How to Use Our Fleet Management Software for Dispatch

Our fleet management software offers an intuitive way to dispatch your vehicles to specified locations with the help of zones and third-party device integrations such as Garmin. Zones, as defined in our fleet management software My.Geotab, are geofences representing a virtual perimeter or fence around the geographical real-world area of interest. Dispatching within our software works by obtaining the zone addresses and then sending those addresses to a third parting routing device.

There are two main ways within My.Geotab of dispatching vehicles:
Dispatching Vehicles to Zones or Dispatching Routes to Vehicles.

Dispatching Vehicles to Zones
Before you can start dispatching vehicles to zones, you’ll need to add some zones first into your database. We offer simple tools for creating zones which allows you to easily draw a zone shape in the area you choose. Additionally, a large number of zones can be created all at once by importing a bulk list of longitude and latitude information in an Excel sheet. After the zones have been imported, you can then start dispatching to your vehicles by finding the zone on the map and clicking on it. By clicking on the zone it will open up a list of options including one called Dispatch Vehicle Here.

mygeotab dispatch gofleet

When clicking the dispatch button, you can select one or multiple vehicles that you would like to receive the request. In addition, a message can also be sent with the dispatch address which can be used to provide additional instructions for the driver. After the dispatch message has been sent, the routing device will receive the address and start routing to the destination as soon as the driver reads the message and chooses to accept the dispatch instructions.

mygeotab dispatch gofleet

Dispatching Routes to Vehicles
Entire routes can be sent to your vehicles to dispatch a series of destinations that your drivers should reach. Creating routes in MyGeotab can be done by simply connecting multiple zones together. To send a route to one of your vehicles, select Zones & Messages from the main menu within MyGeotab and then select Routes from the sub-menu. Find the desired route from the list of available routes, and then there will be an option to send the route to a vehicle.

mygeotab dispatch gofleet

Dispatching has been made easy with MyGeotab. It’s a powerful fleet management tool helping you enhance your overall customer service and fleet efficiency through creating custom zones. You will have better insight to where your vehicles are, and where your drivers are headed. This will allow you to see opportunities for fitting in more customer visits, while still reducing the number of miles driven. For more details about dispatching and zone creation, please refer to Geotab’s Product Guide.

Original Article By: Dominic Loong, Technical Services Engineer at Geotab

GoFleet versus the Competition

With the large continuous telematics growth it is no surprise how many other GPS fleet management companies are out there today. Being in such a highly competitive market it is hard for consumers to make a truly educated and confident decision when choosing their fleet management partner.

What makes GoFleet stand out?!

Let’s start with the basics. When you are looking for a partner in fleet management what is your number one focus? Return on investment (ROI).

GoFleet in partner with Geotab offers the 5 pillars of ROI:
Productivity | Fleet | Safety | Compliance | Expandability

  • Arrival and departure times to and from job sites and the main office
  • Various reports such as time spent at the office vs. driving vs. customer locations
  • Customizable rules such as late arrival, early leaving, idling, unauthorized home stops, too much office time, long lunch, etc.
  • Congregation reporting highlighting if/when your drivers are meeting for long lunches, etc.
Fleet Optimization:
  • Most extensive metrics available to reduce poor fuel consumption
  • Better trip planning with built in route optimization
  • Highest engine diagnostic capabilities on the market + supports J1708 & J1939 (which no one else supports)
  • Planned versus actual trip analysis + cost report (many competitors do not offer this and if they do it is normally an extra fee)
  • Very few competitors offer in-vehicle audible alerts, no competitors offer anything close to the capabilities and customization that we have
  • Posted road speed vs. actual road speed reporting
  • Easy to use future proof software built on HTML5 (no expensive hardware necessary)
  • Drivers love the software, it’s easy to use and understand, unlike many competitor’s solutions
  • One of our biggest differentiators, no competitors come remotely close to the IOX expansion we offer
  • Truly future-proof, it is a complete long-term solution on one bill
  • Offer integration with multiple add-ons to provide a complete fleet management solution custom for your needs

Our 5 main pillars are our heart and soul and really make us stand out. The capabilities of our system far outweigh our competitors which is why we always invite our prospective customers to test out our solution along side our competitors to see the results and capabilities for themselves.

Take a closer look at even more differentiating features we have to offer:

Curve-Based Tracking

There is no other solution on the market currently offering the patented curve-based tracking that we do. Our competitors use time-based intervals (normally around every two minutes) to track vehicles however we use science and accelerometer. Our competitors risk losing valuable information such as in the case of an accident. With our curve based tracking any sudden movements within the vehicle will always be tracked, along with any sort of turn or anything else. Typically it is around every 15 seconds but could be slightly more or less depending on the situation.

Totally Customizable

Many of our competitors have limited customization capabilities and can often only be done by the vendor themselves. However, we offer an unimaginable amount of customization options that can be done by either our customers themselves or we are happy to help.

At the end of the day, choosing the best fleet management software is not easy so it’s important you do your research. Without doing research you’ll likely end up with the cheapest solution you come across with outdated features that will not give the ROI you are looking for.

Continuous Telematics Growth

The Golden Age of Telematics


Telematics is an ever expanding and exciting field involving multiple technologies simultaneously working together to collect and present data in a useful manner for cost-savings, process, standard improvements and safety. Telematics has been around for many years, however we are now entering the ‘Golden Age’ of telematics expansion, innovation, and growth.

Industry Trends

Increase in OEM Telematics

It is estimated that 15% of all vehicles sold across the world in 2014 were equipped with OEM embedded telematics. This number is expected to grow to 50% of all new vehicles sold by 2020.

Examples of OEM telematics include:

  • Roadside Assistance/eCall
  • Vehicle Diagnostics
  • Stolen Vehicle Tracking
  • Usage Based Insurance
  • WiFi Hotspot
  • Leasing & Rental Fleet Management
  • Connected Navigation & Infotainment
  • Convenience Applications
  • Electronic Road Charging

The number of new cars sold utilizing some sort of telematics is forecasted to increase from 7 million in 2013 to over 68 million in 2020. Embedded telematics systems are expected to grow from 8 million units sold in 2013 to 54 million units by 2020. That’s a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 31%.

Telematics Subscriptions on the Rise

Telematics service subscription numbers are expected to grow at a CAGR of 38%. This means the amount of subscriptions will rise from 16 million in 2013 to 158 million in 2020. In the near future, the global sales of insurance telematics products are projected to grow over 2013 to 2018 at a CAGR of 80%; in 2018 the subscriber base is expected to reach 85.5 million.


Worldwide Growth Potential

telematics growth chart geotab
(Berg Insight Forecasts)

The large growth expectation in the telematics market indicates that within the next 10 years, most of the cars on the road will be equipped with some form of telematics. In South Africa, the number of cars with a telematic system is projected to expand to 840,000 by 2017. There is an estimated 90% of the light consumer vehicles market which currently remains untapped. The Chinese telematics market is also expected to increase 22% at the end of 2014 from 2.1 million units to 5.9 million by 2019.


India’s Quickly Growing Telematics Market

telematics growth chart india geotab
(Berg Insight Forecasts)

The Indian market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 31% (From 2015-2020) and CAGR of 38% (from 2020-2025).

Telematics and the Insurance Industry

A wide range of insurance companies have already begun to incorporate telematics into their policies, taking advantage of the huge data range collected by telematics devices in the following ways:

  • Pay As You Drive (PAYD): Monitor where, when and how often a vehicle is being driven. This technology can provide customized policies to suit each individual’s needs. It also can monitor unsafe driving habits and can be used to reward safe driving (deeper discounts, etc).
  • Accident Reconstruction: Determine the driver at fault during a car accident, decrease costs related to insurance fraud and gain quicker payouts to those injured
  • Vehicle Recovery: Track stolen vehicles for a better chance of quick vehicle recovery.

Check out this blog for further details on insurance discounts related to telematics devices.

Safety Benefits of Telematics Solutions

As telematics continues to advance, the benefits it can potentially provide will become even more significant. Google claims that with its driverless car technology, it will reduce the rate of traffic accidents by 90%, and Volvo claims by 2020 with its new cars it will provide an accident-free driving experience. While these benefits may be years away, telematics technologies offer multiple substantial benefits for fleet vehicles and personal vehicles alike, today.

Telematics is a tool to improve safety, boost employee morale, increase efficiency and add to the bottom line of any business. You do not want to get left behind! Get your fleet vehicles connected with telematics today! Contact us for more details so you can take advantage of the full benefits of telematics today and in the future years to come.


Original Article By: Boby Multani, Senior Technical Services Engineer at Geotab

The Power of PTO Connections in GPS Tracking Technology

GPS Tracking Technology and the Power of PTO Connections

Business owners and fleet managers need to choose a GPS tracking technology provider whose system allows for integration with other devices and products. The PTO (power take-off) is a primary example of a device that can be integrated with our system and Geotab GO Device that adds value to the overall fleet management system.

What is PTO?

PTO, Power Take-Off, can refer to the activity of any motorized device connected to a vehicle. It is comparable to a portable power generator, in the event that you lose power, you would still be able to run all of your appliances and equipment around your home. Comparably, many companies rely on the PTO to generate power for a specific piece of equipment, without only relying on using the engine itself.

Examples of PTO Use

Some of the typical applications of PTO use (although not limited to) include:

  • Raising the bed of a dump truck
  • Running a truck mounted hot water extraction machine used for carpet cleaning
  • Operating a garbage truck compactor

An example of one way companies are utilizing PTO with our GPS device is in the use of document shredding and destruction. Companies have mobile trucks with a shredder built on board, they collect many important documents and are able to destroy them securely using the shredder.

The devices have the capacity to gather data from the vehicle’s ECM, also known as the engine control module, and provide information about the status of the PTO unit. In general, you do not want to have the vehicle moving while the PTO is engaged. This is one instance where during operation you should monitor the status of the vehicle. If a driver were to have the vehicle moving while the PTO is in operation, it could cause severe stress and ultimately damage the motor, leading to extensive repair or replacement.

Another important aspect to consider is the green effect in our society that has brought attention to the issue of idling in the management and operation in large fleets. The GoFleet Getoab GO devices have the ability to set up specific rules to determine the length of time a vehicle has been idling. Whenever a rule is broken an “exception” is then generated. This can then point management to see particular trends or excessive behavior that is non-compliant. When it comes to PTO, the device can assist in looking ever further into the problem and has the ability to determine the difference between idling due to PTO use and excessive vehicle idling.

Connecting the PTO

The PTO module normally has direct connection to the vehicle’s ECM. The PTO is often referred to as a “6 Pack” because of the number of external pins it has. Our devices would typically be connected using a harness to the vehicle’s diagnostic port using either a 9 pin or 6 pin connection, depending on the model and make of the vehicle. A harness, such as an HRN-EZT would be required to connect to the ECM and the GO device would then be connected to the HRN-EZT. It’s recommended that you use a T-harness for connections, that way it will leave an extra port available for a mechanic to use.

What to Remember When Using the PTO

In order for the GPS device to pick up the signal from the ECM, the vehicle with the PTO module installed would need to be returned to the dealership to have the ECM reset to be able to read the PTO module. Only once that has been completed will the device be able to pull the data from the diagnostic port directly. Most trucks made in 1996 or later have the ability for the ECM to read PTO automatically and therefore there is no need for an auxiliary input.

To learn more about PTO connections and the other opportunities for external integration with GoFleet and Geotab GO devices, contact us today: 1-888-998-1122 or [email protected]

Original Article Written by: Owen D’Acres, Customer Support at Geotab

How long is my GPS Data Stored with Geotab & GoFleet?

There are many people who store a significant amount of important and valuable information on their computer, such as financial documents, family movies and photos, personal music collections, and more. This large amount of data should be (but unfortunately, usually isn’t) backed up and preserved in case of data loss or theft. Each and every day there are millions and millions of data records passing through Getoab’s servers. This data is backed up in many different ways on a regular basis. This article will provide you with an in-depth explanation of how long the information is retained for and how frequently our Geotab data is backed up.

Active MyGeotab Databases
Databases currently in-use (with active Geotab GO devices, regular logins, etc.) are backed up on a nightly basis. Additionally, the previous 2 days of backups are also stored on a server in a different physical location. In the extremely unlikely event of the loss of a server, the previous nightly backups can be brought online.

Inactive MyGeotab Databases
In the effort to provide high server and because of the plethora of data stored in the MyGeotab servers, databases that are not in use are permanently removed from the servers after 60 days. A database not in use could be an empty database or one with all inactive devices.

Data Purging
Similar to the removal of inactive, empty databases to save valuable space, customer data older than one year will be regularly removed from the database. This purge, along with database deletion, is done without prior notice to customers.

How Can I Keep My Data for Longer?

Geotab GoFleet Management Software

Customers wishing to keep their data for longer than the guaranteed one year period are free to and encouraged to use our built-in migration tools for archiving their data.

The current Export Database function in MyGeotab can be found by browsing to Administration, System, Export Database. It is here that you can control how much data is exported. Keep in mind that the database is suspended while it is being exported. Upon completion of an export, an email will be sent requesting the export with an attached .zip file containing the exported data.

In summary, Geotab is committed to taking care of your telematics data and providing outstanding uptime and data availability.

For more information on Geotab’s data retention and backup policies, please see our standard service-level agreement (SLA). For more information on MyGeotab database Export/Migration tools, contact us at 1-888-998-1122 or [email protected].


Original Article By: Phillip M.T. Rolle, IT Systems and Security Administrator at Geotab


5 Easy Tips for Safer Passenger Car Tires

Tires are often overlooked and forgotten when it comes to passenger vehicles. Not only do they have an affect on the mileage of the vehicle but also on the overall safety of the vehicle.

Let’s take a look at a few tips from Automotive Fleet that will help you & other fleet managers ensure proper tire safety on a passenger cars:

Tip #1: Understand how to properly inspect a tire.
Before heading out on the road, drivers should inspect all four car tires for any damage, including nails. Also look at the tread depth and tire inflation.

Tip #2: Understand how to check the tire pressure.
Yes, many vehicles today may already come equipped with a tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS) but it’s important drivers still know how to properly check tire pressure and where to find the OEM’s recommended tire pressure rating. Tires can lose up to one psi per month under regular conditions and an addition one psi for every 10°F drop in temperature.

Tip #3: Get periodic tire maintenance.
Take the car in for regular tire rotations, alignment and balancing to help evenly spread tire wear and to provide another check for any damage. Our software offers the option to add in scheduled maintenance reminders so you’ll never miss tire maintenance and keep your vehicles in the safest condition.

Tip #4: Check the tread depth on tires frequently.
There are a couple easy and fast ways to check the tread depth on tires; use a small tool specifically made for the job, or a penny can work fine just to eyeball any problems. If any part of Abe Lincoln’s head is covered up by tire tread, that’s a sign you are safe and good to go!

Tip #5: Know how to read a tire’s sidewall.
This skill allows a quick check to know if on a specific vehicle type, the right tire is being used.

Author Lauren Fletcher in Automotive Fleet: Keeping Passenger Car Tires Safe

Driver Fatigue and the Underestimated Dangers


Driver Fatigue Danger


Driver fatigue can often be an underestimated danger. Companies rely on their drivers for getting to remote job sites, product deliveries, and transporting goods between warehouses. Your fleet drivers may often have to take long trips and/or inconsistent driving schedules which then results in them driving tired. A study in the US focusing around this issue found that being awake for 17-19 hours straight causes impaired performance equivalent to a blood alcohol concentration of 0.05%.

The National Sleep Foundation’s report “Sleep in America” found that of the 169 million adult drivers polled, 60% admit to driving while drowsy and 37% reported falling asleep behind the wheel. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHSTA) made a conservative estimation when stating that 100,000 of police reported crashes each year are caused by driver fatigue. Professionals have difficulty generating these estimations since it is often hard to prove fatigue is the sole cause of accidents. Unfortunately, there are no tests similar to alcohol impairment that can be administered and currently police do not include a fatigue assessment in their investigation practices. Driver fatigue is most common in the following demographics:

  • Shift workers with long commutes and/or inconsistent schedules
  • People living with children
  • Young adult males

Drowsiness can happen fast and many professional drivers tend not to consider tiredness a big threat therefore do not act right away. In the “Sleep in America” report mentioned before, it estimated that 1 in 5 drivers recognize drowsiness and pull over to take a rest. The most alarming and obvious ramification of continued driving is falling asleep at the wheel but there are other consequences that also may lead to accidents:

  • Driver’s ability to drive defensively decreases
  • Driver’s get irritable or impatient making them more susceptible to road rage
  • Driver’s alertness decreases which may cause them to miss road signs or traffic signals

Companies rely on their drivers to be alert and safe and driver fatigue poses a threat. If there is an employee injury or accidents due to a driver being too tired it can cost millions of dollars in damages and potential lawsuits if a third party is involved.

The need for technology to monitor this issue is increasing and some ideas have been circulating within the industry. Some of these ideas include heart rate detectors or eye scans to monitor driver fatigue. It is the responsibility of both the drivers and their fleet organizations to ensure best practices and safety when driving. This includes: strong recognition and decision making skills, being well rested, and always taking the correct steps when starting to feel too tired.

Telematics technology helps to track the health and status of your vehicles and also helps managers better manage drivers; it is important to also consider fatigue. An overly tired driver is much more likely to get in a crash than a well-rested driver. Business and fleet safety managers must encourage their drivers to spot driver fatigue symptoms (like slow reaction time, trouble focusing etc.) and to stay off the roads when experiencing these symptoms. The consequences of accidents linked to fatigue have been found to be more serious because drivers in this state normally make little attempt to avoid the crash.


Original Article Written by: Tori Denning, Accounts Administrator at Geotab

Healthy Sleep: Judgement & Safety
Sleep Foundation: National Sleep in America Poll
Drowsy Driving: Facts & Stats

Why Choose GoFleet As Your Geotab Partner?


Finding the Right Geotab Partner


Geotab relies on a partner ecosystem to allow the technology they develop to be successfully represented, rolled out, and grow with ongoing customer needs. So how does a fleet choose which telematics provider is the best fit for their needs in the short AND long term?

Here is Geotab’s view of how to find out with a quick quiz:

Question 1
Will the information that is collected for your business be used by more than one department (fleet maintenance, fleet management, sales CRM, field force dispatch, risk management, claims management, government compliance, finance)?

Question 2
Is your IT team looking to standardize the various software programs needed to run a business today (payroll, CRM) along with some industry specific programs (route scheduling, IFTA)?

Question 3
Does your company have the in-house resources to watch the overall health of all deployed data collection telematics devices – ensuring uptime of all installed units?

Question 4
Does your company have the in-house analysts to inject your collected data into your company’s evolving business objectives?

If you answered yes to ANY of the 4 questions, Geotab may well be your best choice of a technology solution to rely on. If you answered yes and have already deployed with a different telematics provider, we would be happy to talk with you about making the switch. As a business, your freedom to operate and evolve is essential and that’s what the Geotab telematics operating system with GoFleet’s partnership approach is all about.

As a Geotab partner we resell their technology with additional applications and services; while also offering a business partnership approach and working with you on a regular basis. We take pride on never once having a customer who has not saved more money than our solution cost them and work closely with all our clients to ensure this high level of return on investment is maintained.

As an Authorized Geotab Reseller, we receive routine weekly training on best practices in deploying Geotab technology, business case studies, new features, and upcoming developments on the horizon. Geotab works with us daily to ensure our high level product knowledge and performance is maintained.

For businesses, there is a fog of telematics companies who on the surface appear to offer the same features and functions. But focus on the 4 questions and think of how together we will provide new business intelligence for you to use to grow and increase revenue.

Contact us to learn more about the partnership approach we take with each of our customers, and how we can generate the return on investment you are looking for.


Original Article By: Colin Sutherland, VP Sales & Marketing at Geotab


Canada Road Safety Week May 2015


National Road Safety Week in Canada


May 12th-18th 2015, marks Canada Road Safety Week, which is a national traffic safety and enforcement initiative conducted in partnership with the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police and police services from across the country. The goal of Road Safety Week is to make Canada’s roads the safest in the world. It is a 7 day campaign running through the Victoria Day long weekend.

Road Safety Week is designed to remind Canadians how important it is to drive safely and obey all driving laws. The laws are put in place to ultimately keep yourself and others on the road safe.

There are 4 main focuses for this week which include: impaired driving, seat belt use, aggressive and distracted driving.

Always take precautions when you’re driving. Your driving often not only effects you but also those around you whether that be another driver, cyclist, pedestrian or motorcyclist. Always be aware of everything around you to ensure the safety of yourself and others.


Let’s take a look at some tips from Canada’s Safety Council on
How to Drive Like a Hero:



  • Focus, Focus, Focus!
    Distracted driving is becoming one of the leading causes of car accidents in Canada. Any collision involving a vulnerable driver has the potential to be deadly. Texts and calls can wait. Turn off your phone or at least put it on silent and out of reach so you are not tempted to use it while driving.



  • Stay on the Lookout
    Be sure to scan ahead for cyclist, motorcyclists and pedestrians, who can often be hard to see; pay extra close attention around intersections and when making turns. Also, don’t immediately drop your guard once you have put your car in park, try to get into the habit of checking before opening vehicle doors in order to avoid dooring someone walking, jogging, or cycling past.



  • Stay Calm & Courteous
    Everyone you are sharing the road with is trying to get somewhere, respect your fellow drivers. Try to be especially cautious with the elderly and children who may struggle with judging the speed and timing of traffic.



  • Check Your Speed
    There are a ton of speeders on the roads and it takes bravery to stick to the actual speed limit. Your decision to drive the speed limit will influence others to do the same. Every kilometre over the speed limit you’re driving increases stopping distance and reduces your effective field of vision. A small difference in your speed can be the difference between life or death; the posted road speeds are there for a reason, stick to them.



  • Leave Space
    Do not follow too close; riding the bumper of the car in front of you doesn’t do anything good for anyone. Also, always leave enough space for cyclist and motorcyclists. When you are passing a cyclist make sure you slow down and leave a minimum of 1 meter of space or if possible change lanes. If there isn’t enough space for you to safely pass, maintain your distance and pass when the opportunity arises.


Canadian drivers can expect stronger than normal law enforcement during Road Safety Week; please keep these tips in mind and make sure you are driving safely and obeying all traffic laws.

Toronto Police Services: Canada Road Safety Week News Release
Canada Safety Coucil: Be a Road Hero: The Way You Drive Can Save Lives

Explore Fuel Card Benefits

Fuel your company profits with Fuel Cards

Fuel cards help view and confirm driver fuel card expenditures. Information can be generated daily, helping managers eliminate fuel theft and realize return on investments through GoFleet’s management solution.

Benefits of Fuel Cards

Fuel cards work in a very similar way to ordinary credit cards with the exception of the card restrictions to purchases of fuel, oil and lubricants only. Available to businesses of all sizes, the card when combined with GoFleet’s fleet solutions will help achieve substantial savings through:

  • Improved cash flow
  • The ability to monitor and control fuel expenses more closely
  • Single invoices, eliminating piles of receipts
  • Improved security as cards can be matched to a vehicle, driver or both.

1) Fuel Card Invoicing

The first noticeable benefit from using fuel cards is the elimination of receipts. Business owners and fleet managers no longer have to sort through piles of receipts and expense claims to submit an appropriate level for the reimbursement of mileage as fuel costs are immediately apparent on the invoices.

2) Fuel Card Reports

At the end of each month a fleet managers can receive a scheduled management report containing information regarding fuel purchases. These reports can be customized as well as designed to show details of each and every transaction such as the specific card used, the date/location/time of the transaction as well as the quantity and type of fuel purchased.

3) Fuel Cards remove the need for cash

The classic benefit is arguably health as it reduces company administration costs and expenses claims can be tracked and calculated easily.

4) Fuel Card Network Coverage

The card can be set to be used within a specific network of service stations. This will allow for easy control and monitoring of the purchases made and the locations driven too.

5) Fuel Card Pricing

Many fuel cards offer discounted prices which mean in the long run, the amounts will total to a large amount of saving.s

Lastly, the most important feature of the fuel card it it’s the ability provide convenience to all drivers and administrators and maximize cost savings on administration allowing business owners and fleet managers to massively reduce fuel fraud, which cause a major drain on company finances.

To learn more about fuel card options, contact us at 1-888-998-1122.