engineers.

Stress testing to determine data latency (the time between data requests and answers) and breaking points is important to optimize performance. Geotab monitors the network and internet uptime by different cellular network carriers.

Geotab Data Security Graph

Some of the key datacenter security points are listed below:

  • Geotab’s gateway server in Canada supports all global customers, including partners in Australia using the Telstra network.
  • The gateway on average processes more than 10,000 log records per second, and is designed to scale for large customers, including Geotab’s largest customer that has 80,000 connected vehicles all in one database.
  • The Geotab gateway and IT architecture scales horizontally for seamless load balancing.
  • Geotab’s gateway and the My.Geotab servers are hosted at Q9 which is one of the world’s most secure data centres also hosting the biggest banks and insurance companies in Canada.
  • Geotab owns their own servers within Q9 and always uses best practices to prevent any unauthorized activity.
  • All Q9 facilities offer state-of-the-art physical access controls, full power, and multiple location facilities. These data centers don’t allow on-site, third-party visits and will only allow authorized personnel to access the locations.
  • All Geotab-owned equipment is contained within access-controlled racks and cages. Only Geotab staff has access to the equipment, and each staff member has to pass through access control points.
  • All equipment and facilities are monitored 24 hours a day by security personnel.

Want to learn more about GoFleet & Geotab’s GPS fleet tracking services? Contact one of our highly trained fleet consultants today!


[email protected] | 1-888-998-1122



Original Article Written By: Eduardo Granda, Sales Manager at Geotab

The Secret of Earning Fleet Insurance Discounts

Fleet Insurance Discounts

One of the main factors people look at when determining whether GPS fleet tracking is suitable for their fleet is whether they will gain a ROI. Earning fleet insurance discounts is one of the many factors in getting the ROI you want to achieve.

Car insurance premiums are determined based on driver risk factors. This includes:

  • Type of vehicle
  • Vehicle usage
  • Driving record
  • History of previous accidents
  • The city & province or state you live in

There are two different types of auto insurance coverages that are mandatory in Canada: Third-Party Liability and Accident Benefits, also known as no fault benefits.

Third-Party Liability Coverage
Third-Party liability coverage allows the person who did not cause the collision the option to sue the at-fault driver for additional costs and damages not covered by Accident Benefits. Additionally, this coverage covers you for the legal costs of being sued if you are the at-fault driver. Ontario has a hybrid program including both types of coverages; Quebec, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan don’t have the Third-Party liability coverage, they have only no-fault systems.

Accident Benefits
Accident Benefits mostly cover income replacement, medical treatment, and other benefits to assist in the healing processes if an individual is injured because of a collision. The “No Fault Benefits” provides payment regardless of who caused the collision. According to the IBC, this coverage is mandatory for all Canadian provinces, except Newfoundland & Labrador.

Coverage in the United States
The United States has laws that are similar to the coverages previously mentioned for Canada. There are some states governed by Tort Laws, in which the party who is at fault pays for the victim’s damages and medical expenses, such as suffering and lost wages. The other states are governed by No-Fault laws, in which all parties that file a claim are usually compensated without requiring a fault determination.

The Role of GPS Fleet Tracking
Businesses must keep up with costs, including insurance rates and the overall upkeep of vehicles. There is also an increase in how GPS fleet tracking technology can help businesses reduce their commercial auto insurance. This includes satellite navigation, vehicle and container tracking, fleet management, emergency warning systems, wireless vehicle safety communications, and more. The data taken from GPS tracking devices can help improve driver behavior, which can also reduce maintenance costs, fuel consumption costs, as well as employee injury claims.

To qualify for a reduced auto insurance rate, businesses may be required to have a GPS device installed in a number of their fleet vehicles. Insurance companies sometimes have their own list of approved GPS solution providers, and each recommends that the business speaks first with an insurance rep to see if their GPS solution provider qualifies.

The insurance companies normally review the policies yearly and depending on the data pulled, it could change your rates; this makes it essential to practice preventative measures to ensure the rates stay low.

Being able to manage, track and learn from the data being pulled from your GPS device will help improve the quality of life for your vehicles, which will save you money. Further to this, Research and Markets identified that “in recent years, the vehicle theft rate in countries like the United States and Brazil are increasing, which is leading to increased adoption of GPS solutions to lower insurance rates.”

There are a few types of policies

  • Commercially insured fleets: Insuring vehicles with insurance companies that accepts GPS data to save a percentage off the premium.
  • Self-insured fleets: It is required to have a policy put in place and the policy holder must be prepared to reinforce the policy, it all depends on the policy presented.

The policy may require employees to have clean MVRs (motor vehicle reports). To achieve this, the business can reinforce drivers to remain within speed limits, and always wear a seatbelt. Additionally, to help fleets that are self-insured to save money, employees can use the data provided from their GPS solution to manage their driving habits, such as aggressive driving (hard acceleration & braking) which can cause high fuel consumption and cause wear on vehicles.

Maintaining and using this data effectively can aid in:

  1. Reduced vehicle damage (bent metal claims)
  2. Personal injury claims
  3. General liability
  4. Workers comp

A Geotab & GoFleet Perspective
At Geotab & GoFleet, we’ve seen self-insured injury and vehicle damage claims drop from $30,000 per 1 million miles driven $0.03 per mile to $22,000 per million miles driven $0.022 per mile.

  1. For a vehicle driving 30,000 miles per year – vehicle damage claims can drop from an average of $900 per year before a GPS solution policy, to an average of $660 per year after. An average of $240 per year in savings.
  2. Forensic accident data & first notice of loss from the notification of an accident helps to reduce time to settle and claims cost for at fault and preventable accidents.
  3. Even self-insured fleets must insure their excess general liability. Insurance premiums on this can be lowered after a successful deployment and proven reduction in accidents and claims amounts.
  4. Proof of activity that can be used to prove the whereabouts of an employee for false workers compensation claims are used by firms as part of their private workers compensation investigations.

On average, safety usually drops a vehicle down from $5000 to $3500 ($1500/yr avg) once a policy is put in place and reinforced by follow up from the insurance firm.

To learn more about the fleet insurance discounts that could be available for your fleet, contact us!

Original Article Written By Geotab

Reporting Seatbelt Data: Not as Easy as Buckling Your Seatbelt

Seatbelt Data Reporting

Seatbelt information is very important to many of GoFleet’s customers yet it is not always as easy to retrieve as one may think.

Seatbelt data isn’t mandated by OBD-II specifications
Different vehicle years, makes, and models can all report seatbelt data differently. Geotab goes the extra mile because of this, to acquire seatbelt information. The plug-and-play GO device uses an intricate detection and verification algorithm to tackle these difficulties to be able to cater to as many vehicles as possible. The GO device will report all data it thinks is seatbelt data but only the data that passes the verification process will be used as seatbelt reporting data in My.Geotab.

Obtaining Seatbelt Data
It may seem seatbelt data should be very straightforward to report since there are only two different states, unbuckled or buckled, but it isn’t! Some of the complexities include:

  • Seatbelt data is proprietary, meaning different makes and models report data in different locations through different Parameter IDs (also known as pids, code used to request engine data). Where one car may report seatbelt data another car may report an open door.
  • Sometimes seatbelt data is voluntarily broadcasted, while at other times data needs to be requested from the engine computer; sometimes data is only reported once when the state is changed. The GO device needs to have the ability to process all different circumstances the seatbelt data is presented in.
  • Seatbelt data can be very “bouncy” as it tends to jump around for the first few seconds of start-up before it settles to the correct value. One would not expect 20+ buckled and unbuckled events within the first few seconds of ignition on! The GO device must determine this is the correct seatbelt data once it settles.
  • Some drivers fail to use a seatbelt, while others use it in an abnormal manner, for example taking it off in the middle of a trip. Taking into account abnormal driver behaviour also makes it challenging for the GO device to verify seatbelt data.

Detecting and Verifying Seatbelt Data
The following describes the different stages the GO device goes through in the seatbelt detection process to be an “all in one” solution:

  • Scan through the broadcasted data and try each of the different seatbelt requests.
  • Once the GO device has identified all possible seatbelt data, it then detects if it is in fact seatbelt data, and not other pieces of data such as the driver door being opened.
    • If it is incorrect data, the device will skip it and return to search for other data that could be seatbelt
  • Account for different random seatbelt events such as:
    • Drivers unbuckling their seatbelt after ignition off
    • Drivers unbuckling to deliver a package but leaving the ignition turned on
    • Drivers unbuckling at high speeds to reach something out of their pockets
    • Drivers unbuckling before coming to a full stop
    • Drivers buckling up before ignition is turned on

One can surely speculate how the list can go on and on for different driver behaviors. Geotab’s detection system looks deeper into these events to verify seatbelt data before it starts being reported to you, the customer. The GO device processes when unbuckled and buckled events occur during the trip and use other pieces of engine data before the device decides how likely that this piece of data truly is seatbelt data.

Next Steps
Geotab is constantly adding new seatbelt data for more and more years, makes and models. The detection and verification process is continuously being updated to account for new seatbelt information and the different ways seatbelt can behave in vehicles.

Original Article Written by: Paul Ciolek, Junior Systems Developer at Geotab

See GoFleet at the 2015 AHR Expo

AHR Expo in Chicago with GoFleet


AHR Expo | GoFleet | January 26th – 28th
McCormick Place, Chicago


We are excited to be attending the AHR Expo in Chicago from January 26th to 28th! We will be located in booth #6178, if you plan to attend make sure to pay us a visit!

The AHR Expo is the World’s Largest HVACR (Heating, Vacuuming, Air Condition & Refrigeration) Marketplace with over 2,000 exhibiting companies. There are over 100 educational sessions you can take advantage of if you attend. GoFleet is excited to be attending to promote what GPS tracking can do for HVAC, refrigeration and plumbing companies to make them stand out from their competition.

GoFleet already works with many plumbing, refrigeration and HVAC companies to decrease maintenance costs, increase productivity, and decrease fuel costs. A#1 Air has seen the capabilities our system offers that others don’t; before implementing the Geotab GO devices, they were with another provider but it was not giving them the data they needed. With our system they’ve been able to greatly reduce maintenance costs, lower fuel costs through effective routing, lower insurance premiums, reduce accidents and improve customer service:

“The system has greatly reduced the lag time in being able to update customers and keep them in the loop. Before, we would say, well, here’s a 3-hour window of when we’ll arrive, but now that window has greatly decreased.”
– Ken Kapson, A#1 Air’s Fleet, IT & Building Manager

Check out the full case study here: A#1 Air: Obtaining Fleet Insight

To calculate how much money you could potentially save, after installing our plug-and-play devices, check this out: Fleet ROI Calculator

If you haven’t registered already, act now! Today, January 9th, is the final day for free registration, after that a 30$ fee will apply. Register here.
***UPDATE: Free Registraion Extended to January 12th!***

Show Dates & Hours
FAQ About the Show
Interactive Floor Plan

We can’t wait to attend the AHR Expo, and we hope to see you there!

Reefer Temperature Monitoring Protects Food & Beverages

Protect Food And Beverages With Reefer Temperature Monitoring

GoFleet offers reefer temperature monitoring as an add-on to their GPS fleet management solution. Valor Temptrac protects food and beverages by ensuring they are stored at the correct temperatures so they stay good and do not spoil. You will be able to meet the demanding requirements of temperature sensitive deliveries. Frozen goods, fresh produce, beverages and other food items will be delivered safely and accurately every time.

When you deliver food and beverages, you know that there are certain temperature requirements that are required during delivery to ensure that the products do not spoil. If these temperatures are not kept accurately during the entire delivery, the products you are delivering could spoil causing a huge financial loss.

Reefer temperature monitoring improves your company’s accountability. When you know your food and beverage products have remained at the correct temperatures during shipment, you can feel confident about your delivery. Customers will appreciate knowing they can rely on your company for fresh food and beverages.

Using Valor’s reefer temperature monitoring actually saves you time. Stops, manual checks and logging of the trailer’s internal temperature will be eliminated. The trailer temperature will be recorded automatically and sent wirelessly to GoFleet’s fleet management solution.

The reefer temperature monitoring system can monitor up to 4 zones of the refrigerator trailer at one time. The data is transmitted wirelessly and in real-time, every 4 seconds. If the temperature of the trailer zones goes under or over the set temperature limits, you will receive an immediate alert via email or SMS text message.

The reefer temperature monitoring system is fully integrated with GoFleet’s GPS fleet management device. You can track the temperatures of your food and beverages through the life of the shipment and the trend temperatures of your trailer over time from the convenience of your GoFleet fleet management software. You can easily create reports on the temperatures and view historical data through MyGeotab.

If you use refrigerated trailers, GoFleet’s refer temperature monitoring will eliminate spoilage and protect your food during delivery. For more information about how GoFleet can help protect your food and beverage deliveries, Contact Us.

Driver Coaching Greatly Increases Driver Safety

Increase Driver Safety With Driver Coaching

GoFleet’s driver coaching not only has a significant impact on fuel economy, it also greatly increases driver safety. Drivers often do not realize that they are driving in an unsafe manner. They are just trying to get from point A to point B as fast as possible. Drivers encounter many distractions that have their minds on other things other than on the road. Audible driver coaching provides beeps that will alert the driver when they are driving unsafely. The alert gives the driver an opportunity to change their driving behavior as soon as they become aware of the way they were driving.

Driver coaching provides audible beeps to alert your drivers when they are speeding, accelerating rapidly, harsh breaking or idling excessively. You need to explain to your drivers how GoFleet’s driver coaching works. Educate your drivers on the importance of driving safely. Additionally, adopt a company culture of safety. Target measurable improvements that will be measured on the weekly Driver Scorecard Report. The weekly results should be shared with all of your drivers.

Make sure your drivers understand that the driver coaching will alert them when they hit a specific speed, accelerate rapidly, break harshly or idle excessively. Over time, your drivers will automatically drive in a safe manner the moment they hear a warning beep. They will start to notice that they are driving safely every time they drive because they vary rarely receive a driver coaching beep.

Increasing your driver safety will keep your drivers safe, reduce the risk of accidents, keep other drivers on the road safe and increase the life of your vehicles. You can use driver coaching to progressively change your drivers’ behaviors. For example, you can start with audible beeps when your drivers drive 10 miles over the speed limit and then reduce it to 7 miles and then to 5 miles. This will help ease your drivers into driving in a safe manner.

For more information about GoFleet and how driver coaching can greatly increase driver safety at your company, Contact Us.

5 Ways to Effortlessly Manage Your Vehicles & Drivers

Manage Your Vehicles & Drivers Effortlessly: 5 Easy Ways

As your business grows and becomes more complex, managing your drivers and vehicles also becomes more complex. Business owners and managers have to spread themselves thin in order to handle everything necessary to run a successful business. Using a fleet management system, there are five ways to effortlessly manage your fleet of vehicles and drivers so you can focus on your core business.

1. Automatic Reports

Your fleet management software can provide automatic reports regarding fuel usage, drivers’ behaviors, safety, after hour vehicle usage, driver time cards, etc. You can set up your software to automatically deliver fleet reports daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly. The reports can be displayed on the dashboard or sent to your email.

2. Automatic Alerts

When you use a fleet management solution, you do not have to constantly check-in with you drivers to make sure that they are doing what they are supposed to be doing. You can use automatic alerts to notify you if your drivers are idling excessively, driving aggressively, driving out of the authorized zone, speeding, etc. The automatic alert is send to your email or dashboard in real-time so you can contact the driver to have the behavior corrected immediately.

3. Audible Driver Coaching

Audible driver coaching alerts drivers with a set of beeps if they drive aggressively, stop harsh, accelerate rapidly, speed or idle excessively. This beep makes the driver aware that they were doing something wrong so they can correct the way they are driving. Often times, drivers get distracted and do not realize they were driving in an unsafe or inefficient manner. The audible driver coaching improves fuel efficiency and increases driver safety.

4. Fuel Card Integration

Integrating a fuel card system with your fleet management system can reduce fuel costs, identify vehicles or drivers that are using more fuel than normal and detect fraud. GPS data is compared with actual fuel consumption and fill ups right from the fleet management software.

5. 24/7 Vehicle Locations

GPS fleet management systems provide all of the vehicle’s locations any time of the day. You can easily view all of your vehicles locations on a map or create reports with the vehicles’ historic locations. If a vehicle is lost or stolen, you will be able to quickly locate the vehicle and get it back on the road to service your customers.

Winter Driving Tips To Keep You Safe

Stay Safe With Winter Driving Tips

The winter months can prove challenging for drivers. This is because the weather is often unpredictable which places additional demands on your driving skills and vehicle. Safety needs to be a top priority for motorists. You need to make sure you are prepared for the roads this winter by following these winter driving tips. Depending on the weather and road conditions, you need to be ready to adjust your speed accordingly.

Make Sure Your Vehicle Is Ready For Winter

Before winter, take your vehicle in for a maintenance check-up. Do not wait until winter-time to check your battery, tires, belts, radiator, hoses, lights, oil, brakes, heater/defroster, exhaust system, ignition system and wipers.

In addition to having your tires checked before winter, make sure to check the pressure of the tires frequently. The pressure naturally decreases when the weather gets colder. If you live in heavy snow areas that are prone to frosty, slushy and icy conditions, you should consider using winter tires.

Also, it is important that you keep your tank at least half full at all times during the winter. You should also have a sufficient amount of windshield washer fluid in your vehicle’s reservoir.

Keep A Winter Survival Driving Kit

Having essential winter supplies in your vehicle can provide safety and comfort if you and your passengers get stranded. This is one of the easiest winter driving tips; however, it is often overlooked.

Essential supplies include:

  • Shovel
  • Ice snowbrush/scraper
  • Sand (or another type of traction aid)
  • Tow chain or rope
  • Booster cables
  • Warning lights or road flares
  • Fuel line antifreeze
  • Batteries
  • Flashlight
  • Fire extinguisher
  • First aid kit
  • Small tool kit
  • Blanket
  • Extra footwear and clothing
  • Candle
  • Lighter or matches
  • Non-perishable foods such as soup, juice, bottled water, granola and/or chocolate

Be Prepared

Before you start driving, check the road and weather conditions and plan your route. You may need to give yourself extra travel time or wait until the conditions improve. If you are going to be traveling a longer distance, it is a good idea to let someone know where you are going and when you expect to arrive.

How To Handle Your Vehicle


A skid is when the wheels on your vehicle lose traction when driving on a slippery road. When your vehicle is skidding, you can regain control of your vehicle by steering in the direction you are skidding. Steer in the direction you want the vehicle to go. Be cautious not to oversteer. When you are skidding on ice or in a straight line, you must step on the clutch or shift the vehicle into neutral.

Cruise Control

When people think of common winter driving tips, they don’t usually think about the danger of using their cruise control. When you are driving on wet, icy or snowy roads, you must avoid using your cruise control; these weather conditions can cause the vehicle to accelerate unpredictably. It can reduce your reaction time and your ability to control the vehicle.

Distance Between Vehicles

Remember it takes longer to stop on a wet, snowy, icy or slippery road. Make sure to leave plenty of space between your vehicle and the vehicle ahead of you. Under normal weather conditions, a good rule for stopping is the two-second rule. When weather conditions are poor, drivers should double the distance between vehicles.

What Is The Two-Second Rule?

Use a marker on the road such as a road sign. Start counting when the rear of the vehicle in front of you passes the marker. Count “one-thousand and one, one-thousand and two”. Stop counting when the front of your vehicle reaches the same marker. You are too close if your vehicle reaches the marker before you count “one-thousand and two”.

In the winter, remember to double the two-second rule. You are too close if your vehicle reaches the marker before you say “one-thousand and four”.

Follow these simple winter driving tips to not only help keep yourself safe, but those you share the road with. Always remember the most important rule: take your time. It is better to arrive alive, safely and late than to not arrive at all or arrive late because there has been damage to you or your vehicle. Stay safe and take your time on the roads.

For more information about winter driving tips, check out the websites below:
Winter Safe Driving
CAA Winter Driving
Winter Driving Tips & Safety Features