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The Appeal Of Original Equipment Manufacturing, And Why Your Fleet Might Need It

With all of the well-researched benefits of having a telematics solution for your fleet, the question is no longer whether or not you should have one, but rather which platform solutions will work best for your business needs. 


Chances are, if you can start your car’s engine remotely or use your car’s OnStar system, you’re already familiar with how original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) work. Most major automotive OEMs currently produce vehicles that already have built-in telematics hardware, which integrate seamlessly with software designed specifically for fleet management. In fact, since 2016, vehicles manufactured with telematics hardware have become the norm. 


Why OEMs add value to your fleet — and your business


By now, you have at least a passing familiarity with Geotab — an open platform that connects commercial vehicles to the internet and provides web-based analytics to help companies better manage their fleets. Geotab automates operations by integrating vehicle data for enhanced security, safety and efficiency.


The Geotab OEM Data Platform aggregates third-party telematics data from OEM vehicles and makes it available on MyGeotab. Currently, Geotab offers Ford and GM Pilot Programs, which allow clients to test various OEM vehicle solutions. 


This solution has a specific value-add to fleets that already have vehicles with embedded telematics devices. Essentially, you can use the OEM data platform to access the additional data you need without having to replace the fleet you currently have. There’s no hardware or installation cost, and no delays related to shipment or installation — your vehicles can get on the road and you can have peace of mind.


By building telematics hardware into their vehicles, automotive manufacturers can now offer unique business solutions that integrate seamlessly into the existing work processes of any fleet. Having “smart” vehicles with hardware that’s telematics-ready means you can use fleet management telematics immediately, without custom installation or laborious uplift. Hardware that’s factory-installed means fleet managers can instantly subscribe to their telematics service of choice and collect data from their fleet vehicles. 


GoFleet’s Geotab OEM offerings 


New OEM integrations mean you get software solutions that are both geared towards fleet management and a source of deeper, richer analytics, data and insights. However, it’s difficult to have a one-size-fits-all fleet solution; not all vehicles perform the same tasks, and if only a portion of your vehicles have OEMs, you’ll have a set of diverse needs that need to be augmented when needed.


GoFleet’s Geotab integration blends seamlessly with OEM data platforms, with comprehensive telematics solutions that are feature-rich and scalable. Whether you’re looking for OEMs or aftermarket telematics solutions, our extensive integration enables your fleet to acquire incoming information, including diagnostics and repair sessions (which can be done remotely), automated job site coordination, and machine guidance. 


At the end of the day, knowing your business needs in both present and future states will enable you to make the best decision for your organization. GoFleet has flexible telematics solutions that can adapt to different types of fleets and services. Our Geotab Integrated Solutions are used with all types of vehicles, including GM, Volvo, John Deere, Mack and Ford; no installation or additional hardware required. 


OEMs ensure that quality, reliable service is available to your organization, so that you can focus on what matters most — managing safe, productive and efficient fleet operations.

Let us show you how to connect your operations with one integrated platform — contact the GoFleet team for full program details.

Utilisation of Your Tech Stack

Maximize Your Existing Tech Stack To Get Ahead In 2021

As businesses round up the year, it’s the perfect time for teams to perform a review of business operations. This allows management to see what processes and projects are working towards their long-term goals and how their finances stack up. When it comes to fleets, the process is no different. However, in addition to reviewing processes and projects, it’s critical for fleets to see how they can utilize their existing tech stack to help them further get ahead.


2020 Overview: Adjusting To A New Normal 

2020 was a unique year. For many, it was the first time they truly expected industry uncertainty and long-haul transporters definitely went through a moment of change. As regulations, demand and driver processes were adjusted, with the right driver and utilization of tools, teams were able to power through it. 

For nearly all fleets, 2020 caused operations to change by increasing health and safety protocols, PPE and more. Some fleets also decided to put attention towards their current processes and technologies within their fleet by focusing on using performance or finance boosting tools. Some found this easy to do as they leveraged their existing tech stack. 

As a result, leveraging existing tech stacks is a critical recommendation for all long-haul transporters, to help them get ahead in 2021.


Leveraging Telematics And Connected Networks Already In Place 

Nearly all fleets are already digitally connected by some form of a GPS or fleet tracking device to optimize routing, complete routes efficiently and to monitor hours-of-service (HOS) or driving times. 

When looking to maximize existing tech stacks, it’s important for fleets to leverage these already in place networks that connect to already installed hardware. Doing so will immediately increase route completion performance. 

One advantage is to leverage bypass programs that require no hardware as installation is digital. Regardless of where vehicles are, operations can change for the better almost immediately. During a time where social distancing and PPE measures are heightened, this is a major benefit. 


Leveraging A Tech Stack With GO9 Devices  

Fleets that are fitted with Geotab GO9 fleet trackers are used for several reasons including GPS tracking, HOS tracking and engine diagnostics. These already in use devices can also leverage the connected network it relies – by installing the unique Drivewyze Weigh Station Bypass Program fleets can truly meet global expansion dreams. 

While Drivewyze did not invent the weigh station bypass program, they did modernize it. By leveraging relationships and connected networks, they were able to implement a program where over 47 states and provinces allowed them to operate by using the safety scores of fleets, as well as other credentials, to allow vehicles to have a green light to pass and not have to pull into weigh stations. 


A New Efficiency Tool: Hardware-Free Weigh Station Bypass Programs 

A weigh station bypass program works by using vehicle GPS location data from a GO9 device in correlation to the GPS location of weigh stations, as well as unique weigh in motion scales strategically embedded in highways prior to a station. If a weigh station is participating in the program, the vehicle will have their fleet information and weight calculated from the motion scales automatically and this data will be cross referenced against screening rules to determine whether they are required to pull in. Typical screening rules include: 

  • Fleet safety score
  • Weight of vehicle while approaching station 
  • IFTA payment completion 

Many fleets find that they are authorized to pass stations approximately 98% of the time, immediately resulting in saving resources and time. In fact, most fleets report approvals of preclearance more often than not and notice a near immediate ROI when a truck receives just one or two bypasses a month. For drivers who find they are held up at weigh stations this is a game changer. 


Weigh Station Bypass Programs In Real Life 

Over the last year, weigh station bypass programs have thrived as they have been leveraged by fleets to streamline workflows when it comes to driver delivery times. When speaking to Drivewyze’s Weigh Station Bypass Program, they remained agile when encountered with recent pandemic restrictions. 


The COVID-19 Shutdown 

During the COVID-19 pandemic many cities and countries shut down for a period of time, resulting in various businesses being closed or services being halted. For long haul trucking, it was felt most as several truck rest stops and weigh stations were closed for a short period of time. As a result, many drivers were unsure of where they could safely stop to rest so resources were overused and HOS records were affected, as they drove around looking for a safe place to stop.

To help long haul fleets, Drivewyze accelerated their development of new features to automatically allow their systems to monitor the location of open rest stops and even provide data on their capacity level.


Becoming Part Of A Response Plan 

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many offices were instructed to enforce remote working options when possible. For some fleets, as part of their response plan, they took this time to proactively work towards upgrading their fleets by enrolling them into a bypass program. Because the program is completely digital and is free of hardware installation, the implementation of Drivewyze’s program was able to happen instantly. This resulted in improving operational efficiencies and social distancing measures as they did not have to pull off the highway into a weigh station.

After this unexpected year that many fleets have had, it’s hard to tell how 2021 will be. It’s critical for long haul fleets of all sizes to do what they can to elevate their existing tech stack to help them remain successful in the new year.

To learn how weigh station bypass could benefit your fleet, speak with one of our long-haul transportation specialists about receiving a Weigh Station Analytics report to see exactly how much time and money your fleet could save, or inquire about a free trial to experience the service in-cab.


Written by: Victoria Gole, Marketing, Branding & Communications Specialist at GoFleet

Contributions by: Doug Johnson, VP of Marketing at Drivewyze

Now Scheduled: CVSA’s International Roadcheck

On August 10, 2020, the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) announced that their International Roadcheck is rescheduled. The new date announced was September 9 – 11, 2020. Since this date is quickly approaching, it is critical for all commercial vehicles on the road to reassess and ensure compliance with federal regulations.   

As many fleets are just beginning to return to near normal productivity or are just returning to the road after pausing work after the COVID-19 pandemic, compliance must remain a priority.


What Is The CVSA’s International Roadcheck

The International Roadcheck is a thorough inspection of commercial vehicles on the road. These inspections are conducted over a 72-hour high-volume period and enforcement is conducted by inspectors in Canada, Mexico and the U.S. Inspections will be conducted in a variety of settings – in mobile patrols, at fixed locations and weight, or at inspection stations.


What Will Be Checked? 

In Canada, law enforcement personnel will conduct motor vehicle and driver inspections. They will leverage standard out-of-service criteria in North America, the National Safe Code and other provincial or territorial regulations to note violations to vehicle or driver compliance.

In the U.S. inspections will use Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations in addition to rules and regulations that are applicable to the commercial motor vehicle sector.

Similarly, in Mexico inspections will review regulations and standards set by the Mexican government. 

It is important to note that inspections will review driver and vehicle compliance. For more information review this note released by the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance: https://www.cvsa.org/news-entry/2020-rescheduled-roadcheck/


How To Prepare: 

While this is not a complete list, here are some important reminders for drivers to have easily accessible while on the road: 

  •         Have ELD documentation ready with a proper understanding of how to display it 
  •         Ensure there are blank paper logs available within the vehicle (it is recommended to have at least eight days worth)
  •         Have any and all malfunctions properly notes 
  •         Ensure unassigned driving time is annotated or claimed 
  •         Wear seat belts 
  •         Remain professional with inspectors
  •         Keep vehicles clean and tidy 

Drivers should also have their driver’s license, skill performance evaluation certificate, medical examiners certificate, driver’s record of duty status, as well as any other supporting documentation that may be relevant.

Looking for more information on how to keep your fleet compliance to strict industry standards? Contact us today – we’re trained and experienced in finding effective solutions to target nearly any need. 

Staying Healthy On The Road

Among the discussion of work-life balance in the transportation sector, many are beginning to also shift the focus towards the health of drivers. Specifically, improving awareness about how drivers need to continue to maintain a healthy lifestyle while on the road. As drivers must sit for long periods of time alone in their vehicle, fleets are starting to find that more drivers are voicing concerns about  how the job could be impacting their health.


A New Focus: Staying Healthy On The Road


While on the road, it’s important for drivers to take the time to focus on their health. While it may be obvious that drivers should always take the time to improve their well-being, sometimes, it’s easier said than done. 


Driver Mental Health 


1. Human Connection and Sense of Community


Many drivers within the transportation sector spend hours or even days on the road alone. Meaning, they sometimes don’t interact with others in a meaningful way until they return home to their families. During this time, many drivers report feeling disconnected or alone. While some may overlook how this can impact mental health, it’s important for fleet managers to do what they can to improve it. Allowing for proper ‘home time’ between long haul deliveries or encouraging drivers to communicate with each other can make all the difference. In addition, many fleets have seen success by encouraging their drivers to bring their trained pets to act as companions on the road. 


Here are some additional tips to help long-haul drivers to stay healthy on the road: Tips For Good Mental Health


2. Technology to Improve Life on the Road 


With technology advancing and being widely adopted, many fleets are seeing mental health benefits from such innovations! Specifically, because many tools and devices are being implemented to streamline tasks so drivers can complete deliveries and return to their families sooner. For example, ZenduWork has been seen as an asset to do this because it uses intelligent dispatching software to help make the lives of drivers simpler! As it can organize the quickest and most efficient routes while allowing for work orders to be completed electronically, it’s highlighted as something that can bring ease to some draining or time-consuming processes. 


Driver Physical Health


1. Staying Active 


As previously mentioned, drivers must sit for long periods of time. While some are able to take short breaks to stretch their legs, sometimes it’s all the physical movement they do in a day. That’s why it’s important for drivers to feel motivated after hours to get active! Learning about simple yet effective workouts that don’t require equipment can make all the difference. So if visiting a gym isn’t an option, drivers can still get moving! Not only can this help improve overall health, but working out consistently can release positive endorphins that have been proven to reduce stress, improve sleep and even in some cases lessen feelings of anxiety.


2. Choosing Healthy Options 


In addition to staying active, it’s important for drivers to pick healthy food options while they’re on the road. Even though this can be difficult at some truck stops, it’s important that drivers do everything they can to combat this. Planning ahead with prepackaged healthy snacks and meal options to limit the temptation of fast food is only one way. Another option, if a driver is using a vehicle that has enough space and power support, is to cook inside the truck! Some have seen success with preparing dishes in portable stoves, microwaves, crock pots or even blenders that are able to be connected and powered by the vehicle. This, of course, is dependent on the company policies and approval of fleet managers. 


3. Reducing Exposure To Germs


Last but not least, it’s important for drivers to stay on top of their hygiene to reduce their exposure to germs with recent concerns of arising viruses. As drivers will typically be travelling to various locations and will come in contact with new bacteria daily, proper hygiene is crucial. It is suggested for drivers to take extra precautions to ensure that they stay healthy and limit the spread of illnesses! Properly washing hands for at least 20 seconds with soap, using hand sanitizer, not touching their faces, in addition to maintaining a healthy lifestyle are only a few ways to keep immune systems strong! 

ELD’s – How to Choose the Right Solution

Currently the transportation sector is undergoing major changes as the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) and the Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators (CCMTA) are creating regulations to better the transportation industry. The main topic of discussion is the new regulation which encourages being ELD compliant. This mandate looks to enforce the use of Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs) in commercial vehicles. While ELD systems are already enforced throughout the United States, Canada is following suit by enforcing the widespread compliance of such electronic logbooks.

With the deadline to become ELD compliant quickly approaching, it’s important for drivers and fleet managers to review whether or not they actually are compliant, and if they’re not, to begin to take the right steps to obtaining an electronic logging device. 


Temporary Compliance Under The Grandfather Clause 


Even though commercial fleets within the United States are already required to meet ELD compliance, Canadian fleets will soon be under similar regulation. At the moment, electronic logging devices are not mandatory for all vehicles if the vehicle was using an AOBRD (Automatic On-Board Recording Device) prior to December 18, 2017. If an AOBRD was used prior, the drivers will not be forced to implement ELDs until the mandatory start date of June 12, 2021. However, if no AOBRDs were put into use before December 18, 2017, carriers and drivers will be required to use ELDs as of December 16, 2019. 


While there are additional specifications to this regulation depending on the daily use or age of the vehicle, it is always recommended that fleets perform additional research to ensure that they are compliant.


Not ELD Compliant? Under The Grandfather Clause? – What You Should Do 


If you’re part of the many who are noticing that your fleet will not be compliant come December 16th, or June 2021, it’s critical that you begin to take the right steps to becoming compliant. Or in other words, look for a solutions provider. However, depending on your business, there will be different features that you should pay attention to when investing in an ELD. Specific qualities will not only allow you to stay ELD compliant, but improve your business overall. 


Key Factors In Considering How to Choose an ELD Solution 


Vehicle Flexibility 

When researching electronic logging devices, it’s important to confirm that the device you’re investing in will work in any type of vehicle. Ensuring that an ELD can be used in nearly any commercial vehicle guarantees that your business can grow and that the device can continue to be used. Ensuring that you will be complaint in the future and that the technology is well worth the money you are spending. 

Simple Installation And Use 

When you’re adopting new technology, it’s critical that the tools you’re implementing are easy to use or install. Devices that are focused on user experience mean that your fleet will embrace it rather than dread it. As well, when a new tool is easy to use, you’re more likely to see positive results from it as there are no excuses to not use it. 


While researching a product, it can sometimes be hard to not be discouraged by the price. However, when it comes to ELDs, you’re investing in the future of your business. Meaning, you aren’t only spending money to better your fleet, but often, the solutions will help you save money in the long run! 


With technology advancing, it seems as though everything can and should be synced to smartphones. With that mindset and the ability for many solutions providers to do this, it’s critical to confirm that your ELD is mobile-friendly. Ensuring that your solution has smartphone connectivity will make it simple to use and easy to implement. 

Consistently Evolving 

In addition to ensuring that an electronic logging device can be used on any vehicle, it’s also important to confirm that the device is agile. Purchasing an ELD that is continually evolving will guarantee that no matter how regulations or business goals change, it will be a worthwhile investment.  

Leverage The Cloud

Using an ELD that is cloud-based will only benefit you as a fleet driver, owner, or manager as data can be accessed from anywhere. No longer will you need to wait for drivers to provide you with paper documents or wait until you’re provided access to files, everything can be obtained through the cloud. While remote access to data is a major advantage of using cloud-based ELDs, there are additional benefits;

  • Increased reliability as data is continuously backed up and stored, 
  • More reliability as there is no pairing process required,
  • Better battery life as power consumption can be reduced,
  • Better compatibility to various platforms such as Android and iOS, 
  • Easy document access so showing compliance is simple, 
  • And consistent coverage regardless of cellular coverage. 


It is critical that you are unlimited with the data you’re gathering from ELDs. With this said, expandability (or having unfiltered access to data) is a focus that many are unaware of until they need it! Being able to easily share data to third-party vendors or being able to use integrations through third-party solutions is a feature that needs to be highlighted as it can help make fleet management much easier! 

Customer Service 

When you’re using any service or buying any product, it’s important to do business with a company who aims to achieve positive customer interactions every time. If you forgo doing business with a customer-focused organization, you may run into problems in the future. With this being said, while you’re researching your next ELD, let us know. We always strive to ensure that our customers are happy not only with the solution they’re investing in, but the experience they’re having!

GoFleet Promo Offer Free Go Device and Harness with ELD SolutionWith the deadline to be ELD compliant quickly approaching, be sure to take advantage of our GoFleet Promotion that can save you hundreds today! 




Thank you Robin Kinsey, HOS/ELD Training Specialist for the valuable insight via Geotab.