3 Ways a GPS Tracking System Will Improve Your Business

GPS Tracking System: 3 Ways it Will Improve Your Business

  1. Better Fleet Management

    For any business that requires the use of vehicles, effective fleet management is essential to ensure that the most appropriate vehicle services tasks, destinations are reached on time, and most importantly that all customers are completely satisfied. A GPS tracking system helps these goals to be achieved through allowing vehicles to be monitored at all times so that the location is known in real time not only by the driver but by those supervising and managing the entire fleet.

  2. Up to Date System For Drivers

    All business owners know that to really work effectively and efficiently, the employees need to be satisfied and taken care of within their job. Latest GPS tracking systems keep an automatic log book of drivers’ activity so they no longer have to waste time filling in paperwork and keeping track of their hours of service.

  3. Cut Costs

    Cutting costs is always a useful improvement to any business and a GPS tracking system allows this to be done without having to sacrifice any assets or the quality of service. Costs are cut through maximizing the efficiency with which fuel is used and optimizing the routes that drivers take to reach their destinations.

Different Features of a Fleet GPS Tracking System

Fleet GPS Tracking System Features

As the name suggests the primary use of a Fleet GPS Tracking System is to pin point the location of a certain asset, typically and most commonly a company vehicle. However, although this is the most important feature the device has many additional uses that are sure to benefit any business. The driver scorecard keeps track of the way the vehicle is being driven and records data such as hard acceleration, harsh braking and whether or not the seatbelt is being worn. These are all very useful things to be aware of both with regards to the drivers themselves and also any superiors. Quality driving with result a number of benefits including less wear and tear to the vehicle and more efficient use of fuel.

Another feature of a top quality fleet GPS tracking system is the beeping function. The device provided the driver with a warning beep whenever the system detects an issue such as speeding and high rpm’s. This helps the driver to stay aware of the way in which he or she is driving and make improvements and changes when necessary. Furthermore the tracking system is easy to use and offers an easy to follow instruction guide on first use.

Satellite Asset Tracking Gives Your Company Edge

Satellite Asset Tracking

In the competitive world in which we live, businesses of all shapes and sizes should always be on the look out for ways in which to gain the edge over their rivals. Of course methods and measures will vary according to the nature of the business but those that incorporate some sort of transport, and have their own fleet of vehicles could certainly benefit from satellite asset tracking. This is essentially the use of a GPS device that records and reports feedback (data) from your vehicles, so that you, the business owner or manager is aware of the exact location of your assets at all times.

Reasons to use satellite-based asset tracking

You will find that the use of satellite asset tracking gives you the edge over other businesses for a number of reasons. First of all it allows you to cut costs, through monitoring fuel usage and driver behavior, freeing up valuable cash flow for use in other places. Thanks to the satellites tracking your assets you know the exact location of each vehicle in your felt at all times, helping with organization and scheduling, allowing you to reach customers, suppliers or other destinations much faster than previously and most importantly faster than your competition.

GoFleet’s GPS satellite asset tracking military grade Smartone LP is built for years of maintenance-free, satellite-managed, container and trailer tracking. The powerful device operates on the industry-leading Globalstar satellite network; offering global coverage. For more information and/or pricing quotes call 1-888-998-1122 or email [email protected].

Plug and Play GPS Benefits

Who can benefit from Plug and Play GPS?

Plug and Play GPS refers to a form of tracking system that allows assets such as vehicles to be tracked, so that the exact location is known in real time. As the name suggests plug and play, is incredibly easy to use and offers very simple installation.You literally plug it in and it’s more or less up and running. Technical knowledge is not a necessity and there is no hard ware or wiring to worry about before you can get started. The simplicity and ease of use that is offered by plug and play GPS is obviously its primary benefits and one that comes in very useful to just about anyone.

Those people that are going to most benefit from plug and play GPS include both individual drivers and also whole companies or businesses. As far as the driver is concerned there is no need to worry about learning how to use some complicated software or the installation of the device into his vehicle. Most of the data that is recorded and the functions that are integrated run automatically and there is minimal activity required from the driver. As far as the business as a whole is concerned, with the use of plug and play all vehicles or assets can be equipped with a plug and play device very quickly and easily allowing them to see the data and reap the benefits immediately.

For more information on Plug and Play GPS & Employee GPS Tracking contact [email protected].

GPS Fleet Tracking & How it Works

Understanding How GPS Fleet Tracking Works

GPS is a remarkable form of technology that is being used more and more nowadays both by individuals and within business. It offers a number of very beneficial features to any company relying on a fleet of vehicles to deliver their product or service, and anyone running such a business should certainly consider investing in GPS Fleet Tracking. Before you go ahead and make a purchase however, it’s a good idea to have a basic understanding of how GPS works, and then you can determine whether or not it is something from which you could benefit.

Fleet tracking and GPS relies on satellites that orbit the Earth, of which there are 24 that are active and constantly transmitting signals back and forth, to and from GPS tracking devices on the ground. Triangulation is necessary in order to pin point the exact location of the device and this requires at least three satellites working together. Location can be determined based on the time that the signal takes to bounce back and forth and the distance between each of the satellites. With GPS fleet tracking, a device is connected to each of your vehicles, allowing you to know the exact location of each one with incredible accuracy.

Benefits of Fleet Maintenance Tracking

Fleet Maintenance Tracking Will Save You Money

Fleet Maintenance Tracking has helped many companies keep track of fuel usage, improve driver efficiency and track maintenance. When it comes to running a business, it doesn’t matter how small or large it may be, reducing costs whenever possible is the only way to ensure an increasingly profitable bottom line. Every business has its own methods and measures in place to help them to save money and one very effective method is with the use of Fleet Maintenance Tracking system. Most businesses that install such measures quickly realize the benefits, many of which are financial.

Driver Efficiency

Fleet maintenance tracking gives you real time data relating to the location of the vehicle, which means you can ensure that they have stayed on route and are taking the most direct route possible. In the short-term this means that more destinations can be reached and in the long-term more productivity means more profit.

Fuel Usage


Recorded data also relates to the use of fuel and whether or not it is being used efficiently. Drivers are told when they are driving at the most fuel-efficient speeds and also track the length of time that the engine is left idle.

Vehicle Maintenance with Fleet Maintenance Tracking

Engine diagnostics means that drivers know quickly whenever there is an issue arising and therefore vehicle maintenance is made easier and the risk of hazards and problems is reduced.

For more information on the benefits on Fleet Maintenance Tracking and the many benefits of GPS Fleet Tracking Contact Us Today!

vehicle maintenance reminders

GPS Fleet Management Vehicle Maintenance Reminders

Maintenance Made Easy with GPS Fleet Management Vehicle Maintenance Reminders

Never forget about vehicle maintenance again with a GPS fleet management system.

No matter how well you drive and how cautious you are on the roads, being optimally safe begins with proper vehicle maintenance. However, A vast majority of drivers often forget about scheduling their next maintenance appointment or it just simply gets pushed down the priority list. This is until a dash warning light goes off.

Businesses that own/operate commercial vehicles must always ensure they are properly maintaining their entire fleet while being proactive with driver safety. GPS fleet management technology can help businesses do much more than track vehicles on a map – scheduling vehicle maintenance reminders and checking vehicle health in real-time is one of the central functions. Automating these processes removes some of the uncertainties that fleet managers face on a daily basis and will help ensure your fleet is in tip top shape.

The below items include just some of the many areas of maintenance that must be regularly inspected:

Brakes, Tires, and the Windshield

Starting with your tires, keeping them properly inflated and rotated year-round, in addition to inspecting your brakes, is very important as potential accidents and liabilities can be mitigated. Similarly, check for windshield cracks, and getting them fixed on time can help stop the spread of the crack. The proper functioning of windshield wipers must also be explored.


In certain climates, ensuring vehicle batteries are charged can save lives. With GPS fleet management technology, a vehicle “heartbeat” is checked for periodically. Should a problem arise, the fleet manager will be alerted immediately. Never worry about knowing when to replace/check your battery again with GPS fleet management vehicle maintenance reminders.

Air Filter

Replacing the vehicles air filter at the manufacturers specified intervals can help improve performance and maintain optimum fuel mileage. Inspecting suspension components will ensure proper performance when braking, steering and cruising.


Ensuring fluids are topped up and oil filters are changed will not only help the vehicle run better and longer, but also it can be a good way to spot potential problems before they become major issues or roadside breakdowns.

Once a fleet vehicle has completed its service life, a properly maintained vehicle will have a higher resale value than one that has been neglected. Some of these simple tasks over the life of any vehicle can save lives, time, headaches and money. GoFleet can help you stay on top of vehicle maintenance management; GPS fleet management technology has tons of other benefits to help you run a safer and more efficient fleet!


Runaway Cat Fitted With GPS Satellite Tracking Device

GPS Satellite Tracking Device Will Prevent Cat From Going Missing Again

After going missing for a third time owners of Benjie, a three-legged cat, invest in a GPS satellite tracking device to prevent it from happening again.

Steve and Claire Thorn, owners of Benjie, quickly turned to their local newspaper when their cat had disapeared for a third time. The newspaper appeal helped locate him and now the travelling cats owners have decided to purchase a GPS satellite tracking device to keep Benjie from getting lost again.

With this GPS satellite tracking device now attached to this adventurous cat’s collar his owners will be able to pinpoint his real-time location. Steve and Claire were so grateful that he was found but won’t be taking any chances of this happening again in the future.

Three-legged Benjie often wanders off and has even been known to jump into neighbors cars and going for a ride without them knowing.

Steve and Claire knew that in order to protect their precious pet they had to do something to keep him from going missing again. A GPS satellite tracking device, although a little pricey for tracking a cat, will give them peace of mind. They will be able to see all the adventures he has been on throughout each day and ensure he isn’t anywhere he shouldn’t be.

GPS satellite tracking devices can help you achieve peace of mind when it come to your fleet, assets, and employees. With GoFleet’s GPS Tracking Devices you can ensure you know where your vehicles are 24/7. You will also have the peace of mind that your employees are safe, and doing their job.

If you want to learn more about our GPS Satellite Tracking Devices then please Contact Us Today!

Source: The Huddersfield Daily Examiner 

Benefits of Mobile Fleet Management

Mobile Fleet Management Makes Managing Your Fleet Easier

Mobile Fleet Management is the future of managing your fleet. Since the 1990s, the internet has touched and changed almost every aspect of our lives by enabling quick and simple communication, from anywhere on the globe. This interconnectivity has allowed businesses to learn about changing conditions and react to them faster than ever before. With the rise of smart mobile technology, this phenomenon has been accelerated even further. What this means for telematics is that businesses can keep up-to-date with their fleet in real-time through phones, tablets, and computers.

Mechanical Information

A telematics solution that is mobile ready allows for up-to-date information on the state of your fleet at any time, virtually anywhere. Businesses can be notified instantly with our mobile fleet management solution when there is an issue with any of their vehicles. They can also take quick, decisive action to keep their fleet running optimally.

Accident Response

No business wants their drivers and vehicles getting into accidents. With our mobile fleet management solution, business owners, supervisors and managers can be notified immediately when a vehicle gets into an accident. Armed with this information, businesses can act quickly to determine what occurred and why.

Paperless Driver Input

Hours of Service (HOS) regulations require drivers to write down when they started driving, how long they were driving for, along with numerous other details. An app developed by a telematics provider, for example the Geotab Drive App, allows drivers to perform the tasks they need to perform more easily while also reducing the overhead for the business. At the push of a button, a driver can signal that he/she is now driving, with the app automatically recording the time and location. This information would stored in the cloud, allowing businesses to instantly get the current driving status of their drivers while eliminating the cost associated with organizing and storing paper logs.

The cost of mobile devices has been decreasing steadily while their computing power has been increasing. This creates a unique opportunity for business owners to leverage their power to stay in-tune with business activities at all times. A telematics solution that embraces mobile technology will allow businesses to make informed, smart decisions about their fleet instantaneously, from any device, anywhere.

Learn more about how telematics helps make fleet management easy or about our Yukon mobile fleet management or Geotab Drive mobile fleet management solutions.

And don’t forget to Contact Us with any of your mobile fleet management questions!

Original Article From Geotab:

Tips on How to Reduce Fleet Emissions

Reduce Fleet Emissions With These Helpful Tips

Want to reduce your fleet emissions? The concept is quite simple: the greater your fuel consumption, the greater your emissions will be. Reducing your fuel consumption will in turn reduce your fleets emissions.


Green Fleet Management


The way employees drive their vehicles directly relates to either increasing or decreasing fuel economy and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Fleets that are serious about becoming more sustainable must strive to modify their driver’s on-road behaviour as an ongoing, interactive process. The items below list the top ways you can reduce your fleets emissions and in turn run a more greener fleet:

  • Avoid aggressive driving – accelerate gently and maintain a steady speed
  • Avoid idling – reduce fleet emissions/gas consumption easily, do not leave your vehicle running
  • Reduce additional mileage – optimize your routes and minimize your number of stops
  • Keep tires inflated to the correct pressure
  • Eliminate unnecessary extra weight inside the vehicle
  • Do not purchase premium fuel (unless it is necessary and specified in your owner’s manual)
  • Avoid using the A/C when possible
  • Ensure your vehicle maintenance schedule is top of mind year-round
  • Carpool whenever it is possible and appropriate
  • Drive according to the speed limit – no speeding = reduce fleet emissions
  • Keep your windows rolled up – this makes your vehicle more aerodynamic
  • Anticipate traffic – keep in mind that extensive brake use increases gasoline consumption

Through effective implementation, you will be more likely to not only improve your fuel economy, but also decrease CO2 emissions and boost on-road safety. Reducing your fleets emissions will not only benefit you (and save you money) but it will also benefit the environment. According to the Union of Concerned Scientists transportation is the largest single source of air pollution in the United States.

Contact GoFleet to find out how telematics can help you achieve your sustainability goals today.