ELD Mandate

The ELD Mandate: Unveiling Accurate Data for Fleet Management and Addressing Challenges

The ELD Mandate has revolutionized fleet management by providing accurate and accessible data through electronic logging devices (ELDs). This article explores the significance of accurate data for fleet management and delves into the challenges and considerations associated with implementing the ELD Mandate. Specifically, it examines the costs associated with ELD implementation, the need for training and adaptation among drivers and fleet managers, and potential technical issues and system reliability.

I. Accurate and Accessible Data for Fleet Management:

The ELD Mandate ensures the availability of precise and easily accessible data that has numerous benefits for fleet management. This section highlights the importance of accurate data and its impact on improving operational efficiency and decision-making processes.

A. Enhanced Tracking and Monitoring:

ELDs provide real-time data on vehicle locations, hours of service, and driving behaviors. This subsection discusses how accurate data enables fleet managers to track and monitor their assets effectively, leading to optimized route planning, improved asset utilization, and enhanced overall fleet performance.

B. Data-Driven Decision Making:

Accurate data from ELDs empowers fleet managers to make informed decisions based on comprehensive insights. This subsection explores how data analysis and reporting tools derived from ELD data facilitate strategic decision-making processes related to driver performance, compliance management, maintenance scheduling, and operational optimization.

C. Improved Compliance and Safety:

With ELDs, fleet managers can ensure compliance with hours of service regulations, reducing the risk of violations and penalties. Additionally, accurate data helps identify patterns of driver fatigue, enabling proactive measures to enhance safety on the roads.

II. Challenges and Considerations of the ELD Mandate:

While the implementation of the ELD Mandate brings significant benefits, it also presents challenges and considerations for trucking companies. This section addresses key factors that require attention during the ELD implementation process.

A. Costs Associated with ELD Implementation:

ELD implementation involves upfront costs, such as purchasing and installing ELD devices, as well as ongoing expenses related to data plans, software updates, and maintenance. This subsection discusses the cost considerations and strategies for managing the financial impact of ELD implementation.

B. Training and Adaptation of the ELD Mandate for Drivers and Fleet Managers:

Transitioning to ELDs requires training and adaptation for both drivers and fleet managers. This subsection explores the importance of comprehensive training programs to ensure a smooth adoption process, address potential resistance, and maximize the benefits of ELD technology.

C. Potential Technical Issues and System Reliability:

As with any technology, there may be technical issues or concerns regarding the reliability of ELD systems. This subsection discusses potential challenges, such as connectivity issues, device malfunctions, and data accuracy, and explores strategies for mitigating risks and maintaining system reliability.

D. Privacy Concerns and Data Security:

The implementation of ELDs raises privacy concerns and highlights the importance of data security. This subsection explores the potential privacy implications of collecting and storing driver data, as well as the measures that should be taken to ensure data protection, compliance with regulations, and safeguarding sensitive information.

The ELD Mandate brings accurate and accessible data to the forefront of fleet management, enabling informed decision making and enhancing operational efficiency. However, it is essential to address the challenges and considerations associated with ELD implementation, including costs, training, technical issues, and privacy concerns. By carefully managing these aspects, trucking companies can successfully navigate the ELD Mandate and leverage its benefits to optimize fleet management and drive overall industry performance while ensuring data security and privacy compliance.

Mastering ELD Compliance and Implementation: Tips for Success

Successfully implementing the Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Mandate requires careful consideration and planning. This article provides essential tips and strategies to ensure ELD compliance and effective implementation. It covers key areas such as selecting the right ELD provider, driver and staff training, establishing robust data management processes, and maintaining ELD systems through regular maintenance and updates.

I. Selecting the Right ELD Provider:

Choosing the appropriate ELD provider is crucial for seamless compliance and optimal functionality. This section outlines considerations for selecting the right ELD provider, including evaluating their reputation, compliance certifications, features and functionalities, integration capabilities, customer support, and cost-effectiveness. It emphasizes the importance of partnering with a reliable and reputable provider to ensure a smooth and successful ELD implementation.

II. Ensuring Driver and Staff Training on ELD Usage:

Proper training is essential for drivers and staff to effectively use ELDs and understand their functionalities. This section discusses the significance of comprehensive training programs and offers tips for conducting training sessions. It covers aspects such as explaining ELD regulations and compliance requirements, demonstrating device usage, addressing common challenges, and emphasizing the importance of accurate data entry and record-keeping.

III. Establishing Effective Data Management and Record-Keeping Processes:

Efficient data management and record-keeping processes are vital for ELD compliance and effective fleet management. This section provides tips for establishing robust data management and record-keeping processes, including the importance of accurate data entry, regular data reviews, and proper storage and retention of electronic logs. It also emphasizes the need for backup and contingency plans to ensure data integrity and accessibility.

IV. Regular Maintenance and Updates for ELD Systems:

To ensure optimal performance and compliance, ELD systems require regular maintenance and updates. This section highlights the significance of maintaining ELD systems, including conducting routine checks, addressing hardware and software issues promptly, and staying up-to-date with firmware and software updates. It emphasizes the need for regular communication with the ELD provider for technical support and guidance.

Successfully navigating the ELD Mandate and achieving compliance requires careful attention to various aspects of implementation. By following these tips for ELD compliance and implementation, such as selecting the right ELD provider, providing comprehensive training, establishing effective data management processes, and ensuring regular maintenance and updates, trucking companies can streamline operations, enhance compliance, and maximize the benefits of ELD technology. With a well-executed implementation strategy, companies can adapt to the digital era of fleet management and unlock the potential for improved efficiency, accurate record-keeping, and enhanced regulatory compliance.


The ELD Mandate has brought about significant changes to the trucking industry in both Canada and the United States. Compliance with the mandate is crucial for reaping the benefits it offers, including improved safety, efficiency, and regulatory compliance. By embracing ELD technology and staying informed about evolving regulations and advancements in the field, trucking companies can position themselves for success in a digitalized and data-driven industry landscape.

ELD Mandate

Navigating the Impacts of the ELD Mandate on the Trucking Industry

The implementation of the Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Mandate has brought significant changes to the trucking industry. This article explores the impacts of the ELD Mandate, focusing on its implementation in the United States. Additionally, it compares the ELD regulations between the United States and Canada, highlighting differences in hours of service (HOS) regulations, technical specifications, device certification, and data transfer requirements. 

Furthermore, it delves into the compliance and enforcement procedures established by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) in the United States, along with the penalties for non-compliance.

Overview of the ELD Mandate Rollout in the United States:

The ELD Mandate, introduced by the FMCSA, requires commercial motor vehicle operators to use electronic logging devices to track and record their hours of service. This section provides an overview of the ELD Mandate’s implementation process, including key milestones and the timeline for compliance.

Comparison of Canadian and American ELD Mandate Regulations:

While the United States and Canada share similarities in their trucking industries, there are notable differences in their ELD regulations. This section explores the variations between the two countries, focusing on HOS regulations, technical specifications, device certification, and data transfer and storage requirements. By understanding these distinctions, trucking companies can navigate cross-border operations more effectively.

Differences in Hours of Service (HOS) Regulations:

The ELD Mandate has specific rules regarding drivers’ working hours and rest periods. This subsection highlights the differences in HOS regulations between the United States and Canada, such as maximum driving hours, mandatory break periods, and off-duty requirements.

Variations in Technical Specifications and Device Certification:

ELDs need to meet certain technical specifications and be certified for compliance. This subsection examines the divergences in technical requirements and certification processes for ELDs in the United States and Canada, considering factors like data accuracy, synchronization, and device compatibility.

Distinct Data Transfer and Storage Requirements:

The transfer and storage of electronic logs are crucial aspects of the ELD Mandate. This subsection explores the contrasting data transfer methods and storage requirements in the United States and Canada. It discusses the accepted formats for data transfer, retention periods, and accessibility for authorized personnel.

ELD Mandate Compliance and Enforcement Procedures in the United States:

Ensuring compliance with the ELD Mandate is essential for trucking companies operating in the United States. This section outlines the guidelines established by the FMCSA to ensure adherence to ELD regulations and mitigate non-compliance risks.

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) Guidelines:

The FMCSA has provided guidelines and resources to assist motor carriers and drivers in complying with the ELD Mandate. This subsection highlights the key guidelines and recommendations, including the proper use of ELDs, training requirements, and recordkeeping obligations.

ELD Mandate Penalties for Non-compliance:

Non-compliance with the ELD Mandate can result in penalties and sanctions. This subsection explores the potential consequences of non-compliance, such as fines, out-of-service orders, and negative safety ratings. It also discusses strategies to avoid penalties and maintain compliance.

The ELD Mandate has significantly impacted the trucking industry, particularly in the United States. By understanding the ELD regulations, differences between the United States and Canada, and compliance and enforcement procedures, trucking companies can adapt to the changes effectively, ensure regulatory compliance, and optimize their operations in an increasingly digitized environment.

Exemptions, Benefits, and Impacts on the Trucking Industry

The ELD Mandate has reshaped the trucking industry by introducing electronic logging devices (ELDs) to track and record hours of service (HOS). This article explores two key aspects of the ELD Mandate: exemptions and exceptions to the mandate, and the benefits it brings to the industry. Additionally, it examines the profound impacts of the ELD Mandate, ranging from improved road safety and enhanced driver health to streamlined operations and increased productivity.

I. Exemptions and Exceptions to the Mandate:

While the ELD Mandate applies to most commercial motor vehicle operators, there are specific exemptions and exceptions that warrant consideration. This section delves into the various categories of exemptions and exceptions, providing insights into situations where certain vehicles or drivers may be exempt from using ELDs.

A. Exemptions:

  1. Short-haul Exemption: This subsection explores the exemption for drivers operating within a 150 air-mile radius and who meet specific criteria regarding duration and frequency of their operations.
  2. Driveaway-Towaway Exemption: This subsection explains the exemption for drivers involved in the transport of vehicles where the truck being driven is the commodity being delivered.
  3. Pre-2000 Model Year Exemption: This subsection discusses the exemption for commercial motor vehicles with engine model years predating 2000.

B. Exceptions:

  1. Personal Conveyance Exception: This subsection delves into the personal conveyance exception, which allows drivers to operate their commercial vehicles for personal purposes without it counting against their HOS limits.
  2. Yard Move Exception: This subsection explores the yard move exception, which permits drivers to move their vehicles on private property for short distances without switching to on-duty status.

II. Benefits of the ELD Mandate:

The ELD Mandate brings forth a range of benefits for the trucking industry, positively impacting various aspects. This section highlights the advantages that arise from the implementation of ELDs.

A. Improved Road Safety and Reduced Accidents:

By accurately tracking and monitoring HOS, ELDs contribute to enhanced road safety. This subsection explores how ELDs help prevent driver fatigue, reduce instances of HOS violations, and improve compliance with road safety regulations.

B. Enhanced Driver Health and Well-being:

ELDs play a crucial role in promoting the health and well-being of drivers. This subsection discusses how ELDs contribute to better work-life balance, more predictable schedules, reduced stress, and improved overall driver health.

C. Streamlined Operations and Increased Productivity:

The implementation of ELDs leads to streamlined operations and increased productivity for trucking companies. This subsection explores how ELDs facilitate efficient dispatching, accurate tracking of vehicle locations, automated recordkeeping, and improved communication between drivers and fleet managers.

The ELD Mandate has transformed the trucking industry, bringing exemptions and exceptions to accommodate specific scenarios. Additionally, it offers numerous benefits, including improved road safety, enhanced driver health and well-being, and streamlined operations leading to increased productivity. By understanding these exemptions, exceptions, and benefits, trucking companies can navigate the ELD Mandate effectively, capitalize on its advantages, and foster a safer and more efficient industry landscape.

The ELD Mandate

The ELD Mandate: What It Is and Why It’s Important

The ELD Mandate is a game-changing regulation transforming the trucking industry and establishing new standards for compliance. The Electronic Logging Device (ELD) is a technological solution designed to accurately record and manage a commercial motor vehicle (CMV) driver’s Hours of Service (HOS). An ELD connects to a vehicle’s engine to automatically collect data on driving time, engine hours, vehicle movement, and miles driven. The primary purpose of implementing ELDs is to enhance safety on the roads by preventing fatigue-related accidents caused by drivers exceeding their allowable hours of service.

Both Canada and the United States have implemented regulations related to ELDs to ensure compliance and uniformity in the trucking industry. In the United States, the ELD mandate was established by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) and went into effect on December 18, 2017. The mandate requires CMV drivers to use approved ELDs to track and record their hours of service. Similarly, in Canada, the Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Mandate was introduced by Transport Canada and became effective on June 12, 2021. This mandate also requires CMV drivers to utilize compliant ELDs for recording their hours of service.

Compliance with the ELD mandate is of utmost importance for both drivers and carriers in the trucking industry. By adhering to the regulations, drivers can ensure they are not exceeding their allowable hours of service, which helps prevent fatigue-related accidents and promotes road safety. Additionally, complying with the ELD mandate allows carriers to enhance operational efficiency, streamline data collection, and reduce paperwork. Non-compliance with the mandate can result in penalties, fines, and even suspension of operations, underscoring the significance of embracing this technology and adhering to the regulatory requirements.

In this post, we will explore the key differences between the Canadian and American ELD mandates, delve into the technical requirements and certification processes, discuss the benefits of implementing ELDs in the trucking industry, and provide insights on how to choose the right ELD solution for your fleet. By understanding the ELD mandates in both countries and the importance of compliance, stakeholders in the trucking industry can navigate this regulatory landscape effectively while prioritizing safety, efficiency, and compliance.

Overview of the ELD mandate in Canada and the United States

The implementation of the Electronic Logging Device (ELD) mandate in both Canada and the United States represents a significant regulatory shift in the transportation industry. The mandates aim to improve road safety, enhance compliance with Hours of Service (HOS) regulations, and streamline the monitoring and recording of driver activity.

In the United States, the ELD mandate went into effect on December 18, 2017, as part of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCSA) efforts to modernize the tracking of driver hours and increase safety on the roads. The mandate requires most commercial motor vehicle (CMV) drivers to use certified ELDs that meet specific technical standards. It applies to drivers who are currently required to maintain records of duty status (RODS) under HOS regulations.

The ELD mandate in the United States mandates that ELDs record and retain data regarding driving time, engine hours, vehicle movement, and other relevant information automatically. It ensures accurate tracking of a driver’s hours, duty status changes, and adherence to rest and break requirements. The ELDs must be registered and certified with the FMCSA to ensure they meet the required standards.

Similarly, in Canada, the ELD mandate came into effect on June 12, 2021, introduced by the Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators (CCMTA). The mandate applies to federally regulated motor carriers and requires them to use certified ELDs to capture and report driver HOS information. It aims to harmonize the ELD regulations across the country and improve compliance with HOS regulations.

Under the Canadian ELD mandate, ELDs must meet technical standards approved by the CCMTA. They must record driving time, on-duty time, off-duty time, and other required information accurately and reliably. The mandate sets guidelines for data transfer methods, device tampering prevention, and driver training on ELD usage.

Both the United States and Canada’s ELD mandates have specific timelines for compliance, exemptions, and provisions for enforcement. Fleet operators and drivers are required to understand the regulations, select certified ELDs, and ensure compliance with the respective mandates to avoid penalties and maintain operational efficiency.

Importance of compliance with the ELD mandate

Compliance with the Electronic Logging Device (ELD) mandate holds significant importance in the transportation industry, as it ensures adherence to Hours of Service (HOS) regulations, promotes road safety, enhances operational efficiency, and streamlines record-keeping processes. By mandating the use of ELDs, regulatory authorities in Canada and the United States aim to modernize and standardize the tracking and reporting of driver activities. Let’s delve into the specific importance of compliance with the ELD mandate and the benefits it brings to fleet operators and drivers.

Accurate HOS Compliance:

One of the primary objectives of the ELD mandate is to enforce accurate compliance with HOS regulations. By requiring the use of certified ELDs, regulatory authorities aim to eliminate the manual recording of driver activities and minimize the potential for errors or falsification of logbooks. ELDs automatically capture and store data related to driving time, rest periods, and breaks, ensuring accurate and reliable records. This promotes compliance with HOS limits, preventing excessive driving hours and reducing the risk of driver fatigue-related accidents.

Enhanced Road Safety:

Compliance with the ELD mandate significantly contributes to improving road safety. ELDs play a crucial role in preventing driver fatigue, a leading cause of accidents in the transportation industry. By accurately tracking and limiting the driving hours, ELDs help ensure that drivers take adequate rest breaks and comply with rest period regulations. This promotes driver alertness, reduces the likelihood of fatigue-related incidents, and enhances overall road safety for both drivers and other road users.

Streamlined Record-Keeping:

Manual record-keeping using traditional paper-based logbooks can be time-consuming, error-prone, and susceptible to tampering or falsification. Compliance with the ELD mandate streamlines record-keeping processes by automating data collection and storage. ELDs generate electronic logs that offer greater accuracy, transparency, and reliability compared to paper logs. This simplifies record-keeping for fleet operators, eliminates the need for manual calculations, and reduces the administrative burden associated with maintaining and reviewing paper logbooks.

Operational Efficiency:

ELDs bring significant benefits in terms of operational efficiency for fleet operators. By automating the recording and tracking of driver activities, ELDs provide real-time data on vehicle usage, driver availability, and HOS compliance. This enables fleet managers to make informed decisions regarding load assignments, route planning, and scheduling, optimizing resource allocation and reducing downtime. The accurate data provided by ELDs also facilitates better fleet management practices, allowing operators to identify inefficiencies, monitor driver performance, and implement strategies for improvement.

Compliance with Regulatory Requirements:

Complying with the ELD mandate is crucial for fleet operators to meet regulatory requirements and avoid penalties. Non-compliance with the mandate can result in fines, citations, or even the suspension of operations. By implementing certified ELDs and ensuring adherence to the regulations, fleet operators can demonstrate their commitment to safety, compliance, and accountability. It also provides a competitive advantage when bidding for contracts or working with clients who prioritize compliance standards.

Challenges and Considerations:

Implementing ELDs in Canada may present certain challenges that fleet operators should be aware of. Firstly, there may be an initial adjustment period for drivers and dispatchers as they adapt to the new technology and workflows. Proper training and education on ELD usage and functionalities can help alleviate these challenges. Additionally, there may be concerns regarding the cost of acquiring and installing ELD devices, as well as ongoing subscription fees for ELD services. However, it is essential to view these costs as investments in safety, compliance, and long-term operational efficiency.

Compliance with the ELD mandate also facilitates better data management and analysis. ELDs generate electronic logs that capture and store data in a standardized format. This data can be easily accessed and analyzed to gain valuable insights into driver behavior, performance, and operational patterns. Fleet operators can use this information to identify areas for improvement, optimize routes, and make data-driven decisions to enhance overall efficiency and productivity.

Furthermore, compliance with the ELD mandate can improve communication and collaboration within the industry. Since ELDs provide real-time data on driver availability and HOS compliance, it becomes easier for fleet managers and dispatchers to plan and allocate resources effectively. They can make informed decisions on load assignments, dispatching routes, and scheduling, ensuring efficient utilization of assets and reducing idle time.

Compliance with the ELD mandate also enhances accountability and transparency in the industry. Electronic logs generated by ELDs serve as reliable records that can be easily audited and reviewed. Authorities can quickly access and verify driver logs during inspections or investigations, ensuring compliance with regulations and deterring any attempts of logbook manipulation or falsification.

Moreover, compliance with the ELD mandate fosters a culture of safety within the organization. When fleet operators prioritize and invest in compliance, it sends a clear message to drivers that their safety and well-being are paramount. This can lead to a positive shift in driver behavior, increased awareness of HOS limits, and a collective commitment to upholding safety standards.

ELD Mandate Exemptions: What You Need to Know

Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs) are required for most commercial motor vehicles in North America. But what about those who don’t need an ELD? Are there any ELD Mandate exemptions? Who is exempt from the ELD rule and why? 

In this article, we delve into these questions and more, providing a comprehensive overview of ELD regulations and exemptions.

What is an Electronic Logging Device (ELD)? 

An ELD is a device that electronically records a truck driver’s hours of service (HOS). This helps fleet managers and drivers stay compliant with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) regulations that limit how long a driver can operate without taking a break. 

The FMCSA requires all commercial motor vehicles to be equipped with an ELD, unless they meet certain exemptions. 

Who does the ELD Rule impact? 

The rule applies to most interstate truck drivers operating in the U.S., as well as their employers. This includes commercial trucks over 10,000 lbs, vehicles designed or used to transport 16 or more passengers (including the driver), and vehicles transporting hazardous materials that require placards. The rule does not apply to drivers operating solely in intrastate commerce. (In Canada, the ELD Mandate was developed and released through Transport Canada.) 

Who is exempt from the ELD rule? 

There are a few categories of drivers who are exempt from having an ELD in their vehicle, including: 

  • Vehicles Manufactured Before 2000: These vehicles do not have an engine control module that can support electronic logging devices, so they are exempt from the mandate.   
  • Driveaway-towaway Drivers: Drivers who are transporting vehicles under their own power, such as car haulers and tow truck operators, are exempt from having an ELD.
  • Drivers Who Keep RODS for 8 Days or Less: If a driver keeps Record of Duty Status (RODS) for 8 days or less per month, then they do not need an ELD.   
  • Exceptions for Short-Distance Hauls: Drivers who complete trips within 150 air miles from their normal work reporting location may be exempt from using an ELD if they return to their starting point at the end of each day’s work shift. This exception also applies to agricultural operations within a 100 air mile radius and only during harvest season as determined by state law or regulation.  

What Trucks Are ELD Exempt? 

Certain types of trucks are exempt from needing an ELD due to their nature of operations or type of cargo being hauled. Examples include emergency vehicles such as fire trucks and ambulances; military trucks; recreational vehicles; mobile medical units; and tankers carrying gasoline, oil, propane gas etc., if they have been inspected according to federal regulations within 30 days before driving on public roads/highways. A full list of exemptions can be found here.

Is it necessary to keep paper logs if I am exempt?   

Yes! All drivers must still maintain written logs while operating in accordance with FMCSA regulations, even if they are exempted from using an ELD device. A paper log book provides proof that you have complied with FMCSA rules when you were unable to use your device for whatever reason (e.g., technical issues). It also serves as evidence should you ever get pulled over by law enforcement officers and asked for your logbook information or proof that you haven’t violated any laws by driving beyond your limits without taking breaks .    


Q: What is the purpose of the ELD mandate?

A: The ELD mandate was created in an effort to reduce paperwork and improve safety standards by eliminating paper logbooks. Specifically, it requires most truck drivers to use ELDs while on the road, ensuring they are not exceeding federal hours-of-service limits for their workday. It also requires ELDs to be connected to the vehicle’s engine, so that drivers cannot add, remove or modify data while driving. 

The mandate also provides enforcement agencies with access to records in order to better monitor compliance with federal guidelines. This is intended to improve safety and reduce accidents due to driver fatigue. 

Additionally, ELDs provide benefits to fleets including increased efficiency and improved safety record-keeping. It is important to note that all ELDs must be registered with the FMCSA, and must meet certain technical specifications.

Q: What fleets are affected by the ELD mandate?

A: The federal ELD mandate applies to most commercial vehicles operating in interstate commerce, meaning those crossing state lines and weighing more than 10,000 lbs. This includes both private fleets and for-hire carriers. 

Vehicles operated by drivers who are exempt from the hours-of-service requirements or those in certain agricultural operations may be exempt. Additionally, many states have their own versions of the ELD mandate which apply to intrastate commerce as well.

Q: Are there any penalties for not complying with the ELD mandate?

A: Yes, it is important to note that failing to comply with the ELD mandate can result in significant fines and other penalties. Drivers may be issued out-of-service orders, or fleets may have their operating authority revoked. 

In addition, carriers who violate the mandate may face civil penalties up to $10,000. It is important to remain in compliance with the ELD mandate in order to avoid these consequences.

Q: What should fleets do if they need help transitioning to ELDs?

A: Fortunately, there are many resources available to fleets who need help transitioning to ELDs and complying with the mandate. Fleet management software companies like ZenduiT offer comprehensive solutions that are tailored to meet the needs of different fleets. 

Additionally, fleets can find helpful resources on the FMCSA website or contact their local state enforcement agency for assistance.

Q: What is the best way to ensure compliance with the ELD mandate?

A: The best way for fleets to ensure that they are in full compliance is to work closely with an experienced fleet management software provider. Fleet managers should also review their policies and procedures to make sure that they meet all of the requirements outlined by the FMCSA. 

Lastly, fleets should take steps to ensure that drivers are properly trained and understand the regulations surrounding the use of ELDs. Following these guidelines will help keep fleets compliant and maximize their operational efficiency.

For additional information on the ELD mandate, read our Beginner’s Guide to Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs).


While the ELD Mandate has caused some controversy since it was first put into effect, it’s important to know whether or not your vehicle needs an ELD device. 

If you’re still uncertain about whether or not your vehicle needs an ELD or have questions about the mandate in general, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Our team would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have and help get you set up with a compliant solution.

Call us to schedule a demonstration with us today!

Using An AOBRD? It’s Time To Migrate To ELDs Now!

The transportation sector seems to have become an ever changing industry as regulations and the technology required continues to advance. With this being said, while there are many who embrace these changes by staying up to date with telematics and regulations, some still choose to wait before they implement any changes. When it comes to using an electronic logging device (ELD) or an automatic onboarding recording device (AOBRD), individuals within the industry no longer have a choice about switching. Instead, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) and the Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators (CCMTA) are now strictly enforcing the new regulations and technologies. 

Said regulations focus on favouring electronic logging devices while phasing out automatic onboarding recording devices. This change means that drivers and fleet managers will need to check which device they use and possibly update it if it does not meet the new guidelines. To be specific, if an AOBRD was installed prior to December 18, 2017, the vehicle will have until June 21, 2021, to switch to an ELD. However, if the vehicle was not using AOBRDs previous to December 2017, the must switch to ELDs must be made by December 16, 2019. 


Benefits Of Switching From An AOBRD To An ELD 

Regardless of when you installed a recording device, if it’s not an ELD, you will need to update your device at some point in the future. With this being said, why not install an electronic logging device sooner rather than later? By doing so, we’re confident that you’ll be able to see noticeable benefits such as reduced stress, better management and cost savings. 


Reduced Stress 

When fleets transition from AOBRDs to ELDs well before their transition deadline, managers and drivers can expect to feel less stress. This is specific to individuals not having to worry about the possibility of not being compliant with new regulations and facing consequences that not only halt work, but can cost them thousands.

The consequences of not complying are: 

  • Expensive fines,
  • Drivers being placed OOS (Out-Of-Service),
  • Additional paperwork,
  • And even lowered CSA scores. 

As well, it’s worth highlighting that new ELDs often come with innovative solutions to make management easier. Meaning, managers and owners can better organize their fleet to boost productivity and reduce administrative tasks as reports can be automated. 


Better Management 

As previously mentioned, ELDs provide fleet managers with better management possibilities. Specifically, managers can better organize their fleets to essentially increase productivity and boost efficiency. This is due to the mass amounts of data that electronic logging devices collect in comparison to automatic onboarding recording devices. For example, when a fleet uses ELDs, drivers could be notified of maintenance checks that are predicted by forecasts, provided best transportation routes based on road conditions, and even have two-way communication with their managers while on the road. 


Cost Savings 

Transitioning your fleet from automatic onboarding recording devices to electronic logging devices can bring numerous financial benefits as well. While the upfront cost of this new technology may seem daunting for some, in the long term, fleet managers can save money. Not only are drivers automatically eliminating the possibility of being fined as they are compliant, but fleet managers can better organize or manage their fleets (as briefly mentioned) to maximize profits. So again, drivers will take the fastest routes, better maintain their vehicles to reduce repair downtime, and even automate automotive reporting duties.


How Automatic Onboarding Recording Devices And Electronic Logging Devices Differ 

  • While AOBRDs do collect data, ELDs collect more information on a grander scale such as vehicle condition and driver behaviour. 
  • ELDs are able to complete simple data transferring as they can harness wireless web, email, USB2.0 and Bluetooth capabilities. 
  • ELDs allow for increased monitoring as they automatically record driving time once the vehicle begins moving or is idling. 
  • Editing or history changes require annotations while using an ELD to better provide more information about the trip. 
  • Alert notifications are made if there is a fault code or malfunction recognized by the ELD in use. 


Your AOBRD To ELD Checklist

     Do Your Research

You may find that certain devices will better suit your needs now and in the future as your company grows. This means finding an ELD that is third-party certified and works for any vehicle. 

Remember, when it comes to ELDs, you’re making an investment in the growth of your company!

     Complete The Proper Training

While installation is fairly straightforward, it’s critical to train your team properly if you would like your ELD to truly benefit your company. This includes training your office team and managers in how to use the device, as well as your drivers.


Confirm that every commercial vehicle that meets the criteria stated in the ELD mandate has the device properly installed. As well, ensure that your team has the correct software installed on their devices so they can take advantage of the solutions.

     Stay Up-To-Date

Ensure you’re using your device to its fullest potential by staying on top of industry news and software updates. Sometimes users can overlook major features or updates as they’re simply not aware of how it can help them!

Still looking for another incentive to switching your fleet from using an AOBRD to an ELD? Keep reading! 

We understand that the upfront cost of transitioning can sometimes deter managers from switching, however we have a promotion to help! 

Get a Free GO Device & Harness with our ELD Promotion that runs until December 16, 2019 – save hundreds for your fleet! 

If you’re interested in learning more about this promotion, check it out

What Happens If You’re Not ELD Compliant

December 16th, 2019 is an important date for many commercial fleet organizations as it marks the day that commercial drivers are required to install and fully understand how to use ELDs within their vehicles, unless an AOBRD was in use prior to December 18, 2017. But, if an automatic onboarding recording device was in use prior to December 18, 2017, drivers will have an extended deadline of June 21, 2021, to become ELD compliant. 

While there was a soft enforcement period which graced drivers with not having ELD violations affect their CSA scores, full enforcement will be in effect shortly. 

What Being ELD Compliant Means 

Being ELD compliant means that a commercial fleet which meets the criteria in relation to the ELD mandate must have the ELD recording device. As well, it’s worth noting that the electronic logging device must be self-certified, and in Canada, the devices must be third-party certified. Meaning, work-rest cycles will be obeyed as service compliance and fatigue management is at the core of this. 

Apart from having the proper device, being ELD compliant also means that the drivers who are operating commercial motor vehicles must also know how to use the device. Specifically, how to provide authorized safety officials supporting documents or information regarding their travels. 


“As an industry we are committed to improving road safety. Today’s announcement is a big step in the right direction and initiates the countdown toward the elimination of paper logbooks as a legal compliance option. The Canadian introduction of third-party certification of ELD devices will also ensure that the non-compliant operators in our sector cannot find workarounds to hours of service compliance in an electronic monitoring environment.”

–David Carruth, Chairperson, Ontario Trucking Association.

Common Violations 

As the deadline to be compliant with electronic logging devices quickly approaches, it’s critical to understand that the regulation will be strictly enforced. Among the many infractions a driver could receive, below are the four most common, and possibility the most detrimental to drivers or fleets. 

Affect CSA Score 

For carriers, the Compliance, Safety, Accountability (CSA) program helps to hold motorists accountable for their role in road safety. The program looks to monitor unsafe driving, vehicle maintenance as well as driver fitness with hopes to encourage fleets to operate in a safe manner. While there are many factors that make up your CSA score, it’s important to remember that once ELD compliance is in effect, failing to meet standards can lower your score. With severity ranging depending on the ELD infraction, fleets can’t risk it as low CSA scores can result in more roadside inspections as well as interfere with best-paying load or good business opportunities. Additionally, depending on the violation, drivers may be placed out-of-service until they are compliant. 

Some violations that are known to typically be weighted more heavily in terms of severity are listed below;

  • No record of duty status 
  • Using an incomplete or wrong method to record HOS (Hours Of Service) 
  • ELD screen unable to be viewed from outside of the vehicle 
  • Using a device that is not registered with the FMCSA (Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration)

Out Of Service 

If a driver is found to not have the proper ELD device for their commercial vehicle, it is possible, and likely that they will be placed out-of-service for at least 10 hours based on OOSC (Out-Of-Service criteria). While this typically occurs if a driver creates false reports or uses unauthorized ELD or ABORDs, being OOS can be detrimental. Not only are drivers unable to work for a lengthy period of time, or until they are compliant, but being out-of-service directly correlates to lost revenue as no work is completed. 

Penalties fines 

As one can assume, violations will have penalties and fines associated with them. Depending on the severity of the violation, the fine received can be thousands of dollars, translating into wasted finances that could be used to better the fleet. On average, the North American Trucking Association found that the average fine associated with failure to comply was $2,867, with the highest recorded fine being $13,680. 

Towing costs 

In addition to penalties and fines, fleets can see additional expenses adding up if they are not ELD compliant. One major expense to highlight is the cost of towing non-exempt vehicles if the driver is placed out-of-service. Depending on the location of the vehicle, the tow can cost hundreds. 

With the repercussions of not being ELD compliant looming over some fleets, it’s crucial for businesses to begin anticipating their transition to the new device. As discussed, overlooking such an important change can greatly impact the success of the fleet. 


GoFleet Promo Offer Free Go Device and Harness with ELD Solution

With the deadline for ELD compliancy quickly approaching, be sure to take advantage of our GoFleet Promotion that can save you hundreds today!

ELD’s – How to Choose the Right Solution

Currently the transportation sector is undergoing major changes as the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) and the Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators (CCMTA) are creating regulations to better the transportation industry. The main topic of discussion is the new regulation which encourages being ELD compliant. This mandate looks to enforce the use of Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs) in commercial vehicles. While ELD systems are already enforced throughout the United States, Canada is following suit by enforcing the widespread compliance of such electronic logbooks.

With the deadline to become ELD compliant quickly approaching, it’s important for drivers and fleet managers to review whether or not they actually are compliant, and if they’re not, to begin to take the right steps to obtaining an electronic logging device. 


Temporary Compliance Under The Grandfather Clause 


Even though commercial fleets within the United States are already required to meet ELD compliance, Canadian fleets will soon be under similar regulation. At the moment, electronic logging devices are not mandatory for all vehicles if the vehicle was using an AOBRD (Automatic On-Board Recording Device) prior to December 18, 2017. If an AOBRD was used prior, the drivers will not be forced to implement ELDs until the mandatory start date of June 12, 2021. However, if no AOBRDs were put into use before December 18, 2017, carriers and drivers will be required to use ELDs as of December 16, 2019. 


While there are additional specifications to this regulation depending on the daily use or age of the vehicle, it is always recommended that fleets perform additional research to ensure that they are compliant.


Not ELD Compliant? Under The Grandfather Clause? – What You Should Do 


If you’re part of the many who are noticing that your fleet will not be compliant come December 16th, or June 2021, it’s critical that you begin to take the right steps to becoming compliant. Or in other words, look for a solutions provider. However, depending on your business, there will be different features that you should pay attention to when investing in an ELD. Specific qualities will not only allow you to stay ELD compliant, but improve your business overall. 


Key Factors In Considering How to Choose an ELD Solution 


Vehicle Flexibility 

When researching electronic logging devices, it’s important to confirm that the device you’re investing in will work in any type of vehicle. Ensuring that an ELD can be used in nearly any commercial vehicle guarantees that your business can grow and that the device can continue to be used. Ensuring that you will be complaint in the future and that the technology is well worth the money you are spending. 

Simple Installation And Use 

When you’re adopting new technology, it’s critical that the tools you’re implementing are easy to use or install. Devices that are focused on user experience mean that your fleet will embrace it rather than dread it. As well, when a new tool is easy to use, you’re more likely to see positive results from it as there are no excuses to not use it. 


While researching a product, it can sometimes be hard to not be discouraged by the price. However, when it comes to ELDs, you’re investing in the future of your business. Meaning, you aren’t only spending money to better your fleet, but often, the solutions will help you save money in the long run! 


With technology advancing, it seems as though everything can and should be synced to smartphones. With that mindset and the ability for many solutions providers to do this, it’s critical to confirm that your ELD is mobile-friendly. Ensuring that your solution has smartphone connectivity will make it simple to use and easy to implement. 

Consistently Evolving 

In addition to ensuring that an electronic logging device can be used on any vehicle, it’s also important to confirm that the device is agile. Purchasing an ELD that is continually evolving will guarantee that no matter how regulations or business goals change, it will be a worthwhile investment.  

Leverage The Cloud

Using an ELD that is cloud-based will only benefit you as a fleet driver, owner, or manager as data can be accessed from anywhere. No longer will you need to wait for drivers to provide you with paper documents or wait until you’re provided access to files, everything can be obtained through the cloud. While remote access to data is a major advantage of using cloud-based ELDs, there are additional benefits;

  • Increased reliability as data is continuously backed up and stored, 
  • More reliability as there is no pairing process required,
  • Better battery life as power consumption can be reduced,
  • Better compatibility to various platforms such as Android and iOS, 
  • Easy document access so showing compliance is simple, 
  • And consistent coverage regardless of cellular coverage. 


It is critical that you are unlimited with the data you’re gathering from ELDs. With this said, expandability (or having unfiltered access to data) is a focus that many are unaware of until they need it! Being able to easily share data to third-party vendors or being able to use integrations through third-party solutions is a feature that needs to be highlighted as it can help make fleet management much easier! 

Customer Service 

When you’re using any service or buying any product, it’s important to do business with a company who aims to achieve positive customer interactions every time. If you forgo doing business with a customer-focused organization, you may run into problems in the future. With this being said, while you’re researching your next ELD, let us know. We always strive to ensure that our customers are happy not only with the solution they’re investing in, but the experience they’re having!

GoFleet Promo Offer Free Go Device and Harness with ELD SolutionWith the deadline to be ELD compliant quickly approaching, be sure to take advantage of our GoFleet Promotion that can save you hundreds today! 




Thank you Robin Kinsey, HOS/ELD Training Specialist for the valuable insight via Geotab.

Taking Your Fleet Telematics to the Next Level

With basic telematics implemented into your fleet, you are now able to track the location, movement and speed of all of your vehicles, which helps your organization increase efficiencies, and effectively, reduce wasted time and improve costs.

So, what comes next?

Advanced Fleet Tracking
Once you have the basics in place, you can start to dive deeper into telematics technology in order to really fine tune and optimize your fleet operation.

Check out these major benefits your company can gain by implementing advanced fleet telematics solutions.

Increased Safety
By monitoring driver behaviour – things such as how fast your driver is driving and how aggressive their driving may be – you can use technology that allows you to talk to the driver and coach them through safer driving practices, thereby increasing safety for them and for your vehicle.

It has been shown that drivers who are aware that their driving habits are being monitored, are more apt to perform safer behaviour which not only increases their safety, but also reduces accidents and damage to vehicles and freight.

Increased Efficiencies
By using real time communication as an add-on to your basic telematics, and adding in some routing apps, you can manage driver routes more efficiently – if there is an accident, you would be able to re-route the driver and eliminate wasted time having them stuck in traffic with high priority loads on the vehicle.

By using some of these type of add-ons to your basic telematics, adding a few minutes more to your driver’s HOS (Hours of Service) can really increase your fleet efficiency and delivery rate.

Reduce Operating Costs
In being able to track even the smallest things, such as idling time and minimizing it, a fleet can increase savings by reducing fuel costs. Other things that can be looked at are tracking at a more granular level, such as live movements on a map, maps routing, stopping vehicles, accidents and who’s responsible, which allows for increased productivity thereby reducing costs.

Optimize Vehicle Performance
With advanced telematics, sensors can send out alerts about engine issues and other diagnostic problems. Further to that, the data can be used in a predictive manner to determine when service should happen on a vehicle and allow for advanced planning in order to ensure as much uptime for the fleet as possible and manage the expenses related to repairs.

Reduce your Carbon Footprint
It’s a hot topic these days more and more companies realize that not only is this good for business, it’s good for the planet as well. By reducing your fleet’s idling time and decreasing speeding (thereby reducing the amount of exhaust and CO2), not only are you increasing the safety of your fleet and drivers, increasing your efficiencies and reducing your costs, you are also helping to do your part in reducing emissions in the air for our future generation.

Streamline Compliance
With the Canadian ELD mandated for June 21st, 2020, it is imperative that fleets ensure they are compliant and implementing advanced telematics not only ensures this but provides many other benefits previously mentioned. In addition to the benefits, the cost of not being compliant is expensive and can be avoided with the correct telematics solutions in place.

Do you need to upgrade your telematics plan for advanced fleet tracking?
Some features are already built into your tracking device that collects the data and some solutions require you to step up to the next level of offered services and products.

In order to get the most out of your fleet telematics so that you can save your company time, money and increase efficiencies and safety, give GoFleet a call. We are here to help create a customized and fully integrated telematics solution that is specific to your needs and lets you get the most value for your money.

Advanced fleet tracking is much more than GPS services and with the telematics of the future, there are and will be so much more you can do in order to continually create the best fleet management company you can envision.

GoFleet – Connected Technology. Smarter Solutions.
Discover more about GoFleet and its Telematics Services

4 Tips on Preparing for the Canadian ELD Mandate

Oh Canada! Where does Canada stand on the ELD mandate? When does the eld mandate take effect? As of today, the Canadian Government has not finalized the Canadian ELD Mandate. However, fleets should prepare today because we expect the final ELD deadline to be within the next 2 years.

In this guide, we’ll share 4 tips to prepare for the Canadian ELD mandate, based on our experience with the American ELD mandate.



Canadian ELD Mandate[dm-embedable-media media-id=”22640″]


1 – Encourage Better Driving Habits

Before even investing in electronic logging devices, fleets should encourage better driving habits. The biggest reason why some fleets struggled with the American ELD mandate was that some of them relied on skimming hours. For instance, drivers commonly drove overtime by cheating hours on the paper log. These drivers tend to struggle with ELDs because they cannot “fudge” their Hours of Service on ELDs.</>

What can Canadian fleets do differently for the Canadian ELD Mandate? We recommend fleets to educate drivers on how to drive efficiently within their hours of service. In turn, drivers do not have to rely on skimming hours and will not experience major changes with ELDs.



2 – Introduce Technology Early


Another challenge is getting drivers to adapt to ELDs. “The ELD mandate was a bit hard on the veteran drivers,” said one fleet manager. “Some drivers only knew how to use a flip phone or didn’t have a phone at all. The ELD mandate forced them to learn how to use phones, tablets, and Garmins.”


In turn, our next recommendation is to introduce technology in phases. For instance, in order to prepare for ELDs, a trucking fleet started installing tablets in every truck to display route maps.


The company found that veteran drivers quickly learned how to use their new tablets. Afterward, when the fleet installed ELD devices, the same drivers were able to easily use their new ELD app because they had experience using tablets.



3 – Sign Up for Industry News

Our first two recommendations – driving habits and technology – focused on the driver. However, fleet managers also need to adapt to changes in a Canadian ELD Mandate.


Our biggest recommendation is to sign up for industry news. In the US, we found that over 50% of fleet managers did not know enough about the ELD mandate. The other fleet managers, however, were better prepared because they attended industry webinars and read white papers.


Thankfully, GoFleet has you covered! Over the next few months, we are hosting live webinars where you can learn about the Canadian ELD Mandate and get answers on your ELD questions.



4 – Start Early

Seriously, start early! This is something that a lot of fleets did not do for the US ELD mandate, and that led to some serious issues.


Some of the issues with buying ELDs in the last minute include:


  • Shipping delays due to low stock, resulting in missing the ELD mandate.
  • Drivers do not get time to learn how to use the ELDs. In turn, some impatient officers decided to fine drivers with ELDs if they didn’t know how to show their ELD logs.

Sign up for our newsletters at the bottom of our web pages to get invitations to Canadian ELD Mandate Webinars!

5 FAQs About The Canadian ELD Mandate

Transport Canada announced in 2016 that there will be a Canadian ELD Mandate. This rule would require many bus and truck drivers to use electronic logs to report their Records of Duty. It also brings Canadian regulations in line with our American neighbours, who require ELD compliance by December 2017.

eld mandate canada 2019

Let’s run through some of the frequently asked questions about the Canadian ELD Mandate.

1) What is an ELD and why is it mandated?

An ELD, or electronic logging device, is a device that automatically records Hours of Service (HOS). Drivers are required to complete HOS logs to ensure that they are driving legal shifts.

For a long time, drivers recorded their HOS with paper logs. Paper logs have unfortunately led to hours skimming, where drivers are driving illegal hours while reporting false hours. As a result, an ELD mandate was proposed in the US and in Canada.

2) When will the Canadian ELD Mandate be in effect?

There has not been an official announcement on the Canadian compliance date. However, Canadian companies that travel in the US are required to comply with the FMCSA mandate. That date is December 18th, 2017.

What is the approximate timeline in Canada? Geoff Wood, senior VP of the Canadian Trucking Alliance, expects the mandate to be finalized and issued by the end of 2017. There would likely be a 2-year period to prepare for compliance. This means that the expected Canadian compliance date would be in December 2019. Those using AOBRDs (Automatic Onboard Recording Devices) would have until 2021 to comply.

3) How similar are the Canadian mandate rules with the American mandate rules?

Wood expects the Canadian mandate to be “99.8% in line” with the American mandate. ELD devices compliant with American rules would have no issues in Canada.

Let’s review the US mandate, which will be closely followed in the Canadian version.

  • ELDs are required for any drivers who maintain duty status logs on 8+ days on a 30-day period.
  • Some exceptions are available for older model vehicles, towaway/driveway vehicles, and RODs no longer than 8 days in any 30-day period.

4) Are there any differences from the Canadian vs. American ELD rules?

Yes, there are some minor differences. Wood outlined some of the most important areas.

Transferring logs when requested by enforcement. In the US, fleets must transfer detailed 8-day log entries. In Canada, fleets can transfer 14-day PDF forms.

Personal use. The US mandate does not have any time nor distance restrictions. In Canada, drivers can mark routes as “personal” routes for the first 75 km. ELDs must then be activated on “driving” status after 75 km.

Deferral of off duty. The Canadian HOS rules allow for deferral of off duty.

Commercial model year cut-off. The Canadian ELD mandate may change the cutoff model year to 1995, instead of 1999 as in the US. This could affect up to 70,000 trucks.

5) How should I prepare for the upcoming regulations?

The best way to prepare is to be proactive. US compliant ELDs will also be compliant with the upcoming Canadian regulation.

A good framework would include:

Audit. Review your fleet and drivers. Compare them with American ELD standards. Those who need ELDs under American rules would also need ELDs under Canadian rules since the two mandates are similar.

Research. There are a lot of ELD solutions in the market. A good idea is to speak to colleagues and to review product demos to get a feel on which system fits business needs.

Pilot. Ultimately, the best way to prepare is to start a pilot program. A good idea is to test a few ELD units. Feedback from both drivers and administrators could be collected before full fleet rollout.

Still have questions? Book a free session with our fleet consultants to help prepare for upcoming regulations.

* Information as of August 24th, 2017 *

Read our comprehesive guide to Canada ELD Mandate 2019!


CTV News: Canada to Require Bus & Truck Drivers to Log Hours Electronically

Geotab: ELD Mandate Coming Soon to Canada

Fleet Owner: Canadian Truckers Await Their Own ELD Mandate