Personal GPS Tracking Devices Enhance Hikers Experiences

Hikers Are Using Personal GPS Tracking Devices To Enhance Their Experiences

When hikers are on the trail, they experience an immense sense of adventure as they explore new areas. With a personal GPS tracking device, they are able to travel further and to areas unknown without worrying about getting lost. For the most part, hiking is a safe activity yet there are times when a hiker can run into trouble. Areas with winding turns, steep canyons and heavily forested areas often make getting lost easy. Traveling with a GPS device can be a valuable tool that can keep hikers safe because they will know exactly where they are.

Since the beginning of mankind, people have used personal navigation to guide them. Over a thousand years ago, people navigated to their destination using the North Star and the sun. Approximately 500 years ago, astrolabes and compasses were invented. Only 20 years ago, hikers navigated through terrain used topographic maps and compasses.

With many amazing technological advances, hikers are now able to use personal GPS tracking devices to pinpoint their location and enhance their hiking experience. It allows them to feel more comfortable finding their way around during their outdoor adventures. With personal GPS tracking devices, hikers are encouraged to take more risks as they playfully explore areas that were too remote before.

Personal GPS tracking devices help guide hikers to the destination they want to discover and then guides them back to their original location. The GPS devices guide hikers based on heading, distance and bearing; most personal GPS tracking devices choose between magnetic and true north. The GPS device allows hikers to mark their coordinates or enter a specific location making it easier for hikers to get back to their original location if they were to get lost. With personal GPS tracking devices, hikers can focus less about getting lost and more about connecting with nature and the outdoors.

Truck Tracking GPS Reduces Vehicle Breakdowns

Reduce Vehicle Breakdowns With GoFleet’s Truck Tracking GPS

All fleet managers dread the call from their drivers saying “My truck just broke down. I am not going to make it to my next job site”. There is one easy way to reduce the chance of your company vehicles breaking down; implement a truck tracking GPS system in your fleet.

When a company truck breaks down, the cost to the business is more than a simple auto mechanic bill. The actual cost includes lost driver productivity, lost vehicle productivity, upset customers, possible overtime pay for the driver with the disabled vehicle and much more.

The best way to avoid your company trucks breaking down is to make sure your vehicles are properly maintained. The tricky part is keeping track of each truck’s maintenance needs. When you have an entire fleet, this job can be extremely tedious and almost impossible without a truck tracking GPS system in your fleet.

A GoFleet truck tracking GPS system has extensive maintenance tools that allow you to manage all your fleet’s maintenance needs conveniently in one place. The system lets you setup maintenance alerts for each vehicle to remind you that it is due for routine maintenance. These alerts can be set based on mileage, calendar dates or engine on-time, depending on the specific service needed. You can receive alerts via SMS text message, email or in your GoFleet fleet management system.

The truck tracking GPS system also keeps a record of all vehicle services that were completed. It also records all mileage reports. Together fleet managers are able to easily comply with any state requirements regarding vehicle maintenance.

If a truck does break down, the GoFleet truck tracking GPS minimizes the amount of time the vehicle is broken down on the road. Fleet managers will know exactly where the vehicle is so they can quickly route the repair person to its location.

With GoFleet’s truck tracking GPS, you can rest assured that your company trucks are properly maintained, reduce the chance of accidents and increase the safety of your drivers. When you consider all of the benefits of GPS fleet tracking (such as increased productivity, increased fuel efficiency, reduced operating costs, higher security, etc.), implementing GoFleet truck GPS system is a smart business decision.

Truck Tracking System: The Complete Courier Solution

Courier Companies Find The GoFleet Truck Tracking System The Complete Solution

For a courier company, the shortest route, both time and distance-wise, adds money directly to their bottom line. GoFleet’s truck tracking system can help you manage your fleet’s logistics with ease.

There are times when traveling a few extra miles can save an hour of your driver’s time. You might be wondering “How is that possible?” The GoFleet truck tracking system can help you plan efficient routes that will get your driver to the next delivery location as fast as possible. It can help your drivers avoid high traffic areas, road closings, school zones or railroad tracks. By circumventing these areas, your driver will get to the delivery location quickly and be on to the next delivery in no time.

The GoFleet courier solutions provides many valuable fleet management tools that will reduce your fuel costs and improve vehicle maintenance. Fleet managers will be able to quickly look at the vehicles’ locations and key metrics to make important business decisions that can save your business thousands of dollars each year.

Managers can stay updated even when they are offline with convenient SMS text message or email alerts. Alerts can be setup for various issues including speeding, route deviation, aggressive driving or excessive idling. When the fleet manger receives the alert, they will be able to immediately contact the driver to have the issue corrected without delay.

When you use Go Fleet’s truck tracking system you can eliminate unauthorized use. Unfortunately, when businesses provide a vehicle to employees for business purposes, they tend to use it for personal use because they don’t think anyone will notice. When you implement a truck tracking system, your drivers will think twice before stopping by their favorite fast food restaurant for a bite to eat, driving to a friend’s house to say “hello,” or doing a side job to earn some extra cash using your company’s vehicle; that’s time, fuel and money your business loses. When you know where your vehicles are at all times, you can eliminate unauthorized use altogether.

A truck tracking system from GoFleet is the complete solution for a managing delivery or courier vehicles. Your fleet manager will be able to provide efficient routing, reduce costs, increase fuel efficiency, and properly monitor drivers. To learn more about GoFleet’s solution call a fleet consultant today: 1-888-998-1122.

GPS Truck Tracking: How To Introduce it to Your Employees

How To Introduce GPS Truck Tracking To Your Employees

You have decided that GPS truck tracking will benefit your business but you are not sure how to get your employees on board. It will not be difficult because a GPS truck tracking system from GoFleet is designed to reward your employees’ hard work while eliminating their bad habits which can lead to safety issues and financial loss. It is likely your best workers will embrace the new system and that will influence your other drivers to be on board too.

Remember that one of the great benefits about working for your company is that your employees are able to use the company vehicle. This is a privilege. When you implement a GoFleet truck tracking system, you will be able to ensure that your vehicles are being used efficiently and your drivers are working at maximum productivity. Explain to your employees that GPS truck tracking has many benefits including safety, service and savings.

Safety: When you use a GoFleet GPS truck tracking system, you will receive important alerts that will help your business to maintain a maintenance schedule for your fleet of vehicles. This will ensure that your vehicles receive all scheduled maintenance including tire rotations, oil changes and other vehicle servicing requirements. Your drivers will be able to feel safer knowing the vehicle they are driving is properly maintained.

Service: The GPS truck tracking system is invaluable tool for improving customer service. Customers will not have the ability to complain that your driver left them waiting hours when you can see that your driver arrived on time. They will not be able to say that they were over charged because the technician only stayed at their house 15 minutes when you can see that your employee was at their home for an hour. You will be able to backup your employees on claims of times received or services rendered. In addition, your company will be able to respond to customers faster and provide accurate times of arrival, resulting in more satisfied customers and more business.

Savings: GPS truck tracking has many benefits that can increase revenue including reduced fuel costs, increased productivity, lower insurance premiums, administrative efficiencies, improved dispatching and improved dispatching. These benefits will add to your employees’ job security. They will be working for a company who is financially stable. That means a lot in this tough economy. In addition, the increased revenue can be used to provide raises or bonuses. You could create a reward system based on the data collected from your GPS truck tracking to help gain system acceptance. Explain to your employees that while GPS truck tracking is new to your company, it is becoming an industry standard for businesses with fleets. Your competitors are likely already using it; if you do not embrace GPS technology, you are putting your employees and business at risk.

If you need more assistance on how to explain the benefits and necessity of the GoFleet truck tracking system to your employees, contact GoFleet today.

Truck GPS Tracking Systems Increase Fuel Efficiency

Increase Fuel Efficiency With Truck GPS Tracking Systems

In business, there are times when indecisiveness costs you money. When it comes to truck GPS tracking systems, it is foolish to not consider what implementing one would do for your business. It can increase your fuel efficiency, save your business money and help your business grow.

Truck GPS tracking systems is a simple solution to improving fuel efficiency, reducing operation costs and increase your customers’ satisfaction. Implementing one of GoFleet’s commercial truck gps tracking system is easy and affordable. If you have been on the fence about whether or not you should start using a fleet management system, it is time to realize that indecision is costing you money.
Truck GPS Tracking Systems Improve Productivity And Fuel Efficiency

When you use truck GPS tracking systems, fleet managers can provide your drivers with driving directions and the most efficient and shortest route to get to job sites. Drivers will no longer waste fuel driving from job to job because they do not know the area well. In addition, dispatchers can send the closest truck to a job site because they will know exactly where each of your trucks are at all times. Your customers will not have to wait a long time for a driver to arrive from across town when you have a driver only one mile away. This not only improves customer satisfaction, it allows your drivers to complete more jobs each day.

If your drivers are wasting fuel, you will get alerted immediately. You can set up alerts for speeding, excessive idling and driving in unauthorized areas. Your drivers will stop wasting fuel by sitting in their idling trucks for climate control. They will think twice when they think about speeding down the road. Not only does this waste fuel, but it is a major safety concern. Furthermore, your drivers will not decide to take the vehicle miles out of the way to stop at the local donut shop for a snack.

Truck GPS tracking systems from GoFleet will allow you to properly manage your fleet of trucks. Increased productivity, reduced operational costs and improved customer satisfaction will put money back in your pocket and increase your bottom line.

Truck Tracking Device: The Ultimate GPS Tow Truck Solution

Tow Truck Companies Benefit From Using A Truck Tracking Device

When you own a tow truck company, it is paramount that you know where your tow trucks are at all times. That is why a GoFleet truck tracking device is the perfect solution for you.

You will be able to come to the aid of you customers faster and get them back on the road without delay. They will not be stuck on the side of the road waiting for hours for help with a flat tire, dead battery, or with a car that was just in an accident. Your customers are often in a dangerous situation and they are relying on your tow truck company to help them. With a tow truck GPS tracker, you will be able to send the closest driver to the site. They will not have to wait for a tow truck in another county when there is a driver only minutes away. In addition, the fleet management software will provide the most efficient route.

Can You Track a Tow Truck?

A truck tracking device is the ultimate fleet management tool. You will be able to ensure your tow truck operators drive directly to the job site without making any unauthorized stops. There will be no more worrying about the operator stopping to help other people who are not your customers, just to make some extra cash on the side. This not only takes up time, it causes a delay to your paying customers and takes money right out of your pocket. With a GPS truck tracking device installed in the tow truck, if the driver has time to help other cars on the road, he will have to call it in to your company.

When your tow truck company uses a truck tracking device, you will be able to hold your drivers accountable. Their job involves driving all day long in a truck with your company logo displayed on it. Their driving behavior is a reflection of your company. That is why it is imperative that you receive alerts if they are driving aggressively or speeding. For example, if your driver is speeding, you will get an alert immediately giving you the opportunity to contact your driver to have him correct his driving habits. You can also set up audible alerts for your drivers that will make a beeping sounds in the car with them whenever they break a rule you set. For example, you can set and idling rule of 2 minutes. Every time a driver idles their vehicle for over two minutes the device will beep alerting them to turn off the vehicle, saving you money on fuel. Monitoring your drivers also empowers them; they will be able to show you that they are doing everything right.

When your tow truck company performs well, everybody wins including you, your customers and your employees. It is time to make your company more efficient with a GoFleet truck tracking device system in your tow truck fleet. Contact a fleet consultant today for more information.

GPS Handheld Device For The Visually Impaired

Visually Impaired GPS Handheld Device

Jorge Blanco has developed a design for a GPS handheld device for the visually impaired. It will work by using pin screen impression technology to make 3D maps of the user’s surroundings.

The device is designed to look like a remote control with a rectangular pin surface on the top part of the gadget. Below the rectangular surface are six Braille buttons. They are labeled “City,” “Discover,” “Read,” “GPS,” “Tag,” and “Time.” On the front of the device there is a camera that is used to record the scene that the user would like translated to the pin surface. On the device’s underside, it has a matte finish to give the user an added grip. There is also a wrist strap to prevent the handheld GPS from being dropped or getting lost.

The GPS handheld device can be used as a guiding tool for the visually impaired. Users will be able to translate obstacles, such as cars, onto its pin surface. It will also re-create the entire scene on the pin surface. The user just has to use the pin surface to feel what lies ahead.

Jorge Blanco’s GPS handheld device is still a work in progress. In early 2014, Blanco unveiled his long awaited concept for a Google Glass stylus. He called the design “Google Draw” which allows wearers of the Google Glass to write commands down instead of speaking them out lout. This was Jorge Blanco’s personal project and was not related to Google. Fans of the wearable device have been very excited about this project.

In 2013, Blanco designed Ohita, a personal replicator and air cleaner. The Electrolux Design Lab 2013 recognized the Ohita as one of the top 20 best concepts at the event. The GPS handheld device for the visually impaired is quite inventive, Blanco is excited about the possibilities it will open up for the visually impaired.

Fleet Fuel Management System: Save Fuel Costs

Save on Fuel Costs with a Fleet Fuel Management System

When you track your fleet with GoFleet’s GPS device, the fleet fuel management system will help your company save money on fuel in addition to letting you know where your vehicles are. Tracking your vehicles will make your business more efficient; you will be able to better manage your drivers and their driving habits. With the fleet fuel management system, you can reduce the amount of high priced fuel you have to buy.

You might be asking yourself, “How can a fleet fuel management system save my business money on fuel?” That’s easy. When you use GoFleet GPS tracking on your fleet, you will be alerted if your drivers use their vehicles inefficiently.

The three main ways drivers waste fuel is by speeding, unauthorized driving and excessive idling. With a fleet fuel management system, you can set speed limits, idling time restrictions and authorized driving areas. When your driver exceeds the set speed limit, idles their vehicle for climate control or uses the vehicle for personal use, you will be alerted immediately. This gives you the opportunity to contact the driver to have him correct his driving behavior.

If you don’t want to have to contact your drivers to let them know about their bad driving habits, GoFleet also has audible beeping alerts that will go off when a driver breaks a rule. For example, if you set up an idling rule for 3 minutes, when a driver idles longer than that amount of time, the device will start beeping letting the driver know to turn off the vehicle.

When drivers know you have a fleet fuel management system installed in your fleet, they will automatically improve their driving habits; they will not want to risk getting in trouble or, even worse, risk their job just to sit in a cool car while they wait for a customer, speed down the street, or take the vehicle to a local coffee shop for a hot beverage for an extended amount of time. Drivers are more likely to do these things when they think nobody will notice.

In addition, GoFleet GPS tracking will provide your dispatchers and drivers with efficient routes and driving directions. Your drivers will no longer be driving around aimlessly searching for a hard-to-find job site. Dispatchers can send the closest driver to a job site instead of sending a driver who is in another city. Efficient routing and driving directions from the fleet fuel management system will save unnecessary fuel use.

GPS Fleet Tracking Software: Valuable Interactive Dashboards

Valuable Interactive Dashboards with MapsBI and GPS Fleet Tracking Software

MapsBI is an add-on to GoFleet’s GPS fleet tracking software that provides users with valuable interactive dashboards for metrics such as fuel usage, idling times, exceptions and stop times. It connects directly to all of GoFleet’s Geotab Go devices to provide automated and instant access to these key performance metrics.

In addition, users have the ability to create interactive overlay telematics data and visualizations with data from other systems such as dispatch, ERP, CRM and many other systems. This will allow you to have all of your line-of-business data conveniently funneled into one platform.

MapsBI GPS fleet tracking software comes with a set of standard dashboards for vehicle stop times, idling times, fuel usage and exceptions. It also has an easy-to-use drag-and-drop dashboard builder. Users can use this interface to create their own interactive dashboards for your company’s most important metrics. This means your users will be empowered to create valuable reports on-the-fly that can help save your business money.

Geographic data can be visualized using regional territory maps, markers, heat maps, digital gauges, charts and the top 10 lists. The information on MapsBI GPS fleet tracking software is extremely easy to filter. All you have to do is drill down and filter the data by multiple categories including vehicle, date, time, driver, zone or exception type.

Convenient dataset overlays allow you to overlay many layers on top of your telematics data including sales data and demographics. MapsBI GPS fleet tracking software lets you spend more time acting on insights from your data instead of just wasting time trying to access and understand it. Operational patterns and inefficiencies will be brought to your attention through easy-to-read dashboards allowing you to immediately correct the issues and reduce costs.

MapsGI GPS fleet tracking software will also help you save on administrative costs. Less operational time will be spent tracking basic fleet information because the GPS fleet tracking system will automatically track vehicle miles, arrival times, departure times, fuel fill-ups an fuel consumption.

Lockheed Martin Uses GPS Technology To Increase Safety

Lockheed Martin Uses GPS Technology To Increase Safety

Lockheed Martin upgraded many of their products by adding GPS technology to their standard laser guided weapons as an added safety control. This includes their dual-mode, laser-directed bombs that were recently successful in a Marine Corps exercise. Lockheed has been manufacturing these products at their plant for over 20 years.

Over 7,000 of their guidance kits have been upgraded to contain the GPS capability. In addition to adding GPS technology to their products, Lockheed has worked to reduce the weather’s impact on accuracy.

This year they decided to broaden their product line to include nuclear power plant safety mechanisms. As Lockheed Martin branches into the development of safety controls on their weapon products, they have started a movement in a new direction from their historical outlook on defense products.

Lockheed Martin is partnered with China’s State Nuclear Power Automation Systems Engineering Co. to develop a circuit card prototype for power plants. The two companies entered an agreement in 2013 to develop safety controls for reactor protection systems.

The Archbald facility’s general manager, Dr. Peter Rosecrans, explains there is more to global security than defending against threats. These new developments represent a technical transition achievement that can stabilize our economy.

In 2007, Lockheed Martin started investing in the development of nuclear power control equipment. The new device is built to monitor nuclear power plants’ operating systems for safety. It is built to withstand extreme weather conditions, such as earthquakes and hurricanes, and other conditions that can be a source of a power disruption.

The device is currently under review by the NRC (Nuclear Regulatory Commission). Lockheed is hopeful that the new device with qualify with the NRC before the year end. The commercial application is still several years away.

Lockheed Martin is using GPS technology to increase the safety in their weapons products and increase the safety controls at nuclear power plants. They are planning to use the GPS technology to lead the company into future.