Top 5 Fleet Manager Concerns

The Top 5 Fleet Manager Concerns

Virtually every fleet manager worries about the same things: compliance, asset management and the company’s bottom line. Scratch the surface, however, and there are even more universal concerns.

With so much responsibility and so many variables at play, today’s fleet managers also have to contend with things like workflow, driver safety and productivity.

In this article, we’ll address the top five fleet manager concerns and our take on how they can be effectively addressed.

1. Supporting Ongoing Employee Engagement and Morale

A fleet is only as good as the workforce behind it, and that workforce will only be effective so long as it is involved with its corporate culture. 

Burnout and loss of engagement is a major fleet manager concern, especially given the economy’s recent circumstances.

Fleet managers have a major responsibility to keep their people happy, healthy and productive, yet factors such as labour shortages, supply chain disruptions and fluctuating market conditions have all put a strain on staff, causing massive turnover at an unprecedented rate.  

The answer may lie in proper work-life balance.

Regardless of industry, work-life balance is a necessity for employees. It’s one of the biggest determinants of their day-to-day experience on the job, their quality of life, and ultimately whether or not they choose to stay on board. 

Fleet managers can bolster their organization’s work-life balance by implementing policies and procedures meant to encourage healthy schedules and habits, as well as by adopting new technologies that make it easier for employees to manage their time.

2. Getting the Most Out of New Tools

Selecting and implementing the right software or digital tool for an organization is hard enough, never mind using it to its fullest potential. 

Fleet managers face an incredibly unique and complex challenge when it comes to adopting new technologies across their operations. They need to not only integrate it into their existing workflow, but also adapt their processes to make the most of its capabilities – all while getting buy-in from their team. 

In these scenarios, a number of barriers can arise, whether it’s poor technical setup, a lack of onboarding, insufficient training, improper integration into current workflows, or user error.

The key to mitigating these issues is careful planning and execution. Having a solid game plan going into a new tool implementation is crucial for success. That way, when issues inevitably do arise, they can be quickly remedied without throwing the entire project off course.

3. Finding Enough Time

There is no such thing as ‘slow’ in the world of fleet management. Factors are always changing, things constantly need to be adapted, and for every action that a business takes, there awaits a stack of administrative paperwork requiring completion. 

With so much going on, it has been traditionally hard for fleet managers to find enough hours in the day to get their work done. The good news is that new technologies are beginning to alleviate this burden.

Digital tools such as fleet management software have become commonplace, and for good reason. They allow managers to automate a variety of tasks and processes that would otherwise need to be completed manually. 

This newfound efficiency has given fleet managers the ability to get more done in less time, freeing up their schedule to focus on other aspects of their business.

4. Balancing Productivity and Safety in Tandem

The struggle to balance productivity and safety is an all-too familiar fleet manager concern. On the one hand, managers need to push their employees to be productive to achieve business goals and keep things running smoothly. 

On the other hand, they need to make sure that their employees are safe while in active service, both for the sake of the individual and to avoid any potential liabilities on the road.

The key to successfully balancing productivity and safety lies in communication and collaboration. 

Managers need to set clear expectations for their employees in terms of both productivity and safety. 

They need to establish systems and processes that will help employees meet those expectations without putting themselves or others at risk. 

Finally, fleet managers must create an environment in which employees feel comfortable voicing their concerns and offering suggestions for improvement.

5. Fuel Costs

The price of fuel is one of the most volatile expenses that businesses have to deal with. It’s also one of the most essential, as fleet vehicles cannot function without it. 

This puts fleet managers in a very difficult position, as they need to find ways to cut costs without compromising on quality or service.

Fortunately, there are a number of things that fleet managers can do to reduce fuel costs. One is to invest in fuel-efficient vehicles, or even consider adding electric vehicles (EVs) to a fleet. 

Another is to implement fuel-saving technologies and practices, such as idling reduction or telematics. Managers can also work with their suppliers to negotiate better prices for fuel.

While the world of fleet management is full of things to worry about, it isn’t without solutions to solve them. With the right insight and strategy in hand, you can equip your business to overcome any challenge that comes your way.




Maximizing Effective Fleet Maintenance

It’s no secret that fleet maintenance is essential to the operation of any fleet. It serves the pivotal function of addressing its overall state and is key to ensuring that vehicles are on the road and making money as much as possible.

But that’s not to say all ways of performing fleet maintenance are the same –  there are definitely better ways to optimize efficiency. After all, a well-oiled machine is one that’s running as close to its potential as possible.

In this post, we’ll discuss how effective fleet maintenance can help you run a leaner, meaner operation – and save money in the process.

How Fleet Maintenance Improves Efficiency

The first thing to understand is that fleet maintenance and fleet efficiency are two sides of the same coin. Just as you wouldn’t expect a car to run without gas, you can’t have an effective fleet without properly maintaining it.

Proper maintenance helps to ensure that your vehicles are running as efficiently as possible. This, in turn, saves you money on things like fuel, repairs, and even vehicle replacement.

What Is Effective Fleet Maintenance?

To understand how to optimize your fleet, we first need to know what effective fleet maintenance looks like.

At its core, effective fleet maintenance is a proactive process, rather than a reactive one. It means staying well ahead of repairs with regularly scheduled check-ups, implementing best practices, and using high-quality parts and products. 

The right solution will help minimize downtime and keep your vehicles on the road, whether by tracking maintenance records or scheduling future appointments.

There are a few key benefits that effective fleet maintenance provide:

  1. Helps to avoid breakdowns: By catching problems early and addressing them head-on, you can help to avoid larger issues down the road. This not only saves you money in repairs, it also keeps your vehicles on the road and keeps your organization profitable.
  1. Increases fuel efficiency: Regular maintenance helps to keep your vehicles running smoothly, which can lead to increased fuel efficiency. This lowers your overall operating costs and helps you save money at the pump.
  1. Improves vehicle lifespan: Properly maintaining your fleet extends the life of your vehicles. This not only saves you money on replacement costs, but it also minimizes downtime.
  1. Reduces repair costs: Because small problems have a tendency to snowball into larger, more expensive ones, addressing issues early on can help to reduce the cost of repairs. 
  1. Boosts productivity: Automating your fleet maintenance processes helps keep your fleet running smoothly, minimizes downtime and maximizes productivity. 

Tips For Optimizing Your Fleet Maintenance 

Schedule Regular Inspections

By scheduling regular inspections, you can catch problems early and prevent them from turning into larger issues. This helps to keep your vehicles on the road and minimizes downtime.

Use High-Quality Parts And Products

Using high-quality parts and products helps to ensure that your vehicles are running smoothly. This, in turn, increases fuel efficiency and extends the life of your vehicles.

Keep Accurate Records

Keeping accurate records is essential for effective fleet maintenance. This helps you to track maintenance history, schedule future appointments, and troubleshoot problems.

Automating these processes by digitally recording your maintenance data is the most time-efficient and cost-effective way to ensure data accuracy and easy access.

Develop a Preventative Maintenance Plan

Developing a preventative maintenance plan helps you to stay ahead of the curve and avoid problems before they start. This includes things like regularly scheduled check-ups and using operational best practices.

Work with a Fleet Maintenance Partner

Fleet maintenance is critical for any fleet-based business, but it’s only effective if done correctly. 

An optimized maintenance program will result in fewer breakdowns, increased fuel efficiency, improved vehicle lifespan, reduced repair costs, and boosted productivity. All of this leads to a lower total cost of ownership.

Whether you’re tracking records, scheduling appointments or just want to stay organized, working with a fleet maintenance partner can help to take your program to the next level. 

Your consultants at GoFleet can provide expert advice, and around-the-clock support. Contact us today.



Fleet management strategies

6 Ways to Upgrade Your Fleet Maintenance Strategy

Frequently, commercial fleets tend to get stuck with maintenance inefficiencies, simply because it’s “easier” than trying something new. With an exponential increase in maintenance expenses paired with advances in fleet connectivity, now is the time to think about upgrading your fleet maintenance strategy. 

What is Fleet Maintenance?

Fleet maintenance keeps your vehicles operating in good condition so that they remain reliable and safe. A proper fleet maintenance strategy will also extend the life of your vehicles on the road and is an important part of managing a fleet.

TechTarget identifies fleet management as “an administrative approach that allows companies to organize and coordinate work vehicles with the aim to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and provide compliance with government regulations.” Proper fleet maintenance will reduce your operating costs and improve inspection outcomes, keeping your engines in good health and your drivers safe.

The Importance of Efficient Fleet Maintenance

Maintenance is the cornerstone of any successful fleet. Without vehicles that function properly, your operations will inevitably come to a grinding halt. Sticking with an outdated fleet maintenance strategy will only end up hurting you in the long run.


Higher repair costs, more downtime, and less productive drivers to start. It’s also worth considering how much time is wasted using an inefficient system. In today’s fast-paced world, time is money – the sooner you can get your vehicles back on the road, the better. 

The following strategies will help improve fleet maintenance and keep your vehicles on the road, where they belong.

1. Establish Standards For Vehicle Maintenance Performance

The first step towards having an efficient fleet maintenance strategy is to establish standards for performance. This means setting measurable goals for things like fuel economy, brake life, and scheduled downtime.

This simple step will give you a better idea of how well your vehicles are performing and where you might need to make changes in order to improve efficiency. It also provides a baseline against which you can compare future results.

2. Keep Track of All Maintenance Records Electronically

Another important part of running an efficient fleet is keeping track of all its maintenance data in an accessible and digital format.

From vehicle inspections and repairs to scheduled maintenance and downtime, these data sets will keep everyone up to date and reduce manual tracking. Digital tracking has a number of advantages. First, it allows you to easily access records and track trends over time. Second, tracking makes it possible to share information with other members of your team quickly and easily.

Finally, tracking helps you avoid losing important data if something were to happen to your physical records. 

3. Invest in the Right Tools and Technology

If you want your fleet to be as efficient as possible, you need to invest in the right tools and technology. This includes GPS tracking devices, electronic logging devices, and software that can help you to better manage your operations.

Using these maintenance tools will help you to save time and money, while also improving the overall safety and efficiency of your fleet.

4. Create a Service Schedule for Each Vehicle

One of the best ways to ensure that your fleet is running efficiently is to create a service schedule for each individual vehicle. This schedule should include things like oil changes, tire rotations, and other routine maintenance tasks.

Creating a service schedule will help keep your vehicles in good working condition and minimize the risk of unexpected breakdowns.

5. Keep Tabs On Inspections

Inspections are essential when it comes to properly caring for and reducing the maintenance needs of any fleet. Not only are they necessary to log and track issues with a vehicle, but they can also help to identify potential problems before they become more serious.

As such, it’s important to keep tabs on all inspections that are carried out on your fleet. This includes everything from routine safety checks to more comprehensive annual inspections.

6. Outsource Your Fleet Maintenance Strategy to a Specialist

If you don’t have the time or resources to properly maintain your fleet, you may want to consider outsourcing this task to a specialist.

GoFleet, for example, offers fleet maintenance strategies, and they can help to keep your vehicles in good condition while also saving you time and money.

Making even a few small changes to the way you manage your fleet can have a big impact on its overall efficiency. By following the tips in this article, you can make sure that your fleet is running as smoothly and efficiently as possible.

Is your fleet currently using an outdated fleet maintenance strategy? Contact a GoFleet consultant and ask how we can help take your fleet maintenance to the next level.

Fleet Fuel Economy

Fuel Economy for Fleets and Improved Productivity

Fuel is one of the most fluid factors – literally and figuratively – to determine the success of fleet management. Whether one considers price hikes or supply chain issues, fuel economy for fleets remains top of mind for all fleet companies.

While you may not be able to control the fuel market’s volatility, there are factors to consider when it comes to fuel consumption; namely how much your vehicles use, and where you can find areas of improvement.

In this article, we’ll discuss fuel efficiency and how a fleet management solution can positively impact your bottom line.

Why Focus on Fuel?

Fuel expenses constitute up to 60% of a fleet’s operational costs, making it the second-largest expense for most fleets and an ideal area of focus when looking to optimize a fleet’s operational efficiency. 

Investing in a solution that optimizes your fleet and makes it more fuel efficient has a profound impact on your company’s budget and environmental sustainability efforts – two areas of focus for most of today’s business leaders.

What Affects Fuel Economy for Fleets?

There are a variety of factors that affect fuel efficiency, including:

  • Idling
  • Speeding
  • Driving Habits
  • Payload
  • Route planning and optimization

Fortunately, fleet management solutions can help fleet managers keep tabs on all of these factors – and more – to ensure optimal fuel efficiency. 

Idling and fuel consumption


Leaving a vehicle’s engine running while parked or not in use is a major contributor to wasted fuel. In fact, idling for just ten seconds can consume the same amount of fuel as restarting the engine. 

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), vehicles that idle more than 50% of the time when in use require more maintenance and cost fleets more money.

While there may be some instances where idling is unavoidable, such as in the case of emergency vehicles or delivery trucks that need to keep their refrigerators running, an automated, scalable fleet management system can identify idling patterns and offer solutions.


While speeding may get drivers to their destination more quickly, it also significantly reduces fuel efficiency. The U.S. Department of Energy estimates that for every 5 mph over 50 mph, fuel economy for fleets decreases significantly. 

A fleet management solution, such as GPS tracking, allows fleet managers to monitor speeding events and correct them in real-time. Some fleet management solutions also trigger speed limit alerts that notify drivers when they are exceeding the posted limit.

Vehicle Weight

A recent UK study found that fuel consumption increased by 0.112 mpg on average for every tonne of payload added. Essentially, the heavier a vehicle, the more fuel it will consume. That’s why it’s important to ensure that vehicles are not carrying unnecessary weight, even when it’s in the spirit of reducing trips. 

Telematics data is one way to monitor your vehicles and their payload to ensure compliance with weight restrictions. For example, a fuel management system enables fleet managers to track fuel usage patterns across their fleet.

Driving Habits

It’s not just speeding that can impact fuel economy for fleets. Aggressive driving habits, such as hard acceleration and braking, can also lead to wasted fuel. The U.S. Department of Energy estimates that “jack-rabbit” starts and harsh braking can increase fuel consumption by as much as 40%.

Fortunately, telematics data can help to identify patterns of aggressive driving so that fleet managers can address the issue with drivers. In addition, some fleet management solutions offer features such as driver coaching that can help to improve driving habits and optimize fuel efficiency.

Route Planning and Optimization

An inefficient or poorly planned route can lead to a lot of wasted fuel – not to mention wasted time. By using a fleet management solution, fleet managers can plan and optimize routes based on real-time traffic data, which can help avoid congestion and reduce travel time.

In addition, some solutions offer route planning and optimization features that take into account factors such as vehicle weight and payload, which can further improve fuel efficiency.

Invest In a Fleet Management Solution

Incorporating a management solution into your fleet is a big decision, but one that pays off in many ways, including reducing your fuel costs. 

When choosing a fleet management solution, it’s important to consider your company’s specific needs and choose a solution that not only offers the features you need to optimize your fleet’s performance, but does so in a way that permits growth as your fleet expands.

Look for a solution that offers comprehensive telematics data around things like fuel usage, idling, speeding, and more. 

Furthermore, a good route planning and optimization tool can help you to plan the most efficient routes for your fleet, which can save you time and money. 

Finally, a solution that provides real-time alerts based on triggered events can help keep your drivers from speeding and wasting fuel.

Managers can make a significant difference in cost savings and fuel economy for fleets. Contact your GoFleet consultant to see which fleet management system is right for you.  

telematics improves fleet management

How Telematics Improves Fleet Management

As the commercial fleet industry continues to grow, evolve and adapt, having the right tools in your vehicles can help with improved productivity and efficiency. To that end, there are a number of ways in which telematics improves fleet management.

As fleet safety managers and owners work to retain drivers and integrate systems, it’s essential to consider fleet efficiency and new engagement opportunities. To that end, telematics provides valuable insights and data, changing the game in fleet management technology.

What is Telematics?

Telematics brings together two key areas – telecommunications and informatics. Telematics devices collect and transmit data on commercial vehicle use. This includes maintenance requirements and servicing needs.

Using telematics, it is possible for fleet managers to coordinate the vehicles they manage. It also enables them to have a complete view of the profitability, health, and productivity of their fleet at any time.

what is telematics

How Telematics Improves Fleet Management

What does telematics do for your organization? When it comes to investing in fleet management software or solutions, understanding the direct impact on your business’s bottom line is critical. Here are a few ways that telematics can help you to do that.

Decreased Fuel Costs

With fuel costs on the rise, it is critical to have a plan in place to reduce operational costs. Telematics can help identify areas of waste. For example, it can help identify problems with fuel slippage and idling, both of which can increase costs dramatically. 

Additionally, telematics enables better route planning and can create alternative routes that are more fuel (and time) efficient. Other examples of reducing unnecessary mileage and improving fuel efficiency using telematics include:

  • Improving driver behaviours that often increase fuel costs, such as harsh braking, idling or speeding
  • Creating maintenance schedules in a timely manner so as to reduce vehicle stress and improve overall engine health

Improving Overall Fleet Safety

Telematics improves the safety of your vehicles and your drivers, which contributes to your fleet’s financial gain, especially with regards to reducing insurance claims and accident-related liability claims. 

A continuous feed of recorded video footage allows fleet managers to assess driving habits, and to provide live in-cab coaching when an event is triggered. Ongoing training and coaching is just one of the services that telematics provides, and is equally useful in the moment, or for creating better driving behaviour in the future.

Secondly, the same video footage can be collected and reviewed in the event of an incident, identifying who was at fault and potentially reducing false claims while lowering insurance premiums, all of which feed into the safety and security of your fleet.

Improved Productivity

Telematics includes real-time GPS data that can be used to reduce costs and improve operational efficiency. Directly and indirectly, this increases driver productivity.

Accurate, real-time data can identify delays due to traffic and create alternative routes. It can also help fleet managers plan for poor weather that may keep drivers off the road, allowing them to adjust timelines or routes to minimize risk.

In addition, telematics data provides a bird’s eye view of your fleet. If the office manager needs to add a new stop or change a destination, having a holistic overview of your vehicles’ activities can help. 

Better Financial Management

Because telematics provides better insight into vehicle start and end times, it helps manage compliance requirements, such as hours of service (HOS).

From a business standpoint, telematics allows you to get the most out of your resources by identifying money going in and out of your fleet.

An Empowering and Essential Tool

Every fleet needs as much useful, targeted data about their vehicles as possible. Telematics can help organizations improve operational efficiency, save time and money.

At GoFleet, we have the telematics solution for your fleet, regardless of size. Contact us today to see how telematics can fit your organization.

picture showing fleet operations

Five Ways to Improve Fleet Management in the Logistics Industry

The logistics industry is a vast ecosystem of supply chains, software, and services that work in unison to deliver goods to customers as quickly and cost-effectively as possible. 

From the ongoing demands of inventory management to data security and risk assessment, this industry demands constant vigilance. These struggles can be mitigated with efficient and effective fleet management. Below, we’ve listed the top five ways to improve fleet management in the logistics industry.

The World of Logistics: Current State 

Currently, the logistics sector is growing at a rapid pace, making it a particularly attractive target for those looking to leverage their skills and enter the industry from a new angle. 

The chief gap in logistics is a lack of quality data. At its most basic, the industry is made up of individual suppliers and businesses that come together to support business processes. 

For fleet managers, an overflow of data sets (or not enough) makes it difficult for businesses to understand their supply chains and track the performance of their operations as a whole. Read on for five ways to improve fleet management in the logistics industry.

Utilize GPS and Telematics Devices for More Than Location Tracking 

The telematics industry continues to create increasingly sophisticated apps that connect to fleet vehicles, allowing logistics companies to track the location of their fleet vehicles in real-time. 

Of course, these apps are only as good as the data they receive. There are a number of benefits associated with incorporating GPS tracking devices in your fleet vehicles, including improved fuel efficiency, better driver safety, less vehicle maintenance, and reduced insurance costs due to liability or repairs. 

Another option for improving fleet management is the use of telematics devices, which provide a variety of analytics, including fuel consumption and driving behaviour. 

Fleet managers who use these devices not only know where their drivers are, but what kind of driving behaviour they’re engaged in. 

These data sets can improve training and reduce accidents caused by risky driving activity such as fatigue or distraction. 

Switch to Electronic Driver Vehicle Inspection Reports for Speed and Compliance

Electronic driver vehicle inspection reports for speed and compliance are the best way to optimize your fleet’s performance. These reports show a company’s progress over time, highlighting points where improvements can be made. 

The electronic driver vehicle inspection report is an excellent metric for tracking business performance to boost productivity across the board. 

You’ll also get access to customizable dashboards with metrics such as fuel efficiency and employee satisfaction so that you can see how your team members are performing, and where they can improve.  

Of course, it’s not just about improving performance; these reports also offer security through monitoring drivers, vehicles, and companies across the supply chain. 

With these reports, you’ll better understand how safe each link in your supply chain really is, and where privacy can improve.

Better Leverage Fuel and Maintenance Data with Integrations

Logistics companies that have a fleet management system typically have one of two options for integrating with logistics software. 

First, they can use a web-based integration tool like API bridges, which is what most logistics companies do. This method is the simplest and most straightforward, but does not provide all the benefits that integration through a software platform offers. 

The second option is to use third-party integrations, where logistics managers can better allocate resources across their supply chain and make more informed decisions about where they should place stockings and other materials.

Overall, integrating with a software platform provides logistical managers with more insight into their fleet’s performance and helps them improve it faster than ever before.

Track Expenses More Effectively

One of the biggest challenges in logistics is that it is a capital-intensive industry. An organization must spend a significant amount of money to maintain its operations.

With that said, it is also imperative that they can track expenses to keep tabs on overall performance. 

For example, many logistics companies work with carriers who offer insurance and tracking services for their goods. These services do wonders for operational efficiency, but can be quite expensive. 

The good news? A business can track these expenses by getting an invoice from the carrier and entering it on a spreadsheet, allowing them to monitor how much money they’re spending on these services over time. 

This system does not only help a company see where their financial resources are being allocated, it also allows them to make more informed decisions about whether or not these investments are viable and sustainable.

Improve Fleet Management in the Logistics Industry with GoFleet

Without quality data, it’s difficult for companies to make informed decisions about their operations. One way to improve fleet management in your business is by using a customized solution with GoFleet

We have a range of features that let you easily manage your fleet and keep track of the performance of every vehicle in your fleet. 

With GoFleet, you can identify potential problems before they impact your bottom line. For example, if you notice that one of your vehicles is consistently late or experiencing mechanical issues, you’ll be able to rectify the problem before it becomes something more serious. 

What is GoFleet?

We have premium fleet management solutions to meet the business needs of virtually every industry.

From telematics, work routing and dispatch, ELD, driver apps and asset monitoring, GoFleet offers countless hardware and software-based solutions to address all needs related to efficiency, maintenance and management in fleets. 

Our fleet management software helps logistics companies across the globe improve fleet management and productivity. Our solutions are customizable, so you never have to worry about limitations or restrictions when it comes to business growth.

To learn more, contact us at

parking full of cars

Top 8 Fleet Management Challenges in the Logistics Industry

Commercial fleet managers face all the same problems as those in professional management—directing and coordinating people, talent and assets, while simultaneously trying to save money for the parent company. When your employees are on the road, there can be additional fleet management challenges in the logistics industry.

That’s a lot to juggle effectively; when your employees are most often on the road, crossing state lines and borders, logistics can get even trickier.

Fleet managers are often forced to solve a plethora of problems in real-time—vehicular accidents, personnel safety, package delivery issues, closed routes.

Often these fleet-management decisions are made within a shifting and sometimes volatile marketplace. One recent glaring example is the recent volatility in global gas prices.

When it comes to transit logistics and all the details involved in transport, there’s much that can go wrong in any single workday.

Recent digital innovations such as driver dash cams and integrated GPS communications have revolutionized logistics, allowing fleet managers to streamline information by automating a range of processes.

While the world prepares itself for the inevitable path towards automation, technology is causing seismic shifts across every industry. Businesses everywhere are upgrading, aware of the timeless maxim: adapt or perish.

For fleets, this usually means better fuel efficiency and improved onboard technology—car dashboard systems, wireless connections, vehicle sensors, telematics and more.

As the roll-out of innovative disruptions continue, smart technology is being instituted at an equal pace. However, with new tech come new challenges.

fleet management challenges in the logistics industry

Logistics & Fleet Management

Fleet management is one of the industries most thoroughly impacted by recent technological innovations. Vehicles in particular have undergone massive changes in recent years, offering smarter navigation and driver-focused ‘infotainment’ centres.

Yet when it comes to logistics, most fleets are still struggling to manage their employees, stay on top of administrative paperwork, and adapt to each upgrade.

Here are the top eight most encountered fleet management challenges in the logistics industry, as well as how the digital revolution is currently addressing each challenge.

08. Excessive Administrative Tasks

TomTom, maker of car navigation systems, recently conducted a study of over 1,000 companies to determine the particular challenges most affecting fleet management. Most complaints revolved around inefficiencies in time management. Specifically, spending a majority of their time on rote tasks: a reported 42% said they spend too much time searching for the right employees, and 59% stated that reporting and management of staff work hours takes up the majority of their time.

Common rote tasks include sorting through spreadsheets and databases for up-to-date transit information, or updating printed lists of information that become obsolete immediately after printing.

Replacing paper-based systems with automation can help save businesses enormous time and considerable money over the long term. Automating administrative tasks can free managers from outdated practices that monopolize their precious time.

Rising fuel costs

07. Rising Fuel & Maintenance Costs

Since 2019, the cost for fuel has risen. Not coincidentally, fuel and maintenance are often the largest expenses for fleets, with soaring costs significantly impacting fleet management.

As more cars move toward greater fuel-efficiency, including hybrids and electric vehicles, some drivers still prefer the more powerful gas guzzlers.

Telematic fleet management software can automatically track your fuel consumption and many other factors such as speeding, idling, harsh breaking and other driver behaviours.

Telematics can also inform you of vehicle servicing dates and schedule maintenance reminders, as well as provide engine information and sensor alerts. These features in turn help fleets avoid or reduce larger maintenance costs.

06. Data Privacy & Control

Today’s world is teeming with data vulnerabilities and privacy concerns. As TomTom writes, “It’s common for new companies to be overwhelmed by the selection of tools and APIs when creating proprietary software to manage fleet operations, making it easy to overlook potential data privacy vulnerabilities.”

Many apps sell driver location information to third parties, which add cookies, trackers and even sales ads on top of GPS navigation screens.

GoFleet engineers work to streamline fleet operation processes. Our intuitive software solutions assist with data management, assuring that fleet managers do not drown in data.

We build scalable web and mobile solutions that integrate different platforms and device tracking types. This gives fleets control of their operations while seamlessly protecting wireless transmissions and data privacy.

Effective fleet communication

05. Effective Fleet Communication

When drivers are on the road, it’s not always easy (or safe) to communicate using regular means such as calling, text or email.

Drivers must keep both hands on the wheel, yet successful fleet operations depend on open communication and regular updates. If a delivery suddenly changes, or a significant change in road conditions will affect ETA, all parties need to be made aware.

Our integrated devices and telematics support help simplify order workflow through automated messaging.

Both management and drivers can send automated messages, providing regular status updates and relaying key information: schedules, calendar and other regular communication through navigation devices, visual updates, and customized dashboard solutions.

04. Coordinating Geographic Diversity

Commercial fleets, whether coast-to-coast or across international borders, have quite a few logistical and travel hurdles to manage on a daily basis.

Large, active fleets are not always easy to track with accuracy. For example, coordinating communications providers across long distances can make remote fleet management very difficult, and changing road conditions can disrupt scheduled arrival times.

GoFleet telematics software and GPS tracking solutions let fleets of all sizes effectively integrate their communications systems and their customer service.

Locate drivers, track operations and communicate with your team more intuitively, anywhere on Earth. We help fleets maintain visibility across all terrain, with real-time data on all major moving assets.

Managing these fleet management challenges in the logistic industry amidst geographic complexity is what keeps drivers and fleets ahead of the game.

03. Asset Authorization & Utilization

Remote entry, keyless entry, facial recognition, and other asset authorization technologies have revolutionized fleet industries—from rental vehicle exchanges, to expanded ride sharing enterprises.

Automated authorization and chain-of-command GPS tracking help assure that assets stay in authorized hands and in designated areas.

Along with delivery deadlines and accurate ETAs, fleet management software can track all types of driver and vehicle behaviour. Such dashboard reporting systems can warn of aggressive driving behaviour, or if vehicles are operating outside authorized work hours.

Accurate metrics allow for a finely-tuned fleet-force, able to generate continuous cost savings and an optimal ROI.

Integrated fleet management services also include ZenduWork, which coordinates dispatching, work order tools and vehicles. This helps fleets keep utilization high, logistics efficient and people productive.

02. Integrated Data & Accuracy

It can be difficult to integrate apps, platforms and software operating systems at the same time and expect them to work as a streamlined whole. Especially when all of communication, onboard navigation and data transmission rely on a patchwork of cellular service providers.

Data integration means being able to support your drivers in real-time with alerts, status updates and responses. Well-integrated data lets fleets and delivery teams meet ETAs and send automated updates to waiting clients when backups occur.

These improvements in real-time road visibility and flexible support help fleet managers navigate unexpected events and avoid catastrophes.

01. Driver Safety & Productivity

For fleets, road safety and security are a must. Creating a driver safety program, educating and encouraging your drivers on good driving habits are essential.

Safe driving, paired with automated reminders for regular vehicle maintenance and servicing alerts, means that fleets today have every possible advantage when it comes to driver safety and accident prevention.

Not only does this save lives, but it also significantly reduces unexpected costs such as downtime, liability and insurance premiums.

Driver education and real-time driver coaching have come a long way. Features such as voice-activated technology, geofencing, ZenduMaps and other customizable navigation tools greatly bolster fleet productivity, accuracy and timeliness.

Next-generation safety solutions include the gamification of driver coaching, two-way dash cams and real-time safety alerts for distracted, drowsy or aggressive driving.

GoFleet: Rising to Fleet Management Challenges in the Logistics Industry

Telematics software and fleet management solutions have come a long way. In these past 20 years, customizable platforms and AI-equipped dash cam solutions have simplified transportation, streamlined data collection, and protected drivers.

Around the globe, vast fleet challenges are consistently being met by superior IT solutions.

At GoFleet and around the world, improvements in automation continue to make fleets safer and more efficient, with improved ROIs and a satisfied workforce. Contact your GoFleet representative for a free demonstration.

Fuel Management System

Fuel Management Systems: How to Get Ahead

Like it or not, fuel is the biggest expenditure for efficient fleet management. A custom fuel management system is the perfect solution to understand gas consumption within your fleet.

Many fleet managers are incorporating fuel management systems into their daily operations. Leveraging telematics technology offers valuable insights into fuel usage and allows you to optimize this valuable asset across the board.

A fuel management system enables fleet managers to track fuel usage patterns across their fleet. A typical automated fuel management system includes onboard hardware such as vehicle telematics units, data loggers, sensors, and cameras, as well as an in-office analytics dashboard and fuel management software.

Extra integrations and mobile apps are also popular features of these systems.

Without a fuel management system in place, managers often find themselves overspending on fuel and repairs, and drivers may run out of fuel as the result of a misgauged fuel meter or taking trips without optimized routes.

What Are the Benefits of a Fuel Management System?

Fleet management is comprised of a number of factors outside of vehicles; there are operating systems, assets and expenditures to take into account.

A fuel management system allows fleet managers to monitor asset usage for gasoline, diesel, truck repairs and maintenance services. These systems also generate compliance reports, limit operational risks, provide real-time fuel consumption data, and optimize fuel allocation, giving managers a truly holistic overview of their fleet.

Benefits for Fleet Managers

According to a recent study, aggressive driving increases fuel costs by up to 30%. The study also notes that unsafe or aggressive driving behaviours in urban areas drive air pollutant emissions up by 40%, regardless of the road grade.

With a well-developed fuel management system, fleet managers can track data like fuel usage, road grade, operational risks, real-time trip statistics, fuel consumption data, fuel allocation, and much more.

This data can also help them improve route planning and asset utilization, develop more effective vehicle maintenance schedules, and gain holistic insights into fuel economy.

fuel management system

Benefits for Drivers

Drivers benefit from data sets provided by fuel management systems as well. For example, refueling alerts, streamlined receipt/expense management and route optimization all offer drivers a safer, more efficient trip.

Fuel theft and unauthorized use of fuel continues to be a persistent issue, so ensuring that each and every fleet vehicle has a monitoring system in place can save your drivers from suspicion.

No matter what your fleet does, what products or services they deliver, or how many vehicles are involved, fleet management is an important tool that can help optimize assets and minimize expenses.

Why are Fuel Management Systems Important?

Small issues can become serious ones if not repaired in a timely manner. According to Intellias:

  • Flat or under-inflated tires can reduce mileage by up to 30%
  • Engine problems reduce mileage by 4% on average
  • Faulty oxygen sensors cut up to 40% off mileage
  • Brake drag can also affect driver safety and fuel consumption.

A fuel tracking system can track anomalies in your fleet’s fuel consumption, which can be either indicative of potential maintenance issues or the result of driving behaviour.

With detailed and real-time data on fuel usage and expenditures, a fleet manager can ensure that assets are properly distributed, repairs are managed as needed, and that drivers are supported and well-prepared to do their jobs.

Many mechanical issues can impact fuel consumption, including the amount of fuel used, mileage, the quality and safety rating of your engines, the cost of fuel, and repair services.

Having a properly developed fuel management system can help mitigate these risks and expenses not only by giving you a window into your fleet’s performance, but by protecting your drivers and overall fleet performance.

The more advanced these systems become, the more predictive they can be, which means you can identify the best scheduling sequence for vehicle repairs.

Fuel management systems can mitigate logistical issues, and in many cases can prevent them from happening in the first place.

fuel management system

How Can I Create a Fuel Management System?

Developing and installing a custom fuel management system is no easy feat, but the professionals at GoFleet can help you build a regulatory monitoring system designed for your fleet’s specific needs.

Whether you need to measure fuel levels in real-time, identify fuel consumption patterns per vehicle or detect fueling locations, a fuel management system will enable you to do just that.

The priorities for any fuel management system are convenience and control. If you’re looking to install a fleet management system for your team’s vehicles, contact us at GoFleet for a consultation today.

driver, fleet, transportation, training, driver shortage, zenducam, gofleet, zenscore

GoFleet Can Help You Hire (And Keep) Drivers – Here’s How.

According to the American Transportation Research Institute’s (ATRI) 2021 Critical Issues in the Trucking Industry report, fleets still list driver shortage as a top concern. Second on the list is driver retention, proving that it takes more than a competitive salary to attract and maintain a top-tier roster of professional drivers.


Thankfully, GoFleet has a number of resources to help mitigate driver shortage. By leveraging ZenScore, ZenduCAM and our managed service, we can help you recruit — and retain — the best drivers for your fleet.


The Driver Shortage


The trucking sector has undergone a period of belt-tightening, particularly with regards to the shortage of available drivers. The reasons are nuanced, but the end result is a deficit of available — and skilled — truck operators.


The pandemic has contributed to a massive imbalance of supply and demand. Drivers are hesitant to return to work due to the pandemic, or struggling to find licensing bureaus and training schools that remained open during lockdown. The result was a surge in freight volume with a drastically reduced headcount of qualified drivers, and a potential backlog of potential drivers waiting to be certified.


Retirements, layoffs and career changes represent another layer of lowered headcount. The average age of a truck driver is 46 (compared to 42 for all workers) and private fleet drivers can average 57 years old. With truck operators retiring faster than they can be replaced, fleet managers are left short-staffed and struggling to recruit suitable candidates.


Drivers are also changing careers, looking to replace their time behind the wheel with other swelling industries such as warehousing and construction. According to BLS, there have been roughly 43,000 construction jobs added to the construction industry since June. 


While we can’t make recommendations about wages and salaries, GoFleet can show you how our end-to-end digital fleet solutions can help you with consistency, transparency and safety; three pillars upon which you can build a stellar team of drivers.


Build a workplace safety culture


If you can effectively connect culture and safety, you’ll be more likely to boost retention. A positive corporate safety culture engages drivers by emphasizing that their actions matter. On the road, dash cams and telematics data help engage drivers on their routes by identifying risky behaviour, providing live coaching and reinforcing compliance regulations.


You should be clear and consistent with corporate messaging: safety is your top priority. Reinforce the connection between a driver’s behaviour and the fleet’s reputation, and make safety a part of every operation and branding opportunity, on and off the road.


Connect with technology


Compliance rules, such as the ELD mandate, require drivers to monitor their hours of service (HOS) Investing in dash cam technology makes your drivers daily routine easier, safer, and more productive. When drivers feel supported, not surveilled, they’re more likely to stay at their job.


For example, ZenduCAM provides live HD streaming to identify accidents or incidents with real-time transmission of images, GPS location tracking and driving behaviour data. ZenduCAM can help you track your drivers’ hours of service as well as their CSA scores. Smarter routing and scheduling can make trips more efficient, bringing your drivers home more often, contributing to their overall job satisfaction and aiding your business in retaining your drivers.


Reward your top performers


As part of our Managed Service offering, you can view the performance of your drivers at a glance with our built-in points system and break down the performance of each driver individually in detailed scorecards.


Identify your best drivers through this driver score program. This scorecard tells your drivers where they rank, and what they have to do to achieve the next reward level. By changing the narrative from punishing “bad” behaviour to rewarding good driving habits, your drivers are less likely to see dash cams as invasive or punitive.

GoFleet’s ZenScore creates quantifiable assessments on driving behaviour by identifying dangerous driving habits and optimizing the efficiency of your fleet. This interactive dashboard and driver scoring system monitors violations while incentivizing drivers to improve performance through contests and KPI metrics. Offer bonuses to individuals with high safety scores to help with retention, or try gamification to keep your fleet engaged.


Help optimize their routes


A common refrain from drivers leaving the trucking industry is the desire to be at home with their loved ones on a more regular basis (hence the move to more stationary industries such as construction.)


Using a custom mapping solution such as ZenduMaps, you can configure your maps to show data such as road status, vehicle location, weather reports and compliance times. Work with your fleet to optimize their routes, shorten trips and reduce the amount of time spent on the road while still managing operations efficiently. 


Improve training


Ongoing communication between you and your drivers is essential to reducing errors and improving efficiency. A great tool to help improve effective and continuous communication is ZenduLearn, an innovative training solution that leverages an online course hub to provide the skills and resources your drivers need.


Having detailed insights about each driver’s behaviour allows training to be tailored to each specific individual based on what they need to improve on. The application offers completion tracking and personalized learning, automating the most common tasks of employee training, such as marking quizzes, sending notifications for incomplete training modules, and issuing certifications. The centralized platform also allows you to keep track of every driver’s progress so you can maintain a strong learning environment within your team. 




According to FreightWaves magazine, the average cost of turnover is $11,500 per driver. High-performing truck drivers are an asset and an incredibly valuable resource to any business. Their role requires constant and heightened awareness and good judgement. 


Discover how to use industry-leading telematics, dash cams and managed service solutions to help you improve operational efficiency, enhance safety and create a lineup of exemplary drivers. Schedule a free demonstration today, and let us take you team to the next level.

fleet tracking, gofleet, interview, fleet management, dashcam

Fleet Tracking: Insider Tips from GoFleet’s CEO

At its core, the fundamental goal of fleet management software is to ensure the proper utilization and protection of every driver and vehicle. Managers can leverage fleet tracking data to evaluate the demand for vehicles throughout all four seasons, predict growth, and track driver safety. Most important to effective fleet management? Choosing the right software to support their specific industries.

ACHR News recently sat down with Vishal Singh, CEO of GoFleet, a provider of industry-leading digital fleet tracking technology. They asked Singh for some pro tips on strategies for fleet management, and what to look for before you invest in fleet tracking software.


Fleet Management Responsibilities: 5 Key Areas


“Fleet management is about responsibility,” says Singh. While ensuring the safety of each driver and vehicle is the top priority, Singh believes any proactive focus should concentrate on:

  1. Safety: The primary responsibility; making sure drivers and vehicles are kept safe. 
  2. Productivity: Keeping fleet operations productive and on target. 
  3. Compliance: Assuring compliance, not just on the road but with regards to company policies.
  4. Maintenance: Being proactive instead of reactive and decreasing vehicular down time. 
  5. Sustainability & Growth: Making sure fleet scalability is integrated so it can expand as your business grows.

“When I’m looking at fleet management software, I’m thinking, ‘how can I best manage these five key areas?’” says Singh. “You need to think about what’s best for you and ask yourself ‘what suite of tools can best help me operate in my industry?’” 


Choosing Fleet Management Software


Digital fleet management software has expanded since general GPS tracking, first introduced two decades ago. “Today, we can track a lot more than dots on a map,” says Singh. Using two-way dashboard cameras, fleet managers can actually observe drivers and their driving habits and prevent emergencies before they happen. 

Collecting the right data is perhaps the most important criteria for choosing fleet management software, and the data you need will depend on the industry in which you operate. “If it’s for food delivery, I need something to monitor the temperature of the food,” Singh says. “If I’m in a high-risk area, where I’m delivering something of high value, I need cameras. I might also want to monitor and have video recordings, which can connect to the on-board devices for live-streaming.”  

For example, if you are an HVC contractor, Singh emphasizes having good maintenance routines and a proactive seasonal maintenance strategy. “With fleet management software you can set up maintenance reminders to service every vehicle,” he says. Singh also warns that failure to do regular checks means you might miss something, leading to costly repairs. 


The Advantages Of Fleet Management Software


Electronic tracking devices are essential tools for locating vehicles and monitoring road safety, but they can’t operate alone. When paired with fleet management software, companies can access a rich ecosystem of telematics data. “Fleet management software allows companies to monitor vehicle faults, making sure there are no issues with the vehicles,” says Singh. “We can also, depending on the software, have software that signs work orders for the vehicles.” This can simplify regular seasonal maintenance, routine inspections and more. 

Predictive maintenance is a major benefit of fleet management software. Plugging an electronic tracking device into a vehicle’s onboard diagnostics provides a holistic overview of that vehicle’s health. “We can measure how well they’re being maintained, or if there are faults on the vehicle,” Singh explains. “Understanding those faults can tell us if we need to troubleshoot.” 

What does tracking actually measure? “[Tracking allows me to] measure the actual behaviours that can help me in each of those key areas,” says Singh. This can include monitoring the temperature of goods being transported, the safety of your drivers, allocating resources — the list goes on. 

“With this technology you can create a way to engage keyless ignition, making it easier to pool vehicles,” Singh says. “People can share vehicles a lot easier if anyone can use their phone to start the vehicle.”

Also important, says Singh, is knowing exactly where the failure points are in fleet operations. For fleet managers, the benefits of streamlining records collections for rich, actionable data improves operational efficiency while making the best use of your fleet.


Managing Fleet Safety And Liability


Managing a fleet is about more than paying attention to the state of each vehicle, says Singh. It also means managing and coaching safe driving behaviours

Singh goes on to explain how an integrated system of dashboard cams, video recordings, sensors and management software can all work together to protect company liability and improve safety. “Vehicle tracking is one thing; tracking the behaviours, harsh breaking and all those conditions,” says Singh. “But having video evidence helps people be more accountable.”

How? “Having cameras onboard limits your risk,” said Singh. “If there’s an accident and you have video evidence, you’re going to avoid a potential lawsuit.” Having video footage of road incidents can also help exonerate your driver “so you don’t have to deal with investigations and claims. Now, if the driver was at fault, you can deal with the payout or settlement and then move on,” he adds. 

Moreover, this niche tech an help avoid accidents altogether. “When you have all this data —cameras, video — you don’t need to wait for the accident to happen. You can proactively know who your at-risk drivers are,” he says. “Then, you can work on coaching them and help them take the necessary steps to improve their driving habits.”  


Knowing When To Expand


To evaluate when it’s time to expand, he recommends first measuring vehicle utilization. “Generally, companies will set up a threshold where if the utilization is above a certain amount, it’s a trigger indication that they need more vehicles,” says Singh. 

“Using fleet management software, I can evaluate the demand of my vehicles through my seasons,” Singh says. “When you evaluate things like engine usage, or miles driven, you want to evaluate that against the total available hours you can drive these vehicles.” 

While utilization metrics will vary with each industry, Singh recommends the following: “If you feel that utilization is above, say, 80%  or whatever metric — you can then evaluate the utilization to determine how many more vehicles you need to purchase.” 

With the current supply chain challenges due to COVID-19, he notes it has become more difficult to acquire new vehicles, making it even more important to plan ahead. “If you see some vehicles are not well utilized, you can cut vehicles from the fleet by pooling them,” he advises. Singh also suggests leasing additional vehicles from pools to expand fleets in a cost-effective manner.


Sustainability & Beyond


While fleet managers look to the future, there has been a big move towards electric vehicles. Singh warns, however, that there are a lot of things to consider before plugging into the electric vehicle trend. “You have to consider installing electric chargers and charger sites. You have to consider how many miles or kilometers you are driving each day,” he says. If vehicles are traveling more than 200 to 300 miles, that might be more travel time than the range of the battery can offer. 

For those transitioning to electric vehicles, Singh recommends adding one vehicle at a time. Despite the initial investment, Singh says the cost savings on electric vehicles is impressive, including lowered fuel, vehicle usage and maintenance costs.

Whether you have a few vehicles or an entire fleet, electric tracking devices paired with fleet management software provides your business with benefits that are scalable, cost-effective and safe. The real beauty of fleet tracking, Singh explains, is that “when you’re evaluating this data on a monthly basis, you’re going to be ahead of the curve.”