Common IoT Frustrations After Implementing New Technology

When a business adopts a new technology or tries a new strategy, sometimes the change can provoke frustration. This is because some employees may struggle to see the value in the change or employees may prefer to complete work the way they’ve always known. However, it’s important to remember that new technology is critical for businesses that are looking to grow as it drives new levels of success. So with this being said, managers must do everything they can to ensure a smooth transition of adopting new technology. When discussing the adoption of IoT solutions, managers must do what they can to limit common IoT frustrations among their teams.


Common IoT Frustrations & Possible Solutions


Having New Quantities of Data

When new IoT solutions are deployed, businesses can struggle and become frustrated about what to do with the vast quantities of data that they now have. This frustration is amplified when there is no guidance or direction as teams can become overwhelmed or unsure of their work. So whenever a business implements a new technology, it is always recommended for management to take advantage of the training and support available. Regardless of if managers feel as though their team can do so without it, having additional guidance about how to use the tool can help ensure that employees are not only using it properly but using it to its fullest potential.


Service Interruptions and Outages

When it comes to the service of your IoT solutions, there are concerns that there will be a lack of service with the technology. This comes from the fear that with any new computerized tool, there could be periods where it just doesn’t work. While this is a common IoT frustration that many could encounter for various reasons, it’s critical for businesses to do what they can to keep this frustration at a minimum. This includes managers or decision-makers to do their due diligence and research the company they’re about to work with. This will ensure that businesses are working with a service provider who is known to have uninterrupted service, generally fast log times and quick customer service response times.


Lack of Acceptance

One final frustration that many companies face is the frustration of team members not being open to adopting new tools. As many teams prefer to stick to routines, sometimes it can make implementing new technology difficult. And when teams are reluctant to take on new ways of working, it can make it that much harder for management to run departments or for organizations to grow. So management should always be encouraging and transparent about what the technology can do for employees and the company as a whole. Often, this can help encourage acceptance.

For example, at first, the implementation of new digital form solutions like ZenduForms may not be widely accepted by employees as it can appear to be more of a hassle to learn. However, after the right training is completed and employees are shown how it can help them and the company, it is likely that it will be more widely accepted. Interested to learn more about how ZenduForms could benefit your business? Contact our sales team to learn more today!

Every business will feel growing pains at some point, especially when new tools are continuously introduced. However, it’s important to anticipate such frustrations related to the new tools and for managers to do what they can to limit them. Not only does this require management to ensure that the proper training is completed when a new IoT tool is introduced and to be enthusiastic for the growth it could allow, but to do their due diligence while researching the success of the service provider. Keeping these three IoT frustrations and solutions in mind will not only make the transition to innovation easier, but will help ensure success rather than failure.

Telematics Helping Businesses Go Paperless

There are numerous benefits that businesses notice once they implement tech-focused initiatives that either reduce the use of paper or allow them to go paperless entirely. In addition to being environmentally beneficial, businesses often find that a paperless office can drastically improve their processes. Specifically, businesses have highlighted that paperless telematics solutions have helped to increase data reliability in addition to ensuring efficiency and accurate reporting.


Greater Numerical Reliability 

As one can imagine, technology allows for improved documentation and record-keeping since there is a reduced chance of human error. This is true with telematics solutions once they are adopted. As telematics solutions are typically designed to automate data gathering, precise specifications can be predetermined and replicated on an ongoing basis. Meaning, the same information will always be accurately gathered without the use of physical paper. When a business is able to go paperless by using a telematics solution, they no longer have to worry about human error that could affect the accuracy of data.

One example of this is within the trucking and logistics sector which used to require drivers to manually fill out paper logbooks of their driving activity. Doing so wouldn’t only leave their records open to human error as previously discussed, but some drivers have in the past been known to falsify records to allow them to complete more deliveries. As a result, telematics solutions such as electronic logging devices (ELDs) have been introduced in regulations. Ultimately allowing drivers and fleets to go paperless which as a result, combats false records and incorrect data entry. 


Limiting Wastefulness

When businesses switch to using an innovative telematics solution, typically, the environmental benefits are not stressed as much. However, since the impact that businesses have upon the environment continues to remain a popular topic, it’s important to highlight that going paperless by using telematics solutions can help reduce wastefulness. Specifically, employees are able to forgo using paper entirely as all of their work and information is recorded electronically.

This benefit is noticed within any office environment as teams no longer have to record data physically on paper documents to then input the information in a database. Telematics solutions are able to pull the information automatically and electronically, to then display it on any computer or smartphone device. Allowing employees to no longer have to use wasteful amounts of paper to be able to share or show information.


Praising Cloud Storage 

Telematics solutions are also praised for the technology’s cloud connectivity. As mentioned previously, telematics solutions automatically pull and organize data that is relevant to a company. However, this goes one step further to reducing the use of paper as this information can be pulled and stored electronically. No longer are businesses required to keep physical paper copies of documents or reports, rather they use devices to view and analyze the information.

An example of this is how a small contracting business must keep tedious records of all of their contracting jobs. Ensuring that any customer or invoice inquiries can be completed or reviewed with accuracy and ease. This can include reassurance of accurate billing or arrival times, documentation of parts used or work completed and even the individual who attended and their notes on-site. Without a telematics solution, all of this information would be hard to review as it would likely be kept physically on paper in offices. Limiting who can have physical access to it.


How Your Business Can Go Paperless and Enter The Digital Era 

If your business would like to go paperless by incorporating a tech-focused approach, contact us today! We have a number of resources and solutions available that allow for all of these benefits to be seen and more! Whether you’re looking to incorporate intelligent dispatching through ZenduWork, create digital forms with ZenduForms, or complete web-based maintenance management with ZenduMaintenance, we’re confident that we have a solution as unique as your business!