satellite tracking, gps, fleet, smartone, global star

The SmartONE C: Satellite Tracking To Work Outside Cellular Coverage

The period of implementing asset trackers has come and all fleets have started to recognize the true potential of telematics. With the aid of asset trackers fleets have seen a rise in revenue, productivity and safety, while a decrease in variable costs such as fuel, maintenance and hours of service (HOS). 

More fleets are trying to join in on the trend of implementing telematic solutions but are surprised with the plethora of resources available. This is quite overwhelming, and as a result, fleets are starting to equip their fleet with solutions without first knowing their needs. 

Every fleet has their own needs. It could be to prioritize temperature monitoring, making use of solar energy or even working outside of cellular coverage with satellite tracking. Without learning your needs, the wrong solution could get implemented which could prove to be fatal both in terms of productivity and finances. 


Working Outside Of Cellular Coverage With Satellite Tracking

Fleets working outside of cellular coverage must ensure they’re implementing a satellite tracking solution. Most asset trackers are designed to be operated within cellular bounds. Asset trackers are used to transmit data to the main system for the fleet to make use of and if it’s not within cellular range, it will no longer transmit data. This results in the fleet not having connection or sight over the asset. This is why fleets who are working outside of cellular coverage where batteries are difficult to maintain, must ensure they use a solution like the Global Star SmartONE C tracker.


The SmartONE C – Tracking Beyond Coverage

 The SmartONE C is the satellite tracking solution offered by GoFleet to track assets beyond coverage. Offering global satellite coverage, it’s a practical solution for a multitude of operations including 12 different reporting times, interval or 24 hour operation mode, alternate reporting schedule, low battery messaging, motion sensor or vibration parameter and scheduling, contact closure parameters as well as diagnostic messages. 


The SmartONE C – Features

The SmartONE C uses motion sensors, comparative GPS positions and custom configured sensors to gather and transmit asset status information about safety, maintenance procedures and driver analytics. Each SmartONE C is configured to track its asset’s specific needs and provide intermediate and emergency alerts by email or text. 

The SmartONE C can be line powered, and that’s when the user has maximum flexibility in messaging frequency allowing for regular monitoring of asset location. In the absence or interruption of external power, the SmartONE C can automatically switch to battery backup. The asset tracking device is powered by four “off the shell” AA 1.5V lithium batteries providing 3+ years of battery life and eliminating the need to purchase expensive proprietary batteries for replacement.  


A Case Study – Satellite Tracking For Winter Fleet Management

In 2019, a storm dumped nearly two feet of snow on the city and made some neighborhoods impossible to access. Streets that would normally be cleared with a standard plow vehicle were unmanageable because of the compaction and weight of the snow. There was a need for a specific kind of grader to bore through, but without proper data, there was no indication ahead of time that this special equipment was necessary. Plowing crews only found out about the conditions when the normal snowplow arrived and could not clear the street.

Every year, over 1,300 deaths and 116,800 injuries occur from vehicle crashes due to snowy conditions on roadways. Snow removal, sanding and salting roads helps these conditions, but few trucks are available to perform the work. Accurately knowing where the heaviest snow has fallen will enable dispatchers to deploy the correct equipment to clear the dangerous areas first.

The fleet needed to know the speed of snow accumulation in near real time, new snow depth by the hour as well as total depth for the day, month and season in multiple areas at once. Simply measuring the snow with a stick was not an option, as they needed to monitor several miles of land, some of it in remote areas out of cellular range. What they needed was a digital solution that was affordable, flexible, easy to install and ideally could serve other purposes after the snow was gone.

To tackle this challenge, the SmartONE C solution was implemented. As a result, all the snow data was placed into one easy-to-use web-based user interface. The SmartONE C gave managers the power to view the location, behavior and other telematics data collected by assets in their organization’s technology ecosystem. It was possible to group and sort assets, customize interfaces and user permissions and automate alerts or reports to suit the fleet’s needs.

Implementing the SmartONE C allowed the fleet to watch snow levels as they grew in multiple locations at once, allowing them to estimate the hourly accumulation to help them determine their removal plan. The fleet was also able to track the plows’ locations and behavior on the same user interface as the snow depth. In addition, they could manage the consumption of salt being used on the road and supply the drivers with valuable emergency communication capabilities out of the treacherous roads.

Satellite tracking solved the challenges that winter fleets were facing and simplified their management process. If you’re fleet works outside of cellular coverage or operate in places where the connection isn’t strong, the SmartONE C would be the best choice for your fleet. It will allow you to operate and track fleet data almost anywhere globally and help take your fleet to the next level. Contact us now for deep insight about the SmartONE C and how your fleet can implement it.

asset trackers, tracking, business, fleet

How The Frequency Of Asset Tracking Updates Makes A Difference

Telematics has been the key to improving fleets over the past several years. It all began with asset trackers, a solution to track data about various aspects of a vehicle to enhance fleet processes. With developing technologies, asset trackers are improving in terms of their ping rate, the rate at which the data is updated. Increasing ping rate has led to the invention of live tracking and helped improve scenarios of theft and liability insurance.

Live Tracking – Updating Data Per Second

Setting up constant pings allows fleets to know the exact location and other variables about a vehicle every second. With live tracking, fleets have better communication with their drivers, allowing them to give better instructions allowing them to finish tasks faster. This real time tracking enables fleets to increase the amount of service calls per day by approximately 23%. Fleets are able to keep an eye on their drivers and drivers being aware about this, improve their driving habits to proper standards. 

A faster ping rate also allows for faster response rate. On average, the drivers that are monitored with a real-time tracking system arrive within the promised response time 46% more often. With better driving taking place, fleets can manage their expenses effectively by decreasing idle times, improving dispatching and routing, monitoring speed and getting an alert to stay informed of necessary vehicle maintenance.

Live tracking opens up ways for not having to rely on drivers to record all their mileage logs. This information will automatically be calculated and reported by the real time tracking system. One of our solutions the GO9, implements live tracking offering industries fastest updates along with several other features. 

What differentiates the GO9 from the rest is that the framework provided is built around new technologies and platforms and has extended capabilities related to electric vehicles and global expansion. 

Moreover, the addition of the gyroscope is what makes the difference. The gyroscope within the GO9 enriches data with additional granularity. It improves on the current X/Y/Z axis acceleration logging by providing a real time sense of the vehicle’s orientation. This results in better accuracy with tracking and analyzing vehicle movement. This is beneficial specifically on winding or bumpy roads and more importantly, for collision reconstruction where a second by second breakdown of events is required. 


Theft Reduction – How Fast Ping Rates Mean Fast Asset Recovery

As mentioned before, the higher the ping rate, the higher the frequency of updates and the more accurate data fleets have to work with. This is especially beneficial for scenarios where theft is being dealt with. Imagine sitting at a desk and looking over a spreadsheet of assets when suddenly, an asset worth $150,000 is unaccounted for. How will it be recovered?

Unfortunately, recovery of stolen equipment is not as common as it should be. Thieves often are able to make off with expensive equipment before getting caught. This is a result of delays in discovery and reporting of thefts, nonexistent or inaccurate records and confusing equipment identification systems. 

Asset tracking makes it simple. It allows fleets to monitor the last known location of assets, whether an asset is on or off, and if it’s idling or actively moving. Depending on the solution implemented, it can provide fleets with additional data including pressure, temperature, travel speed, acceleration and deceleration. 

Proper tracking eliminates the delay in the reporting of equipment theft and can also track the location of the stolen item. It also provides you with documented data that law enforcement can use in the event of theft. 

Another type of enforcement, geofencing, also known as a virtual boundary, can be set in place for any geographic area. If an asset were to travel outside or enters into any set geofence perimeter, alerts can be set to automatically notify fleets about the movement. This enables you to track when employees arrive at or leave a job site, receive confirmation when a shipment arrives at a delivery location and mark a specific area as a “no entry” zone for any given asset.   


Liability Insurance – Ensuring Costs Remain Within Budget

Fleets relying on vehicles to conduct day to day business invest a great amount in mobile assets and expect a return on investment. Along with the more expected costs of fuel and maintenance, fleets can incur significant hidden expenses and increase liability. 

All businesses with fleets shouldn’t only be concerned with their driver’s safety but also be aware of the risks related to liability exposure. To minimize risks, asset tracking solutions can be implemented to stay proactive to see potential problems and resolve them. 

Improving safety standards should be a top priority as improper safety procedures can put companies at risk and quickly increase their liability for damages incurred by anyone injured in an accident with one of its vehicles. 

Unauthorized vehicle use can open fleets to a range of liability problems. Faster ping rates can notify fleets when assets are in use outside of work hours, where they’re being taken at all times during the day and confirm use with historical route data. 

Improper maintenance of assets can lead to serious accidents. It is important for fleet managers to be proactive in vehicle upkeep to keep their employees safe and reduce the chances of malfunction on the road. Ensuring fleets stay on track of their preventive maintenance schedule is crucial with the use of alerts set by calendar day, engine on-time, or mileage. 

Introducing asset trackers that implement live tracking may seem like an added cost to the budget, but it can save fleets significant amounts in the long run. It will enforce safety procedures and maintenance schedules while better training fleet managers and tracking employees. If your business is looking for a way to reduce overall fleet costs while increasing liability protection, contact our specialists to implement the right fleet tracking software.

asset trackers, fleet management,

Asset Trackers: How Smart Utilization Leads To Efficiency And Cuts On Costs

Today, all businesses including fleets, are trying to rapidly improve their efficiency to cut down on costs and raise productivity. When addressing fleets, many times the asset utilization rate goes unnoticed, and this causes a lack in efficiency that can be avoided.

Smart Utilization

Ensuring that the usage of each asset is maximized but not going overboard is simply called ‘Smart Utilization’. There are several scenarios when assets just catch dust and don’t get utilized because there’s an excess of that asset, and vice versa with ones being over utilized. 

Fleets often overlook this strategy making it a critical strategy to review and implement. Doing so will allow fleets to expect to see visibility of finances, unnecessary costs and gaps in maintenance procedures.


What Is The Smart Utilization Strategy

If all assets are tracked based on their utilization rates, fleets can figure out which assets are being under and overused and make decisions accordingly. If assets are being underused, this means there’s an excess of the resource and it’s being wasted. If an asset is overused, this will create maintenance issues with it as it’s being used way too much and will be prone to breaking down. This will provide fleets with the information of how many assets they need to add or remove from their fleet for maximizing efficiency and staying within budget.

Key performance indicators for vehicles include days driven, drive time and mileage while key performance indicators for other assets include operation duration times and location tracking. Fleets can easily view these statistics from their telematics system online.


Smart Benefits of Smart Utilization 

By using a smart utilization strategy, fleets actually implement a smart cost management solution because they use all their resources to their maximum capability and get the highest return on investment.

With the additional data on the number of resources required, fleets can ensure there are enough resources to run at maximum efficiency to get the best results in the long run. Since all assets will now be properly used and no longer overused, they will have a long lifespan.


How Smart Utilization Can Be Beneficial

Utilization reports show which assets are hardly used or overused, or in downtime for maintenance or repair. Monitoring this activity will help fleets improve on replacement cycling and will also quickly point out areas of opportunity to re-deploy vehicles into other areas of the business. Consistently tagging, giving a title and insuring unused assets is expensive and renting would be a better business decision during surge times.


The Right Asset Tracker For Your Fleet

The benefits of smart utilization can be provided by most asset trackers, but each track excels in different situations. To determine which asset tracker a fleet would find most beneficial, let’s have a look at the different types of trackers available to take advantage of.


The Flex Solar-Making Use Of Free Energy

The Flex Solar is a solar powered asset tracker designed to track bulk cargo containers, vehicles and other large assets with no direct power supply. Solar energy is a great source of energy for large assets travelling far or being stored outside for long (like shipping containers) because they are often standalone assets with no power supply. 

The ZenRemora – A Simple Solution To Asset Tracking

The ZenRemora is a great alternative to the Flex Solar if you have to rely on an ion battery if solar energy is challenging to depend on. On top of general asset monitoring, it also has additional features including anti-theft mode, tamper detection, geo-fence awareness and expandability opportunities with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) beacons.


The ZenFalcon – Temperature Is Now A Known Variable

The ZenFalcon is a temperature-sensitive asset tracker allowing fleets to monitor temperature and humidity. Fleets can continually monitor these variables with the 5-year battery life and hourly reporting ZenFalcon has to offer. If ensuring that the goods/assets are in proper temperature and humidity conditions, the ZenFalcon should be taken into consideration.


The BlackBerry Radar – Prioritizing Load Management

The BlackBerry Radar focuses on asset tracking for cargo, vehicles and non-motorized assets like bulk containers, trailers and various equipment where content capacity has to primarily be monitored. Implementing this allows fleets to properly plan their loading process for improved efficiency. 


ZenBeacon – Asset Tracking Independent Of Cellular Coverage

The ZenBeacon provides data on light exposure, temperature, asset impact and provides an alternative to Radio Frequency Identity (RFID) tracking via BLE beacons. Designed to have a long battery life, this would be beneficial for assets traveling to locations with no cellular coverage.


The SmartOne’sC – Reliability Outside Of Cellular Coverage

The SmartOne’sC is a self-charging solution to support long term remote deployments without the need to replace the battery. Using a highly efficient solar cell, it can continuously charge the battery and maximize operating life, even under extreme weather conditions.

Using any of these trackers will shed light on what assets are truly being used, allowing for decisions about renting, selling and purchasing to be made. For example, if there are certain assets not being used enough to justify the purchase and upkeep costs, operators may decide to only rent the assets during peak times. In comparison, fleets who see some assets being overly depended on, will allow them to see whether they should consider renting or even purchasing additional assets to alleviate stress and maintenance requirements on the assets already deployed. 

All these trackers can determine the utilization rates of an asset, but they each excel at different things. Depending on what matches your fleet’s needs, that would be the asset tracker to learn more about. Improving utilization rates for each asset in a fleet will help financially and improve overall management in the long run. For further learning about the specifics and details of these trackers, contact us now.

Cellular, Satellite Asset Trackers & BLE Beacons – An Industry Guide

With technology expanding continually and telematic solutions on the rise, fleets should consider taking advantage of the various resources available. When discussing telematics, asset trackers primarily come in mind. Having the ability to track various features of goods and vehicles give fleets tracking data that helps improve their management processes. There are several asset trackers available and knowing which is the optimal solution for a fleet is important to remain within budget and not waste resources. 

Three Types of Asset Trackers

Before diving into the specific asset trackers available, it is important to understand the 3 main categories that they all fall under: 

1. Cellular Asset Trackers are the more common asset trackers. They use cellular network coverage to transmit data and information about an asset. 

2. Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Beacons succeed where cellular asset trackers face challenges. They can be used to transmit data in locations without cellular coverage. 

3. Satellite Asset Trackers use satellites to transmit technology and are considered the most reliable option amongst the three for using outside cellular coverage.


What Solutions Industries Should Keep Their Eye Out For

Different industries prioritize different variables and equipping the right asset tracker can be difficult when there’s so many to choose from. It’s important to be aware of the several types of asset trackers that each industry will find most beneficial. 

Cellular Asset Trackers

The Flex Solar – A Step Towards Free Energy

The Flex Solar is a solar powered asset tracker primarily utilized for the general tracking of bulk cargo containers, vehicles and other large assets with no direct power supply. Using solar energy is critical for large assets travelling far or being stored outside, like shipping containers, because they are often standalone assets with no power supply. With solar trackers, power can last up to 4 months, so fleets don’t need to worry about constant maintenance.

Transportation, Bussing, Construction, and Waste Management Fleets would find the flex solar most beneficial as they tend to be out in daylight for long periods of time. With no battery replacement, fleets won’t have to worry about adding it to their maintenance procedures, and it would be a great step towards renewable and free sources of energy.


The ZenRemora – A Simple Solution To Asset Tracking

If being dependent on solar energy is challenging, the ZenRemora 2 is a great alternative to the Flex Solar. It relies on an ion battery that would be quite reliable on trips where solar energy is scarce. Designed for general asset monitoring, it also has additional features including anti-theft mode, tamper detection, geo-fence awareness and expandability opportunities with BLE beacons.

The ZenRemora should be considered by most industries looking for a reliable and affordable solution to general asset monitoring. Long haul deliveries would find it most beneficial because they require several pings daily. Managing assets that travel far distances can be simpler for fleet managers by having their eyes on all their assets on one screen.


The ZenFalcon – Temperature Is Now A Known Variable

The ZenFalcon is a temperature-sensitive asset tracker which allows fleets to monitor temperature and humidity. With a 5 year battery life and hourly reporting, fleets can continually monitor temperature sensitive cargo. Similar to the Remora 2, the Falcon also has an anti-theft mode, tamper detection, and geo-fence aware included in its features. 

Temperature monitoring can be a necessity in the Transportation and Courier/ Delivery industry, but it can be considered mandatory for the Food industry. There have been countless cases where food has spoiled due to improper temperatures, which results in inefficiency and waste of resources. The ZenFalcon can be utilized to monitor temperature and humidity levels of locations where food is stored to ensure optimal conditions are met.


The BlackBerry Radar – Prioritizing Load Management

The Bundle focuses on asset tracking for cargo, vehicles and non-motorized assets like bulk containers, trailers and various equipment where content capacity needs to be monitored. This allows fleets to better plan their loading processes and increase their efficiency.

It would be beneficial for several industries such as the Transportation, Food, Construction, and Courier/ Delivery, where fleets want to ensure the most use of their resources. As an example, it can be particularly useful for the Delivery/ Courier industry as they deal with receiving new delivery requests often. Specifically, it can allow for fleet vehicle load capacities to be known so dispatchers can view capacity levels and assign vehicles with low capacity to add more deliveries to their route to maximize productivity. 


Sensoneo – Smart Waste Management For A Smarter City

Smart Sensors provide a Waste Management solution focusing on monitoring waste content quantity. This robust device can withstand harsh environmental conditions making it reliable in the long run. Once equipped into waste bins, it transmits data on bin capacity so waste management is aware of when bins are full and need to be emptied out. This reduces inefficient trips where barely filled bins are being emptied out, and emergency trips required because bins get overfilled and require immediate assistance. 

For an in depth look at Smart Sensors and how they can prove to be effective, check out How A Waste Management Industry Can Implement Smart Sensor Technology.


BLE Asset Beacons

ZenBeacon Asset Tracking Independent Of Cellular Coverage

The ZenBeacon provides data on light exposure, temperature, asset impact and provides an alternative to Radio Frequency Identity (RFID) tracking via BLE beacons. With a set of sensors, the status and conditions of fleet assets can be monitored, where the sensors can show temperature and light readings in one minute intervals. 

Designed to have a long battery life, this would be resourceful when assets travel to locations with no cellular coverage. Specifically, long haul trips, which would include the Transportation industry


The ZenGuppy – A Solution To Track Small Valuable Assets

The ZenGuppy is a compact, rugged Bluetooth tag solution for low-cost monitoring of assets. The ZenGuppy and the ZenRemora work great in coordination, where the Guppy can be utilized to track smaller assets within a larger asset, and the Remora can track the larger asset. With a 5 year battery life, and the ability to equip onto anything, the ZenGuppy provides the device serial number, manufacturer code, battery voltage, transmit power and temperature. 

Since the ZenGuppy can equip onto anything and provide tracking information about the asset, all industries can take advantage of this solution to easily track any desired asset. It is particularly useful for low value or smaller assets where it may not make commercial sense to attach a more robust (and expensive) solution.


The Infsoft – An Indoor BLE Reader

Infsoft keeps track of assets and personnel within a building. Once an indoor map of each level of the building is uploaded to Infsoft, it can track where every single asset is at all times. This can be quite helpful in First Responder buildings. Knowing where each and every person is at all times will help raise efficiency which will result in safe cities and more lives saved.

Warehouses can take advantage of Infsoft to help their workforce as it will help them with tracking and monitoring all assets on the go between warehouse aisles and shelves with improved efficiency and productivity. 


Satellite Asset Trackers

The SmartOne’sC – Reliability Outside Of Cellular Coverage

The SmartOneC is a self-charging solution to support long term remote deployments without the need to replace the battery. Using a highly efficient solar cell, it can continuously charge the battery and maximize operating life, even under extreme weather conditions.

It can be valuable for long haul deliveries and fleets working in rural areas like Agriculture Industries, as well as Rail Cargo. These fleets travel and work in locations with no cellular coverage, and therefore require a strong reliable connection, hence satellites being the viable option.

There are several telematic solutions available for fleets to take advantage of to improve their performance and management processes. Knowing which asset trackers benefit your fleet the most, is important to being within budget and spending your resources wisely. For a deeper look into what solutions will work best for your fleet, contact us for a custom solution.

smart sensors, waste management, bin fill

Smart Waste Management: Implementing Smart Sensors For Cost Savings

Businesses working with fleets incur many challenges and aim to improve their performance in aspects like maintenance, safety, and efficiency. Though, like any business, they work with a budget, and should look into telematics to help reduce their costs. When cost saving strategies are discussed, Smart Sensors must be mentioned.


Cost Saving & A Rise In Efficiency, A Result Of Smart Sensors

Smart Sensors reduce costs by making fleet processes efficient. They digitally record data on physical environments and analyze the information prior to transmitting it to a software database. They are designed to provide waste management fleets with fill levels in bins with utmost measurement accuracy. 


How Do Smart Bins Work

Fleets, specifically in the waste management industry will now be able to monitor all sorts of waste types including mixed waste, paper, plastics, glass, clothing, bio waste, liquids, electronics, metal, and more in bins and containers of any size and type. 

Their features continue with being robust, water and shock resistant sensors, as well as are functional within a wide temperature range while being able to measure from 3 cm up to 400cm. 

Furthermore, they can provide a fast data transfer by connecting to several Internet of Things (IoT) networks or General Packet Radio Services (GPRS).


How It’s Beneficial On A Daily Basis

These sensors can be positioned to report 24 times a day, or even every minute so dispatch teams can monitor in real time. When bins are filled over their pre-set fill capacity, vehicles can be dispatched immediately. 

For example, the sensors can be set so when a garbage bin is between 80 – 100% full, the bin will be added to the next route for being emptied. This can save time and resources on a daily basis. 


What Is Smart Waste Management

Smart Sensors are designed to be leveraged in several processes, but it’s most popular amongst the waste management industry.  This is because of its ability to improve dispatching and vehicle utilization during routes, which allows fleets to make data-oriented decisions to improve operational efficiency.

The Smart Sensor technology depends on internal sensors monitoring, a key environmental factor, and the integrated element of the Internet of Things (IoT) to remain connected. Such technology will allow management to reduce inefficiency and save on resources.


How Implementing Smart Sensors Leads To Cost Savings

With the use of smart sensors, bin fill levels can now be monitored so fleets can keep an eye out on when bins need to actually be emptied. This will prevent unnecessary trips where trucks locate bins and empty them when they are barely filled. As a result, fleets will only prioritize and use resources when necessary. 


Early And Long Term ROI

When fleets will begin to use their resources properly, they will see higher productivity and better use of vehicles, resulting in lower costs, as well as better efficiency. Since this will affect fleet management on a daily level, a return on investment will be seen almost immediately depending on fleet size.


Improved Customer Satisfaction While Being Competitive

A return on investment would also be evident in fleets that work with private businesses that require them to dispose of their waste. Fleets will only dispatch vehicles to private businesses when bins are near full, resulting in the customer being billed only when necessary. This process will give fleets happier clients all while remaining competitive.

Smart Sensors are yet to be introduced to several fleets, and resellers should consider taking advantage of the ways to help vehicle-based businesses to improve their cost saving strategies. When addressing waste management fleets, smarter dispatching based on bin fill monitoring should be discussed. For more information on implementing Smart Sensor technology, and how bin fill monitoring can be utilized to save on resources, contact us today.

school busses on the bus stop

Part 2: Telematics Solutions That Work For Any Vehicle Year In School Transportation

In Part One we discussed how fleets, specifically in school transportation, have buses that include vehicle models of varying years. To read Part One click here.

In Part Two, we will discuss the specific solutions available on the market that school transporters and many other industries can leverage. 

The following solutions work for an entire fleet regardless of the age of vehicles or fleet size. 



The Bus Expected Time of Arrival (Bus ETA) solution addresses the problem of time management between the expected time of arrival and when bus actually arrives. Parents and children can use the Bus ETA app on their smartphones to be aware of the bus’s arrival time and plan accordingly. Parents will now know where their children are at all times and reduce the number of frequent concerned calls.

To learn more, visit: 


Passenger/Driver Tags

Passenger and driver tags go hand in hand with the Bus ETA solution. Passengers can use these tags to scan when entering or exiting the bus and both parents and the school will be informed. It will reassure the school and parents of what the child’s location status is. When used by bus drivers, fleet managers can know exactly when a driver began a shift or confirm who is driving to ease reporting and organization.

To learn more, visit:



ZenduMaintenance is an industry leading full maintenance management solution that ensures that fleet vehicles remain in safe and efficient working condition. By leveraging this digital solution that automatically collects engine data that is connected with the already in place GPS tracking solutions like Geotab’s GO9 device, the transition is seamless. It’s a quick and easy solution to reduce breakdowns by improving maintenance efforts.

To learn more, visit:


GO Talk

While maintenance management solutions will reduce technical faults, it’s important to remember to also focus on communication solutions. Not only can these solutions keep drivers alert on the road with audio alerts, but drivers can also have two-way conversations if an unexpected event occurs. With GO Talk, school transportation drivers will be alerted of pickup or drop off changes as well as receive recommendations on how to improve driving habits in real-time.

To learn more, visit:



With the ongoing pandemic, digital symptom monitoring solutions are in demand for schools that are open and are allowing for in-person education. By leveraging this solution within school transportation, fleets can ensure that drivers are not only healthy and symptom-free while completing their routes, but that children who are entering the bus are symptom-free as well. ZenduCheck works by prompting individuals to complete a screening survey and even works as a contract tracing tool if an individual is tested positive for the COVID-19 virus.

To learn more, visit:

While this is just a short list specific to school transporters, these telematics solutions can be used by fleets with vehicle models of varying years and can include many others beneficial solutions. For more information on any of these solutions or for more information about how your unique fleet should be leveraging new technology that works with any model vehicle, contact us today. 

school buses parking

Part 1: Telematics Solutions That Work For Any Vehicle Year In School Transportation

Many fleets understand how telematics solutions can benefit fleets, but often managers may be misinformed about how the solutions can be adopted by their fleet if their vehicles vary in age. Numerous solutions can be used by school transporters regardless of the make, model or year, continue reading to learn more. 


Why Telematics Solutions Are Important For School Transportation Fleets

Safety is of utmost importance and depends entirely on the decisions that drivers make. However, in some industries, there is even more stress placed upon safety as it can affect the lives of others. When discussing school transportation, this is visible as the driving behaviour and vehicle upkeep can not only affect the life of the driver, but of the students boarding as well. 


Safety and Telematics 

When addressing fleet safety, telematics can help support drivers with feedback and coaching by implementing driver scorecards, reports and alerts to ensure they know how to make safe driving decisions.

When discussing fleet safety and maintenance management, fleets are turning to systems that monitor and alert teams when maintenance checks or repairs need to happen. This ensures that unexpected breakdowns are drastically decreased and repair turnaround times are increased.  


Efficiency and Telematics 

Boosting efficiency can help school districts that face tight budgets accomplish more with less. By cutting down on idling time, speeding and inefficient bus routes, more money can be saved to ensure students have adequate transportation to and from school. 

While telematics may seem important to be used in all school transportation vehicles, sometimes fleets overlook it. Even though there are varying reasons as to why this is, many are simply misinformed about whether the technological advancements can actually be adopted and implemented. 


Why School Transportation Fleets May Initially Overlook New Technologies 

It’s not unheard of for school transporters, or any fleet for that matter, to have fleets that include vehicle models of varying years. With tight budgets, school transportation fleets are often seen to purchase new buses to replace older models that are no longer functioning. As a result, fleets have a variety of old and new buses, which in turn seems to cause a concern about whether telematics will be of use for the entire fleet. 

This poses the need for teams like GoFleet to share knowledge and insight to all-year inclusive vehicle solutions that fleets with varying makes and models can use.


Finding All-Year Inclusive Vehicle Solutions: Where To Start

As there seems to be miscommunication about model years being a requirement for using telematics solutions, our team has outlined four steps to take when searching for all-year inclusive vehicle solutions: 

1. Evaluate Your Fleet Needs

Before purchasing a new system or solutions to implement, managers must evaluate the current tools they have in place, as well their goals with utilizing telematics. Whether it’s to increase safety, lower costs or boost efficiency, these must all be determined to ensure the right solutions are later implemented. 

2. Do Your Research On Solutions

With your fleets needs in mind, it’s vital to research and find the right solution amongst the countless ones available while ensuring the age of the vehicle will not affect the success of the implementation. For example, if the priority is to cut down on fuel costs, looking for a solution to reduce idling time and monitoring driver behavior is the way to go. As well, it’s important to keep in mind that there are various solutions that work hand-in-hand with each other, in addition to being all encompassing. 

3. Review The Costs Of Implementation 

Fleets need to ensure that they make use of every dollar wisely. Setting aside and organizing the budget to adopt telematics may seem difficult, but it will result in great returns on investment. 

Systematic maintenance will avoid expensive repairs and result in the buses having longer life spans. Longer vehicle life span will also result from increased safety, and the frequency of school bus accidents will in turn reduce.

Although these telematic solutions can be implemented into the fleet at an affordable rate, agencies like Sourcewell can offer competitively, solicited purchasing contracts to get you these solutions and equipment at a discounted price. 

4. Speak With An Experienced Solutions Provider

Implementing telematics into your fleet can seem daunting, but by working with an experienced solutions provider you can rest easy knowing you’re in good hands. Working with GoFleet, an industry leader in this sector, will make the process simple as our team of industry specific specialists will ensure that your fleet receives a custom solution to drive your efficiency, safety and maintenance management as well as increase your ROI. To learn more about the right telematics solution for your fleet, get in touch with our School Transportation Experts.

To read more about the specific telematic solutions that can work for fleets with varying vehicle years, read the continuation in Part Two.

natural disaster, fire fighters, first responders, fire truck, telematics, dispatching, emergency

When Natural Disasters Strike, The Need for Telematics Increases

Frontline workers and first responders are under enormous pressure, and sometimes, depending on the emergency, the pressure to help those in need will increase. During these situations, potential lack of efficiency, response structure and training will appear as fleets that are inexperienced or unprepared could make the wrong decisions. To ensure this never happens and that response teams are always ready, fleets responding to emergency scenarios must appropriately leverage telematics to boost training, overall safety and organizational efficiency.


The Stress of Responding to Natural Disasters 

Natural disasters can be complicated. As they often come with little warning and have unpredictable outcomes, response teams must be prepared for almost anything on short notice. Recently in 2019, the US faced 108 fatalities and countless casualties as a result of natural disasters which included wildfires, housefires, floods or storm surges, tsunamis or hurricanes, avalanches or landslide, earthquakes, thunderstorms or heavy rain, hail, blizzards, ice storms as well as heavy snow. With so many possible emergencies happening, teams but prepare for the worst by using the best solutions.


What Solutions Forward-Thinking Teams Are Using

It is predicted for natural disasters to continue and even increase as a result of human error or climate change, therefore, responders must continue to update how they respond to these types of emergencies by using telematics. 

With new technology such as GPS tracking and asset trackers, teams are leveraging location focused telematic solutions to prevent mistakes and monitor their response. Not only is this visible with knowing where teams are currently and where they may be dispatched, but also tracking what equipment is with which team member. For example, hydraulic rescue tools like spreaders, rams and shears (or otherwise known as the jaws of life) may be too large for every team to have in their vehicle. Meaning improved GPS location tracking can help ensure the right tools are sent promptly to the right emergency depending on the call.  

GPS tracking solutions can even help to ensure that individuals, specifically drivers are taking enough time off between calls or shifts. Often there is a concern of working overtime which may result in tired driving and accidents. Recording hours-of-service (HOS) or length of time on call through GPS data can ensure proper documentation is kept. 

Cameras that are facing both inside and outside of the vehicle are extremely beneficial for currency fleets. The footage collected is often used to reveal what happened while on-scene in terms of proper patient care and while travelling to a scene since first responders are required to drive fast to arrive quickly. Connected cameras can also help show proof or collect data to record time and routes of EMS events. 


What a 360 Solution for First Responders Looks Like 

With the aid of a telematics system, the problems that frontline workers face can be reduced or even eliminated. Here is a checklist every first responding fleet should go through when receiving their processes:


Is there proper communication between dispatchers and drivers?

Fleets can be equipped with software to provide drivers and dispatchers with firm communication. With good communication, dispatchers can easily guide their drivers through their tasks without risking mistakes. It will also help new drivers in being confident with the decisions they make and will prevent any overthinking during a critical situation.


Are dispatchers aware of all the asset locations and monitoring them?

GPS tracking solutions nowadays have the ability to allow dispatchers to get a real time update of the asset’s location. It can help in monitoring each and every step the driver takes, where they stop, where they speed and much more. 


Is the fleet doing tasks that could be avoided with advanced technology available?

Improving the workflow of simple daily tasks with the help of telematics solutions can help efficiency and organizational structure in the fleet. A perfect example would include keyless entry that makes a fleet truly keyless by transforming mobile devices into keys.


Are all the assets in the fleet being well maintained?

Vehicles in first responder fleets often go through a lot as they are required to arrive to a scene no matter if a sideway, curb or rugged road is in their way. When this happens and proper maintenance is overlooked, vehicles are at risk for more breakdowns and shorter vehicles lifespans. Getting oil checks done at the right time, checking for battery faults, and other maintenance checks should be done at the right time without delay to prevent a reduction in a vehicle’s lifespan.


What the Future Holds for Telematics in First Response Fleets

With technology rapidly evolving, it’s only a matter of time before the following solutions will be possible. Having a good idea of what to expect in the future can help first responders stay a step ahead.

Communication between first responder fleets will definitely see improvement. It could be evolved to help other fleets increase their response rates. During a potential accident on the highway, when more than one first responding vehicle is required to approach the scene of the emergency, the team receiving the call for emergency can immediately inform the rest of the team. This can come in a variety of solutions, whether it’s build-in messaging or live in-vehicle verbal driver feedback like in the GOTALK – it can’t be overlooked.

Along with strong communication, having an automatic dispatching system like ZenduWork can increase efficiency.  ZenduWork allows for easy dispatching and organization of routes, tasks, drivers and more. For example, in the case of a fire alarm being triggered, self-driving EMS vehicles and fire trucks can be dispatched. Upon arrival, the public can use the equipment in the vehicles to resolve the issue on their own.

With growing telematic solutions, first responders must take full advantage of these resources to improve public and fleet safety, as well their efficiency. Not only can it ensure their safety and proper use of resources, but it will help the public who are affected by the emergency. To learn more about how GoFleet can help implement the right solutions your fleet, depending on your current and future needs, contact us today.

keyless entry, geotab, car sharing, telematics, fleet, key

Everything You Need to Know About Keyless Entry and Car Sharing in Fleets

When productivity and efficiency is addressed in fleets, typically attention is never brought to key management. However, with keys being easy to misplace and hard to manage, there is a lack of efficiency that often goes unnoticed. 

With the introduction of keyless entry with Geotab Keyless, the management process will be simplified as fleets will embrace more freedom with keys going digital. Geotab’s IOX add-on for keyless functionality with integrated key fobs will convert a smartphone into the key giving drivers access to the vehicle when in close proximity.


How to Know Whether Car Sharing and Keyless Entry Will Work for Your Fleet

If your fleet falls under one of the following categories, car sharing would be a great choice:

  • If you’re a corporate or government fleet that only needs vehicles on an occasional basis or a fleet manager who needs to pool vehicles together for multiple drivers to share
  • If you’re planning to have a car sharing business
  • If you’re a dealership, test driving can become much easier with keyless entry giving you, the manager, full access over the vehicle going out for a test drive
  • If multiple drivers are able to or need to access the same car
  • If you’re a small fleet wanting to make the most use out of your fleet without expanding
  • If you’re a large fleet who often deals with vehicle confusion, mismanagement and theft
  • If your fleet isn’t always returning to one area but is situated in different locations
  • If drivers aren’t using their own vehicles and are being provided with vehicles for part time use


How Geotab Keyless Can Be Leveraged 

Taking a look at the manager’s perspective, micromanaging vehicle utilization can become efficient and straightforward. When keyless entry strategies are implemented within MyGeotab, fleet management can expect to notice the following: 

  • Visibility of all vehicles in a fleet and where the vehicle is located on one map
  • The ability to find a driver and assign them to a vehicle within minutes
  • The ability to unlock, lock and even completely shut down a car (when the car isn’t in motion)
  • Access to various other features offered by Geotab in MyGeotab

From a driver’s perspective, an app on their smartphone will inform them about the vehicle’s location and allow them to access the vehicle in close proximity. 

It should be noted that being out of cellular coverage will not be an issue. When you are out of range, the vehicle will be accessible via Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology. As BLE is a simple highly automated wireless local data network that enables informational communications between assets requiring no barcode, no paperwork nor wire to operate the network, it is part of the success of keyless entry. 


What are the Benefits of Keyless Entry?

After the implementation of keyless entry, fleets can typically begin to notice 4 main benefits:

  1. The process of switching between vehicles being as simple as leaving one vehicle and getting in close proximity to the other one you are assigned to, hence, the process of returning/receiving keys will come to an end.
  2. Vehicle ownership won’t be required as the concept of car sharing will be applied.  Drivers won’t own the car since the manager is in full control of the vehicle and can restrict access immediately for any reason.
  3. Since car sharing is now simplified, managers can make more use of every vehicle in their fleet resulting in more productive routing and planning to increase profits.
  4. If vehicles are only accessible by smartphones, it will be more difficult to steal a vehicle. Moreover, with the additional addon of a vehicle immobilizer, the vehicle can shut down completely and even if someone breaks into the vehicle, it can’t be operated.


Interested in Keyless Entry and Car Sharing? Additional Points You Need to Know 

To install the Keyless entry IOX, it’s important to know that one of the key fobs must be soldered within the hardware as a permanent fit.

If a vehicle operates with a key rather than through push-to-start, one of the vehicle’s keys must remain inside the vehicle for the driver to use. However, since the key will be inside the car and not with the manager, the issue with using and exchanging keys will no longer be an issue. 

As well, since cell phones will become the new key for the vehicle, drivers must be made well aware that the mobile device requires enough battery life at all times to ensure the digital key functions properly.

With Geotab Keyless entering the market and car sharing dominating various vehicle-based industries, it is predicted that fleets will increasingly begin to leverage keyless strategies. Since the simplicity of a keyless entry process requires minimal hassle with getting into the right vehicle and even changing between vehicles, it’s something many fleets won’t be able to overlook.

As we’re dedicated to always help to improve operations and efficiencies in fleets of any size, keyless entry is something that many businesses should look into. To learn more about Geotab Keyless and how it can help increase productivity and efficiency, contact us to speak with our Car Sharing Experts!

mandate, eld, transport, trucking, fleet

The Mandate Is Coming: The Additional Details You Need To Know About ELDs

As many fleets in the long-haul transportation sector know, Transport Canada’s ELD Mandate is quickly approaching and will require countless vehicle-based businesses to transition to electronic logging devices (ELDs). As there will be penalties for fleets who do not use these devices, fleets are forced to update their paper logbooks. While there is basic training related to how to properly use ELDs, fleet managers must also become familiar with additional ELD information to properly abide to hours-of-service (HOS) regulations. 

Widely Known Benefits Of ELDs 

When electronic logging devices are purchased and implemented, many fleets are made aware of basic benefits. Before the mandate, it is important to review the benefits and ensure you are aware of how to see the results. Typically, fleets can see: 

  • Accurate logging for HOS as ELDs read the odometer and monitor the engine to collect various data to make sure drivers and managers abide by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) regulations 
  • Prevention of driver fatigue since drivers won’t be overworking – accurate logs will ensure  drivers are not over-driving
  • Increased public safety as a result of decreased driver fatigue and overworking 
  • Improved data collection when investigating driving incidents as officials can use information gathered from the ELDs to rule out theories to why a driving event occurred
  • Reduced tampering of company tools or devices as the ELDs approved by the FMCSA are tamper proof and automatically display HOS


Additional Information About ELDs That Fleets Can’t Go Without 

While the above information is great, the Transportation Compliance Specialists at GoFleet have concluded that there is more to know. Without knowing such information, fleets may run into issues or continue to miss out on fully leveraging their devices. As a result, we believe the following is critical to know: 

  • Fraudulent changes to logs are actively stopped as FMCSA regulations limit what edits can be done (even with fleet manager access) – in addition, logs cannot be switched between drivers.
  • Crossing the border will require drivers to adjust their device to display the country they are in. This will allow the ELD to automatically update to follow the regulatory frameworks of the country that they are in. Drivers are still recommended to review the regulations of the country they are about to enter, before crossing the border, so that they are not caught off guard.
  • Even though the chances that the ELD will fail are low, drivers are allowed to revert back to paper logging if the ELD malfunctions. In case the ELD does fail, they can easily prove to officers that the tablet malfunctioned and the data was unable to transfer. 
  • Tampering with the device is easily detectible as ELDs do not only record HOS but whether the vehicle is in movement or not. 
  • Electronic logging devices must be accredited by a 3rd party certification body who is certified under the FMCSA – self certification is not allowed.


Properly Educating Drivers About The Mandate 

It is not enough to only have fleet managers knowledgably about the incoming ELD mandates. Fleet drivers must be properly trained in everything that we have discussed.  

From the standard operating procedures of using the electronic logging device to being aware of how devices are pre-designed to reduce improper utilization, drivers must undergo proper training. It is therefore mission-critical for training courses to be created and assigned in a timely manner for drivers, so that they can be acquainted with the mandates that are being enforced. 

To assist with this, ZenduLearn is the perfect application that can help create, deploy, and track personalized learning and training. 

With the ELD Mandate approaching in a matter of months, Canadian fleets must prepare and train their drivers. To learn more about how your vehicle-based business can further prepare for the incoming mandate, contact us today to speak with one of our Transportation Compliance Specialists.