Benefits of Fleet Maintenance Tracking

Fleet Maintenance Tracking Will Save You Money

Fleet Maintenance Tracking has helped many companies keep track of fuel usage, improve driver efficiency and track maintenance. When it comes to running a business, it doesn’t matter how small or large it may be, reducing costs whenever possible is the only way to ensure an increasingly profitable bottom line. Every business has its own methods and measures in place to help them to save money and one very effective method is with the use of Fleet Maintenance Tracking system. Most businesses that install such measures quickly realize the benefits, many of which are financial.

Driver Efficiency

Fleet maintenance tracking gives you real time data relating to the location of the vehicle, which means you can ensure that they have stayed on route and are taking the most direct route possible. In the short-term this means that more destinations can be reached and in the long-term more productivity means more profit.

Fuel Usage


Recorded data also relates to the use of fuel and whether or not it is being used efficiently. Drivers are told when they are driving at the most fuel-efficient speeds and also track the length of time that the engine is left idle.

Vehicle Maintenance with Fleet Maintenance Tracking

Engine diagnostics means that drivers know quickly whenever there is an issue arising and therefore vehicle maintenance is made easier and the risk of hazards and problems is reduced.

For more information on the benefits on Fleet Maintenance Tracking and the many benefits of GPS Fleet Tracking Contact Us Today!

Benefits of Mobile Fleet Management

Mobile Fleet Management Makes Managing Your Fleet Easier

Mobile Fleet Management is the future of managing your fleet. Since the 1990s, the internet has touched and changed almost every aspect of our lives by enabling quick and simple communication, from anywhere on the globe. This interconnectivity has allowed businesses to learn about changing conditions and react to them faster than ever before. With the rise of smart mobile technology, this phenomenon has been accelerated even further. What this means for telematics is that businesses can keep up-to-date with their fleet in real-time through phones, tablets, and computers.

Mechanical Information

A telematics solution that is mobile ready allows for up-to-date information on the state of your fleet at any time, virtually anywhere. Businesses can be notified instantly with our mobile fleet management solution when there is an issue with any of their vehicles. They can also take quick, decisive action to keep their fleet running optimally.

Accident Response

No business wants their drivers and vehicles getting into accidents. With our mobile fleet management solution, business owners, supervisors and managers can be notified immediately when a vehicle gets into an accident. Armed with this information, businesses can act quickly to determine what occurred and why.

Paperless Driver Input

Hours of Service (HOS) regulations require drivers to write down when they started driving, how long they were driving for, along with numerous other details. An app developed by a telematics provider, for example the Geotab Drive App, allows drivers to perform the tasks they need to perform more easily while also reducing the overhead for the business. At the push of a button, a driver can signal that he/she is now driving, with the app automatically recording the time and location. This information would stored in the cloud, allowing businesses to instantly get the current driving status of their drivers while eliminating the cost associated with organizing and storing paper logs.

The cost of mobile devices has been decreasing steadily while their computing power has been increasing. This creates a unique opportunity for business owners to leverage their power to stay in-tune with business activities at all times. A telematics solution that embraces mobile technology will allow businesses to make informed, smart decisions about their fleet instantaneously, from any device, anywhere.

Learn more about how telematics helps make fleet management easy or about our Yukon mobile fleet management or Geotab Drive mobile fleet management solutions.

And don’t forget to Contact Us with any of your mobile fleet management questions!

Original Article From Geotab:

Tips on How to Reduce Fleet Emissions

Reduce Fleet Emissions With These Helpful Tips

Want to reduce your fleet emissions? The concept is quite simple: the greater your fuel consumption, the greater your emissions will be. Reducing your fuel consumption will in turn reduce your fleets emissions.


Green Fleet Management


The way employees drive their vehicles directly relates to either increasing or decreasing fuel economy and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Fleets that are serious about becoming more sustainable must strive to modify their driver’s on-road behaviour as an ongoing, interactive process. The items below list the top ways you can reduce your fleets emissions and in turn run a more greener fleet:

  • Avoid aggressive driving – accelerate gently and maintain a steady speed
  • Avoid idling – reduce fleet emissions/gas consumption easily, do not leave your vehicle running
  • Reduce additional mileage – optimize your routes and minimize your number of stops
  • Keep tires inflated to the correct pressure
  • Eliminate unnecessary extra weight inside the vehicle
  • Do not purchase premium fuel (unless it is necessary and specified in your owner’s manual)
  • Avoid using the A/C when possible
  • Ensure your vehicle maintenance schedule is top of mind year-round
  • Carpool whenever it is possible and appropriate
  • Drive according to the speed limit – no speeding = reduce fleet emissions
  • Keep your windows rolled up – this makes your vehicle more aerodynamic
  • Anticipate traffic – keep in mind that extensive brake use increases gasoline consumption

Through effective implementation, you will be more likely to not only improve your fuel economy, but also decrease CO2 emissions and boost on-road safety. Reducing your fleets emissions will not only benefit you (and save you money) but it will also benefit the environment. According to the Union of Concerned Scientists transportation is the largest single source of air pollution in the United States.

Contact GoFleet to find out how telematics can help you achieve your sustainability goals today.

Measure Productivity with GPS Tracking

Asset Control With Employee GPS Tracking Solutions!

GoFleet offers employee GPS tracking solutions!

As the owner of a fleet oriented business, you know that you need to maintain control over your biggest asset- your vehicle fleet. With GoFleet’s employee GPS tracking intelligence, you no longer need to worry about keeping tabs on refueling costs, you’ll be able to lower labor billing and free up time for customer service to prioritize what is important to your business- the customer or client. In order to make an employee GPS tracking system effective, an awareness of the key needs of your business is necessary.


Are you increasing vehicular awareness in your fleet?


Knowing that your drivers remain on course, while viewing data that distinguishes fuel used vs. fuel efficiency is highly necessary in commercial trucking industries. Employee GPS tracking can make a real difference to your business. Constantly controlling costs allows any savings to be passed down to your customers, therefore widening your customer base.  You should really be asking your managerial team if your current employee GPS tracking methods are up to par with what’s required to track vehicles as wholly as possible.


Does your current fleet technology use the highest standards of driver safety tracking?


Driver safety is perhaps number one on the priorities and concerns of the fleet owner/manager. Especially if numerous fleets are operating for your large commercial trucking service. American transportation departments now mandate that drivers perform safety checks, yet nobody can predict where—or when, for that matter, tragedy will strike. The right employee GPS tracker technology used with your fleet, designed with both driver safety and company loss prevention in mind, can assure everyone remains safely atop their intended course while pro-actively monitoring vehicular location.


How can you better monitor expenditures?


For the commercial driving industry, great fleet employee GPS trackers can track the behaviors of the drivers effortlessly. If the driver is idling, it can measure that so you can correct the problem. Also, higher levels of employee GPS tracking can see the routes the trucks are taking for any out of route mileage. Finally, you could also break down mileage by state that will get your IFTA reports done seamlessly. It will reduce brake pads, and unnecessary switching of tires when you reduce excess stoppage.

Without monitoring expenditures, drivers and fuel, you’ll probably go nowhere. No matter what your business is, you want to expand your profit margin as much as possible, of course, while offering safety, customer service, and an exceptional workplace ethic. Business owners attempt to increase their bottom lines in all sorts of ways—some work, some do not.

The only thing that fleet owners can count on is choosing the right fleet employee GPS tracking technology to contain fueling costs, increase overall productivity, and hold those problem drivers accountable. To take your fleet employee GPS tracker system to the next level, identify areas which lack and contact GoFleet to talk about their employee GPS tracker solutions by calling 1.888.998.1122 or messaging our sales staff here.

How Fleet GPS Vehicle Tracking Can Increase Savings

If you run a fleet business, it is in your best interest to do everything you can in order to maximize efficiency and optimize performance on all fronts. We provide a cutting-edge fleet GPS vehicle tracking technology that will help you accomplish this. GoFleet’s GPS vehicle tracking technology will help you keep track of all your vehicles at all times, empower you to monitor driving behaviors of your employees and ensure that risky behaviour that can jeopardize your company’s reputation is rectified.

How vehicle tracking can increase your savings

There are many different ways in which fleet GPS vehicle tracking can increase your savings and cut costs. One of these ways is by limiting insurance payouts. Obviously, all of your vehicles need to be insured and you will have to file claims from time to time. However, the premiums that you pay on a monthly basis can go down with the help of fleet GPS vehicle tracking. It has been shown over and over again that having such a system installed will increase the safety rating of your business. For starters, your drivers will drive more carefully now that they know that everything they do is monitored and uploaded to a database.

This alone is enough to decrease the number of accidents and traffic violations that you end up paying for. In time, having a better safety record will result in lower premiums on your insurance policies. However, just the addition of the fleet GPS Vehicle Tracking System is enough to decrease the costs on insurance since it can be considered to be a safety feature. If you let your insurer know that you installed such a system, you might be able to negotiate a better rate for you right there on the spot.

Another major boost for savings obtained from fleet GPS vehicle tracking comes in the form of fuel efficiency. Each minute your employees are driving around needlessly, they are wasting fuel and, therefore, costing you money. Again, the simple fact that they know that their routes are being monitored will prevent them from taking that little detour to take care of non-business matters on the company’s watch. GoFleet GPS vehicle tracking will give you the confidence that you will need as a decision maker in your organization. You will see both short-term and long-term benefits when you integrate us into your platform.

Then there are also instances where drivers are being inefficient through no fault of their own. Let’s say that a job gets cancelled while a truck is already on its way or maybe a storm hits and a tree blocks access to a road. With the help of fleet GPS vehicle tracking, you will be able to monitor the situation closely and make adjustments accordingly. The GPS vehicle tracking system will find the best alternative route for the vehicles so that they reach their new destinations as quickly as possible.

Fleet GPS Tracking Benefits

Inherited Benefits Fleet GPS Tracking Technology Bring Us

Technology-savvy people who believe that cellular technology is a major asset to have and may even save their lives during pivotal junctures are somewhat right in their assumptions. Or they’re not truly thinking outside the box. While conventional cell phone ownership means having access to Google, E911 and other major location specifics, owning personal GPS tracking devices will provide more security than mobile devices, and for obvious reasons. Straight out the box, fleet GPS tracking technology indemnifies the driver, equips the fleet owner with powerful resources and improves overall safety.

Protects Fleet Drivers

Wearing fleet GPS tracking technology in obtrusive places will not only deter vehicular thievery, it will provide some measure of traceability when you’ve been badly beaten or your truck has been compromised. Since newer models could react to distress signals simply by pushing a button, sticking your GPS tracking device somewhere clandestine will ensure that the vehicle’s movement is being tracked in real-time.

Provides Quicker Communication

Nobody can get to payphones when stuck 50 miles outside of town. When your cellphone is dead and grandparents had some epileptic seizure or myocardial infarction, getting immediate attention can prove difficult if your whereabouts are unknown. Global position systems can provide you with instant rescue as it utilizes satellite-technology that can pinpoint your area for ambulatory care. There are many technological and security loopholes in cellular technology and our systems fills these gaps and rectifies the security deficiencies of yesterday’s technology. We pride ourselves on the fact that we are ahead of the technology curve.

In Closing

Remember, fleet GPS tracking technology doesn’t cost any more or less than long-term communication issues may. Instead of risking your equipment, your peace of mind and having your equipment stolen, it’s pretty smart for trucking companies to invest wisely in fleet global positioning. The time spent investigating, installing and protecting your present and future workforce is well worth it.