GPS Fleet Tracking Program – Constantly Strive To Improve Your Fleet

Constantly Strive To Improve Your Fleet With A GPS Fleet Tracking Program

A GPS fleet tracking program does more than just provide locational reporting for each of your drivers. It allows you to closely measure your gas efficiency, driver behavior, engine hours, seat belt usage, vehicle stop locations, driver working hours and job site location information, as well as many other things. The GPS fleet tracking program can be used to constantly improve fleet operations.

How To Constantly Improve Fleet Operations Using Your GPS Fleet Tracking Program

1. Select Core Issues That Impact Your Fleet Operation. Every fleet is different. Issues that occur in one fleet operation may not occur in yours. The key to improving your fleet is to select a manageable number of fleet measurements that you would like to focus on.

2. Any issues must be addressed immediately. For example, a fleet manager discovers that several employees are driving dangerously. The fleet manager discusses the issue with the drivers.

3. Take corrective action. For example, the fleet manager has the drivers complete a dangerous driving training program at the office before they are allowed to get back on the road. The customized training addresses the specific issues for the driver and, therefore, has a higher success rate.

4. Reassess the fleet operations and select new measurements. Once a fleet issue is under control, for the most part, it is time to select new issues to be addressed. Add new fleet measurements to your list of constantly measured performance indicators. Think of it as continually improving your fleet operations by tightening the belt and asking for more. Consider altering previous metrics to improve operations. For example, if you received a report for all drivers with idling times more than 10%, consider changing that report to notify you of drivers that idle more than 7% of driving time.

5. Involve the entire organization in making your fleet operation more efficient. Do not just measure and monitor your low level drivers behaviors, gas usage and stop locations using your GPS fleet tracking program. For fleet operations to successfully be improved, you must involve the entire organization including business owners and managers. Setting the tone from the top lets all drivers know how seriously the business is taking fleet improvements.

6. Post measurement data where all drivers can see it. Once you put a GPS fleet tracking program into action, presenting measurements where all drivers can see them creates friendly competition and positive peer pressure between the drivers. The numbers will begin to improve immediately because nobody wants to be at the bottom of the driver scorecard.

For more information on how you can use your GPS fleet tracking program to constantly improve your fleet operations, Contact Us.

Car Tracking System Data Benefits Companies With Fleets

Companies With Fleets Benefit Form GoFleet’s Car Tracking System Data

Companies with fleet operations can benefit greatly from GoFleet’s car tracking system data. In addition to being used to protect the investment in your fleet, the data from the car tracking system can be used to effectively manage your drivers.

GoFleet’s car tracking system provides a large amount of data about your fleet operations. Types of information that you can receive include:

– Real time vehicle location

– Vehicle route history

– Proximity of vehicles to a specific location

– Alerts regarding speeding and other unsafe driving practices

– Alerts regarding inefficient fuel usage driving behaviors such as excessive idling

Vehicle maintenance reminders, schedule and history

– Vehicle theft recovery tools and protection

– Geo-fencing capabilities

– Efficient routing

– Alternate routing

Ways To Use GoFleet’s Car Tracking System Data

The abundant amount of data may seem overwhelming at first; however, the simplicity of GoFleet’s web based software makes it very easy to understand. It can be used to improve fleet operations in many ways including reducing fleet operating costs, improving efficiency, improving customer service, becoming more fuel efficient, reducing vehicle break downs and improving driver safety. Often times, businesses implement GoFleet’s car tracking system for vehicle location information and find out the data received helps them lower costs and improve fleet visibility.

Whether you use your fleet to make deliveries, provide services, transport customers, respond to emergencies or work in dangerous areas, your GoFleet car tracking system will help you in ways that are often unexpected. The investment in a car tracking system pays for itself in reduced fleet costs usually within a matter of months. As your fleet of vehicles becomes more productive and efficient with the car tracking system data and tools, your business will start to reap all of the benefits.

If you are not yet using a GoFleet car tracking system, you are missing out on many fleet management tools that can improve your business and make you more competitive. Contact Us today for more information.

Best Real Time GPS Tracker Offers Many Fleet Benefits

Many Fleet Benefits Offered With Best Real Time GPS Tracker

GoFleet’s best real time GPS tracker provides fleet managers with a better insight into their fleet drivers. Managers are able to become more efficient in the daily operations and start controlling their costs related to fleet operations. When a company implements GoFleet’s best real time GPS tracker, fleet managers are normally blown away by the variety and quality of management tools that are available to them. The best real time GPS tracker is more than a system to locate fleet vehicles. It is a management tool that no fleet manager should be without.

GoFleet’s best real time GPS tracker can be integrated with a variety of back office software vendors that many fleets work with. Integration is crucial for streamlining business operations and keeping a business as uncomplicated as possible. When you are able to integrate your necessary software, you will be able to simplify dispatching. Your dispatchers will not be required to check multiple screens to get dispatching information for one job.

Most businesses with fleet operations will say that fuel is their largest cost. With GoFleet’s best real time GPS tracker, you will be able to control how the fuel is being used since you cannot control fuel costs. The best real time GPS tracker allows you to reduce fuel costs significantly in many ways. Automatic alerts can be send when drivers are practicing inefficient fuel use practices such as speeding, driving aggressively or excessive idling. In addition, efficient routing cuts fuel consumption because your drivers are not using unnecessary mileage. Drivers will know not to drive off of the authorized route because they know their fleet manager will be notified immediately. This will prevent drivers from driving miles out of the way for their favorite cup of coffee or home for a quick break.

asset tracking system

See Your Fleet Like Never Before: Upgrade to an AI-Powered Asset Tracking System

Improve Fleet Visibility With GoFleet’s Asset Tracking System

Small businesses face many challenges but with the help of GoFleet’s asset tracking system, small businesses are able to improve fleet visibility and manage their fleet while increasing productivity and improving efficiency.

Often times, businesses initially choose to implement an vehicle asset management so they can monitor their vehicles while they are on the road. Most business owners want to be able to track their assets and safeguard them from theft. Once a GoFleet asset tracking system is implemented, many business owners and fleet managers are thrilled to discover the possibilities and benefits are endless with increased visibility for management.

Fleet Visibility

Vehicle location data is just the very start of what a GoFleet vehicle asset management can do for a small business. Real time monitoring helps fleet managers and dispatchers with day-to-day operations in addition to providing many valuable management tools that allow fleet managers to manage a small fleet using the same tools huge corporate fleets use.

GoFleet’s asset tracking system can greatly improve the visibility of your fleet. Gone are the days when your drivers took their vehicle out for day and the only way to find out the status of their job or location was to call them over the radio or cell phone. If the driver was with a customer, it was possible you could not get a status until the driver was available to talk.

With vehicle asset management, your fleet is completely visible 24 hours-a-day. Fleet managers can track all of their fleet vehicles in real time using GoFleet’s web-based software. Dispatchers are able to use the find “closest vehicle” function to located vehicles closest to a job site.

An asset tracking system also improves visibility of your drivers’ behaviors and actions. Fleet managers can get notifications when drivers speed, deviate from the authorized route, use a vehicle during non-working hours, idle excessively or drive aggressively. Increased fleet visibility allows businesses to gain control of their mobile assets, increase productivity and improve efficiency. Utilizing GoFleet’s asset tracking system is the key to success for businesses with fleet operations.

For more information about GoFleet’s asset tracking system, Contact Us.

Fleet Tracking Device: Reduce Labor Costs

Reduce Labor Costs With GoFleet’s Fleet Tracking Device

When you run a business, you need to focus on your core business activities. You do not have time to waste validating your employees’ time sheets or figuring out messy payroll issues. When you use GoFleet’s fleet tracking device, you can eliminate employees’ fraudulent work time claims, reduce pricey overtime and cut the amount of time you are doing payroll paperwork.

GoFleet’s fleet tracking device provides managers with custom reports for all aspects of fleet management including the hours worked by each driver. You will now have instant access to the actual vehicle operation hours, the actual times your driver started and finished work, average weekly and daily hours, and exact hours and days worked.

Many of GoFleet’s customers’ report that they instantly start saving on overtime costs as soon as they implement a GoFleet fleet tracking device system in their fleet. The GoFleet hours worked report can be used as an electronic time sheet that you can feel confident is accurate.

Benefits of GoFleet’s Fleet Tracking Device

Eliminate fraudulent time claims with actual start and finish times: You will no longer have to rely on your driver to let you know when they started and finished work. A GoFleet fleet tracking device acts like an automatic time sheet with the true start and finish times.

Reduce Overtime: Since your drivers will be working more efficiently and productively, they will not have to work overtime to get the job done.

Monitor vehicle use for personal use: It is not uncommon for drivers to run personal errands between jobs. This not only increases your labor costs, it also increases your fuel costs.

Eliminate drivers stopping for prolonged times: When drivers are not being monitored, they are more likely to stop between jobs for prolonged breaks. Without a fleet tracking device, they can claim they were at the job site longer than they actually were or claim they were stuck in traffic.

Mobile Fleet Management Solutions: 5 Important Benefits

5 Important Benefits of GoFleet’s Mobile Fleet Management Solutions

As fleet owners work to make their drivers’ lives easier, mobile fleet management solutions are becoming more and more popular. Below are five reasons you should consider implementing one of GoFleet’s Mobile Fleet Management Solutions in your fleet:

Reduced Paperwork

With GoFleet’s mobile fleet management solutions, drivers no longer have to keep mileage logs and signed receipts as poof of arrival. The GPS device reports all of the information directly to the fleet manager automatically. Fleet drivers appreciate the advanced technology of GoFleet’s mobile fleet management solutions because it reduces the amount of paperwork they have to do.

Easy To Use

GoFleet’s GPS fleet management system is simple for drivers and fleet managers to use. Scheduling and routing is faster and more efficient than ever. If a driver gets lost traveling to a remote location, the turn-by-turn directions will get the driver right back on track.

Improves Safety

Drivers can feel safer when they are driving a vehicle with one of GoFleet’s mobile fleet management solutions installed. The fleet managers will always know where the vehicle is located. If the vehicle breaks down or has an accident, the fleet manager can send someone to the vehicle’s location without delay. In addition, the driver does not have to worry as much about theft because the GPS device can help located the vehicle in the event the vehicle gets stolen.

Simplifies Vehicle Maintenance

Since mileage and other important vehicle information is automatically reported to the fleet management software system, electronic inspection forms will now contain complete and accurate information. In addition, this information can be used to set vehicle maintenance alerts based on the vehicle’s condition. Fleet managers will be able to identify any failure trends so that the vehicle can be repaired before the vehicle breaks down on the road.

Helps Recruit New Drivers

Drivers are more likely to accept driving jobs at companies that are using one of the mobile fleet management solutions. One reason for this is because drivers want to know that the company they are going to work for is investing in the fleet and their drivers. Another reason drivers are more likely to accept the job is because mobile fleet management solutions make their work-life easier. There is less paperwork, improved safety, and more preventative vehicle maintenance etc.

For more information about GoFleet’s mobile fleet management solutions, Contact Us.

Vehicle Routing Software: Fleet Management Technology

Fleet Management Technology: GoFleet’s Vehicle Routing Software

Managing a fleet of vehicles and your drivers can be especially tricky especially since the drivers are traveling around off-site. Luckily for business owners and fleet managers, technological advances have made the task much easier and more efficient. It can be hard to keep track of where all of your drivers are without using GoFleet’s reliable GPS fleet management solution and vehicle routing software. In addition to being able to locate all of your fleet vehicles at all times, GoFleet’s vehicle routing software provides many valuable management tools.

Remember, you cannot manage what you do not measure. That is exactly what GoFleet will do for you. It will allow you to measure your fleet’s performance as easy as checking your emails. Once you implement a GPS fleet management solution, you will not know how you ever survived without it. Vehicle routing software can be used to improve driver safety, properly maintain your vehicles, record mileage, reduce operating costs and make important strategic business decisions. GoFleet’s GPS fleet management solution will help you plan the best uses for your mobile assets, field resources, technical support, sales team, etc. Business owners will no longer be stuck pondering the question that all of their employees always appear to be busy but the fleet operation revenue is not reflecting their activity level.

Vehicle routing software gives both business owners and fleet managers a deeper insight in to their fleet operations, drivers’ habits, efficiencies and inefficiencies in their fleet related processes. GoFleet’s vehicle routing software also helps boost your customer service quality, an essential component to a business’ long-term success. Drivers will receive efficient routes and schedules. Your customers will now be able to rely on accurate estimated times of arrival and shorter service windows. If a driver does get set behind schedule because of an external factor, such as severe weather, traffic or construction, you will be able to provide your driver will an alternate route and your customer with a new arrival time. Your customers will never be left in the dark about service delays or get stuck waiting all day for your driver to arrive.

For more information about the most efficient fleet management technology and vehicle routing software, http://stagingms/contact-us-gps-tracking-device/Contact Us.

Fleet Maintenance Program: Reduce Liability & Increase Safety

How A Fleet Maintenance Program Can Reduce Your Business’ Liability & Increase Safety

Businesses with fleet operations have many unique costs associated with their fleet. Vehicles require a significant amount of capital investment, in addition to maintenance and fuel costs. Many business owners and fleet managers often overlook the hidden costs associated with fleet operations. If there is a lack of safety measures for the fleet, businesses could incur a significant amount of out-of-pocket expenses, increase liabilities and put people’s lives in jeopardy. Implementing GoFleet’s fleet maintenance program is an easy way to improve safety, protect mobile assets and protect a business from unnecessary liabilities.

A Focus On Vehicle Safety

When a business implements GoFleet’s fleet maintenance program, they will automatically improve the safety of the vehicles, drivers and others on the road. Businesses will be able significantly reduce or eliminate payments for traffic tickets or accidents. As a matter of fact, the true cost of an accident is actually 2% to 10% higher than the accident’s direct costs. That is because the true costs of accident has a variety of hidden factors including: lost revenue while the vehicle is out of operation, failure to meet deadlines, increased insurance premiums, lost labor while driver is at the accident scene, missed jobs, and damage to the business’ public relations.

Furthermore, the business could be faced with finding a replacement for the injured driver. These costs could include job advertisement costs, driver performance tests, background checks, drug screening, training, and orientation, etc.

Improve Driving Habits

According to a study by the Large Truck Crash Causation, 87.2% of all large truck at-fault accidents are related to the driver’s poor driving habits. Without a GPS fleet maintenance program, it is hard to ensure your drivers’ safety compliance. With GoFleet’s fleet maintenance program, business owners and fleet managers have the ability to monitor their drivers’ behavior and take steps to improve it. Businesses can be notified immediately when a driver is speeding or driving aggressively. The alerts can appear on the fleet management software screen, flagged in management reports or be sent instantly via text message or email. These instant alerts allow the business owners or fleet managers to take immediate corrective action toward the offending driver. Management reports can also be used to identify habitual offenders so that long-term corrective action can be taken.

Using a proactive vehicle maintenance program, you can reduce your liability and increase your drivers’ safety. For more information about how partnering with GoFleet can enhance your business, Contact Us.

GPS Satellite Tracker: Take The Stress Out Of Fleet Management

Take The Stress Out Of Fleet Management With GoFleet’s GPS Satellite Tracker

Across the world, businesses are using GoFleet’s GPS satellite tracker to effortlessly manage their fleet of vehicles. What once was a stressful job, fleet management now can be done with ease to make a business run more efficiently, boosting productivity and reducing fleet operating costs.

With GoFleet’s GPS satellite tracker installed on your fleet vehicles, you can rest assured that you are using a premium fleet management system that you can rely on. There is an extensive variety of software management tools that will make your fleet manager’s job easier. The web-based software can be accessed from any computer or mobile device with an internet connection. Even when your fleet managers are offline, you can still keep track of your vehicles and keep an eye on your drivers with alerts that can be set up to be sent by email or SMS text message. These alerts can include notifications when vehicle goes in an unauthorized area, the driver is speeding, driving aggressively or excessively idling.

Using a GPS satellite tracker system from GoFleet provides you with a 360˚ view of your fleet operations including vehicle locations, engine diagnostics, fleet management reports, vehicle history, alerts, and messages. There are many fleet management system features that can be tailored specifically to your business. Unlike other fleet management options, you will not have to worry about getting charged for costly customization. GoFleet is your fleet management solution partner that will help you reduce operating costs related to fuel, driver management and maintenance.

Regardless of the size of your business, there is an affordable GoFleet GPS satellite tracker solution that will make your business more efficient without breaking the bank. Implementing a GPS satellite tracker system in your fleet is simple and fast. You will be able to see a return on your investment within a matter of months.

Vehicle Tracking GPS: A Key To Business Success

A Key To Business Success: Vehicle Tracking GPS

With the huge business growth seen across the world, the demand for effective fleet operations is increasing. Vehicle tracking GPS systems can be used to make your business more successful by increasing your business’ efficiency and credibility.

Imagine your delivery missing its deadline. This would cause your business to suffer losses for that delivery as well as losing credibility with your customer. If this type of delay happens frequently, your business creditability will suffer immensely. This type of credibility issue could happen for any type of business with fleet operations including cable companies, pest control companies, government agencies, construction companies, etc. That is why companies rely on vehicle tracking GPS systems to manage their fleets and track their vehicles.

Vehicle tracking GPS systems use the Global Positioning System’s highly reliable and efficient satellites for real-time vehicle location information and additional fleet management data. Fleet managers can track their vehicles’ movements within seconds. Dispatchers will no longer have to guess the closest driver to a job site or figure out routes with out-of-date maps. This will help your drivers arrive at a job site faster and allow you to serve your customers better.

Fleet managers can also use a vehicle tracking system to improve driver’s productivity and safety. Drivers will be given an efficient route to follow. If a driver goes out of the authorized area or makes unauthorized stops, the fleet manager can be notified via email or SMS text message. Furthermore, notifications can be sent to the fleet manager if the driver is not driving in a safe manner such as speeding, aggressive driving or hard stops. This can keep your driver and other drivers on the road safer.

Implementing a vehicle tracking GPS system is truly the key to success for businesses with fleet operations. This fleet management tool can increase driver productivity, decrease labor costs, reduce fuel costs, improve customer service and improve driver safety. For more information about vehicle tracking systems, Contact Us.