salespeople brainstorming

15 Characteristics of Successful Salespeople

Successful Salespeople: 15 Common Characteristics

A successful salesperson has a special set of characteristics that are used to make sales. Some people have natural talent; however, these characteristics can be learned for anyone to be successful.  According to The 15 Characteristics of People Who Succeed at Sales, a successful salesperson has the following traits:

1. Conscientiousness

The majority of successful salespeople are conscientious. They take a lot of pride in their job, they are organized and they are efficient. They will continue to do their best at their job no matter what happens.

2. Initiative

Successful salespeople do not wait to be told what to do, they are go-getters. They will constantly strive to keep doing what is necessary to sell a product.

3. Respect

Top salespeople respect the customers. It is extremely important that the customers are treated with respect at all times, regardless of the situation. Even if the sale is unsuccessful at the time, treating the customer with respect may turn them into a future prospect.

4. Good Listening Skills

The best salespeople have great listening skills. They listen to what the customers’ needs are to help them figure navigate their options and provide the most effective solution.

5. Persistency

Salespeople must be persistent and confident, yet not overly pushy. If a customer says no, a persistent salesperson has more chance of making them change their mind down-the-line.

6. Trainable

Previous sales experience is not as important for a successful salesperson as their ability to be trained to do well in your company. They must be able to adapt to your company culture, processes, customers and sales goals.

7. Positive Attitude

A customer would rather make a purchase with a salesperson who has a positive attitude then someone who is negative or down. Positivity is contagious – it is easier to approach a customer when their positive attitude exudes from them.

8. Passion

Successful salespeople need to be passionate about their job. When they enjoy their job, they can easily share the company vision with your customers and potential customers, and this will be conveyed in a genuine manner.

9. Resourcefulness

It is important for a salesperson to be able to shift gears when a potential sale is not going the way they want. They need to be resourceful and change the approach quickly and creatively.

10. Independent

In general, most salespeople work on a commission basis, so they must be independent in order for them to meet their sales goals. They must be self-motivators and do whatever it takes to achieve their own success.

11. They Ask Lots Of Questions

High performing salespeople ask a lot of questions when they talk to potential customers. They not only what to find out what the customer needs, they want to make the customer comfortable, feel valued and build a long-term relationship.

12. Time Management Skills

Top salespeople are able to effectively manage their time, so they have the most opportunities to secure sales. They don’t rush opportunities and they do not miss deadlines.

13. Personable

Great salespeople get along with everyone and enjoy dealing with people. That is why many salespeople are involved with many organizations and local events.

14. Overachievers

Most salespeople are natural overachievers. They go above and beyond what is expected from them, and they are generally pushing for more of everything – more clients, more people, more money, more work, etc.

15. Always Prepared

A salesperson must always be prepared for any situation that could occur when they meet a customer or potential customer. Every customer, every situation is different and salespeople will need to creatively navigate every unique situation that arises.

Measure Fleet Standards with Exception Reporting

Generate reports based on Exception Rules

Understanding where and when an issue arises with your vehicle can be made simple by creating rules within your solution. Fleet managers are capable of setting specific fleet standards (rules) within the database, these standards can then act as a benchmark to effectively manage and improve on road driver behaviours. Therefore, when a vehicle event occurs around the rule set, an exception is recorded which can then optionally notify one or more people, alert the responsible driver in their vehicle, or easily log the event in your account.

Our solution offers a robust suite of built in exception rules separated into easy to understand categories. In addition to these, you can create an unlimited number of custom rules which combine different various conditions to suit your needs.

The types of built in exceptions offered are available in three categories:

Enables fleet wide safety, driver safety, and changes to driver behavior which increases accident risk such as harsh braking, seat belt use, speed violations, accident detection and more.

Driver measurements related to time spent performing specific actions such as excessive idling, late arrivals, early departures and more.

Responsive vehicle monitoring Engine issues, battery drain, tracking device tamper detection and more.

Generating Exception Reports

Exception rules can also be accessed within the database by running reports at any time to review the history of exceptions and to understand the trending behaviors of your drivers. In other words a report based solely on speeding can be generated if requested by management within a specific time period. This report will contain information of the incident, the time period and the date of the incident.

The importance of generating such reports are limitless. It can act a benchmark for decision making, help understand how your drivers are performing through data analysis and implement strategies using numbers gained from the report. As drivers often do not see the expenditure side of running a business causing them to make hasty decisions while on the road. Therefore, the whole idea of setting rules within the solution identify who those drivers are and what what hasty decisions are being made.

Exception Reporting

Along with the default reports already available, advanced reports containing more information can be downloaded. Downloading an Excel file allows for the most flexibility in analyzing the data, while PDF files are most portable. These reports also contain more information as displayed and can help fleet managers review data/driver behaviours based on such rules.

For more information on the important features of GPS fleet tracking, and how it could help your business save thousands of dollars, contact one of our highly trained fleet consultants today!

1-888-998-1122 | [email protected]

male and female fleet managers

10 Top Fleet Manager Job Skills

Bill Gates is one of the most successful business superstars. One of his management philosophies include: “We’ve got to put a lot of money into changing behaviour.” How does that quote relate to fleet manager job skills?

Successful fleet managers (or any jobs) need to invest money and time to hone their behaviour. Similar to Bill Gates, one of my mentors taught me that you can only master your craft if you spend time to understand your craft and have passion to consistently improve.

What are the most important fleet manager job skills?

I used a simple tool to collect and analyse top fleet manager job skills. I sampled several Fleet Manager job postings and then ran a top keywords report. And what were the results? According to a bit of fact-digging and statistics, here are the top fleet manager job skills:

fleet manager job skills statistics


Not surprisingly, management leads all job skills. Fleet managers are expected to lead and motivate other people. In particular, fleet managers need to set policies, build relationships, and manage results.

Customer Service Skills

An underrated but important skill is customer service skills. Why? Well, if you think about it, fleets are in the business of customer service. Fleet managers that understand customer service usually have happier customers because these managers know how to create customer-friendly policies.

Transportation Knowledge

The next category is general vehicle knowledge. Even though I consider myself to be good with other people and customers, I’d probably fail at being a fleet manager because I am not as savvy with vehicles. Fleet managers need to know almost as much as a mechanic because they are always chatting with bosses, vendors, or drivers about vehicles.


fleet maintainance

Even though fleet managers do not directly work on maintenance, they should at least have a background in maintenance. Fleet managers are measured on their fleet’s uptime and efficiency. For that reason, some common tasks include creating preventative maintenance policy and overseeing work tasks.

Diversity & Inclusivity

According to a survey, many new drivers are ethnic and young. Successful fleet managers understand how to relate to different people and overcome challenges such as language barriers or age gaps.


“Safety is the number priority” – says a million different fleets! One way or another, fleet managers are responsible to creating policies, coaching drivers, and leveraging technology to reduce safety incidents.


process structure on magnetic board

Fleet managers need to be process oriented. Especially in today’s world of time saving software, fleet managers have to find ways to modernize and efficienize their processes. For instance, some companies completely replaced paperwork with automatic software processes.


Why is it important for fleet managers to know financials? Though you don’t need to be a math wiz, fleet managers should know enough financials to manage a budget and present financial performance. Nowadays, fleet managers are expected to keep track of their department’s spending and cost.


Finally, fleet managers should be very familiar with vendors. Some fleet managers might work with dozens of different vendors such as repair shops, vehicle providers, or software solution providers.

Did you enjoy our list or have any other skills? Leave them below in the comments!

Duty of Care for Fleet Managers

Innovation is changing the entire transportation industry. Uber has disrupted the way we move in a city. Google and some OEMs are actively developing autonomous vehicles that will take us from one place to another without human interaction. Amazon has patented an algorithm that predicts which products are going to be requested, so delivery vans can carry them to their destination before the order is even placed. Vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications and other Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) are being designed for the exchange of safety critical information in real time to avoid collisions.

Transportation is becoming faster, more efficient, safer, and easy to use. One day the roads will be accident-free. But unfortunately, that time has not yet arrived and nowadays companies using vehicles (which is virtually every company) need to protect their most valuable assets — their drivers.

The article below reviews legislation related to duty of care and outlines five specific ways that GoFleet and Geotab help managers keep drivers safe while also complying with the law.

Legislation Governing Drivers At Work

Companies with drivers on the road are conscious of the negative consequences of accidents and try to reduce the related risks. The improvement of driver behavior reduces injuries and saves lives, but also has an impact on company profitability by lowering insurance premiums, vehicle repairs, and tickets. Due to the serious impact of traffic fatalities worldwide, some countries are proactively approving laws to enforce companies to take the right measures. These measures typically limit windshield time, foster vehicle inspections, and enforce compliance with road signals.

In the U.S., Hours of Service (HOS) regulations are issued by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) and govern the working hours of commercial motor vehicle (CMV) drivers. The FMCSA recently released the final rule on electronic logging devices (ELDs) in all commercial trucks, currently under revision by the White House.

In the European Union, Regulation (EC) 561/2006 provides rules for driving time, breaks and rest periods required for drivers of goods (vehicles with more than 3.5 tonnes) or passenger vehicles (more than 8 passenger seats) within the EU.

One of the countries with more advanced initiatives in this field is the UK. Companies with fleets have a duty of care which is regulated by the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act of 2007. Employers have a legal obligation towards their workers in minimizing risk. Companies must comply with duty of care obligations to make sure their drivers are safe on the roads; if a driver causes an accident that could have been avoided by certain enforced policies, the company could be prosecuted and subject to possibly unlimited fines.

Managing HOS or Duty of Care Obligations with GPS Fleet Management

There are multiple ways a company can address their duty of care obligations, including risk assessments, disciplinary measures and extra training for drivers. These measures can have a positive effect, but employers who want to bring safety to the highest quotes promote the use of the most-advanced telematics systems. We offer a unique solution designed with safety features at its core and proven results drastically reducing the number of accidents.

Traditional telematics solutions record location, patterns and routes, driving times, and provide a logging system to ensure timetables are met. This was also the starting point for Geotab when the company began 15 years ago in this industry. Continuous effort in innovation and R&D has enabled Geotab and GoFleet to take duty of care compliance to the next level.

Five Reasons to Use GoFleet and Geotab for Duty of Care Compliance:

  1. Mobile App for Monitoring Accurate Driving Times.
    It is not enough to simply measure and report drive times. A fleet management solution should be able to inform your drivers about their hours and alert them when they are about to break driving hours rules. The Geotab Drive app for iOS and Android tablets and phones help drivers take full control of their time and schedule their stops accordingly.

    Geotab Drive HOS App
    Figure 1. Geotab Drive Mobile App.


  • Advanced Driving Behavior Monitoring.
    The motor insurance industry has demonstrated that there are driving patterns that have a high impact on risk beyond overspeeding and mileage. We help to identify bad driving habits, so they can be directly addressed with the driver before they become a problem.

    a. Harsh acceleration/cornering/braking.
    This indicates a dangerous driving style and usually indicates that the driver is not keeping an appropriate distance away from the vehicle in front. We provide scientific values for triggering those events, taking into account if the vehicle is a car, truck, or van.

    b. Reversing at the beginning of the trip.
    Safety associations estimate that almost 25% of accidents can be blamed on poor reversing techniques.

    c. Seatbelt usage.
    The severity of an accident is much higher if drivers fail to wear seatbelts. Although a difficult undertaking, Geotab invests a lot in getting seat belt buckled information from a vast variety of makes to ensure this information is accurate.



  • In-Cab Verbal Coaching.
    Fleet managers can work with their drivers to improve driver behavior by discussing bad habits using the reports from the system. However, using verbal feedback to coach drivers while they’re on the road is even more powerful. The GO TALK accessory can relay predefined and customizable messages when drivers are performing poorly in any of the variables discussed above.



  • Vehicle Inspection, Maintenance, and Proactive Alerts on Engine Faults.
    The status of the vehicle parts, especially brakes, tires, and safety elements, is an important factor in driver safety and compliance. We offer a complete and flexible maintenance system including service reminders and proactive alerts of engine faults and maintenance issues like battery drain, oil level, engine warning light on, coolant temperature, and more.



  • Expandability.
    We now offer a wide variety of solutions from different partners allowing Fleet Managers to add even more safety features to our core solution. For example, the Mobileye collision avoidance system warns drivers of impending collisions, following too close, or unsafe lane changes with audible and visual alerts.


Keep your drivers safe and simplify compliance at the same time; our fleet management software platform has been designed to give full control to customers while keeping the user experience simple and intuitive.

Need more information? Contact one of our fleet consultants today: [email protected].

Original Blog From Geotab, By Ivan Lequerica, European Solutions Engineering Director

Fleet Consultants Deliver Long-Term Value


Professional Services & Fleet Consultants Are What Differentiates A GPS Fleet Management Company From its Competitors.

The objective to help manage a fleet is to have a consultant based mind which can help provide customers with the appropriate solutions; this will not only satisfy the customer, but will also start the process of tailoring the solution to their needs.

Cookie Cutter Approach

One of the most successful approaches, which we often use at the early stage of the process, is known as the “Cookie Cutter Approach”. It’s used to help customers focus on small metrics instead of taking on all data at once. This helps them to manage and organize data more efficiently. Also, only the required data should be discussed with the customer, as they require. Too much data and reports should be refrained from.

Pillar System

Another alternative approach we use is the “Pillar System”. It’s very similar to the Cookie Cutter Approach but the difference is that the Pillar System is a step-by-step overview of which metrics should take place before the other. This helps create a timeline in regards to how data and reports can be implemented as needed.

Once a system is established and in place, we start incorporating new data and reports along with the management process. Groups and rules will be categorized to help organize and manage a customer’s fleet. For bigger fleets, Security Clearances will be taken into consideration, as this should become a mandatory requirement.

Our fleet consultants understand the importance of how a fleet looks at their data once they are set up within the system. It is also important for them to understand how fleets manage their prospect levels and level of acceptance within their organization. Each fleet is managed differently, so it is important to understand how they currently manage and which data and information would be most suitable for each fleet. Our consultants often recommend different types of Risk Reports that should be used. Reports are also customized and designed to help factor towards fleet motivation compared to using default reports; data is tailored according to fleet.

Understanding fleet violations as a company is also an important factor. Relevant data can be used to develop a management system to incorporate an escalation process in regards to fleet violations. If an enforcement policy is not implemented, it is important for a fleet to create and implement an enforcement policy. This will help drivers within a fleet to have the decision of making the right choice. Areas for further review should be identified, as this is important to help further understand a fleet.

Once areas that require further review are identified, simple reports will be created to begin assessing these areas. Reports should be set-up to be sent to the correct user in order to improve productivity. We explain the data that is collected and help identify the following targets.

As a consultant, being professional is not a label, but a view.
Our fleet consultants have the drive to give exceptional service
and save our customers money.

Written by: Nitin Mehta, Account Management & Support Specialist


GoFleet versus the Competition

With the large continuous telematics growth it is no surprise how many other GPS fleet management companies are out there today. Being in such a highly competitive market it is hard for consumers to make a truly educated and confident decision when choosing their fleet management partner.

What makes GoFleet stand out?!

Let’s start with the basics. When you are looking for a partner in fleet management what is your number one focus? Return on investment (ROI).

GoFleet in partner with Geotab offers the 5 pillars of ROI:
Productivity | Fleet | Safety | Compliance | Expandability

  • Arrival and departure times to and from job sites and the main office
  • Various reports such as time spent at the office vs. driving vs. customer locations
  • Customizable rules such as late arrival, early leaving, idling, unauthorized home stops, too much office time, long lunch, etc.
  • Congregation reporting highlighting if/when your drivers are meeting for long lunches, etc.
Fleet Optimization:
  • Most extensive metrics available to reduce poor fuel consumption
  • Better trip planning with built in route optimization
  • Highest engine diagnostic capabilities on the market + supports J1708 & J1939 (which no one else supports)
  • Planned versus actual trip analysis + cost report (many competitors do not offer this and if they do it is normally an extra fee)
  • Very few competitors offer in-vehicle audible alerts, no competitors offer anything close to the capabilities and customization that we have
  • Posted road speed vs. actual road speed reporting
  • Easy to use future proof software built on HTML5 (no expensive hardware necessary)
  • Drivers love the software, it’s easy to use and understand, unlike many competitor’s solutions
  • One of our biggest differentiators, no competitors come remotely close to the IOX expansion we offer
  • Truly future-proof, it is a complete long-term solution on one bill
  • Offer integration with multiple add-ons to provide a complete fleet management solution custom for your needs

Our 5 main pillars are our heart and soul and really make us stand out. The capabilities of our system far outweigh our competitors which is why we always invite our prospective customers to test out our solution along side our competitors to see the results and capabilities for themselves.

Take a closer look at even more differentiating features we have to offer:

Curve-Based Tracking

There is no other solution on the market currently offering the patented curve-based tracking that we do. Our competitors use time-based intervals (normally around every two minutes) to track vehicles however we use science and accelerometer. Our competitors risk losing valuable information such as in the case of an accident. With our curve based tracking any sudden movements within the vehicle will always be tracked, along with any sort of turn or anything else. Typically it is around every 15 seconds but could be slightly more or less depending on the situation.

Totally Customizable

Many of our competitors have limited customization capabilities and can often only be done by the vendor themselves. However, we offer an unimaginable amount of customization options that can be done by either our customers themselves or we are happy to help.

At the end of the day, choosing the best fleet management software is not easy so it’s important you do your research. Without doing research you’ll likely end up with the cheapest solution you come across with outdated features that will not give the ROI you are looking for.

Why Choose GoFleet As Your Geotab Partner?


Finding the Right Geotab Partner


Geotab relies on a partner ecosystem to allow the technology they develop to be successfully represented, rolled out, and grow with ongoing customer needs. So how does a fleet choose which telematics provider is the best fit for their needs in the short AND long term?

Here is Geotab’s view of how to find out with a quick quiz:

Question 1
Will the information that is collected for your business be used by more than one department (fleet maintenance, fleet management, sales CRM, field force dispatch, risk management, claims management, government compliance, finance)?

Question 2
Is your IT team looking to standardize the various software programs needed to run a business today (payroll, CRM) along with some industry specific programs (route scheduling, IFTA)?

Question 3
Does your company have the in-house resources to watch the overall health of all deployed data collection telematics devices – ensuring uptime of all installed units?

Question 4
Does your company have the in-house analysts to inject your collected data into your company’s evolving business objectives?

If you answered yes to ANY of the 4 questions, Geotab may well be your best choice of a technology solution to rely on. If you answered yes and have already deployed with a different telematics provider, we would be happy to talk with you about making the switch. As a business, your freedom to operate and evolve is essential and that’s what the Geotab telematics operating system with GoFleet’s partnership approach is all about.

As a Geotab partner we resell their technology with additional applications and services; while also offering a business partnership approach and working with you on a regular basis. We take pride on never once having a customer who has not saved more money than our solution cost them and work closely with all our clients to ensure this high level of return on investment is maintained.

As an Authorized Geotab Reseller, we receive routine weekly training on best practices in deploying Geotab technology, business case studies, new features, and upcoming developments on the horizon. Geotab works with us daily to ensure our high level product knowledge and performance is maintained.

For businesses, there is a fog of telematics companies who on the surface appear to offer the same features and functions. But focus on the 4 questions and think of how together we will provide new business intelligence for you to use to grow and increase revenue.

Contact us to learn more about the partnership approach we take with each of our customers, and how we can generate the return on investment you are looking for.


Original Article By: Colin Sutherland, VP Sales & Marketing at Geotab


Improve Fleet Management With Professional Fleet Consultants


Fleet Consultants Help You Improve Fleet Management


Many companies are already well aware that implementing a telematics fleet management system is very useful in terms of security, cost reduction, and quality of service offered to their customers. Unfortunately, there are many cases where they lack the necessary experience to implement these solutions within their organization. This can be anything from training on how to effectively communicate to drivers and unions about the system, management process changes, demos of how to achieve ROI, and other necessary training activities. For these reasons, our fleet consultants offer professional services to our customers.

Understanding company challenges, technical goals, and requirements are some of the key responsibilities our team takes on. Our highly trained fleet consultants help our customers during these processes in the following ways:

  • Business Case Production: Analysis of KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and customer needs, recommendations, and demonstrations of the functionality of the solutions.
  • Change Management: Communication programs such as management training and how to properly introduce GPS tracking to your drivers.
  • ROI Consulting: Benchmarking in multiple areas, demonstrating substantial savings, tracking obtained improvements, and detecting non-compliance areas.
  • Various Training activities: Different levels of training for various departments (eg. management, admin, middle managers, and best practices manuals to maximize the systems benefits).

One of the most common activities for our fleet consultants is the demonstration of tangible benefits during a pilot program. This can be a challenging activity because benefits should be demonstrated with a reduced number of vehicles and drivers in a relatively short period of time (typically only one or two months). This is the best way to demonstrate the solution benefits to the potential customer. Benefit areas depending on the company can be quite different and can vary depending on customer activity and targets.

The most typical areas of potential benefits (KPIs) are:

  • Maintenance: Consistently servicing on time to reduce wear & tear
  • Day-to-Day Efficiency: Improved daily operations through reactive planning and detailed route analysis.
  • Route Planning: Reduced travel time through optimization, visualization and measurement.
  • Utilization: Use percentage, amount of time at location, straying from job site.
  • Out of Hours: Tax compliance and proper overtime validation.
  • Risk and Duty of Care: Driver behavior such as speeding and idling, monitoring CO2 emissions, lowered insurance.
  • Fuel: Reduce use through details on consumption, and identifying idling and driver behavior.
  • Contract Adherence: Billing evidence, SLA compliance.

GoFleet works along side our customers to help measure their KPIs in order to improve driver and fleet performance, and ultimately achieve the desired ROI.


Get in touch with one of our fleet consultants to find out
how you can optimize your business and save money:

1-888-998-1122 | [email protected]


Original Article By: Antonio Venutelli, European Solutions Engineer at Geotab


Competing AND Cooperating: The Way of The Future

Because of the wide acceptance by consumers of telematics devices, our industry has been rapidly growing. In 2014 160,000 subscriptions were added by Geotab alone, and the 100,000 unit goal of previous years has now been upgraded to a goal of 1,000,000. Of course, with great success along comes big responsibility. Our competitors will remain the key to increasing customer value and innovation, but in order to minimize risk and maximize potential, the cooperation between leading players will become equally as important.

Here are three examples that help explain that point:

  1. Product Safety: Telematics solutions save lives and advance safety through promoting better driving habits and generally improving the awareness of road safety. Therefore, it’s no surprise that telematics solutions are not only embraced by fleet operators and businesses but also by emergency response units, police forces and insurance companies. Promoting product safety through design, production and installation processes with safety in mind is extremely important to enhance and protect the industry’s reputation and address critics. Some of whom unfortunately have their own plan. The more providers can learn from one another and develop strong standard, the better.
  2. Patent Litigation Involving Non-Practising Entities (NPEs): Patent lawsuits from non-practising entities, notably in the USA, have become a part of life in the telematics industry. While there has been a lot of talk of patent reforms NPEs are still going strong. The most recent verdict against cyber security from Symantec is just one example. Patent litigation is expensive and the more providers of telematics that can pool their resources to ward off patent enforcement outfits the better for everyone.
  3. Cyber Security: The digitization of nearly every element of society and the rapid adoption of the “internet of things” (IoT) has brought up major concern of data and cyber security to the forefront. It seems a day cannot go by without reports of a big hacking incident. Some of these issues can have complex implications as competing interests such as privacy vs. national security, create irritating dilemmas. Others, like acts of ultra-sophisticated acts of state sponsored cyber warfare, may cause people to throw up their hands in distress. Neither are reasons to do nothing. Non-controversial security practices are very effective in minimizing the overwhelming majority of threats. And there is no question that: in the interest of better security, cooperation will help all players just the same as a bad headline will harm everyone.

Geotab and GoFleet are committed to growth through competition and innovation. But, at the same time, Geotab is proactively engaging in issues related to product safety, patent litigation, and cyber security with the strong belief that these issues require solutions industry-wide to be able to better position the industry and instil confidence in our end customer base as a whole.


Original Article By: Dirk Schlimm, Advisory Board Member at Geotab

Measure Fleet Standards with Exception Reporting

Generate reports based on Exception Rules

Understanding where and when an issue arises with your vehicle can be made simple by creating rules within your solution. Fleet managers are capable of setting specific fleet standards (rules) within the database, these standards can then act as a benchmark to effectively manage and improve on road driver behaviours. Therefore, when a vehicle event occurs around the rule set, an exception is recorded which can then optionally notify one or more people, alert the responsible driver in their vehicle, or easily log the event in your account.

Our solution offers a robust suite of built in exception rules separated into easy to understand categories. In addition to these, you can create an unlimited number of custom rules which combine different various conditions to suit your needs.

The types of built in exceptions offered are available in three categories:

Enables fleet wide safety, driver safety, and changes to driver behavior which increases accident risk such as harsh braking, seat belt use, speed violations, accident detection and more.

Driver measurements related to time spent performing specific actions such as excessive idling, late arrivals, early departures and more.

Responsive vehicle monitoring Engine issues, battery drain, tracking device tamper detection and more.

Generating Exception Reports

Exception rules can also be accessed within the database by running reports at any time to review the history of exceptions and to understand the trending behaviors of your drivers. In other words a report based solely on speeding can be generated if requested by management within a specific time period. This report will contain information of the incident, the time period and the date of the incident.

The importance of generating such reports are limitless. It can act a benchmark for decision making, help understand how your drivers are performing through data analysis and implement strategies using numbers gained from the report. As drivers often do not see the expenditure side of running a business causing them to make hasty decisions while on the road. Therefore, the whole idea of setting rules within the solution identify who those drivers are and what what hasty decisions are being made.

Exception Reporting

Along with the default reports already available, advanced reports containing more information can be downloaded. Downloading an Excel file allows for the most flexibility in analyzing the data, while PDF files are most portable. These reports also contain more information as displayed and can help fleet managers review data/driver behaviours based on such rules.

For more information on the important features of GPS fleet tracking, and how it could help your business save thousands of dollars, contact one of our highly trained fleet consultants today!


1-888-998-1122 | [email protected]