Managers shaking hands over business plans

What to Ask Your Fleet Solutions Provider Before Signing a Contract

The new year brings with it new business opportunities and, in the case of fleet management, new digital solutions to better automate your workflow.

Your team’s goal should always be ensuring that your enterprise has the best solutions provider for meeting your fleet’s individual needs. That’s why there are some key aspects to bear in mind before renegotiating your business contract.

When assessing your business needs (and how your existing provider has measured up over the past year), you will want to ask yourself several questions, including: How safe were my drivers because of our software? How many of our vehicles remained secure? Were compliance or servicing issues addressed ahead of time? Did route optimization software really work for us? Was delivery route optimization successful?

On a more nuanced scale, the following factors provide a framework for assessing the services and expertise of your fleet solutions provider.

Connected trucks telematics

Technological & Industry Expertise

In the fleet industry, time is money (literally). Whether you operate in construction or the emergency industry, you need a solutions provider that can tailor technology to fit your industry needs.

With the emergence of recent ELD mandates and the constant evolution of digital technology, it’s wise for all fleet-related industries to stay ahead of the curve.

Make sure that you choose your provider wisely, taking into consideration both technological know-how and effective, scalable optimization for your specific industry’s needs.


All fleets have had to adapt to major changes over the past few years; the pandemic, a global backlog in supply chain, regulatory compliance changes and the ongoing shortage of trained drivers have all contributed to a seismic shift in how fleets operate.

Across industries, fleets need the flexibility to either scale down or grow their operations on command. Make sure your fleet solutions provider has the bandwidth and digital tools to help your enterprise grow responsibly.

Support Capabilities

The best part of having the right fleet management software is the 24/7 support. With resources available on a continuous basis, your drivers are never alone. No matter how near or far from home, fleet tracking software can help your team stay safe, automatically recording videos of accidents, anywhere on Earth.

Fleet command centre support has never been better, offering a growing toolbox of telematics that include live real-time asset tracking, vehicle temperature tracking, driver safety coaching, and so much more.

Innovative Culture

A good fleet management solutions provider should be both wise and nimble, not only in adapting to emerging software capabilities, but to stay steps ahead of industry needs. In the telematics industry, the motto is ‘measure or perish.’

An innovative telematics provider will be able to fine tune your specific fleet needs and pair them with the best of emerging technology—in tracking devices, software interfaces and command centre platforms. Don’t make the mistake of trusting your fleet’s integrity to a provider that’s unable to out-innovate both the competition and global challenges.

Going Pro: GoFleet Systems Solutions

At GoFleet, our digital designers and telematics experts provide all the above, giving your enterprise a stable framework for optimal command centre control. We’ve established key partnerships with OEM manufacturers such as Ford, GM, Volvo, Mercedes, and John Deere, among others. Our collaborative partnership with data security leader, Geotab, has allowed our GoFleet experts to:

  • Install and operate 2 million+ telematics devices
  • Log in 100 million+ miles driven by fleets, every day
  • Process more than 40 billion data points from fleets to their command centres, daily.

That’s what drives growing industries to us, to handle their digital fleet management needs.

GoFleet’s mission is to offer the best-quality services and products available on the market, matched by the highest industry standards for telematic support.

Whether it’s route optimization software, vehicle safety reports, delivery route optimization, dispatch monitoring and much more, with GoFleet, you have the pros working for you.

Want proof? Read here about the problem areas of daily fleet operation management, or this whitepaper regarding the innovations, enhanced sensors and emerging AI technology now helping industries strive for sustainability. Our subject matter experts research industry-leading subjects to help keep your operations agile and efficient.

Some other key factors that made GoFleet an industry leader in asset management software:


No business could survive if their private data was easily accessible. In a digital world where unsavoury characters prey on insecure data transmission lines, one can never be too cautious.

From fleet command centres to the drivers themselves, GoFleet’s industry-leading security measures allow peace of mind and security of data.

Within our Geotab datacenter security system, there’s even a Privacy Mode tool that stops live monitoring of vehicles during defined time periods. With GoFleet’s third-party identification measures, firewalls and data breach security precautions are virtually a non-issue.


While dash cams can’t necessarily prevent accidents, there is ample evidence to suggest that dash cam technology can help change the behaviours that cause accidents, such as distracted driving, harsh braking or fatigue.

Face-recognition dash cams, improved GPS navigational systems, finely-tuned vehicle sensors and AI have all moved the goalposts of possibility for global asset tracking technology, keeping your drivers and your business safe.

Driver safety and retention should be high on the list of any fleet’s priorities. GoFleet recommends ‘a culture of safety‘ be instituted in all fleet organizations, providing clear guidance and transparency in assuring the safety of their assets, as well as the privacy and well-being of their fleet drivers and operators.

Fleet safety today extends to being able to transmit engine diagnostic data, pain-point measures, remote vehicle management, engine starter inhibit technology and vehicular maintenance servicing alerts, all of which equate to a real safety commitment.

Cloud system with data protection

Data Storage & Bandwidth

Today, Cloud-based technology allows even heavy digital data to be safely transferred and stored, without weighing down any one server.  Our global solutions include 24/7 tracking over cellular networks, GPS coordinates, satellite transmissions and more, for both EV and fuel-based models.

Using our proprietary APIs for easier app-to-app interfacing, GoFleet feeds your fleet operations system with the data you need, when you need it. We even provide an IoT gateway to push your data through, from sensors and into the Cloud, for instant access.

Migration & Ecosystem Needs

Most Canadian and many U.S.-based fleets face considerable snowfall each year. Tractors and heavy farm equipment can likewise face a host of additional weather-related challenges.

One of our white papers addresses the seasonal challenge of facing harsh winters—Smarter, Made Simpler: Using Telematics to Safely Prepare Fleets for Winter.

Our global data tracking solutions offer fleets remote entry, ride-sharing access, OEM management, automated ELD logs, incident alerts, even On/Off tracking for when vehicles are stationary. Our integrated asset management system allows industries to go global, responsibly.

Energy Consumption Monitoring

Fleets that want to stay healthy and wise take full advantage of the route optimization technology available today, for improving both dispatch and delivery decisions. Our route optimization software and APIs allow for better, wiser route calculations, as well as better diagnostics.

Fuel Cards are another wise way to monitor and track consumption. Meanwhile, as more fleets began moving toward EVs, GoFleet’s electric vehicle management support has become increasingly robust. Our fleet command centre technology allows for real-time fuel and EV energy usage across your entire fleet family. We also provide Charge Assurance alerts and routine EV Charging Beta readings for EVs.

All of this translates into lower fuel and energy costs, and far wiser fleet resource management.

Regulations, Compliance & Driver Inspection Reporting

Did you know that it was possible to retain good drivers and improve morale and driver safety through smart digital data engineering? GoFleet’s Mobile Driver solutions integrate your fleet’s operating system to simplify data retrieval, while boosting driver safety and performance.

Current digitized reporting technology includes Driver Video Reviews, Digital Time Cards, Delivery Form Creation, Driver Messaging and Training, Indoor Tracking, OEM & Car Sharing, Fuel & Maintenance Management, ROI Calculators, Asset Monitoring, Cold Chain tracking sensors, E-learning, Team Performance scoring and Rewards Program management.

Our nimble fleet mobile apps—including Mobile Dispatch, ZenScores, ZenduForms and ZenduMessenger, to name a few—have successfully automated data tools for capturing fleet telematics across all industries. What this means for fleets:

  • Streamlining the Work Order Management Process by electronically filling out safety and vehicle inspection reports across fleet operations.
  • Complying with ELD mandates by automatically logging-in work hours directly into electronic logbooks, providing actionable data for fleet reports.
  • Receiving automated diagnostic data and vehicle inspection reports, allowing for improved scheduling of vehicles for routine maintenance needs, as well as alerts to safety concerns.

They say forewarned is fore-armed. With GoFleet’s seamless integration of the best in digital device telematic technology available today, your fleet will always stay ahead of any curve.

GoFleet & Go Home

Make sure your operations team properly assesses both your fleet capacity and constraints, long before you sign on the dotted line. Nothing costs a fleet more than inadequate support, creating efficiency backlogs and security breaches that were easily avoidable.

To find out where future fleet technology is heading, and how to surf ahead, just ask. GoFleet offers free demos and customized efficiency assessments that help teams navigate emerging technologies. This lets fleet operations teams, and their drivers, finish work earlier and wiser.

This year, don’t work harder. Work smarter.

illustration of driver facial recognition

AI in the Driver’s Seat: The Beginner’s Guide to Facial Recognition and ADAS

Most car accidents are the result of human error. According to Brake Road Safety Charity, The most common distractions are physical (smoking, eating), visual (looking at other people or objects), mental (thinking about things other than driving), and auditory (music, listening to your phone).

If you are a fleet manager, your vehicles, assets and drivers represent a considerable investment. As the requirements of your fleet continue to evolve, it’s more important than ever to protect your investments and maximize the efficiency of your business.

Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) are quickly becoming a must-have for any operation that involves commercial vehicles. ADAS act as a second pair of “eyes”; they are safety systems that remove the human error component when operating a vehicle. ADAS aims to reduce the possibility of death and injury by:

  • Detecting and avoiding pedestrians
  • Recognizing traffic signals
  • Detecting blind spots
  • Warning and correcting the driver about lane departures
  • Applying automatic emergency brakes

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a critical component of ADAS technology and works synergistically to create a driving experience that is safe, secure, and efficient. ADAS algorithms are based on visual perception, making them virtually indispensable to drivers and vehicle manufacturers alike.

In this post, we’ll explore how ADAS and AI dash cams can help keep your drivers safe while positively impacting your bottom line.

AI Facial Recognition

To that end, AI facial recognition, such as that found in dash cameras, aids drivers in staying alert and focused when they’re on the road by detecting distractions such as fatigue or cell phone use. In the event of a distraction, the system will deliver a visual and/or audio alert in real-time to bring the driver’s focus back to the road ahead.

With regards to reducing driver fatigue, AI facial recognition uses cameras that scan the driver’s eyelids and the retina to monitor alertness. When a driver falls asleep, the retinas become darker and less responsive when exposed to light changes. Within the first few seconds, the system notifies the driver with an alarm.

Why ADAS Technology Matters

As car manufacturers race towards automation, their commercial truck counterparts are starting to catch up, though there’s still a considerable distance between them. AI dash cams are the most advanced way to protect drivers while reinforcing positive driving behaviours and compliance on the road.


A recent study found that even 1.5 seconds of warning could potentially prevent 90% of collisions. The potential for reducing accidents on the road makes ADAS essential. By scanning the road ahead for potential hazards, an ADAS can provide reliable tracking, video evidence and protection for your fleet, your assets and your brand.


AI facial recognition has the capacity to identify any driver employed with your fleet. Each time a driver enters an enabled vehicle, the system “recognizes” them and gives them access to the vehicle. This reduces potential theft or unauthorized use of company property.


AI dash cams provide full transparency between drivers and fleet managers, offering the opportunity to coach in real-time and encourage learning from past behaviours to improve future outcomes.


AI dash cams will only provide data to fleet managers based on the triggers they specify. No more wading through hours of dash cam footage to find a single event. Alerts are sent in real-time, as events happen, and provide immediate footage to either exonerate or train your driver.

Cost Savings

When you know where your assets are, you can reduce the likelihood of theft or loss. AI dash cams and ADAS can help reduce a list of costs attributed to running your fleet, including:

  • Insurance claims and liability in the event of an accident
  • Maintenance costs associated with harsh driving
  • Repairs as a result of maintenance or accidents
  • Compliance fines
  • Time and labour costs

The Bottom Line

Whether you want to detect distracted driving, automate coaching or avoid collisions, ADAS is an essential component to every fleet. Contact your GoFleet specialist today to discuss the right AI solutions for you.

Illusdtration of connected trucks telematics

How telematics will improve your fleet operations in 2022

Historically, fleet management has not been an easy endeavour. With so many moving parts and dependencies, companies have struggled with the bandwidth to stay on top of their operations and expenditures. There’s the need to ensure that vehicles and drivers are assigned efficiently, that resources aren’t constantly overstretched and that unnecessary costs aren’t racking up – all of which is incredibly difficult if you don’t have real-time information at your fingertips.

Thankfully, innovations in technology are revolutionizing the process. Telematics solutions are shifting the way in which organizations track and manage their fleet operations, yielding a wide range of benefits in the process. Here’s how telematics will improve your fleet operations in 2022.

The Benefits of Telematics

Telematics is a monitoring technique that uses a combination of GPS, dash cam technology and on-board diagnostics (OBD) to keep track of automobiles, trucks, machines, and other assets. By analyzing real-time fleet data, such as location and activity information, end users can use telematics to provide invaluable business insights into their operations and assets.

Since fleet managers don’t have time to measure every single aspect of the operation manually, telematics is a quick and easy way to assess your fleet’s performance at any given moment. The system automatically detects all the details you need to keep track of without needing intervention from human operators.

Telematics solutions offer a comprehensive list of benefits to trucking companies. It can tell you how fast you’re going, how much gasoline you’re using, where your trailers are, whether your vehicles are in good condition, and much more.

Regardless of the solution you choose for your fleet, telematics help your drivers stay safe on the road. Fleet managers can keep an eye on their drivers by checking the safety scores of each individual vehicle, which consider the hours driven and operating conditions. These metrics help fleet managers identify problematic driving behaviours before they become a major liability for the company.

Telematics offer solutions to fleet managers and drivers.

Where Video Telematics is Heading

Telematics is a rapidly expanding market that promises to reach $3,556 million in global sales by 2026, according to reports. The automotive sector is being pushed ahead by the advent of 5G, electrical engineering, vehicle technology, and AI as automobiles become part of the IoT family.

According to Berg Insight, the number of active video telematics systems in North America reached a staggering 2.1 million units in 2020. The active installed base is expected to reach more than 4.4 million units in North America by 2025, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 16.2 percent.

This new study identifies key insights into the video telematics market. It found that cameras are being integrated into commercial vehicle systems at increasing rates to provide a variety of video-based solutions and are becoming a priority in the transportation sector as such.

With such extreme growth, it is all but certain that telematics and the future of fleet management will go hand in hand.

Why The Adoption of Telematics Will Make or Break Fleets In 2022

Without a doubt, telematics is an essential integration for your operations. It helps you take actionable steps to improve your company’s performance and remain prepared for anything that comes ahead.

With the amount of data collected through telematics, fleet managers can easily identify trends surrounding their vehicles, drivers and assets, and make informed decisions about their company’s future. Moving forward, businesses will define a successful new year with the decision to either adopt or delay the integration of this technology.

How GoFleet Is Leading the Way

With the rapid evolution and adoption of telematics solutions, it can be hard to keep track of what changes are being made. So far this year, there have been some big changes in telematics—and they’re all happening right now.

GoFleet is leading the way in this technology and its shifts, offering new ways in which to take advantage of what telematics has to offer.

Zenducam, one of GoFleet’s most renowned products, has changed the telematics game, allowing businesses to effectively monitor their fleets and related operations.

The innovative dash camera offers features such as the real-time transmission of video, live GPS location, insights on driver behaviour and much more. Zenducam allows fleet managers to readily access data and leverage it to bolster their fleet’s performance while keeping driver and asset safety top of mind.

Solving Problems Through Expertise and Excellence

GoFleet leads the way in ongoing innovation and is helping solve some of the commercial trucking industry’s biggest pain points in the process.

Issues such as staffing shortages, safety and compliance can be daunting, but easily navigated through GoFleet’s revolutionary approach to fleet management.

With the increasing demand for more efficient, smarter, and safer fleets than ever before, GoFleet is positioning businesses to take advantage of the telematics evolution.

GoFleet helps measure, monitor, and manage drivers and vehicles, whether you have one vehicle or hundreds. We guarantee peace of mind by taking on the more tedious operational tasks while you improve your company’s performance.

Our advanced telematics systems are scaled to the needs of your business, delivering only the best quality and performance while following all compliance standards. This way, your business can proceed with clear and achievable goals in mind while we provide curated integrated telematics data to provide advanced support for all your fleet’s needs.

GoFleet’s products and approach to success are a trademark of its efficacy as a solution to fleet management, and ultimately revolve around the priority of customer care. Assisting customers in navigating this ground-breaking technology, GoFleet has established itself as an expert in telematics and is readily accessible to its customers for post-sales support.

By leveraging these cutting-edge solutions, companies will be able to monitor their fleet’s activity more effectively than ever before—and put together comprehensive plans for its future success. GoFleet continues to pave the way for automated fleet management, and plays a pivotal role in defining what it means to be successful in 2022.

how to choose best fleet camera in 2022

How to Select the Best Dash Cam for Fleet Vehicles – 2022 Guide

From cars to commercial fleets and everything in between, there isn’t a vehicle in production that couldn’t benefit from a dash cam solution. But what is the best dash cam for fleets?

The road can be a dangerous and precarious place; new and emerging dash cam technology makes transportation safer for drivers, passengers and fleet managers.

Dash cam strategies significantly improved this past year, right alongside improved driver safety records. Fleet navigation strategies and capacities likewise increased dramatically, allowing businesses of any size to thrive in this globalized world.

AI technology also took a quantum leap forward this past year.  While we’re not yet at the stage of employing a fleet of fully autonomous vehicles, AI has revolutionized and streamlined the fleet industry, from fleet management software to dash cam technology like Smart Witness.

Imagine having the capture and retrieval capacity to provide diagnostic engine data and maintenance servicing reminders—long before a vehicle breaks down. Or the video capacity and resolution to show conclusive evidence exonerating drivers falsely accused of causing accidents.

What if it were possible to give driver safety alerts in real-time, helping prevent accidents, reduce drowsiness, or warn of tailgating—even at night? Try to picture fleet operations managers receiving video alerts triggered by any range of incidents—immediately, rather than waiting for formal accident reports or written tickets.

Who knew that by 2022 command centres could conduct virtual ride-alongs or in-cab coaching, record training sessions, detect unsafe behaviours and reward safe drivers in real-time?

That’s the beauty of dash cam technology today: All of these leaps in fleet operation strategies are actually here. From AI-equipped dash cams to infrared technology, 2022 is going to make smart fleets wiser, safer, and more automated.

Here are what the smarter fleets are focusing on this year.

2022 Dash Cam Wish List

As the world becomes ever more interconnected, dash cam digital technology strategies are providing more peace of mind than ever before. Emerging trends for the upcoming year give fleets an advantage over every generation that came before.

  • Thermostat sensors in commercial transportation vehicles now provide temperature readings once a minute.
  • Multi-camera solutions for armoured trucks and emergency vehicles mean command centres can now receive live stream of both the driver and contents in the back of the vehicle.
  • Delivery vehicles and ride shares now have facial recognition software to authorize driver use, or log in route details.

Fleet managers, command centres and anyone hurrying on the road are sure to benefit from the following vast technological improvements—coming to a fleet near you.

Improved Driver Safety

When digital dash cam technology first came about, drivers were wary. But given the remarkable evolution of responsive navigation and its impact on road safety, drivers soon began requesting this emerging technology as an added protection for them on the road.

Technology like MobilEye 560 continuously scans the road ahead to analyze driving patterns and speeds, warning drivers of potential collisions or other road hazards.

MobileEye and Samsara AI dash cams also come equipped with infrared LED and low light camera video recording capability, allowing for clear night vision.

The ZenduCam multi-camera solution provides drivers a microphone and a panic button to reach fleet managers in real-time.

Reduced Vehicle Incidents

Avoiding collisions and offering warning alerts in critical situations can make the difference between life and death on the road. GoFleet’s integrated 5-Driver Assistance warns of pedestrian and cyclist collisions, speed limit indications, lane departure warnings, harsh breaking and more.

ADAS, or Advanced Driver Assistance Systems, have become a leading industry trend due to their ability to prevent accidents. For example, MobileEye uses ADAS technology to warn of objects ahead, tailgating, even distracted driving. When it comes to road safety, every bit helps.

Incident-based reporting now allows dash cams to filter the footage surrounding an accident or event, and automatically stream it to the fleet command centre. No longer will fleet managers have to review hours of footage to localize an event. Today, that tedious task is fully automated.

Improved Driver Training

GoFleet’s seamless integration of emerging dash cam technologies allows real-time alerts, so drivers are warned before accidents happen.

Alerts are sent immediately after an event—such as crossing a lane boundary or tailgating—and received within a few tenths of a second.

Automated reports—on individuals or entire fleets—provide detailed driver scorecards and can even measure safety improvements over the life of your drivers.

Driver safety software can even be ‘gamefied,’ allowing for healthy team competition that makes road safety more engaging and fun. For example, Drivewyze rewards hard-earned driver safety scores by offering bypass opportunities at inspection sites and weigh stations.

Seamless Integration

GoFleet’s future-focused vision has stayed miles ahead of emerging technology, allowing for a seamless integration of customizable platforms loaded with the best features available to fleets in the new year.

Better data and vastly improved interconnectivity has allowed GPS tracking solutions such as GeoTabs to be paired with emerging dash cam technology. This gives fleets the following capabilities:

  • Connecting to a vehicles engine to provide ongoing diagnostic codes, engine data, fuel use and more, under any weather condition, anywhere on Earth.
  • Compliance rules, such as the ELD mandate, are merged into the navigation software so driver logs are automatically registered, and driving hours compared against regulation hours.
  • Timecard reports, detailed diver records, real-time streaming dash cam footage, video incident management solutions, even requisition sign-off forms can all be automated by triggering digital signatures or electronic logs, with encryption features for data security.

Streamlined and simplified, automating paperwork (and guesswork) means that the daily administration of fleet operations has become a less onerous task, allowing managers to focus on what matters most.

The Best Dash Cam for Fleets: Strategies

With the many recent advances in smart dash cam technology, the selection process can be daunting. There are dual-facing dash cameras, wireless cameras, rear-view mirror dash cams, even multi-camera devices that employ backup cameras—just in case.

GoFleet can help you integrate your required services with the right dash navigation system platform.

Dash cams in 2022 are powered by an ever-growing number of sources, including wireless, GPS, Bluetooth, lithium batteries and even solar-powered sensors. The sky is now, quite literally, the limit.

Before committing to any dash navigation system, fleets are strongly recommended to seek the advice of telematics experts. Our GoFleet advisors offer free trials and live demonstrations, so your team can effectively evaluate different dash-cam options in live action.

There is no ‘one size fits all’ to fleet monitoring. Like any good diagnosis, the trick lies in being laser focused on individual needs, then adjusting the available technology appropriately to effectively measure and support the impacted operation areas.

With that said, our experts, designers and engineers are excited to recommend the following next-generation top-rated dash cams for fleet vehicles and cars in 2022.

ZenduCAM Z6 Dash Camera

This GPS active dash cam provides real-time video and advanced AI technology, with audio-visual alerts, analytic reporting of unsafe driver behaviour, driver coaching capability, even ‘panic button’ video alerts from drivers in the event of an incident.

Live video footage can record incidents both day and night, and exonerate your drivers from false accusations or accident liability.

Features include:

  • HD Recording Support: 1080p high-definition footage
  • Facial AI: Detects distracted or drowsy driving
  • Real-time Coaching: Contact drivers remotely to provide live training on the road
  • Supports Remote Retrieval & Streaming: For critical recorded events; know your company’s liability within minutes
  • All-in-one Coaching Dashboard: Insights enabled for fleet managers and drivers

Samsara AI Dash Cam

The beauty of this wide-angle, full HP 1080p HDR video camera with infrared LED for night vision is simple: they’ve thought of everything. This intelligent dual dash cam combines internet-connected cameras with cloud-based software and real-time visibility.

It helps your team coach drivers in real-time by using AI detection of unsafe or distracted behaviours, helping prevent accidents, litigation and preventable losses.

Features include:

  • Real-time Visibility: Live video streaming, accident retrieval, and distracted driving detection
  • Optimize Dispatch Routes: Custom dashboards and reports for managers to monitor GPS locations and driving behaviour
  • Stay Connected with Live Updates: Data, security and privacy that is GDPR compliant and are monitored 24/7

ZenduCAM Multi-Camera Solution

This intelligent, next-level dash cam unit has multiple camera inputs for the same device, connecting up to 4 cameras in a single vehicle. This solution also comes equipped with a panic button, GPS receiver, microphone, 3-Axis G-Sensor, all translating into 360-degree visibility and real-time footage of driving events.

This solution is available for Android or iOS platforms, and the cloud.

Features include:

  • 360-Degree Visibility: Connect up to 4 cameras to reduce blind spots and view live HD footage at any time.
  • Set Rules & Alerts: Get real-time footage of driving events triggered by defined rules in the Geotab telematics solution.
  • View Footage Anywhere, Anytime: View events on a smartphone or tablet. Available on Android and iOS platforms.

ZenduCam AD Plus

The ZenduCam AD Plus continuously captures video events using AI and Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) functionalities, so you can review incidents in real-time and conduct driver coaching on the go. This solution integrates seamlessly with popular fleet management platforms (such as Trax and Geotab) to provide a holistic overview of your fleet.

Features include:

  • This driver-facing camera has facial AI recognition to authenticate drivers and detect risky driving behaviour.
  • This plug-n-play 3-channel dash camera allows for easy installation, no technician required.
  • The AD Plus supports live video streaming, so you can upload video playback and crucial events in real-time.
  • Receive notifications of all critical road and driver-facing events with harsh driving detection.
  • ADAS means your drivers can prevent accidents before they happen.

Mobileye Integrated Collision Avoidance System

Mobileye was designed with one priority in mind: Protecting the driver. It uses a single forward-facing camera that scans the road ahead, providing the driver with critical safety feedback in real-time.

Features include:

  • Prevent Collisions: Mobileye’s collision avoidance system warns drivers of potential hazards in real time with audio and/or visual warnings.
  • Stay Connected: Receive critical real-time alerts on your smartphone, in addition to the EyeWatch that is included with the system.
  • Night Vision & Weather Resistance: Works in all weather conditions and has night vision capabilities for accident avoidance in any situation.

Used in conjunction with Geotab integration, transmission of alerts and video footage of the road are captured and sent, all under one operating system equipped with IHC analog output.

Mobileye provides five different Driver Assistance warning mechanisms:

  • Pedestrian Collision Warning (PCW)
  • Forward Collision Warning (FCW)
  • Lane Departure Warning (LDW)
  • Headway Monitoring and Warning (HMW)
  • Speed Limit Indication (SLI)

Get Smart

Despite the speed with which technology evolves, GoFleet dash cam solutions keep the pace, making it easier for fleets to optimize.

The coming year is sure to lower insurance premiums and preventable thefts by protecting fleet management agencies and drivers.

Smart dash cam technology frees fleets and drivers from false claims, preventing needless accidents and helping fleets stay in compliance.

Despite current global supply chain issues and derailed logistics, our integrated dash cam solutions will keep you ahead of any curve—even helping measure and lower fuel maintenance costs.

GoFleet’s quick response and expert flexibility will help ensure your fleet stays robust. Schedule a demo and see what GoFleet can do for your business.


dashcams, dash camera, company culture, gofleet, fleet, transportation

Are Dash Cams Bringing Your Work Culture Down?

If you really want to get an animated conversation going with truck drivers, mention dash cams. While drivers have more or less accepted road-facing cameras as part of the job, many remain skeptical or outright opposed to having one positioned within the cab, tracking their movements and driving behaviours. 


Since driver-facing dash cams are becoming the norm, this is a great time to take a look at how dash cam technology can actually be a benefit, not a detriment, to your drivers and to your organization’s safety culture.


Dash cam pain points


The way in which dash cams are presented to drivers makes all the difference in impacting buy-in and engagement. Many commercial truck drivers feel that dash cams, particularly cab-facing devices, are an invasion of privacy. This sentiment rings especially true in instances where drivers use an area of the cab to sleep and eat (as an aside, sleeper berths are not considered a “home” and as such, are exempt from current privacy laws).


Furthermore, disclosure is an essential component that can make or break your work culture. Companies must let their employees know if and how dash cams will be used in their fleets, but the ways in which they do so will determine whether drivers remain within the company, or leave in droves to pursue other opportunities.

There are enough stories on the internet to affirm surveillance culture in some companies that implement dash cams (read our story here about Amazon and Netradyne), often the direct result of a lack of transparency or care for their drivers’ collective safety. 


The truth is that most dash cams only transmit a short segment of data that includes time directly before and after an event is triggered. No fleet manager has the time or the desire to search through hours of continuous footage. For a great perspective on how to talk to your drivers about implementing dash cams, read here.


ZenduCAM AD+


Demand within the dash cam market is expected to increase by 150% (from 2018), no matter what side of the fence your drivers are on. Customers are familiar with dash cams, and have more requirements — and higher expectations — than ever before.


The new ZenduCAM AD+ is an HD dual-facing camera that offers best-in-class industry features to solve your technology pain points and improve work culture within your fleet. Combining an advanced AI processor, built-in advanced driver-assistance system (ADAS) and Driver Management System (DMS) capabilities, the AD+ monitors risky driver behaviour and delivers real-time incident detection to protect your drivers, reduce false positives and lower costs.

ZenduCAM AD+

Filter out low-risk events and false alerts with ZenduIT’s industry-leading managed services. Automatically dismiss events that don’t represent an actual risk, and prioritize the most critical events to simplify compliance adherence and improve productivity.


Working synergistically with the Trax app, fleet managers have a full field view and access to location updates in real-time on a virtual map. Moreover, advanced facial recognition means you know who has been using your vehicles, and when. You can receive alerts, escalate and coach events, and view the distribution of assets on a cloud-based map instantaneously.


The fastest road to a safe, positive work environment is to show your drivers how an advanced dash cam system can keep them safe. Equip and coach them in real-time with our advanced AI and Data Analytics models, designed to monitor unsafe behaviours such as tailgating, speeding, not wearing a seatbelt, and other vehicle movements to alert and coach drivers in real-time while ensuring their privacy. When your drivers get an alert from the Trax Mobile App, they know it matters.


ZenduCAM AD+ uses a tested human-machine interface to improve your drivers’ ability to react to dangers on the road. This system increases safety, protects your assets and improves workflow. Moreover, improved algorithms mean your drivers aren’t penalized for driving offences they didn’t commit, leading to an improved workplace.


Technological innovation and automation have greatly increased the popularity of dash cam systems in commercial vehicles. Don’t get left behind, improve your safety culture today!

driver, fleet, transportation, training, driver shortage, zenducam, gofleet, zenscore

GoFleet Can Help You Hire (And Keep) Drivers – Here’s How.

According to the American Transportation Research Institute’s (ATRI) 2021 Critical Issues in the Trucking Industry report, fleets still list driver shortage as a top concern. Second on the list is driver retention, proving that it takes more than a competitive salary to attract and maintain a top-tier roster of professional drivers.


Thankfully, GoFleet has a number of resources to help mitigate driver shortage. By leveraging ZenScore, ZenduCAM and our managed service, we can help you recruit — and retain — the best drivers for your fleet.


The Driver Shortage


The trucking sector has undergone a period of belt-tightening, particularly with regards to the shortage of available drivers. The reasons are nuanced, but the end result is a deficit of available — and skilled — truck operators.


The pandemic has contributed to a massive imbalance of supply and demand. Drivers are hesitant to return to work due to the pandemic, or struggling to find licensing bureaus and training schools that remained open during lockdown. The result was a surge in freight volume with a drastically reduced headcount of qualified drivers, and a potential backlog of potential drivers waiting to be certified.


Retirements, layoffs and career changes represent another layer of lowered headcount. The average age of a truck driver is 46 (compared to 42 for all workers) and private fleet drivers can average 57 years old. With truck operators retiring faster than they can be replaced, fleet managers are left short-staffed and struggling to recruit suitable candidates.


Drivers are also changing careers, looking to replace their time behind the wheel with other swelling industries such as warehousing and construction. According to BLS, there have been roughly 43,000 construction jobs added to the construction industry since June. 


While we can’t make recommendations about wages and salaries, GoFleet can show you how our end-to-end digital fleet solutions can help you with consistency, transparency and safety; three pillars upon which you can build a stellar team of drivers.


Build a workplace safety culture


If you can effectively connect culture and safety, you’ll be more likely to boost retention. A positive corporate safety culture engages drivers by emphasizing that their actions matter. On the road, dash cams and telematics data help engage drivers on their routes by identifying risky behaviour, providing live coaching and reinforcing compliance regulations.


You should be clear and consistent with corporate messaging: safety is your top priority. Reinforce the connection between a driver’s behaviour and the fleet’s reputation, and make safety a part of every operation and branding opportunity, on and off the road.


Connect with technology


Compliance rules, such as the ELD mandate, require drivers to monitor their hours of service (HOS) Investing in dash cam technology makes your drivers daily routine easier, safer, and more productive. When drivers feel supported, not surveilled, they’re more likely to stay at their job.


For example, ZenduCAM provides live HD streaming to identify accidents or incidents with real-time transmission of images, GPS location tracking and driving behaviour data. ZenduCAM can help you track your drivers’ hours of service as well as their CSA scores. Smarter routing and scheduling can make trips more efficient, bringing your drivers home more often, contributing to their overall job satisfaction and aiding your business in retaining your drivers.


Reward your top performers


As part of our Managed Service offering, you can view the performance of your drivers at a glance with our built-in points system and break down the performance of each driver individually in detailed scorecards.


Identify your best drivers through this driver score program. This scorecard tells your drivers where they rank, and what they have to do to achieve the next reward level. By changing the narrative from punishing “bad” behaviour to rewarding good driving habits, your drivers are less likely to see dash cams as invasive or punitive.

GoFleet’s ZenScore creates quantifiable assessments on driving behaviour by identifying dangerous driving habits and optimizing the efficiency of your fleet. This interactive dashboard and driver scoring system monitors violations while incentivizing drivers to improve performance through contests and KPI metrics. Offer bonuses to individuals with high safety scores to help with retention, or try gamification to keep your fleet engaged.


Help optimize their routes


A common refrain from drivers leaving the trucking industry is the desire to be at home with their loved ones on a more regular basis (hence the move to more stationary industries such as construction.)


Using a custom mapping solution such as ZenduMaps, you can configure your maps to show data such as road status, vehicle location, weather reports and compliance times. Work with your fleet to optimize their routes, shorten trips and reduce the amount of time spent on the road while still managing operations efficiently. 


Improve training


Ongoing communication between you and your drivers is essential to reducing errors and improving efficiency. A great tool to help improve effective and continuous communication is ZenduLearn, an innovative training solution that leverages an online course hub to provide the skills and resources your drivers need.


Having detailed insights about each driver’s behaviour allows training to be tailored to each specific individual based on what they need to improve on. The application offers completion tracking and personalized learning, automating the most common tasks of employee training, such as marking quizzes, sending notifications for incomplete training modules, and issuing certifications. The centralized platform also allows you to keep track of every driver’s progress so you can maintain a strong learning environment within your team. 




According to FreightWaves magazine, the average cost of turnover is $11,500 per driver. High-performing truck drivers are an asset and an incredibly valuable resource to any business. Their role requires constant and heightened awareness and good judgement. 


Discover how to use industry-leading telematics, dash cams and managed service solutions to help you improve operational efficiency, enhance safety and create a lineup of exemplary drivers. Schedule a free demonstration today, and let us take you team to the next level.

Nuclear Verdict, dash camera, dashcam, telematics, gofleet, truck, logistics, trucking, accident, colllision

The Nuclear Verdict: How Commercial Dash Cams Can Save Your Business Money

When a jury awards a plaintiff payout in excess of $10 million, that payout is referred to as a “nuclear verdict”. If a member of your fleet has been involved in a vehicle incident that results in one of these verdicts, the results for your business could be catastrophic.


According to CNBC, the average amount for a lawsuit above $1 million involving a truck collision has increased nearly 1,000%,from $2.3 million to $22.3 million in the U.S. between 2010 to 2018. Nuclear verdicts are driving up insurance rates for fleets, and increasing associated costs for those trucking companies to insure them as a result. To absorb some of the costs, large operators are scaling back on insurance, putting them at greater risk if an accident were to occur. Unable to afford inflated deductibles or premiums, smaller fleets are folding altogether.


One major reason for nuclear verdicts arises from a disconnect between negligence and liability. Because large organizations with massive fleets are assumed to have more resources (i.e. more insurance), they are typically targeted for payouts, even if they’re not entirely at fault. For example, there are cases where a company can be identified as 10% negligent and still have to cover 100% of the financial liability.


Another reason for these excessive payouts includes an uptick in fatal accidents involving trucks. According to the National Safety Council, there was a 43% increase in deadly collisions involving large trucks between 2010 and 2019. The number of injuries associated with truck crashes rose that year to 160,000 (7%), the majority of which were occupants from other vehicles.


Assessing risk on the road has long been considered integral to the cost of doing business for every trucking organization. Fortunately, dash cameras not only help with safety initiatives in fleets, they also have a return on investment that can help fleets stay afloat amid mounting insurance concerns.


Dash cams and telematics

An increase in nuclear verdicts results in higher prices for liability insurance and reduced access to casualty or excess liability insurance, resulting in some carriers leaving that particular line of business and causing many in the trucking industry to worry about the potential impact a single loss could have on their bottom line.


This is where dash cams and telematics can be essential tools to help manage risk. In fact, these devices may one day become a requirement in order to get insurance for your fleet. Where once insurance companies only looked at claims regarding trucks, they will now start gathering data to get a holistic overview of driving behaviour, dash cam footage and a fleet’s hiring practices.


Many insurance companies look favourably on commercial vehicles with dash cams installed, and in some cases this small step can result in a reduction in insurance premiums. Furthermore, a dash cam will certainly protect a business from false insurance claims. Commercial dash cam footage is now widely accepted by most insurance companies as evidence to help speed up the claims process.

Dash cams can:

  • Prevent fraudulent insurance claims (i.e. “crash for cash”)
  • Protect your drivers and assets
  • Identify liable parties and exonerate your drivers


There are other ways that dash cams and telematics systems can improve an organization’s coffers, beyond insurance premiums. For one, dash cams not only tell a fleet manager what’s happening on the road, but what’s taking place inside the cabin. Is the driver sleeping? On his phone or otherwise distracted? Being alerted to risky driving behaviour helps you identify culpability while improving good driving habits in your fleet.


Dash cams can also help you reduce fuel consumption. Your telematics platform can trigger an alert if a vehicle is idling, for example, and can optimize driving routes to increase efficiency, shorten trips and save fuel. Regardless of your industry, dash cams and telematics help fleets and organizations streamline their processes from top to bottom line.




Telematics is becoming an industry-wide practice, one that can positively impact an organization’s return on investment. A knowledgeable insurance broker will educate your business on how to meet requirements and will help you secure insurance at the best possible price. Similarly, your GoFleet consultant will help you find a telematics solution that best uses dash cam technology to protect your business and your drivers. Contact us today for a free estimate and demonstration.

al dashcam, driver, fleet, dash cam, dash camera, gofleet, zenducam,

How To Talk To Your Drivers About The Benefits Of AI Dashcams

As a fleet manager, you’re aware that installing commercial AI dashcams will greatly improve your business; eliminating inefficiencies, reducing accidents and offering incentives for positive driving behaviours.


Why then, are many drivers resistant to, or in some cases outright rejecting, the implementation of dashcams? Back in March, a driver for Amazon tendered his notice after it was announced that the online retailer would be implementing AI dashcams in their delivery vehicles, citing the move was “both a privacy violation, and a breach of trust.”


Sadly, many drivers feel the same. Fleet managers are facing a large percentage of dissatisfied drivers, and even reporting scenarios where a driver will place a sticker over the camera lens to ensure their face can’t be tracked. There is a general perception that dashcams create an almost dystopian ecosystem of distrust, when in reality, the opposite is true. In this post, we discuss how to create messaging that overcomes the most common objections, so you too can foster goodwill among your drivers and create an environment of trust.


Safety vs. Surveillance


According to the American Trucking Association (ATA), trucks are only at fault about 26% of the time in the event of light vehicle/truck accidents, yet trucks get far more blame — closer to 80% to be exact. In this light, it is key to position dashcams to your drivers as an opportunity, rather than a hindrance, to performance and safety. AI dashcams can upload high-resolution video footage automatically and within minutes, allowing you to exonerate your drivers from false claims or no-fault incidents, bypass insurance claims and avoid costly payouts.


Rather than being perceived as “Big Brother”, you might position yourself as someone who is looking out for your drivers, someone who can protect and support the fleet in the event of a collision. Click here to see dashcam footage that could exonerate the driver.

Collisions are incredibly expensive (the average collision costs a company upwards of $91K) and can affect a drivers’ Compliance, Safety and Accountability (CSA) scores, as well as your bottom line. Having access to video evidence in real-time can save you money while protecting your drivers.


Coaching vs. Complaining


Coaching can tend to be reactive, the result of a ticket, accident or bad driving behaviours. AI dashcams can actually make coaching a proactive experience. With automatically-uploaded video footage, managers can coach drivers with accuracy, increasing accountability and consistent driving behaviour.

Because  dashcams offer incident detection in real-time, drivers can adjust their driving with in-cab alerts and prevent accidents before they happen. The dashcam platform you select should provide safety workflows, online tools and efficiencies to keep you drivers safe and accountable.


Reward vs. Reproach


Did you know that a well-placed rewards program can help you retain drivers while incentivizing good driving habits? Do your drivers know? Efficient coaching should follow with robust incentives that will not only encourage your drivers to tolerate dashcams, but to actively engage with them.


According to the ATA, driver turnover was at 92% in 2020, and reported the cost of replacing a driver to average $12K. From digital driver safety scorecards to gift cards, gamifying your rewards program can help you lower turnover and associated hiring costs. Driver reward programs also bolster training, improve your fleet culture, and improve driver behaviour, morale and motivation.

The best safety incentive programs are merit-based systems that help develop better relationships between fleets and drivers. To best assign rewards and recognition, we recommend the following:


Develop goals


Start small. The basic goals of any rewards program is to improve fleet safety and increase revenue. Identify small goals to improve, such as adhering to schedules, avoiding idling, limiting phone use, following speed limits or reducing harsh braking. Make the steps digestible, realistic and attainable.


You should also ensure that there’s a way to measure and track behaviours over time, so as to reward your drivers consistently and fairly. Ideally, telematics data from your dashcams would provide the content required to measure these goals accurately. Incentivizing good driving is a process, so be sure to reward your drivers not only for continued excellence, but for continued improvement as well. 


Communicate your expectations


Goals, rules and benefits should be clearly explained up front and reiterated consistently. A leaderboard (either digital or physical) or scorecard is a great way to show drivers where they are and what they need to do to reach the next level.


Get driver feedback


Transparency and engagement are key to any rewards program. Driver feedback connects your drivers to the business and creates an environment of trust. Don’t be afraid to ask them about their thoughts concerning your incentive program. Just as your drivers continue to improve, so too can your rewards program.


Use gamification


Gamification can improve driver behaviour and increase retention. Make safe driving fun and competitive while building team spirit and fostering a better safety culture by encouraging your drivers to play, compete and win!


The rewards themselves should be appropriate to your corporate ecosystem. Some organizations use a points system that can result in cash bonuses or gift cards, while others prefer flex hours or a physical item such as a plaque or pin to recognize safe driving behaviour. This would be a great opportunity to ask drivers for their input and find out what they would like to have as a reward.


Use positive feedback


Aside from cash bonuses and financial rewards, positive feedback and encouragement can be equally motivating. Make sure that your safety rewards platform includes a strong driver recognition program. This can be achieved through email newsletters, internal communications, certificates or a “Driver of the Month” program.


Dashcams present a unique opportunity for partnership between you and your drivers, offering transparency and accountability on both sides. The right telematics solution will provide accurate, real-time metrics by which you can weigh and evaluate performance while encouraging improvement.


Your drivers want to know that you have their safety and best interests at heart. They want to feel encouraged and appreciated. Provided you’ve given your drivers adequate time to train and prepare for the transition, they too will come to see dashcams less as something to work around, and more of a benefit — possibly even an asset — to their work on the road.

shuttle bus, bus eta, gofleet, telematics, gps, vehicle tracking,

How Telematics Can Set Shuttle Bus Services Up For Success

If you’ve ever been in an airport, visited someone in a hospital or required private transportation to an event, you’ve likely used a shuttle bus. In today’s fast-paced world, telematics provide benefits to shuttle bus fleets, giving businesses an edge for retaining top-tier employees while providing peace of mind to commuters. Every year, more companies invest in shuttle services; with the right telematics solution, those same companies can also realize improved productivity, visibility and efficiency. 




Vehicle tracking platforms, such as GoFleet’s Bus ETA, provide essential information to drivers, fleet managers and to public citizens to ensure a seamless, automated experience. Ultimately, tracking saves you valuable time and resources, offering a window into your current operations, inefficiencies along routes and reporting features.


With the app, passengers can review live ETA data right on their phones, with just one click. They can view current vehicle routes, expected total route time, as well as stop and start points, all in real-time. Automation streamlines these processes by reducing wait times and reducing the number of inbound callers for real-time updates, while fostering goodwill with passengers.


Passenger Safety


GoFleet has a number of product offerings that can be scaled to your fleet’s requirements, including commercial dash cams such as ZenduCAM. Perhaps one of the best use cases for ZenduCAM resides with shuttle buses. Imagine being able to track passenger safety by ensuring that your driver follows all necessary protocols. Dash cam footage keeps your drivers compliant, keeps your commuters safe, and helps reinforce good driving habits.


Vehicle Diagnostics


When you use a GoFleet product or service, you’re leveraging a rich telematics ecosystem that can provide all kinds of data sets to improve your business. Monitoring the health and productivity of your shuttle vehicles is an essential part of any holistic fleet solution. Connecting fleet vehicles and fleet managers in real-time and with daily or historical reports for optimum fleet performance.


Our GO9 GPS vehicle tracker, for example, not only provides accurate data on vehicle location, speed and trip distance, it can also extract valuable data on a vehicle’s overall “health”, letting you know the status of the odometer, engine faults and much more. Connecting fleet vehicles with fleet managers in real-time helps to gauge when and if a vehicle requires maintenance, track fuel efficiency and reduce the time and frequency of inspections, all of which stop vehicle problems before they start. With the right diagnostics tool, you can easily optimize your fleet’s performance and save money in the process.


Telematics data is critical to the success of nearly every type of fleet. GoFleet’s solutions are comprehensive, scalable and offer easy installation and a user-friendly interface. Whether you use shuttle buses to manage guest parking, take travellers to and from the airport or need your commuters to arrive at any destination efficiently and on time, we can help you take full control of your fleet’s operations for better business outcomes. Contact one of our consultants today to see how GoFleet can work for you.

back to school, school bus, student, tracking, telematics, gps, parents

Back to School Brings New Telematics Opportunities For Bus Fleets

This month marks the back-to-school season, offering students across the country a mass exodus from lockdowns and a welcome break from online learning. These new beginnings bring with them opportunities for school administrators and third-party fleet managers to revamp their bus operations using technology and telematics data to make the school year safer and more efficient. Below we’ve listed some of GoFleet’s product and service offerings that are available to both schools and to the public to help keep kids safe.


GPS tracking of bus operations with Bus ETA


GoFleet’s Bus ETA app marks the first step in safety and communication between parents and their child’s school. Bus ETA is an app that allows school admins to provide live location updates of arriving or departing school buses. 


The app also allows parents to track their child’s bus to make sure it arrives/departs on time by allowing the parent to create routes and define which students (or “Travellers”) are assigned to those routes. Bus ETA is updated automatically, so that parents (or “Guardians”) have access to real-time updates on their computers, tablets, or mobile devices.


Bus ETA is integrated with ZenduIT ecosystem (same functionality as ZenduCAM alerts) to create and review multiple routes, monitor multiple travellers and allow their guardians to log their information in the event of an emergency. A 2-step verification process ensures safe guardian login.


Knowing when and where a school bus will be at any given time — and having that information available on a live app — improves efficiency by reducing wait times and avoids having to wade through a field of update calls from anxious parents. Routing and dispatching can be done quickly, providing a live location for all buses employed by the school and increasing visibility between parents and the school’s administration. 


The school can import and manage guardians and travellers while creating and managing routes from the travellers addresses. Conversely, guardians can track several bus routes and travellers from one mobile app while reviewing a history of arrivals and notifications. Ultimately, knowing when and where a bus will arrive allows families to organize their day without the fear of missing a ride to school. 


Tracking student safety with GO9 trackers


It’s all well and good to know where the bus is, but what if your child isn’t on it? Thankfully, Bus ETA can merge seamlessly with ZenduIT’s tracking system for a more comprehensive (and safer) solution. For example, our third-party GO9 tracker plugs directly into the vehicle to track its routes, and a traveller tag tracks the student’s mobility when used in conjunction with a GO9 + NFC reader. Whether you’re tracking your child’s bus, or tracking the bus and your child, our technology gives schools and parents peace of mind while promoting safe travel to and from school.


ZenduCAM for heightened safety


Our commercial dash cam solutions provide a wealth of options for fleets of all sizes. Connecting a product such as ZenduCAM to your buses gives you data sets for all kinds of cost-saving and safety-promoting initiatives, including:

  • Accident reconstruction: In the unlikely event of an accident, ZenduCAM helps you determine who was at fault, as well as the events that led up to the collision.
  • Road compliance: Dash cams keep your bus drivers accountable by preventing unsafe driving habits such as rapid acceleration, harsh braking and turning.
  • Passenger-facing cameras can help scan your precious cargo to keep them safe and accounted for.
  • Driver scoring and training: Your dash cam system provides an overall scoring system to help identify areas of improvement, incentivize good driving habits and keep drivers and students safe.


When integrated with GoFleet’s rich telematics ecosystem, Bus ETA can help create a 360 solution for schools and bus fleets. Through years of IoT experience, our specialists have a wealth of knowledge and an ability to recommend the right integration of apps and hardware for different verticals. We design, develop and implement premium automation solutions to help drive success — and your vehicles. Contact your GoFleet consultant today and see how we can bring your bus fleet to the top of the class.