Cellular, Satellite Asset Trackers & BLE Beacons – An Industry Guide

With technology expanding continually and telematic solutions on the rise, fleets should consider taking advantage of the various resources available. When discussing telematics, asset trackers primarily come in mind. Having the ability to track various features of goods and vehicles give fleets tracking data that helps improve their management processes. There are several asset trackers available and knowing which is the optimal solution for a fleet is important to remain within budget and not waste resources. 

Three Types of Asset Trackers

Before diving into the specific asset trackers available, it is important to understand the 3 main categories that they all fall under: 

1. Cellular Asset Trackers are the more common asset trackers. They use cellular network coverage to transmit data and information about an asset. 

2. Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Beacons succeed where cellular asset trackers face challenges. They can be used to transmit data in locations without cellular coverage. 

3. Satellite Asset Trackers use satellites to transmit technology and are considered the most reliable option amongst the three for using outside cellular coverage.


What Solutions Industries Should Keep Their Eye Out For

Different industries prioritize different variables and equipping the right asset tracker can be difficult when there’s so many to choose from. It’s important to be aware of the several types of asset trackers that each industry will find most beneficial. 

Cellular Asset Trackers

The Flex Solar – A Step Towards Free Energy

The Flex Solar is a solar powered asset tracker primarily utilized for the general tracking of bulk cargo containers, vehicles and other large assets with no direct power supply. Using solar energy is critical for large assets travelling far or being stored outside, like shipping containers, because they are often standalone assets with no power supply. With solar trackers, power can last up to 4 months, so fleets don’t need to worry about constant maintenance.

Transportation, Bussing, Construction, and Waste Management Fleets would find the flex solar most beneficial as they tend to be out in daylight for long periods of time. With no battery replacement, fleets won’t have to worry about adding it to their maintenance procedures, and it would be a great step towards renewable and free sources of energy.


The ZenRemora – A Simple Solution To Asset Tracking

If being dependent on solar energy is challenging, the ZenRemora 2 is a great alternative to the Flex Solar. It relies on an ion battery that would be quite reliable on trips where solar energy is scarce. Designed for general asset monitoring, it also has additional features including anti-theft mode, tamper detection, geo-fence awareness and expandability opportunities with BLE beacons.

The ZenRemora should be considered by most industries looking for a reliable and affordable solution to general asset monitoring. Long haul deliveries would find it most beneficial because they require several pings daily. Managing assets that travel far distances can be simpler for fleet managers by having their eyes on all their assets on one screen.


The ZenFalcon – Temperature Is Now A Known Variable

The ZenFalcon is a temperature-sensitive asset tracker which allows fleets to monitor temperature and humidity. With a 5 year battery life and hourly reporting, fleets can continually monitor temperature sensitive cargo. Similar to the Remora 2, the Falcon also has an anti-theft mode, tamper detection, and geo-fence aware included in its features. 

Temperature monitoring can be a necessity in the Transportation and Courier/ Delivery industry, but it can be considered mandatory for the Food industry. There have been countless cases where food has spoiled due to improper temperatures, which results in inefficiency and waste of resources. The ZenFalcon can be utilized to monitor temperature and humidity levels of locations where food is stored to ensure optimal conditions are met.


The BlackBerry Radar – Prioritizing Load Management

The Bundle focuses on asset tracking for cargo, vehicles and non-motorized assets like bulk containers, trailers and various equipment where content capacity needs to be monitored. This allows fleets to better plan their loading processes and increase their efficiency.

It would be beneficial for several industries such as the Transportation, Food, Construction, and Courier/ Delivery, where fleets want to ensure the most use of their resources. As an example, it can be particularly useful for the Delivery/ Courier industry as they deal with receiving new delivery requests often. Specifically, it can allow for fleet vehicle load capacities to be known so dispatchers can view capacity levels and assign vehicles with low capacity to add more deliveries to their route to maximize productivity. 


Sensoneo – Smart Waste Management For A Smarter City

Smart Sensors provide a Waste Management solution focusing on monitoring waste content quantity. This robust device can withstand harsh environmental conditions making it reliable in the long run. Once equipped into waste bins, it transmits data on bin capacity so waste management is aware of when bins are full and need to be emptied out. This reduces inefficient trips where barely filled bins are being emptied out, and emergency trips required because bins get overfilled and require immediate assistance. 

For an in depth look at Smart Sensors and how they can prove to be effective, check out How A Waste Management Industry Can Implement Smart Sensor Technology.


BLE Asset Beacons

ZenBeacon Asset Tracking Independent Of Cellular Coverage

The ZenBeacon provides data on light exposure, temperature, asset impact and provides an alternative to Radio Frequency Identity (RFID) tracking via BLE beacons. With a set of sensors, the status and conditions of fleet assets can be monitored, where the sensors can show temperature and light readings in one minute intervals. 

Designed to have a long battery life, this would be resourceful when assets travel to locations with no cellular coverage. Specifically, long haul trips, which would include the Transportation industry


The ZenGuppy – A Solution To Track Small Valuable Assets

The ZenGuppy is a compact, rugged Bluetooth tag solution for low-cost monitoring of assets. The ZenGuppy and the ZenRemora work great in coordination, where the Guppy can be utilized to track smaller assets within a larger asset, and the Remora can track the larger asset. With a 5 year battery life, and the ability to equip onto anything, the ZenGuppy provides the device serial number, manufacturer code, battery voltage, transmit power and temperature. 

Since the ZenGuppy can equip onto anything and provide tracking information about the asset, all industries can take advantage of this solution to easily track any desired asset. It is particularly useful for low value or smaller assets where it may not make commercial sense to attach a more robust (and expensive) solution.


The Infsoft – An Indoor BLE Reader

Infsoft keeps track of assets and personnel within a building. Once an indoor map of each level of the building is uploaded to Infsoft, it can track where every single asset is at all times. This can be quite helpful in First Responder buildings. Knowing where each and every person is at all times will help raise efficiency which will result in safe cities and more lives saved.

Warehouses can take advantage of Infsoft to help their workforce as it will help them with tracking and monitoring all assets on the go between warehouse aisles and shelves with improved efficiency and productivity. 


Satellite Asset Trackers

The SmartOne’sC – Reliability Outside Of Cellular Coverage

The SmartOneC is a self-charging solution to support long term remote deployments without the need to replace the battery. Using a highly efficient solar cell, it can continuously charge the battery and maximize operating life, even under extreme weather conditions.

It can be valuable for long haul deliveries and fleets working in rural areas like Agriculture Industries, as well as Rail Cargo. These fleets travel and work in locations with no cellular coverage, and therefore require a strong reliable connection, hence satellites being the viable option.

There are several telematic solutions available for fleets to take advantage of to improve their performance and management processes. Knowing which asset trackers benefit your fleet the most, is important to being within budget and spending your resources wisely. For a deeper look into what solutions will work best for your fleet, contact us for a custom solution.

smart sensors, waste management, bin fill

Smart Waste Management: Implementing Smart Sensors For Cost Savings

Businesses working with fleets incur many challenges and aim to improve their performance in aspects like maintenance, safety, and efficiency. Though, like any business, they work with a budget, and should look into telematics to help reduce their costs. When cost saving strategies are discussed, Smart Sensors must be mentioned.


Cost Saving & A Rise In Efficiency, A Result Of Smart Sensors

Smart Sensors reduce costs by making fleet processes efficient. They digitally record data on physical environments and analyze the information prior to transmitting it to a software database. They are designed to provide waste management fleets with fill levels in bins with utmost measurement accuracy. 


How Do Smart Bins Work

Fleets, specifically in the waste management industry will now be able to monitor all sorts of waste types including mixed waste, paper, plastics, glass, clothing, bio waste, liquids, electronics, metal, and more in bins and containers of any size and type. 

Their features continue with being robust, water and shock resistant sensors, as well as are functional within a wide temperature range while being able to measure from 3 cm up to 400cm. 

Furthermore, they can provide a fast data transfer by connecting to several Internet of Things (IoT) networks or General Packet Radio Services (GPRS).


How It’s Beneficial On A Daily Basis

These sensors can be positioned to report 24 times a day, or even every minute so dispatch teams can monitor in real time. When bins are filled over their pre-set fill capacity, vehicles can be dispatched immediately. 

For example, the sensors can be set so when a garbage bin is between 80 – 100% full, the bin will be added to the next route for being emptied. This can save time and resources on a daily basis. 


What Is Smart Waste Management

Smart Sensors are designed to be leveraged in several processes, but it’s most popular amongst the waste management industry.  This is because of its ability to improve dispatching and vehicle utilization during routes, which allows fleets to make data-oriented decisions to improve operational efficiency.

The Smart Sensor technology depends on internal sensors monitoring, a key environmental factor, and the integrated element of the Internet of Things (IoT) to remain connected. Such technology will allow management to reduce inefficiency and save on resources.


How Implementing Smart Sensors Leads To Cost Savings

With the use of smart sensors, bin fill levels can now be monitored so fleets can keep an eye out on when bins need to actually be emptied. This will prevent unnecessary trips where trucks locate bins and empty them when they are barely filled. As a result, fleets will only prioritize and use resources when necessary. 


Early And Long Term ROI

When fleets will begin to use their resources properly, they will see higher productivity and better use of vehicles, resulting in lower costs, as well as better efficiency. Since this will affect fleet management on a daily level, a return on investment will be seen almost immediately depending on fleet size.


Improved Customer Satisfaction While Being Competitive

A return on investment would also be evident in fleets that work with private businesses that require them to dispose of their waste. Fleets will only dispatch vehicles to private businesses when bins are near full, resulting in the customer being billed only when necessary. This process will give fleets happier clients all while remaining competitive.

Smart Sensors are yet to be introduced to several fleets, and resellers should consider taking advantage of the ways to help vehicle-based businesses to improve their cost saving strategies. When addressing waste management fleets, smarter dispatching based on bin fill monitoring should be discussed. For more information on implementing Smart Sensor technology, and how bin fill monitoring can be utilized to save on resources, contact us today.

Waste Disposal Fleets

The Responsibilities Of Waste Disposal Fleets That Can’t Be Overlooked

Waste removal fleets are under constant pressure. If they miss a day in their schedule, the fleet could face setbacks and flak for days after. To help reduce adverse outcomes, having 360 telematics solutions to minimize physical, business and environmental risks. 


A 360 Solution In Action For Waste Disposal Fleets

We’ll discuss the top three responsibilities that waste removal fleets have from the moment they are deployed. We’ll also see how 360 solutions that leverage GPS tracking via engine monitoring, sensors, online learning platforms, and smart camera systems can be used to help ensure that a waste disposal fleet is always meeting their responsibilities. 

waste disposal, waste management, telematics, technology


A Fleet’s Responsibility To The Environment: GPS Tracking And Sensors

Waste disposal fleets have a responsibility to reduce their environmental impact. In 1999, the Canadian Environmental Protection Act was put forward to prevent acts that lead to pollution and harm to the environment. Specifically, the act focuses on businesses and organizations remaining sustainable by reducing emissions and stopping improper disposal of waste. After this act was in place, waste management fleets felt the need to use telematics to reduce their fleet operation’s environmental footprint. Fleets used this new focus on the environment as an encouragement to implement GPS tracking and sensors to not only make routing more efficient but improve driver behaviour. 

For many private or business-based waste disposal companies, GPS tracking solutions proves useful when optimizing the routes driven based on the fill levels of waste bins. Doing this helps to ensure that businesses do not produce extra and unnecessary emissions. This is made possible by installing bin fill sensors on waste bins to monitor the content fill level. After installation, when the sensor detects a fill level over 80%, the bin is automatically placed on a route so it can be emptied. Time and resources are no longer wasted on emptying bins that aren’t full yet. Likewise, using bin fill sensors can significantly reduce litter resulting from overfilled bins. These sensors are often used in waste disposal bins in public places like parks or residential areas where it may be hard to visually monitor when a bin needs to be emptied.

For public or residential waste pickup services, GPS tracking solutions can also help correct bad driving behaviour. Need a clearer picture? Government vehicles can idle for up to 4 hours a day to result in up to 27 million gallons of excess fuel each year. By using a GPS tracking and engine monitoring system in a vehicle, the device can monitor the engine activity. The device can alert the driver when the vehicle is idling to correct their errors and stop unnecessary fuel wastage. When a solution like this is in place, idling can be reduced by up to 20% to lower greenhouse gas emissions and even help the fleet save fuel by reducing consumption. 


A Fleet’s Responsibility To Conducting Proper Driver Training: Smart Camera Systems 

Another responsibility that waste disposal fleets have addressed with telematics solutions is driver training. Specifically the implementation of dash and full-vehicle camera systems to monitor driver behaviour – or the responsibility to properly conduct driver training to maintain safety on roadways.

When used alone, camera solutions can monitor how well drivers absorb training. This applies to new hires who must absorb new material and veteran drivers who may develop bad driving habits over time. However, it should be noted that the main way that camera solutions have evolved is through the learning process. Specifically how previous footage of driving incidents can be used in future training material to teach drivers how to maneuver unique situations. 

Currently, camera systems are being used by fleets for safety training by visually showing drivers how to approach unique situations. For example, when pedestrians or cars are blocking curbside bins, videos of drivers properly encountering this in the past can be shown—essentially allowing previous drivers who are operating safely to be used as an example to fellow drivers.

For training, camera solutions work best when paired with an online training platform like ZenduLearn. ZenduLearn allows for managers to assign and track the training of all drivers easily. This ensures that they receive refresher courses on basic driving skills and that drivers receive specific training regarding the types of waste they are transporting or unique scenarios they may encounter. Depending on the nature of a waste removal fleet, a solution like this may become essential to quickly and efficiently educate new team members. 

ZenduLearn Train certificate


A Fleet’s Responsibility To Remain Accountable: Smart Camera System And Sensors

The third responsibility that waste disposal fleets have on the road is the responsibility of remaining accountable to driving events or incidents. Specifically driver accountability. While we previously discussed some aspects of maintaining accountability with camera solutions and training, this thought continues when fleets use the camera footage for driving incident reconstruction. A good example is reviewing footage to manage complaints or concerns, so appropriate actions such as additional training or driver suspension can happen.

When camera solutions are installed, the devices are able to capture everything that is happening within its view. Cameras on waste disposal fleets have a view of the driver, the front, sides, and rear of the vehicle. When these areas are recorded, any complaints about drivers on mobile devices or reckless driving can be later reviewed. In fact, these cameras help drivers protect themselves from false complaints from residents. Specifically, residential complaints of unemptied curbside waste bins that were blocked by a vehicle (making it unsafe to approach and service) as the driver can take a snapshot of the unsafe scenario.

In addition to helping fleets better service bins and maintain efficiency on routes, sensors can help fleets remain accountable. When sensors are placed on moving vehicle parts such as arms or packer panels, teams can know precisely when movable parts of the vehicle are in motion. So if there is a complaint about arms moving and causing damage to buildings, or packer panel doors not opening in time to cause garbage to become litter, the occurrence will be recorded.

When waste disposal teams take advantage of 360 telematics solutions, they are able to improve their service. When it comes to a fleet’s responsibility to the environment, training or remaining accountable, there is no room for shortcuts or errors. If you’re interested to learn more about a 360 solution that is unique to your business needs, contact us today to speak to one of our consultants. 

Waste Management Industry Clean Up With GPS Technology

GPS Technology and the Waste Management Industry

The importance of the waste management industry cannot be understated. That trash piled up in your lunch room or office space has to go somewhere, and we are certainly glad to see it leave when the familiar sound of a trash truck rumbles down the street. Getting rid of annoying daily trash, however, isn’t the only service this industry provides. Waste management companies provide environmental services that eliminate hazardous materials that come in the form of liquid and solid wastes. They collect these wastes from businesses and residential locations so that our environment can remain safe. With this kind of burden on the shoulders of businesses in this industry, it’s important to be assured that trash trucks are completing their routes on time, and correctly cleaning up the neighborhoods. It is also important to make sure that drivers are safely executing their work, and hitting every stop on their route.

New Ways to Clean

GPS tracking technology has infiltrated this industry in a grand way, letting companies manage risk, maintain efficiency, and even lower spending. With the installation of a simple device, the waste management industry has found a brand new way to clean up the earth. With GoFleet’s Geotab GO GPS tracking device, GoFleet is helping these companies implement cost-savings, safer drivers, and more efficient measures to assist in their daily routines. With the ability to track fleet vehicle locations, GoFleet is able to provide our waste management clients with significant amounts of useful data. Companies can utilize this service to ensure efficient routes are being taken. This not only saves time and billable hours by identifying more efficient routes, but also saves on fuel costs. With the reporting features of the latest GPS tracking devices, vehicle maintenance needs can be identified ahead of time, instead of costly towing services being called once the vehicle breaks down.

The Benefits Just Keep on Coming…

Saving money is a great motivator, but reducing liability combined with the ability to track and train drivers is better! GoFleet’s GPS vehicle tracking devices show theft protection measures, as well as protection measures that include accident re-creation. These lead to lowered insurance costs for your company, but with an added benefit of reducing your liability. Fleet Managers are consistently searching for ways to keep their drivers safe, as well as ways to make sure their drivers are keeping other drivers safe. Our Audible Driver Coaching GPS Trackers offer just one of the ways to help this issue. By providing an accelerometer built into the system, the tracker can provide feedback on how drivers are taking care of their vehicles. Hard braking and harsh acceleration are two of the types of information this feature tracks. By observing these types of behaviours, waste management companies can ensure their drivers are completing their work in an appropriate manner, keeping them, the vehicle, and the surrounding public safe. In addition, compliance issues can be significantly reduced with the utilization of this technology. Hours of Service, as well as Driver Vehicle Inspection Reports are easily created and maintained, never leaving the paperwork to collect uncompleted on a desk.

With so many unique features and benefits available with GPS technology at GoFleet, why wait to try it out? Check out a demo and try the program free for 30 days!