Working With The Right Solutions Provider Can Make All The Difference: CR&R Environmental Services 

Deploying the right camera solutions can make all the difference and CR&R Environmental Services saw exactly that! 


While attending Connect 2020 in San Diego, Asad Khan, Success Manager at GoFleet was able to catch up with Raul Duran to learn about how their fleet was doing after the implementation of an advanced 360 camera system.


Interested to learn what questions we asked Raul about the implementation of ZenduCAM cameras and the Trax platform throughout their fleet? Check out the video below: 

What Pain Points Did CR&R Experience Before Engaging GoFleet? 


Prior to working with GoFleet, CR&R reported to have driver, safety and training issues. While looking for a new camera solution, their goal was to implement a device that focused on improving all of these pain points. Choosing a reliable solution that allowed for in-cab, rear and front views, CR&R believed that it would help not only the safety and well-being of drivers, but the reporting and dispatching tasks related to their operations.


What Was The Impact That CR&R Noticed? 


CR&R noticed that there was an overall improvement across their fleet. Not only were drivers completing routes faster by reducing their times, but the solution was noted to help train drivers on how to drive more efficiently. Additionally, the exact location of vehicles was able to be known at all times as the ZenduCAM system allows for better GPS tracking capabilities in addition to both live video and cloud video surveillance. 


How Did You Introduce The Camera Solution To Drivers? 


While introducing the new camera solutions to drivers, CR&R remained transparent about the devices. Not only did they state the benefits for reporting, tracking and logistics purposes, but they highlighted how the solution can also protect drivers in regards to false claims. Shifting the initial driver concern of the cameras acting as ‘big brother’ tracking them to a critical protection tool. 


Their Experience Working With ZenduIT & GoFleet


During their time working with GoFleet while using ZenduIT applications, CR&R noted that the service provided was great! The 360 solution that was promised has since met all of their unique needs and has been recognized as being a key factor in making operations smoother and more advanced. With great results, they remain optimistic about continuing to work with GoFleet and ZenduIT in the future as their organization and needs grow. 


“GoFleet has been great, they’ve delivered on all promises so far!” – Raul Dran, CR&R Environmental Services 


Interested in learning more about CR&R’s success with GoFleet? Check out their success story here:

New Partnership: Working With Samsara To Better Help Fleets

As the needs of businesses are continually evolving, it’s critical for organizations to stay on top of industry trends. This is amplified with it comes to the IoT and telematics sector as new tools and solutions are always transforming. With this in mind, GoFleet is excited to partner with Samsara! This partnership allows us to expand our solutions offerings to better help businesses stay efficient, safe and sustainable.


Partnership With Samsara


With Samsara’s help, we will now offer additional fleet management, asset tracking, camera and safety solutions. The core of these Samara offerings will provide businesses with end-to-end and cost-effective solutions that are billed monthly. In the past, Samsara has been highlighted to help those within various industries such as transportation and logistics, food and beverage, as well as state and local government. 


Fleet Management Solution 


Samsara offers end-to-end fleet management solutions that many businesses may find of interest as they offer a modern platform with real-time visibility in addition to AI-powered analytics. As the deadline for drivers is looming closer (or has already passed) for fleets to adopt innovative tools such as electronic logging devices, it’s critical for managers to find the right device for their needs as soon as possible. It’s important to note that Samsara’s fleet management solutions are able to connect to third party systems to improve real-time data and visibility efforts.

Learn more here:


Camera And Safety Solution


Samsara has numerous camera and safety solutions that fleets can take advantage of. Among the basic features of being able to collect video footage, Samsara dashcams and sensors can leverage computer vision. This allows it to automatically identify unsafe driving behaviour, offer in-cab voice coaching and conduct automatic upload. All of the features truly pushing businesses forward to a safer future. 

Learn more here:


Asset Tracking 


Lastly, Samsara offers various tracking options for fleets. Apart from offering basic trailer tracking to increase GPS visibility of your team, Samsara also offers wireless reefer and asset tracking products. So whether you’re looking to stay compliant to critical temperature monitoring regulations or monitoring where costly equipment is throughout the day, it can be done. 

Learn more here: 


If you’re interested to learn more about our partnership with Samsara, and how it may benefit your new fleet management needs, contact us today!

Taking Your Fleet Telematics to the Next Level

With basic telematics implemented into your fleet, you are now able to track the location, movement and speed of all of your vehicles, which helps your organization increase efficiencies, and effectively, reduce wasted time and improve costs.

So, what comes next?

Advanced Fleet Tracking
Once you have the basics in place, you can start to dive deeper into telematics technology in order to really fine tune and optimize your fleet operation.

Check out these major benefits your company can gain by implementing advanced fleet telematics solutions.

Increased Safety
By monitoring driver behaviour – things such as how fast your driver is driving and how aggressive their driving may be – you can use technology that allows you to talk to the driver and coach them through safer driving practices, thereby increasing safety for them and for your vehicle.

It has been shown that drivers who are aware that their driving habits are being monitored, are more apt to perform safer behaviour which not only increases their safety, but also reduces accidents and damage to vehicles and freight.

Increased Efficiencies
By using real time communication as an add-on to your basic telematics, and adding in some routing apps, you can manage driver routes more efficiently – if there is an accident, you would be able to re-route the driver and eliminate wasted time having them stuck in traffic with high priority loads on the vehicle.

By using some of these type of add-ons to your basic telematics, adding a few minutes more to your driver’s HOS (Hours of Service) can really increase your fleet efficiency and delivery rate.

Reduce Operating Costs
In being able to track even the smallest things, such as idling time and minimizing it, a fleet can increase savings by reducing fuel costs. Other things that can be looked at are tracking at a more granular level, such as live movements on a map, maps routing, stopping vehicles, accidents and who’s responsible, which allows for increased productivity thereby reducing costs.

Optimize Vehicle Performance
With advanced telematics, sensors can send out alerts about engine issues and other diagnostic problems. Further to that, the data can be used in a predictive manner to determine when service should happen on a vehicle and allow for advanced planning in order to ensure as much uptime for the fleet as possible and manage the expenses related to repairs.

Reduce your Carbon Footprint
It’s a hot topic these days more and more companies realize that not only is this good for business, it’s good for the planet as well. By reducing your fleet’s idling time and decreasing speeding (thereby reducing the amount of exhaust and CO2), not only are you increasing the safety of your fleet and drivers, increasing your efficiencies and reducing your costs, you are also helping to do your part in reducing emissions in the air for our future generation.

Streamline Compliance
With the Canadian ELD mandated for June 21st, 2020, it is imperative that fleets ensure they are compliant and implementing advanced telematics not only ensures this but provides many other benefits previously mentioned. In addition to the benefits, the cost of not being compliant is expensive and can be avoided with the correct telematics solutions in place.

Do you need to upgrade your telematics plan for advanced fleet tracking?
Some features are already built into your tracking device that collects the data and some solutions require you to step up to the next level of offered services and products.

In order to get the most out of your fleet telematics so that you can save your company time, money and increase efficiencies and safety, give GoFleet a call. We are here to help create a customized and fully integrated telematics solution that is specific to your needs and lets you get the most value for your money.

Advanced fleet tracking is much more than GPS services and with the telematics of the future, there are and will be so much more you can do in order to continually create the best fleet management company you can envision.

GoFleet – Connected Technology. Smarter Solutions.
Discover more about GoFleet and its Telematics Services

Waste Management Industry Clean Up With GPS Technology

GPS Technology and the Waste Management Industry

The importance of the waste management industry cannot be understated. That trash piled up in your lunch room or office space has to go somewhere, and we are certainly glad to see it leave when the familiar sound of a trash truck rumbles down the street. Getting rid of annoying daily trash, however, isn’t the only service this industry provides. Waste management companies provide environmental services that eliminate hazardous materials that come in the form of liquid and solid wastes. They collect these wastes from businesses and residential locations so that our environment can remain safe. With this kind of burden on the shoulders of businesses in this industry, it’s important to be assured that trash trucks are completing their routes on time, and correctly cleaning up the neighborhoods. It is also important to make sure that drivers are safely executing their work, and hitting every stop on their route.

New Ways to Clean

GPS tracking technology has infiltrated this industry in a grand way, letting companies manage risk, maintain efficiency, and even lower spending. With the installation of a simple device, the waste management industry has found a brand new way to clean up the earth. With GoFleet’s Geotab GO GPS tracking device, GoFleet is helping these companies implement cost-savings, safer drivers, and more efficient measures to assist in their daily routines. With the ability to track fleet vehicle locations, GoFleet is able to provide our waste management clients with significant amounts of useful data. Companies can utilize this service to ensure efficient routes are being taken. This not only saves time and billable hours by identifying more efficient routes, but also saves on fuel costs. With the reporting features of the latest GPS tracking devices, vehicle maintenance needs can be identified ahead of time, instead of costly towing services being called once the vehicle breaks down.

The Benefits Just Keep on Coming…

Saving money is a great motivator, but reducing liability combined with the ability to track and train drivers is better! GoFleet’s GPS vehicle tracking devices show theft protection measures, as well as protection measures that include accident re-creation. These lead to lowered insurance costs for your company, but with an added benefit of reducing your liability. Fleet Managers are consistently searching for ways to keep their drivers safe, as well as ways to make sure their drivers are keeping other drivers safe. Our Audible Driver Coaching GPS Trackers offer just one of the ways to help this issue. By providing an accelerometer built into the system, the tracker can provide feedback on how drivers are taking care of their vehicles. Hard braking and harsh acceleration are two of the types of information this feature tracks. By observing these types of behaviours, waste management companies can ensure their drivers are completing their work in an appropriate manner, keeping them, the vehicle, and the surrounding public safe. In addition, compliance issues can be significantly reduced with the utilization of this technology. Hours of Service, as well as Driver Vehicle Inspection Reports are easily created and maintained, never leaving the paperwork to collect uncompleted on a desk.

With so many unique features and benefits available with GPS technology at GoFleet, why wait to try it out? Check out a demo and try the program free for 30 days!