Distracted Driving Is A Major Concern For Fleet Managers

A Major Concern For Fleet Managers: Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is one of the biggest problems fleet managers have to deal with. According to the Official US Government Website For Distracted Driving, distracted driving has become a dangerous epidemic. Each year, there are over 3,000 people killed in crashes caused by distracted driving. A driving distraction is any activity that takes the driver’s mind and attention off of the road or reduces the visual connection with the road, traffic and surrounding environment.

For fleet managers, drivers getting distracted while driving can turn into huge financial losses due to injuries and damages to the vehicles. In addition, it can cause reduced productivity when drivers are in an accident caused by distracted driving.

Visual distractions occur when the driver takes his eyes off the road. When a driver’s thinking process about driving is interrupted, it is known as a cognitive distraction. While visual distractions are more obvious, cognitive distractions are often less recognized. For example, although the driver many only be visually distracted for a couple of seconds when dialing a phone number, he is cognitively distracted for the entire length of a telephone call.

Sometimes the fleet managers are actually to blame. They could be assigning tasks for the driver to completed en route to job sites such as calling the office or calling a customer prior to arriving. Furthermore, a fleet manager may not provide their drivers with adequate training. Not all fleet managers are aware of some of the really great training programs available that will teach their drivers the skills they need to drive safe and efficiently. All drivers should receive basic skills driver training regardless of their experience level when they join your organization.

Types Of Distractions

When fleet managers are creating driving policies, promoting compliance and enforcing policies, it is critical they first identify the current distraction trends and their potential impact on their drivers.

Fleet managers must be aware of distracted driving behaviors such as:

– Visual and cognitive distractions

– Talking on the telephone (using both hands-free and handheld devices)

– Data entry (texting, dialing, GPS data entry, etc.)

– In-vehicle activities (drinking, eating, smoking, grooming, reaching for items, etc.)

– Roadside diversions (disabled vehicles, billboards, advertisements on vehicles, rubbernecking, etc.)

– Drowsiness

Distractions Caused By Mobile Devices

While there are many types of distractions drivers face, talking on a cell phones, using other mobile devices and texting while driving are a primary concerns for fleet managers. In fact, many studies uncovered that talking on a cell phone while driving (hands-free or handheld), increases the risk of accidents similar to the risk of accidents with drivers that have a blood alcohol concentration of 0.08. Fleet managers should focus on eliminating the use of these mobile devices while the vehicle is in motion or stopped briefly at traffic lights, stopped signs or in traffic. Drivers should be trained to pull over on the side of the road or into a parking lot if they need to use a mobile device.

Fleet managers should strongly consider implementing a policy banning the use of hands-free and handheld cell phones while the vehicle is in motion. Many companies are beginning to adopt no cell phone usage policies. Although there will be an adjustment period, companies have not reported any loss in productivity. In fact, 9% of fleet managers actually reported an increase in productivity after implementing this type of policy. All drivers will adapt. Before drivers leave their location, they will begin to stop and think if they have made all calls that need to be addressed right away.

For long-term results, the entire organization needs to be held accountable including the business owner and managers. To begin, fleet managers need to make all drivers understand that the policy has no exceptions. It is important that drivers are not just told “do not text or talk on the phone,” they must be told why the policy is so important and solutions must be provided. For example, make a suggestion that drivers keep their phone on silent while they are driving so they are not tempted to answer the call if it rings.

Strict policies need to be developed with clear consequences if a driver uses the phone while in the vehicle is in motion. Policy follow-through is extremely important. If fleet vehicles have an event data recorder installed for recording activities leading to a crash, make sure that the drivers are aware that the recorder will record their mobile device usage as well.

More and more companies are adopting distracted driving policies and no cell phone usage policies. However, a policy is not effective without having a well-developed strategy to back it up. Fleet managers need to step up the policy, allocate the budget and focus to ensure full compliance. Whether it is implementing compliance technology or employing consequences, drivers need to know your business takes distracted driving issues very seriously.

Fleet Technology Can Improve Driver Safety

Improve Driver Safety with Fleet Technology

Safety should not be estimated or second guessed. Fleet managers cannot afford to skimp on training for their drivers. To improve driver safety, the first step is to make sure the entire business adopts a culture of safety. If the company owners and managers do not participate and support safe practices, the fleet safety improvements cannot be accomplished. Fleet managers are now turning to technology to help guarantee their drivers perform their jobs securely and safely.

Ongoing Safety Training

Fleet managers need to foster an environment of safety and a culture of personal responsibility promoted for all employees. This will ensure that the drivers are all performing safely and to the best of their abilities. Upon hiring, all drivers should participate in a training orientation program including requirements for driver fitness, the proper way to perform vehicle inspections, driver qualifications, driver wellness and company rules.

Using constantly evolving technology, drivers should comply with an ongoing safety regimen. Telematics can be used to closely monitor drivers’ behaviors on the road such as speeding, hard acceleration, hard breaking, and utilization of seat belts. There are limitless amounts of measurements GPS fleet tracking technology can be analyzed. Each company should choose the core behaviors that impact the safety of their drivers the most.

In order to continuously improve driver safety, keep the number of driver performance indicators to a manageable amount. If a driver is found to exhibit a red flag behavior, the driver should be required to complete additional driver training for that behavior. Red flag behaviors can include collision, speeding, usage of seat belts, or aggressive driving. The telematics measurements allow fleet managers to customize the driver training to the driver’s specific unsafe driving practices. Focusing on the specific behavior allows fleet managers to help improve driver safety when there is an opportunity for improvement.

Adding ongoing driver training does not have to be time consuming or complicated. The training can actually be done on a mobile device such as a tablet or in the office.

Use The Technology To Create Friendly Competition

By posting the telematics measurements in an area where all the drivers can see, the drivers will try to improve their own safety habits as a form of friendly competition. Recognizing the drivers with the lowest percentage of unsafe driving practices is also helpful in the promotion of safe driving. The driver scorecards should be posted for all levels of the company including the business owner, fleet managers, other management and all of the drivers. This will show that the entire organization holds safe driving practices to the highest standard.

Businesses Use New Technology To Improve Road Safety

Fleet Management Technology Is Being Used By Businesses To Improve Road Safety

Businesses with fleet operations must be proactive in improving road safety. They have an obligation to protect the drivers whom they employ and other drivers on the roadways. That is why many businesses are turning to new technology to help the improve road safety. Many business owners and fleet managers are working hard to cultivate a workplace culture that promotes safe driving practices. While businesses are striving to stay competitive in these hard economic times, many are finding it equally as important to stay dedicated to supporting their community and encouraging their employees to improve their driving practices.

Reducing Speed

Driving at an increased speed increases the likelihood of a crash and its consequences. If a driver gets into an accident driving 35 miles per hour, it is twice as likely that someone will be killed in that crash than if the driver was only going 30 miles per hour.

There are many ways to reduce vehicle speeds including stricter speed enforcement, road design and legislation. Businesses with fleet operations are using their GPS based fleet management system’s automatic notifications and management reports to reduce speed violations while drivers are on the job. If a driver’s speed goes over a set threshold, an alert will automatically be sent to the fleet manager’s email or be posted in the web-based software’s dashboard. In addition, custom management reports can be created to inform the fleet manager of the drivers speed violations and other dangerous driving violations.

Wearing Seat Belts

The seatbelt is, perhaps, the best safety device that was ever developed for the automobile. Wearing this simple strap can reduce the risk of a car crash related death by up to 60%. If all drivers drive according to the posted speed limits and wear their seat belts, each year approximately 12,000 lives could be saved and 180,000 injuries could be prevented in the United States. While seat belt laws have increased the use of seat belts, some drivers still choose not to wear it. This does not have to be the case when a driver is on the job. Fleet managers can use their GPS fleet management system software to receive alerts and management reports informing them of whether or not the drivers and/or their passengers are wearing their seat belt.

Oil and Gas Worker Safety and Protection

Oil and Gas Worker Protection and Safety

Who’s watching out for your team?
Danger is always present when you’re working in the oil industry. Combustible and hazardous gases are harnessed and used on a daily basis, it is important to keep safety on the front of everyone’s minds and safety solutions close at hand. What can you do to stop accidents and injury?

Our Sensor Solution line of gas detectors, lone employee tracker, and remote monitoring devices can help you stay in control of the dangerous risks your team faces regularly.

Gas Detectors
Semi-permanently set up on an off-shore oil rig, or carried into an area where a spill may have occurred, our gas detectors are an accurate and technically advanced network of sensors capable of reading and detecting hazardous levels of toxic chemicals. With real-time monitoring and an easy-to-read screen, gas detectors are a must-have for ensuring the safety of your employees.

Lone Employee Tracker
Our lone worker employee trackers let you see your team at all times. These devices keep you aware of your team’s positions whether that be tracking drillers or roughnecks through an area where an accident has occurred or, tracking crew members around a large clean-up.

Remote Monitoring
The control center interface is capable of harnessing all of your detectors, and lone worker trackers for remote monitoring capabilities. Extremely easy to use, and critical to control and communicate with the entire team in the event of an accident. Keep in control and stay aware, even remotely.

Real-Time Visibility for Oil and Gas Workers

Our high-quality detection and location devices allow you to monitor and respond to risk anytime, anywhere. From truck to office, the solutions keep you informed on-the-go.

Visit: Wireless Gas Detection, Sensor Solutions or call 1-888-998-1122 for more information on oil and gas worker protection and to find out pricing.

Tips to Improve Driving Habits

Reduce Distraction, Be Proactive, Improve Driving

You should never stop improving driving skills. Many of us get over confident or too comfortable in our bad habits that we often forget simple defensive driving skills. Driving defensively is the best way to avoid traffic accidents and keep the roads a safer place.

Avoid Getting Distracted
Distracted drivers are 3 times more likely to be involved in an accident than attentive drivers (CAA Distracted Driving Statistics). Anything that takes your eyes off the road makes your reaction time much slower to the constantly changing road conditions. Cell phone use if a huge contributor, but this can be avoided easily with a Bluetooth device. Cell phone use may be the most commonly recognized form of distracted driving but anything from eating your lunch while driving to fiddling with the controls on your car can be just as distracting. Try your absolute best to avoid any distractions.

Be Proactive
A very common piece of driving advice is to not trust any other driver while on the road. This refers to never knowing what another driver may or may not do. We have all experienced those drivers who forget to turn off their turning signals or those aggressive drivers right on your bumper. Always remember, the only thing you are in control of is your own driving.

Try to look 10-15 seconds ahead of where you are going while constantly checking your rear-view mirrors to stay aware of your surroundings. Anticipate what the other drivers around you will be doing but also envision an escape route in case of an emergency situation. This will greatly increase your awareness.

Being proactive also means avoiding any situation that may increase the chance of a traffic accident. For example: sometimes you may be getting tailgated in the left lane on the highway even when going above the speed limit. As much as you may like to force that person to slow down by staying in front of them, it is most likely not worth the risk. By letting this person pass it leaves both drivers to continue on without conflict.

Smooth & Steady Driving Control
You want to make sure your control operation is done as smoothly as possible. Lightly applying pressure to your gas and brake pedal as opposed to having a lead foot will save you money on fuel and on vehicle wear. It will also give you the most control of your vehicle. This becomes even more important in bad weather conditions where hard braking or accelerating can force your vehicle into the wrong direction. It is also important to be as familiar with your vehicle and its safety features (ABS, traction control, 4WD, etc.) as possible. You want to know how your vehicle will react in all kinds of situations to avoid any surprises while driving.

How can GoFleet help?
GoFleet’s Geotab GO devices are designed to reduce driver interactions. Limiting notifications coming from the device to audible alerts allows the driver to get feedback on their driving while maintaining complete focus on the road. By using driver feedback with accelerometer data, Geotab is able to alert the driver when they exceed a certain amount of force.

Being a proactive driver continues when you are out of the vehicle. You can use GoFleet’s Geotab GO GPS Tracking Device to keep up with vehicle maintenance to ensure your vehicles are in top shape.

To learn more about GPS fleet tracking and how GoFleet can help you improve your driving habits and keep your fleet vehicles in top shape, contact one of our fleet consultants.


Original Author Piotr Zub in Geotab Blog:

CAA Distracted Driving Statistics: http://distracteddriving.caa.ca/education/

Driver Safety Management With Our GPS Tracking Software

GPS Tracking Software Manages Driver Safety

Attempting to interpret and understand accelerometer data can be complicated, as users will oftentimes need to sift through a large number of various vehicle insights. To make things easier, GoFleet in partner with Geotab has decided to take a sophisticated formula and transform it into a variety of safety rules that are easy to understand, use and apply.

Within the safety section of our GPS tracking software, the user needs to simply turn on the rules that are most relevant to company goals and select the corresponding vehicle set. From there, the software will automatically begin populating the unsafe driving data into reports that clearly illustrate the driving events.

It is vital to have a well thought out procedure in place that is communicated across different departments. This includes educating your HR professionals on your goals, and how you plan to put the data into action. Inform others on how your next action steps will look by outlining a communications plan for interacting with your drivers and team members. It’s what you do with the information (data) that counts, that is what ultimately helps improve driver behavior.

To become totally transparent in your communications it is recommended to also include your drivers. Our fleet GPS tracking software comes with a built-in driver feedback “beeping” feature. Fleet managers can turn the “beeping” sound on so as to assist drivers in modifying their behavior in real-time. The instant “beeping” of the audible alerts will inform the driver of when they are actually breaking a rule, or even about to break a rule. The fleet management software truly can assist with providing drivers with immediate safe driving insight, helping to avoid repeating the same behavior in the future.

Contact GoFleet for more information on our GPS tracking software and how our safety features can help better manage your fleet.

Eliminate Aggressive Driving with Fleet Tracking Devices

Fleet Tracking Devices Eliminate Aggressive Driving and Bad Driving Habits

Aggressive driving is one of the four main focuses of Road Safety Week. GoFleet’s fleet tracking devices can help you eliminate the aggressive driving habits of your drivers.

What exactly is Aggressive Driving?
The National Highway Traffic Safety Act (NHTSA) defines aggressive driving as occurring when an individual commits a combination of moving traffic offenses so as to endanger property or other persons. This includes, but is not limited to, tailgating, speeding, weaving in and out of traffic, running red lights or stop signs and preventing others from passing.

When applying g-forces to different driving maneuvers such as harsh accelerating, harsh cornering or harsh braking, what constitutes aggressive movement?

  • A force of ½ G in a passenger car when applying the brakes would equal enough to throw a driver towards the steering wheel and any vehicle load would shift to the front. Loose obstacles on the seat would likely be thrown to the floor.
  • Likewise, harsh acceleration producing a ½ G force in a passenger car would cause the driver to be thrown back in their seat.

Some statistics:

  • According to Automotive Fleet’s 2013 Accident Management Survey, there is an average of 21% of fleet vehicles involved in some form of crash each year
  • In 56% of fatal crashes between 2003 & 2007 aggressive driving actions were reported, with excessive speeding being the number one factor, as sited by the NHTSA.
  • NHTSA also states nearly 1000 deaths a month are associated with speeding
  • Exceeding the posted road speed limit or driving too fast for conditions is a factor in nearly 1/3 of all fatal crashes according to Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

Most people don’t think they are a risky drivers. In a surprising 2008 survey by the AAA Foundation’s Traffic Safety Culture Index, 78% of respondents rated aggressive drivers as a serious or extremely serious traffic problem. Most of the same people then reported driving in ways that could not be considered aggressive.

Three out of four drivers reported they believe they are more careful than other drivers. What’s the point? It is crucial that all drivers, both of personal and/or commercial vehicles assess their own driving habits.

For businesses operating a fleet of vehicles, this is often hard to evaluate. One way of doing this is to be able to provide valuable feedback to drivers as they are performing the various driving maneuvers necessary throughout the day. This empowers them to change their driving habits before any management even has to get involved. Our fleet tracking devices offer instant feedback for different aggressive driving instances.

Studies show that instant feedback in any area is the most effective way of changing human behavior. Driver feedback paired with the ability of management to “see” how their vehicles are being driven provides a very effective way for companies to help ensure their drivers are the safest on the road.

For more information on our fleet tracking devices and driver safety feedback check out: Audible Alerts Reduce Risk or contact a Fleet Consultant.

Driver Safety Management with GPS Tracking Devices

GPS Tracking Devices Transforming the Way You Think About Safety

In honour of National Safety Week in Canada, May 13th-19th, we wanted to share some valuable safety information about our GPS tracking devices. We are an engineering firm, not simply a GPS fleet tracking company and our devices offer much more than tracking.

Risk & Safety Report and Driver Ratings
With the next-generation safety technology in our GPS vehicle tracking devices, you can gain insight into your driver’s on-road behaviour with our safety management reports. Safety and risk scores are assigned to individual drivers based on different key indicators: seat belt usage, speeding, sharp turns, harsh braking, over acceleration and after-hours vehicle use. GoFleet can help you realize your potential to enhance your driver’s safety with real-time safety and risk reporting.

increase driver safety gps tracking devices

In-Vehicle Driver Coaching
GoFleet wants to make it as easy as possible for your drivers to immediately improve their on-road driving behaviour; our in-vehicle audible alerts notify drivers of potentially risky or unsafe driving. Once the risky/unsafe behaviour has been corrected (eg. reducing speed) the alerts will stop beeping. GoFleet wants to help you develop a fleet-wide safety program that really works.

GoFleet Audible Alerts GPS Tracking Devices

Ensuring Seatbelt Usage
Along with our long list of advanced safety features, our GPS tracking devices make it possible to ensure your drivers are always wearing their seat belts. An automatic seat belt detection feature reminds drivers to put their seat belt on when the car is in motion. This feature will not only help protect your drivers and reduce the potential for driver injuries it also ensures compliance with the law.

driver seatbelt safety gps tracking devices

Posted Road Speed vs. Actual Speed
Our GPS tracking devices allow you to compare your drivers speed with the posted road speed for highway driving, local city driving or within specific zones (eg. school zone). On top of knowing driver behaviour, you can observe changes in driving styles depending on the environment the driver is in, such as work or customer zones.


GoFleet wants to work with you to help ensure the safety of your drivers. To learn more about how our GPS tracking devices increase safety and the many other benefits contact us.

National Road Safety Week: May 13-19

May 13th-19th 2014 marks National Road Safety Week in Canada, a campaign aimed at making Canada’s roads the safest in the world. This campaign is designed to remind Canadians just how important it is to drive safely, obey all driving laws and ultimately keep yourself and others on the road safe. It focuses on behaviours that put drivers, passengers and others on the road at most risk, this includes: seat belt use, impaired driving, aggressive and distracted driving.

It is important to always take precautions when you are driving, your driving not only can effect you but also those around you whether that be a cyclist, pedestrian, motorcyclist or another driver. Always be aware of everything around you to ensure the safety of yourself and others.

If you are distracted by answering your cell phone it becomes harder to react appropriately and avoid a potential crash. It is crucial to limit your distractions behind the wheel to ensure the safety of yourself and others on the road. By taking your eyes off the road, even for a second you are drastically increasing the chances of being in a collision. Studies have shown that a driver using a cell phone is more likely to be involved in a collision than a driver who is focused on the road.

In 2011, 31% of collisions resulting in driver/passenger fatalities were people not wearing a seat belt. That means 31% of fatal collisions in 2011 could have potentially been avoided if those individuals simply put on their seat belts. Seat belts save lives, always remember to buckle up.

Here are a few road safety tips from GoFleet:

  • Drive according to the posted road speed limits, do not speed
  • Avoid unnecessary distractions and drive defensively
  • Yield to vulnerable road users even if they do not have the right-of-way
  • Turn your phone off/on silent so you are not tempted to answer it or read a text message
  • Watch out for drivers who are not paying attention
  • Only reverse when there are no other options
  • Keep both hands on the wheel
  • Wear a seatbelt at all times
  • Keep a safe distance from the car in front of you
  • Be aware of pedestrians, cyclists, children, animals and motorcyclists

GoFleet works with companies to improve bad driving habits and overall increase road safety. Our advanced systems not only offer real-time GPS tracking, they also offer real-time in cabin audible alerts. Our devices will beep warning drivers immediately of a number of infractions such as not wearing a seat belt, speeding, and idling. Our devices also record high quality information about your drivers like speeding (their speed versus posted speed), harsh braking and harsh cornering allowing fleet mangers or company owners to then analyze the data and work with their drivers to improve safety.

Canadian National Road Safety Week is sponsored by the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police (CACP) and Transport Canada and is a part of Canada’s Road Safety Strategy 2015, which has a goal of making Canada’s roads the safest roads in the world by 2015.

Drivers can expect stronger law enforcement during Safety Week, drive safely and make sure to obey all traffic laws.

For more information on how GoFleet can help you run a safer & more efficient fleet, or for more information about GPS fleet tracking in general, contact us.

Fleet Management With Advanced Exception Reporting Technology

Advanced Exception and Risk Management Reports Assist in Fleet Management

Rule Creation

A simple and effective way to manage the weak areas of a fleet is reporting by exception. Management can easily choose and set specific rules and standards by using Geotab’s Rules engine. Driver training programs that make use of the in-vehicle beeping function, which is triggered when a rule is broken, has proven to be one of the most effective ways to manage and improve the on-road behavior of your drivers.

fleet management speeding seatbelt exceptions

The most common exceptions include:

  • Idling over your threshold
  • Speeding over the posted limit
  • Seatbelt
  • Aggressive driving

When these rules are broken, they can be communicated in a few different ways:

  • Real-time email alert
  • Urgent pop-up on screen in real-time
  • In-vehicle beep can be set, this is a real-time driver behavior management tool used to correct poor driver behavior
  • Possibly the most used: when rules are broken they automatically populate into the Risk Management Report and Exceptions Report. Broken rules can also show on the map for a quick view, and exact location of an incident.

What is the Different Between Risk Management and Exception Reports?

One of the biggest differences is that the Exceptions report shows the location of where each rule was broken. This data is usually most important for organizations because it encompasses all the weak spots and can be communicated to management easily when broken. It optimizes the “no news is good news” saying: management only needs to be notified if a rule has been broken.

On the other hand, the Risk Management report shows how many rules were broken and the total miles driven for the specific time frame chosen. This is also a very important metric, when you take a look over the entire organization you can see how many rules were broken over a standard amount of miles. For example how many rules were broken per 100 miles driven? This allows all drivers to be placed on an even field so the organization can enforce fair practices. Consider this: A driver that breaks 10 rules and drives 50 miles is very different than a driver that breaks 10 rules and drives 500 miles.

Want to improve fleet management and/or learn more about GPS fleet tracking and how it can optimize your business? Contact us!

Original Article From Geotab: